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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Oormi was playing a game with herself when she laid down on that bed with that book. She knew very well what sort of thing it contained — it would be hard to forget in the course of a single day such an incredibly vivid description of one woman's caress against another woman's creamy inner thighs — but she pretended that she didn't. She pretended, to herself, that she was going to read the book and simply accidentally stumble across whatever examples of naughty literature she might find within, as if that might somehow quell the sense deep inside her that she was rebelling in some way by reading such a smutty romance novel. After all, she couldn't help it if she was innocently reading an interesting story and it just happened to take a detour into something lewd, right?

She started at the very beginning for that reason, although that wasn't to say that she didn't enjoy the buildup. The faeries had never been much for keeping books, and many that they did have were strictly off limits to Oormi either by general consensus of the faeries or direct intervention by her mother. Stories were usually passed down orally rather than by the written word. For her, the act of reading a fictional tale in itself was nearly as new an adventure as being entirely in charge of herself. It didn't matter that the writing was heavy-handed in places or that any experienced reader could've likely picked out the direction the narrative was heading in, the kitsune was still relatively fresh to such devices and genuinely enjoyed the tale as it was weaved in front of her by the indentations that formed the letters on the book's pages.

The peek into Badarian culture was the cherry on top. Her mother had spoken to her about growing up in Badaria, and had even shared her own second-hand knowledge of the Amazonian jungles to the east from tales told to her by her father, Oormi's maternal grandfather, but she had no stories encompassing the human nobility or their ways. The knowledge offered by the book proved both interesting and confounding. Even as proper as Oormi attempted to be she couldn't help but spare the thought that perhaps the immortal, capricious faeries had the right of it all along after all. Hedonism and freedom in all its forms certainly seemed a more pleasant existence than the opposite extreme portrayed by the humans in the book, at least.

It was a convenient enough way to feel about the pursuit of pleasure as the banquet described by the book began to wind down and the first hints of an impending sex scene became obvious to the foxgirl. Her own nervousness mirrored Maria's as the dinner ended and the noblewoman was escorted off to her husband's bed, and perhaps that was why it was so easy to imagine herself in the fictional woman's place. Whisked off by an older, more experienced man to his chambers knowing full well what he desired and that it was her wifely duty to share that most intimate of embraces with him.... The foxgirl couldn't help but swallow hard as she turned the page into the new chapter.

And that was when she accidentally stumbled across that first scene. Obviously, not wanting to miss out on any important plot points, Oormi absolutely had to scrutinize every single word that laid within it. She had to inspect every single description, every brush of Trowa's masculine hands against Maria's unblemished flesh, and every greedy push he made in stripping her down to her bare form and if she just happened to accidentally imagine herself in Maria's place then that just couldn't be helped. It certainly wasn't like she was trying to make herself feel so warm beneath her clothing, fantasizing about a lover's warm caresses against her own tender flesh. But since she had indulged in some fantasies, it would surely be okay to try to do something about her own state before Lumi returned, right? And since the book contained such helpful, lurid descriptions of acts that might help her overcome the growing heat in her body, it seemed only logical that she would try out some of Trowa's techniques.

Oormi might have always been the worst at lying among her sisters, but she'd finally found a target that she could easily fool: herself. Her own excitement from reading the book had already eroded any resistance she might have put up against her burgeoning desire to experiment with herself. The blind kitsune didn't delay to question her own weak reasoning before allowing her hand to fall to her body and adding a physical component to the fantasies she was nursing. The only reason her second hand didn't join in for more thorough experimentation was because it had the responsibility of holding her improvised manual.

Her first efforts would only prove to be frustrating though, even maddening. She emulated the scene taking place in the book by ravishing her own body with her fingers but the feelings her efforts inspired didn't match those felt by the fictional noblewoman in the slightest. She caressed her own jawline and traced lines along her own stomach and sides but where Maria was feeling shivers of excitement beginning to run rampant through her limbs the blind kitsune only felt like she was foolishly tickling herself. The warm feelings of arousal were beginning to flee her not for satisfaction but rather out of boredom. Where was she going wrong? Surely learning how to bring pleasure to herself couldn't be harder than learning to see again.

She couldn't help but sigh with disappointment and sat up soon after. The kitsune began to wonder if perhaps the whole thing had been a fool's errand. Lumi could be back at any minute anyway, and she certainly didn't want her teammate of one entire day to walk in and catch her with her pants down, figuratively or literally. It was a logical analysis, Oormi would surely have plenty of other safer opportunities to try again, and to its credit it would have certainly convinced her to give up if it hadn't been for the persisting ache of unfulfilled desire, and where the logic had remained static the ache only grew. She could give it at least one more try that night, surely.

Oormi laid herself back down on the mattress and forced herself to relax for that last attempt. With a few deep breaths, she turned her attention back on the book and read further. She allowed herself to slip comfortably back into the fantasy that she was Maria and that the fictitious noblewoman's husband was lavishing his attentions on her, and then, when the handsome figure in her imagination began to lavish his attention on Maria's breasts, Oormi's hand sought out her own. She snaked her way under the hem of her camisole with her digits, dragging the fabric along for the ride as she moved to grope the soft skin of her own chest. A surprised, though not displeased, gasp escaped her lips as she began to lightly squeeze at her own breast. It wasn't everything that the author had made it out to be, at least not for the blind kitsune, but it was very easy to enjoy the sensation and experimenting with pressure and placement made it even easier.

But Trowa wasn't satisfied with that much in the book though, and that proved to be to Oormi's relief. Playing with her own chest had been surprisingly pleasant, but if anything it had served to exacerbate the pressure building in her body rather than relieving it. It was only a short few lines later when he removed his own pants and the author described his manhood in painstaking detail. She had to read that paragraph three times over. It was enough to make the kitsune's breath come more raggedly and she positively burned with anticipation, not because of the man's fictional shaft but because it signified the act to come. Soon Maria would part for him and they would share their pleasure, and soon Oormi's hand would be slipping past her waist to try to match their efforts.

The book described it in lurid detail as Trowa poised himself to take his wife. As if to match the pace of the two Oormi stopped reading and let go of her own breast so that she could slide her hand under the band of her underwear and ready to emulate them. The kitsune hadn't realized how wet she had gotten until her fingers first pressed against the lips of her sex, but she didn't spare it a thought compared to the sensations produced by merely touching herself. Every rub of her finger between her labia was enough to make the blind woman gasp and quiver in delight. To her own surprise she even let out a few unintentional moans, it had simply felt so good that while she hadn't intended on making the embarrassing noises she hadn't been prepared to suppress them either. She was well ready to finish the chapter, and with a deep breath she prepared herself to emulate the remainder of the fictional couple's tryst.

Oormi's forefinger found its way into her depths with little effort needed, mimicking the thrust that Trowa claimed Maria with that night. Much like the book's noblewoman, the kitsune's excitement made it painless and easy to probe her inner walls. Unlike the fictional woman though, the foxgirl's own pleasure didn't seem to come from the penetration at all. Try as she might, Oormi simply couldn't find any spots inside her that made her legs tremble with ecstasy as the lucky Maria was feeling, but through sheer chance her palm ended up pressing against her sensitive nub and the sensations it provided easily banished her disappointment. The grinding of her palm against her own sex proved to be the first time that the pleasure she was feeling mirrored what Maria felt in the book. Soon she was focusing on that alone, pulling from her depths and bringing her fingers to her clit in order to apply more pressure as she built into steady circles against herself.

It wasn't long after her discovery before the book ended up on laying on her chest, half-forgotten, so that she could slip her other hand under her camisole and pay more attention to her soft orbs. As the sensations became more intense she became confident enough to come up with her own ending for her experimentation and it was a confidence that only built as she felt her efforts working her toward an intangible threshold that promised unreal pleasure. The only coherent thought she could hold onto as her body began to push toward her second orgasm ever beyond the fantasy still dancing in her head was the inherent unfairness of it all. How had she gone her entire life without knowing how to do this for herself? How could something that felt so good possibly be wrong? She'd be able to take to this once a day a lot easier than she'd been able to take to daily swordsmanship practice....

But, to her misfortune, she wouldn't manage to finish and clean up before Lumi returned. By the time the other foxgirl had made it upstairs, Oormi's moans were frequent and audible enough to be heard by anyone at the door. The blind woman was in her own little world populated solely by herself and the climax she had been building up to and had no clue that the other kitsune was right outside. She remained oblivious right up until the door was pushed open. It was as she truly realized that Lumi was in the process of walking in on her in an act that could only be described as feverishly masturbating that time seemed to freeze for Oormi as she was faced by her brain screaming a set of options that she had never in her life expected to be confronted with.

The first option was from a very small, but very loud presence in her brain shouting at her to simply keep going. Not because it was a good idea, not because she had some hidden love of exhibitionism that had just surfaced, but because it had felt so very, very good and it had been so, so close to feeling even better. Just a little bit further and she could come and the relief would be completely worth probably being branded as a pervert by the other kitsune. The second option was presented by ration, and it was to stop and deny everything. Thankfully, the more rational side of her brain, the one that remembered that Lumi was a friend and a comrade and also had a mouth with which to tell everybody she spoke to about the time she walked in on someone mid masturbation and they didn't stop, outweighed that small voice of hedonism in her head, partially by reminding her that she might end up forever known as that woman who didn't stop when somebody she'd just met earlier that day walked in on her.

The blind kitsune promptly shot upright, launching the book off of her chest and nearly off of the bed entirely, even as she pulled both of her hands out from under her underwear and practically glued them to their sides as if it might somehow convince Lumi that there was no possible way Oormi could've been masturbating because her range of motion simply wasn't good enough. "H-" her mouth was so dry she had to swallow before she could even get the word out, "Hi!" The foxgirl tried and failed to act completely casual, as if her cheeks weren't bright red from arousal, exertion, and embarrassment, as if the hem of her camisole wasn't riding right beneath her breasts, and as if she wasn't disheveled in general. "I didn't think you'd be back so soon! I hope you didn't rush or anything! I was just getting ready to go to sleep! I was dozing off before you even came in! You just surprised me!"

Somewhere in all of her panic and obvious attempts to convince Lumi that she hadn't been doing whatever the other foxgirl might think she was doing, Oormi couldn't help but wonder if perhaps she wasn't just the worst at lying among all of her sisters, but maybe also on the continent.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

A predatory smile plays on Lumi's lips as she gently presses against Oormi, her tail swishing from side to side before coming to rest on her and Oormi's legs. "What an interesting way to get ready for sleep. Are you sure you're finished?" she whispers, her breath hot on Oormi's ear as she lays her arm over the shorter kitsune's stomach.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Eh?" The blind foxgirl swallowed hard as Lumi abruptly closed the gap and pressed against her. The other kitsune was so warm and soft.... Ah, so that's where she'd been going wrong in her attempts to ravish herself. There was a lot of power in another person's touch that couldn't be emulated by a person's own fingers.

"Eh?" She echoed the noise after the more magically capable of the two all but directly stated that she had caught Oormi in the act. The foxgirl's blush became fiercer for her embarrassment and she began to squirm nervously under the other woman's touch. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," she started meekly, deciding to stay the course on attempting to lie her way out of the situation. Perhaps if she continued to dig deeper into the hole she was in she would eventually end up on the other side of the world. "I just had an itch in an embarrassing place.... That's all. Please, um... please don't say anything about it to the others."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Why..." Lumi softly nibbles the tip of Oormi's ear "...would I..." followed by kissing her cheek "want to do that?" she asks before placing a soft kiss on Oormi's lips as she lifts herself face to face with the other girl.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

A gasp escaped Oormi's lips as the other foxgirl nibbled on her ear. The short kitsune didn't offer any resistance against the other woman except to shudder as Lumi planted kisses on her cheek and then lips. Her lips are soft too.... She averted her eyes in embarrassment after the thought, not that it did much good given both her method of seeing and that they were closed anyway.

"I don't know?" The blind woman muttered helplessly in response to Lumi's inquiry. She wasn't sure what to do. Her hands hadn't moved from their positions squarely at her sides, nor had most of her body really shifted much for that matter. Lumi's touch felt good, really good, and all the better for the unfulfilled ache of arousal in her chest and loins. Her heart felt like it was about ready to pound its way out of her body. Was it right, though? She certainly liked Lumi, but she liked Kherem and Melissa too and hadn't intended on sharing anything so intimate with them on the first day of knowing them. Was it really okay for her to be giving in and enjoying the other kitsune's touch so easily?

"What are you.... Um, what are you going to do?" Oormi's tone was heavy with nervousness. She turned her head back toward the foxgirl, again a purely habitual gesture. Her waves hadn't lost track of Lumi even when she had been turned away. So close....
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"What would you like for me to do?" Lumi asks with more than a little lust in her voice before kissing Oormi again, her hand sliding down to probe Oormi's panties before slowly sliding under them as her fingers perform gentle, circular motions on Oormi's skin.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"I... don't know," the blind kitsune repeated breathlessly, her hands finally instinctively moving to gently grasp at the other woman's wrist and side. There was no strength behind her grip, and even though she very likely could've overpowered Lumi in a physical contest and prevented the advance of those roaming fingers beneath the band of her panties she just couldn't find the willpower. An embarrassing little frustrated moan escaped her lips as the other kitsune began to trace those soft circles against her skin.

She was utterly conflicted. Her body trembled with barely suppressed need. She had been so close to reaching that overwhelming pleasure again before Lumi had caught her, and the other kitsune's presence certainly didn't make her want it any less. The only thing keeping her from giving in entirely was the nagging feeling that pursuing that blissful peak wouldn't be right. Perhaps it was her body that betrayed her, because despite the nagging in her head she couldn't help but admit her physical enjoyment aloud. "It feels so good...."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)


The knock at the door could have constituted a minor physical assault upon it, but the portal held, unchanged; the same could not likely be said for the demeanour of the pair of kitsune behind it.

Melissa had left the Ranthis Circle with a quick “Cheers love backinasec” to the recptionist, and had been excited enough to sprint the way back to the Wet- Witch. W,itch. The human had to remind herself, having noticed her error on seeing the sign as she entered.
After the short run and excited about securing the contract, the warrior’s blood was up, just as it had been before the arena fight; she had spoken to the bartender only long enough to learn which rooms her companions were waiting in, hopping impatiently from foot to foot and tearing off upstairs with a trailing “Thanks”.

Ooi! Oormi and Loormi!” cried Melissa, a moment after her mistreatment of the room’s locked door. The human had, of course, tried to simply enter without knocking, but the sneak-fox had the good sense to lock the room off after walking in on her companion. “I’ve got news!
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

As Melissa begins her assault on the door, Lumi freezes, a blush gradually advancing on her face. "Maybe if we stay quiet she'll go away?" Lumi whispers to Oormi, trying to stay still and make as little noise as possible except for her fingers that still advance on Oormi's flower.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Melissa's sudden assault on the door might have sent Oormi flailing off of the bed in shock if Lumi hadn't been holding her. Even if the door had held under the supposed human's siege, the mood certainly hadn't, at least not for the blind kitsune. The other foxgirl's whispered suggestion was tempting and it was reinforced by the gradual advance of her hand, but Oormi couldn't just ignore the knocking. It was frustrating, so terribly frustrating to have been on the brink not once, but twice on a single night and to have faced interruption, but priorities were priorities.

She began to gently pull away from Lumi, disentangling herself from the other woman's hands and tail. "It could be important though. I don't think she'd be banging on the door like that over nothing," she whispered in return. "Sorry," she added, though in truth she wasn't entirely sure of her own reasoning behind that apology, even if she did feel generally bad about it. Unless Lumi did something particularly surprising to stop or silence her, the short kitsune would pull away entirely and get out of the bed in order to straighten her underwear and pull everything back into place, and she would give the other foxgirl time to don something herself or do whatever she might desire to prepare to meet Melissa.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Full of excited energy as she was, Melissa waited barely a second before putting her ear to the door, to make sure that the kitsune were acting on her announcement. Hearing at least some shuffling, the human decided not to try and force entry right this second, instead stepping back and jogging on the spot to let out some of her excessive enthusiasm. Cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon ruled the strange woman’s mind, as her patience depleted at a rate of knots.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Grrr." Lumi grumbles a bit before electing to hide under the covers.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Lumi's grumble and choice to pull the covers over her head earned a brief frown from Oormi. The blind kitsune didn't dwell on it for too long though; after all, she could certainly understand the other woman's frustration, but addressing those frustrations would need to wait until she heard Melissa's news.

After giving herself one last once over to make sure that her choice of boyshorts and camisole didn't still look like two different sets of hands had been recently rummaging around beneath them, she finally made the trip to the door to unlock it and open it for the most human of her allies. "Good evening," she would tiredly greet Melissa as she opened the door for the other woman, although she didn't immediately move out of the way to usher her inside either. Of course, that wasn't to say that the spearwoman wouldn't be able to push her way in without trouble, in no small part because Oormi wasn't yet wise enough in her dealings with the apparent human to expect her to take that option. "What's going on?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

(Blame the delay on mai husbandoves. Also, I’m appalled, RK. I don’t remember you making a single knot-based pun about my last post, despite me saying that Melissa’s patience was depleting ‘at a rate of knots’.)

Oormi’s intentions toward guarding the door proved to be somewhat misplaced, because Melissa’s actions were much more direct than even entering the room. The kitsune was assaulted by her boisterous companion, the human’s arms wrapping around Oormi’s waist and then head as she stepped forward and embraced the kitsune into a hug the moment after she opened the door, Melissa’s only warning a “Hurrah!” of excitement. Up this close, her head unintentionally craned toward the human’s covered breasts, Oormi could easily smell the exertion on Melissa’s skin – at this point it was only a weak scent, but still oddly heady.

I’ve found work for us for tomorrow! Badguys to beat up, coin to earn, practice to…” The human paused her announcement there; Oormi wasn’t the only creature with the ability to smell. Apparently noticing the familiar scent on the other woman, Melissa sniffed her canine companion noticeably. “You’ve been training?”

The overexcited thug didn’t waste too long hearing the Kitsune’s excuses, though. “Well anyway! Where’s Lumi? We need to get her and Kherem quickfast so I can go back and accept this contract!”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Wah!" The kitsune definitely hadn't expected to be pulled face-first into Melissa's chest upon greeting the other woman, nor was she really in the proper state of mind to keep calm about the new position given what had transpired before the apparent human had knocked at her door. Oormi ended up flailing fruitlessly in an effort to extricate herself from Melissa's powerful grasp. Even the appealing offer of a job for the group to make some extra coin on wasn't enough to immediately stop the blind foxgirl's struggles, though when the spearwoman inquired about whether she'd been training or not Oormi went limp.

"Y-yeah! Er, no, not exactly training.... Well, I like to get in a little workout before I go to bed! Important to stay in shape, you know!" She stammered and stumbled all over her own words while constructing the simple lie. It was surely a believable lie though, she figured. How would Melissa puzzle together that she hadn't been doing pushups or engaged in some other manner of exercising her body and that in truth she'd only really been exercising her own fingers. It wasn't like there was any evidence-

Well anyway! Where’s Lumi?"

Ah, right. There was the other foxgirl. The one hiding under the covers. The one naked and hiding under the covers. And where had she left her folded clothes in the room, exactly? Underwear and all.... "Idon'tknowIhaven'tseenheryet! Ahaha! It's a bit odd but she's not back from her bath yet! I was waiting up for her so that I didn't leave her locked out! Anyway let's go talk to Kherem first since we know where he is! I'm sure we'll find Lumi downstairs or something! Or at least I'm sure she'll catch up with us!" Her last statement came a bit more loudly to ensure that the other kitsune in the room could hear it, even if it probably made her seem even more suspicious than she already was to the woman she was directly conversing with. "No need for me to get anymore dressed than I am! Let's get going!"

Oormi attempted to usher the other woman out of the door and follow behind her, ready to quickly shut the door behind the two if the humanoid woman complied so that Lumi could get dressed and meet them at Kherem's room. Melissa couldn't know what had transpired between Lumi and her, not even out of shame or embarrassment over the act itself but simply because the blind foxgirl knew she'd never be able to live down the jokes that the apparent human would come up with, and meeting Kherem in her underwear was a small price to pay to make sure that never came to pass.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Lumi, though visible as a lump under the covers, stifles a giggle almost successfully as she listens to the conversation. Surely it was a testament to her excellent hiding ability that Melissa couldn't see her, and the way Oormi was acting was just so... precious.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Had Melissa been given reason to question her surroundings, had she actually passed Oormi in the doorway, or had she simply been less hyped up, the human may have picked up on some of the tale told by the contents of the foxgirls' shared room. Instead, Oormi was able to add Melissa as the second person on the list of people that were actually capable of believing one of her lies.

"'Kay Sweet!" Melissa cheered, with boundless energy and no concept of an inside-voice. She disengaged herself from the slightly shorter and considerably more nervous kitsune just as quickly as she had grabbed the fox in the first place; falling away, twisting around and dropping into a sprinter's crouch - putting far more energy than she needed to into her giddy movements, especially given that they only had a few meters to travel. When she dashed at Kherr's door, and hung onto the handle to halt her momentum and prevent her from shooting past, an outside observer would probably have assumed that she was at least mildly drunk.

Treating his door only slightly kinder than she had her other companions, Melissa called out to the warrior who had so significantly piqued her interest, only a day prior. "Oooh Kherrrem! I've got neewws!"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

It had not taken long for slumber to find the swordsman once he had tucked himself in for the night. His last, drowsy, thoughts of the day had been little more than appreciation for a night's worth of peaceful rest. He was abruptly taken from dreams that had barely begun to form as the door to his room was assaulted. The first coherent thought that entered his mind, as he sprung upright to a sitting position, as he heard the voice of an acquaintance he now more than ever wish he had never known was thusly; 'One minute. One minute is what I will offer her, then I'll decide whether or not to throw her out the nearest gods-damned window'. The sooner he had dealt with Melissa the sooner he could return to his bed. As he pushed himself out and up, one of his hands grabbed hold of one of one of the shadows; pulling the immaterial darkness upon himself as he spent but a minimal amount of spiritual energy to accomplish such. Just enough to shape it into something vaguely resembling a codpiece to cover his pride.

As he had formed himself some almost-less-than-bare-minimal clothing, the Kitsune's gaze had set upon the poor door that served as ward for the not-quite-force-of-nature that was Melissa. Behind it was the source of most of his grievances as of late. As Kherem stepped forward his physical form melted away; joining the darkness as he was propelled towards the narrow gap between the door and the floor. The shadow that he now was raptly slipped out of his room, passing by the mostly-human troublemaker and Kitsune swordswoman until clumping up on in the hallway, on the opposite side of his door. After but a brief moment of settling down, the blob of shadowy matter rose from the floor, as Kherem rapidly returned to his regular form. Arms crossed, a scowl on his lips, and a narrow glare that immedietly settled upon his more antagonistic companion. Prefering to take the initiative in the conversation to come, Kherem spoke with a tone that sounded about as grumpy as he might look. "You have one minute to explain yourself, Melissa, then I will return to the slumber you have denied me." Grumpy? Nay, his words were scathing.

In the off-chance that he had not made his disposition of Melissa clear enough, that she would try to wrangle him much as she had previously done to Oormi, Kherem would opt for the one working method he knew of when it came to dealing with Melissa.

He would deck her in the schnozz.

I guess 1EP on Dark Armor Cod Piece, and then 5EP on Shadowstalker, if that needs to be booked.
Also unarmed attack at Melissa's facemeats should she try to get too friendly with Kherem.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

Melissa gave an awed whistle when Kherem decided to show up out of the shadows. When most of those shadows fell away, she let out a rather more wolfish one, and spent a second eyeing up the fox-man’s toned, mostly naked body. The woman developed a distinctly lascivious grin as she leered at the tall, arguably-somewhat-lanky male, the pheromones already being released by her earlier exertion becoming marginally more noticeable. Kherem’s expression, though, brought Melissa back to reality quickly enough.

“Oh! Yeah, I came here to tell you… I’ve found us something to do before that next tournament starts up! It’s a good job for good money, with some bad people to practice hitting before the big fight! I’ve found Oormi,” Melissa indicated the lingerie-clad swordslady Kherem had yet to take notice of;
“Now we just need to track down Lumi so I can explain it and then go back and accept the contract!” Melissa finished, taking few breaths as she hastily relayed the point of her quest.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

As soon as the door closes, Lumi starts grumbling quietly. It takes a few moments for her to extract her from the bed which suddenly seems very inviting - the arena fights must have tired her more than she thought - and a few more to decide what she was going to put on. I might as well get up and about. It's not as if I'm going to get any sleep if I get distracted by Oormi again. Lumi decides and, forgoing her dirty underwear - she'd have to wash her clothes in the morning, and perhaps get a few more sets of underwear later - she puts on her brand new blue leathers before slinking out of the room quietly and attempting to sneak behind Melissa, which Kherem would surely notice.