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For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 12 vs 6 | 9 vs 4 | 5 vs 12
W 0 vs 5 | 10 vs 7
S 14 vs 3 B 4 vs 11

Deidre: 5/5 MP 2/2 Willow: 3/5 flamer: 17/20 shots left webbed: -2 to attacks
Spider: 3/5 Bear 5/10
The bear roars in rage as both Deidre's blaster shots and Willow's flamer hit it, releasing stench of burning fur and flesh as the vines whip around, allowing Willow to almost slip free if not for another shot of webbing hitting her shoulder, making it visibly harder for her to move her arm.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

With the bear now having its attention divided and its foot on the backpedal for the moment, Deidre switched her aim to burst fire at the spider-thing riding it, hoping to drop it so that there would only be a single enemy left to contend with.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 13 vs 14 | 12 vs 12 | 6 vs 10
W 1 vs 10 | 5 vs 18
S 15 vs 3 B 7 vs 13

Deidre: 5/5 MP 2/2 Willow: 2/5 flamer: 16/20 shots left webbed: -3 to escape, no attacks
Spider: 2/5 Bear 5/10
Deidre's aim swings too high from the recoil and only one of the shots hits the spider, neatly cutting through one of its legs even as another webbing hits Willow on the face, causing the young woman to spin, torching a few square meters of jungle instead of the spider. The enraged bear turns to face Deidre, its vines swinging dangerously close to her as it charges, its rider apparently satisfied that Willow isn't a threat any more.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Yeah, yeah, come on, let's tango big guy."

Deidre continued to pop off burst fire against the spider thing, not wanting to have to deal with its webbing strikes when it finally came down to a fight between herself and the bear creature.

Shells rained out the side of her firearm's discharge as she looked to get her recoil under control and put a fresh hole between the arachnid alien's eyes.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D the spider is deed
W 13 vs 16
B 14 vs 4

Deidre: 4/5 MP 2/2 Grappled: -1 to attacks Willow: 2/5 flamer: 16/20 shots left webbed: -3 to escape, no attacks
Bear 5/10
Two blastershots hit the spider's body, tearing large holes to the already injured creature. Unfortunately that doesn't stop the bear, its vines smashing against Deidre's armor and almost pulling her legs from under her as they wrap around her lower body tightly. Willow has gotten her free hand stuck in the web around her head, and doesn't look like she'll be much help.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

With her body upended by the bear's strange whip vines, Deidre was forced to halt in her attack and attempt to be calm. She concentrated on using her telekinesis to help Willow out of her webbing. If she could get her partner freed quickly, she should be able to kite shot the beast and down it. It seemed more interested in subduing them both rather than outright killing them. The shaman soldier hoped to use this to her advantage.

Reaching out her hand to help guide her own mental image of calling to the spirits and the harmonies of the universe, she began to mentally tear and tug at Willow's bonds.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 18 vs 7 success
B 10 vs 3

Deidre: 3/5 MP 1/2 Grappled: -2 to attacks Willow: 2/5 flamer: 16/20 shots left
Bear 5/10
Deidre's mental effort produces results as she tears Willow free from the webs. Willow sees the bear and grabs her rifle again, managing to clear the jam just as another of the bear's vines sweeps Deidre off her feet as the vines start concentrated effort to squeeze her.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Just shoot it Willow! And keep clear of it. I'll be -urrk! -- I'll be fine!"

Deidre knew that her accuracy with her rifle was going to pot by this point. She had to concentrate on wriggling free of the vine tendril's hold before it got even more set.

Deidre attempts to escape the vine's grasp
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 2 vs 3
W 11 vs 3 | 11 vs 7 | -1 vs 18crit fail
B 6 vs 12

Deidre: 3/5 MP 1/2 Grappled: -2 to attacks Willow: 2/5 flamer: 16/20 shots left gun jammed
Bear 3/10
All Deidre manages is to stop from getting entangled even worse, but at least Willow manages a couple more shots at the bear, until her gun jams again. Cursing, she sets out to clear the jam as the bear starts dragging Deidre closer, almost getting within reach of willow.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Switch guns! There's no time, it's after you!" Deidre shouted as she continued to struggle mightily to free herself. At this point if she could cause the monster to lose its grip, she'd effectively buy more time for Willow to get clear. She struggled within her armor, wondering if she could get to her combat knife and cut her way free of this vine...
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 15 vs 15
W jam cleared
B 21 vs 3crit | 15 vs 13

Deidre: 1/5 MP 1/2 Grappled: -1 to attacks Willow: 2/5 Grappled: -1 to attacks flamer: 16/20 shots left gun jammed
Bear 3/10
Deidre manages to cut herself free with her knife. "If I use the flamer, I'll hit you!" Willow shouts, managing to clear the jam just as the vines slam around both of them, wrapping around Willow's legs and Deidre's neck, managing to choke her despite the armor.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Okay... nnff! Screw it! Take it out! Full auto!"

At this range, it wouldn't be too out of the realm of possibility to take down the bear thing, now that both of them were only slightly within its grasp.

Hefting the assault rifle in her hand, she raised the barrel, steeled her arm and squeezed the trigger, ripping into the bear and hoping to end it's assault on her and her friend.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 4 vs 19counter | 14 vs 8 |10 vs 17
W 15 vs 17 | 6 vs 4 | 13 vs 18
B 20 vs 15
W 11 vs 5

Deidre almost blacks out as the tentacle tightens around her windpipe for several seconds as she fires a burst at the bear and the bear roars as both she and Willow manage to hurt it. Willow curses loudly as another vine hits her, only to finally fell the bear with a lucky shot before collapsing on the ground as the tentacles release her. Deidre also falls down, almost passing out even as the tentacle goes limp around her neck.

Panting heavily, Willow manages to get on her knees before falling into a sitting position against a tree. "Oh fucking hell, that was a tough one. Are you okay?"
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Guk!!... eeehhhahhh..." Deidre hoarsely gulped in air as the tentacle around her neck finally loosened and the growing black fuzziness at the periphery of her vision began to fade away. Oxygen flowed into her lungs and she took a moment to lay there on the alien soil and just rest.

"Yeah, close one... remind me to have a private 'I told you so' session with our mission officer when we get done here."

Sitting up, Deidre took stock of their situation, reloading her gun, sheathing her knife and making certain herself and Willow were in good condition. "Right... if you're good to go on, let's call this one in on the wire and see how the rest of the squads are doing before we go any further."

Switching her headset on, Deidre radio'd in. "This is Huntress, calling in for myself and Deer. We've downed two tangos. Relaying the coordinates to HQ now. How's everyone else doing? Over."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow nods, checking her own weapons. "I'm good to go."

"This is sergeant, I copy. We're encountering resistance all around. Wait for the reserves to arrive before advancing, over."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Copy that. Waiting on reserves." Deidre switched off her transmitter and glanced over at Willow.

"Sarge said to lie low and wait on back up. Let's check out these aliens and see if there's something interesting on them."

Deidre crawled past Willow and over to the bear's corpse, which she looked over carefully for any items or significant objects. When she had searched the bear, she'd do likewise with the spider thing.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow gets on her feet as well, scanning around for more threats before joining Deidre. The bear doesn't have any items on its corpse that Deidre can find, not does it seem augmented any way. From the spider's corpse, Deidre finds a small charm of some sort, mostly destroyed by fire, but still carrying a lingering aura of magic on it.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre pocketed the charm, figuring she might be able to examine it's magical aura more closely once the mission was done. Having received no order for advance yet she checked Willow out, casting a sidelong glance at her partner. "Close one, huh? Almost had us both. Thanks for having my back."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Hey, no problem. You did the same for me, after all."

It doesn't take very long for the reinforcements to arrive, four more mercenaries led by a corporal. "Hey, you two. Any injuries or damage to equipment or are you good to go?"
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"We're fine sir," Deidre jumped up and fell in line with the other mercenaries, helping Willow up to her feet with an extended arm. She smiled confidently at her sister in battle, and made sure to march beside her.

"Let's stay close," she urged Willow.