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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

((Just incase my talk of "bokkens" has been confusing, a bokken is a wooden "katana style" training sword. I don't think they've ever had much serious use outside of training exercises and sport/show fighting.

Also, I've noticed we seem to be the only active players left. I was wondering whether we should wrap this up and let people back in the game? They're just too polite to nag us I'm sure.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Forest

Siphon tilted his head slightly, the thought obviously never having occurred to him.

"I like that idea, thanks Suzy. Now I have something I can work with."

((Yeah might want to, though I think Elissia probably wants to talk to Siphon one on one before the night ends, so let us get to that asap.))


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Forest

After a habitual glance at her watch, Suzy grimaces, and quickly brings her spear up. "Hate to break it to you guys, but I should probably be heading back, got some work to do after all, if you don't mind? Guess I'll be seeing ya tomorrow."

Sliding the spear into her bag, she walks over to pick up her rifle, brushing a little bit of dirt off of the forestock, and checking the safety catch before pushing the rifle into a conveniently-sized inner pocket of the bag, doing it up and shouldering it. "So yeah, be seeing ya." She says, turning to exit the clearing back the way she came.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Ok then. And sure, see you around. Perhaps we could even do some friendly sparring next time too." Ellisia says with a wave.

Ellisia waited quietly for a short while, just until Suzy was far enough off that she wouldn't hear the later part of the conversation as Ellisia turned to Siphon. "So what's the story behind the show in the courtyard then?" She said still sitting on the log, her tone remaining casual but her face showing a more serious side, "I've always trusted you, but that outburst had me a little concerned. Firing off weaponry like that, on a world like this, in the middle of a school? I was only walking back to the dorm when I saw it, along a fairly frequently used route. Not to mention that area is visible from nearly half the windows in the school. Something up?"

Even a venerable being like Siphon wasn't entirely safe from a small surprise scolding from a youngster.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Siphon nodded, wishing her a good night while he too got his things together. Once she was gone, he blinked at Elissia, taken a bit by surprise.

"So you saw that hmm? Well, suffice it to say it's a long story, and there's parts to it that as of right this moment, I can not tell you. Being a knight with a code of honor, I'm sure you can understand the sworn to secrecy bit. What I can tell you is that Art and I had a bit of a heated discussion over a particularly touchy subject for me, and there was a misunderstanding. It apparently turns out he's more than just human, and the ... situation required extreme measures, which fortunately proved to be just precautionary and needed no further action. However, I've discovered when summoning the pistols, they have to be fired before they can be vanished, which makes things a bit more difficult now. As for it being visible from the school .... Have I bothered to mention to you about the Sodan Cloak?"

He seemed a bit bothered that he couldn't tell her all the details, but being a being of his word, she should know full well trying to get him to break his word was more impossible than moving a mountain.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Well if you think you have it covered then I guess I needn't pry. Though I'm sure that the smoky new hollow in the courtyard will be a popular land mark and talking point among the students here for generations to come. Oh, and no I've not heard of it. What's this Sodan Cloak then?"

She'd keep an eye out for anything unusual, but as long as there weren't more disturbances, Ellisia was content to let Siphon handle what ever this was.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

He hesitated a moment, then spoke.

"A demonstration would be more ... appropriate."

He seemed to touch something on his wrist, and suddenly he just wasn't there. However a few moments, Elissia felt a tap on her shoulder, followed by him speaking.


It was notable, he'd become visible again. It would dawn on her that he had something that allowed him to go completely invisible, even as he spoke.

"Only works so that I can't be seen, or what I've fired. Unfortunately, I can't exactly use it in combat since it quite literally takes me out of phase, and the thing is one massive power hog. So yeah, it'll be a while now before I can use this again, but it's worth it I suppose."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Heh..." Ellisia says to her self amused, turning round and glancing at Siphons wrist, then the hip looking for any sign of hidden equipment. (Which I presume she doesn't find.)

"I wish I could stow equipment in such a manner. Seems incredibly useful. As does the cloak itself of course. I suppose I'll be making my way back now as well actually. Though remember, if there's anything you could use help with, I'd be happy to lend a hand." She says, then beginning to repack the bag she'd brought.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

He nodded to her.

"You'll be the first to know. Actually, there is one thing I can tell you, and will ask you to keep an eye open for, and this may sound strange. Keep your eye open for anyone looking like they don't fit in with human civilization or with something that shouldn't be possible for the tech level here. A few nights ago, I found the remains of what seemed to be a downed escape pod or small ship. As per our agreement, I've made certain the remains will never be found by humans, but it bothers me because I got the distinct impression that someone, or something was near by, possibly the occupant. There was no body that I could see, so it's possible whoever crash landed the ship may still be alive somewhere. Just keep your eyes open for anything, even more ships, and be careful. If the pilot did survive, we have no idea what disposition they are, if they are hostile or not. And have a good night yourself."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"The remains of a space craft? Well that is something. I'll definitely keep it in mind. What are the chances of something like that landing here. Was there anything else suspicious about the crash?" Ellisia says slinging the strap of the bag over her shoulder.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Fairly slim that a crash occurred here by accident. Well, the crash itself may not have been planned, but I doubt the ship randomly came down here, there wasn't any pre-crash damage to it at all that I could see. I'm not sure why, but it bothers me that a ship suddenly appeared like that. Other than that, no, nothing suspiscious."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Ok then, I'll keep an eye out, and listen for any rumours passing around the dorm. You'd be surprised what you can hear in a building full of chattering girls." Ellisia says picking the lantern off the tree and turning it off so not to be too obvious walking back into the school grounds after hours. "I'll see you around. Farewell for now."

With that said, Ellisia begins to head back into the darkened forest, and towards the dorm. If anything was being said about unusual events, Ellisia tended to hear it first from her room mate. Grace loved rumours and stories, and the more outrageous the better. Even if the tales were frequently exaggerated and skewed, they always had an origin somewhere, and that could could normally be investigated further.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Siphon nodded and thanked her, then, after she had been gone for a few minutes, poofed the bag he'd had and started his way back to the dorms, keeping a low profile.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Leo, having managed to sneak into the forest unnoticed, was slowly navigating past the brush as if it was nothing, his book in hand, until he found a suitable tree. He sits near it, opening his book and placing his free hand on the ground, as a small plant begins to grow next to him, growing until it was up to his chest, the plant itself growing cherries. He begins to snack on them whilst reading his book, thinking back on his conversation to Art, and wondering why he felt so at home in the school.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Athanasia looks around as she slowly walks around an area where she was sure Siphon would show up at. She checks her weapon, a short bladed weapon, a weapon she had chosen for what she felt was a symbolic way to end the life of the person she felt had destroyed everything she had ever held dear.

She slowly walks forward, leaning against a tree and sighing, wondering if the bastard would even come to meet her there, after all, if he figured out who she was, there was no doubt he would simply avoid her... or even worse, would simply attempt to have her killed off too...


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Walking into the tree line, and massaging her bruised throat, Suzy found a small bush, and pulled it forward to reveal the soft earth beneath it. With her boot she made a small hole in the ground there, and pulled out the empty casings, dropped them in, and pulled the dirt back over them, before dropping the bush back in place. Satisfied, Suzy wasted no time, walking quickly back towards the dorm.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Siphon had indeed showed up, and when the woman revealed herself, he simply dropped down out of the tree he'd been watching from, silently behind her.

"Your a brave one to come here after witnessing the transformation caused by that son of a bitch insane being. Who are you and what the hell do you want with me?"

To Anthanasia, she might be taken aback by the tone of voice. It was almost as if ... could something really have happened to him that had changed him to something she didn't know? And how had he gotten behind her so fast?

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Athanasia turns around quickly, facing the man, almost letting out a gasp as she reaffirms her grip on the weapon, "Siphon..." She smiled, he didn't remember her, she wasn't sure if this was good or bad, after all, wasn't this part of the plan?

"Perhaps I'm brave, or maybe I'm just a little crazy. But regardless, I will not let the criminal that destroyed my home and killed my parents continue to live!" She looks him in the eye, changing to her native tongue, "I will make you pay for all your crimes against our people with your life!" She suddenly lunges at Siphon, faking a high swing with her left arm to switch the blade in her right hand into a stabbing position, aiming it for the man's gut.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

He blinked slightly with her words, and even more so when she spoke in his own language.

"The hell ..."

He saw the blade moving towards him, and to her surprise perhaps, he made no attempt to move.

However, her blade suddenly met fierce resistance, and if she bothered to look, she discovered that her blade was held back inches from his stomach by razor sharp claws extending from his finger tips. She also would take note that his teeth were extended vampire style.

"Well, you ARE a brave one. You actually think that attacking a recently transformed is a smart move child? I should drink you dry where you stand, but that is not my way."

He sent her back with a shove, returning to normal almost immediately.

"Besides, I'm curious as to just who the hell you think you are, I don't recognize you but you clearly know the Alveran language. So either your someone from the past who vanished centuries ago, or your an imposter who learned the language in an attempt to discover where the rest of my kind went to, and that I can assure you, you will not get from me. Heh, you also can't kill me child, I'm already dead, as is almost everyone I ever cared about. Family, wife, friends, even fellow soldier. All dead. I restarted here since there was nothing left, no survivors. And now you expect me to believe that YOU, a mere child by age standards actually is someone I should know? No, you want to attack me and accuse me of a crime, you damn well are going to tell me who I supposedly murdered. So what, your a Gravor? Or maybe a Grumbah? That wasn't murder, it was defense of our world which you attacked without provokation!"

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Athanasia quickly regains her footing and charges energy into her palm, ready to blast this man to hell, anger welling up inside her, "You accuse me of being the enemy?! When you were the enemy of our entire race? Look at you, you're one of them... hell, what's to say you weren't behind the whole invasion! Lucky for me, your plan to wipe the last of my father's lineage away failed! I will kill you and take from you what is rightfully his!" She rushes forward, her palm outstretched as she prepares to cannon the hell out of Siphon.