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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

He waited in place, unmovingly waiting for what happened next. Instead of a resolution, it was a surrender. Instead of fighting the fate that Cynthia had for so long, and bearing the guilt, he had given in to the alluring call. The call deep in his heart that beckoned him to return to the darkness that others had shined light upon. The window to his heart was soaked in blood. No light dare shine past the dark liquid. Filled with black, decorated with blood, no light shined in his heart.

The world froze. His vision went a tint of blue. Club nor Envy seemed anything more than statues. Club's face distorted in disgust for the crumbling remains of a man in front of her, and Envy's expression calm, yet uneasy. The storm raging around their location still and motionless. White fragments slowly began to gather in front of him, leaving glowing white, hair-thin trails behind. They gathered together like spirits, until a familiar shape formed before him.

"Your heart... Smells rotten again."

Before him, a proud woman stood tall, supported by her lower half, which was the body of a powerful snake. Her gaze fixed upon him was not a disgusted nor angry expression, but a discomforted one. Rather than feeling one with this living essence of his mother, his heart began to feel separated from her. It was as if she was pulling away from him. Leaving him.

"Rather than learn your kind's ways, you have regressed back to being a coward. You live to do as other's tell you. You have no courage. The faith I put in you, the faith Cynthia put in you, and the faith my entire clan placed upon you... This is how you repay us? Are you going to apologize again, and simply regress back to your human ways? Are you simply going to lay there on the ground forever, until you rot? Expecting someone to tell you to get up?

"You are a pathetic sight, and no son of mine. Grave Cynder, I hereby disown you. The lineage of our clan shall go to the one with the strongest heart, and no other! You reek of weakness, stink of uncertainty, and now you rot with guilt! When the devils came to collect a child, it truly was you they were to collect. You are the perfect human, representing their wretched kind in every way. You do not deserve your ancestor's eyes. Your next of kin, shall remove them from your skull."

Suddenly fading back, the white particles separated from his mother's body, and began to collect in Envy's soul. Flowing into her, his mother's soul had chosen a new heir to the clan. Between the two siblings, it was clear who's heart was stronger than the other.

Her eyes glowing completely white, Envy's body suddenly began to move in the blue, frozen, tinted world, and walked slowly towards Grave. Frozen as much as the rest of the world, she took her time approaching him.

"Grave," Envy announced, "When I was born, you were already in this world. I should have been excited to have an older brother, but instead of being allowed to see you, my mother cast me away from her breast when I was but an infant. I was too human. Unfit to lead the clan. The only mother I had were the nursemaids who simply made sure I was alive. I never knew a song. I was simply fed or changed when I cried for love. And every day, I heard our mother singing to you... To you, and not me...

"I was a disgrace. A human girl born of a monster's womb. There is no greater definition for mistake than I... And then one day, the crow arrived. Unlike the others, she came to me, and showed me tender love. I felt that I would die if I did not know the comfort of a mother. That is what makes me pathetic. I am human. Without other humans to cling to, we would all die. It is by our weakness that we gain our strength. But for a proud echidna like you, giving you the care of a mother was more important. Instead of growing strong, to be a proud prince, she coddled you. I hated every single moment of that unfair world. I did nothing wrong. Why should I be ignored? Why should I be hated? Without reason I could understand, everyone loathed me. I was confused. I was scared...

"Then, the demons came. They came for you, under the prophecy that the heir to our clan was destined for darkness... And mistakingly, they took me, and slaughtered everyone. But I don't care for those people. Every single snake in that clan deserved to die. Including you."

She grinned.

"But now, I can see that they had not made a mistake. I was the heir destined to lead. Through the deepest black of Hell, I have suffered for this moment. While you lived as a human, pampered, and coddled, I was forsaken. They named me Envy, after filling my heart with so much evil that I wanted to puke. And every day, I was shown you, living your life, while being tortured. You never once appreciated those who suffered just so you could have the right to complain! Even in that world, you were still loved. To lose one who loved you, and claim that you have suffered? Words belonging to a spoiled prince, a title very fitting of you."

Stepping over Grave, Envy looked down at him with her glowing white eyes, a frown on her face. "You've lost everyone who loves you. You've lost your mother who sang to you and not me. And now you've lost your right to live, as I drive the final stake into your cold hearted family. Absorbing your mother's soul and making it my own...

"There is no one left to save you from the fires of Hell."

A strand of hair raising, and sharpening to a point, only a moment would follow before it would pierce Grave's body, and end his life in the same miserable manner as Cynthia.

"Grave..." called a familiar voice.

"Grave... Why are you like this?"

Laying in a field, Cynder recalled a memory from a long time ago.

"You're saying you can't do it?"

"I didn't raise a son this weak."

"Though your arms tremble, and your lungs burn, a true man never stops fighting for what he knows if right as long as his heart still beats."

"So long as you feel the thumping of your chest, that is your cue that your heart is fighting to carry you on."

"And those inside of your heart, those who you come to love, and care for, they will be there too, giving you the power you need to protect them."

"Whenever your heart beats... Think of me, Grave. And think of your mother, who loved you dearly. And never forget... Though your sword may break, your arms snap, legs crumble, and body split, you still hold the greatest support you will ever need to carry on..."

'I don't want to be alone. Not anymore. Even if it's just one person, I want to be with someone. I can't stop here.' A strange figure suddenly spoke to him.

But Grave would realize that he was speaking to himself.

"I realize I should have helped her, and I regret what I did. I know it doesn't change anything now, but... I'm sorry."

It sounded as if a conscious unknown to Cynder was crying out in agony.

"I promise I'll set things right."

"Gwave... Club doesn't like it when Club sees Gwave is sad..."

"Club wants to see Gwave smile again..."

A crying figure of Club clinged to Grave's body.

"Cynder... All of that suffering you went through... I'm shamed to say that it was because of me..."

The figure of Cynthia appeared before him, her wings folded in front of herself, remaining with her calm composure, even in death.

"I fully accept punishment for every amount of suffering I've caused you for removing you from your rightful home... But, I do beg you... Not for me, but for the sake of preventing others from suffering a similar fate, please help me..."

She begged him, now crying her heart out to him. Though it was a memory, it was as if she was truly begging him to help her.

"All I can do now, is pray that you choose the path that saves us all, and assist you however I can... Even if it means my doom, and the doom of the world... I no longer have the means to control the fates in such a way, that right has been passed on to you, Cynder..."

"That right... Has been passed on to you..."

"Get up, Grave!" His foster father shouted at him, "You still have something to fight for!"

"I'm sorry, Grave... I truly am..." Cynthia apologized sincerely, tears pouring down her cheeks.
Suddenly, a ghostly blue figure of Club rushed from Grave's body, and gripped Envy's drill in her hands, grunting as she stopped it from killing him. "Club will stay with you forever!" she screamed.

Suddenly, the world clicked, and the blue tint was gone. Above Cynder, Club's body hung, with a golden needle sticking out of her back where she had been pierced. Grave's death prevented because she stepped in the way, the goblin looked back, tears in her eyes as she hung by the controlled hair in her body.

"I love you, Gwave..." the goblin wheezed, before she was gone in the next instant, thrown aside by Envy, who's eyes still glowed white, filled with his mother's power. Club's limp body rolled along the ground, before laying flat.

The only two remaining were himself, and Envy.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

Grave waited for Club to come. He knew she was enraged, and that most likely she'd take it out on him. She had every right to do so. But the blow never came. Instead... His mother appeared before him. Though he had no way of knowing what would happen, her words did not suprise him that much. Each accusation... It sounded familiar to him. Words he sometimes directed towards himself, whenever he was alone and thinking about his own life. And then, she left him. Left him and joined his sister, whom she deemed to be more worthy, leaving a hollow feeling behind. For some reason, he didn't care too much. His thoughts seemed sluggish, the events seemingly outpacing them at every moment. His mother's scorn, his sister's tale. However, comprehension did come, slow but unstoppable like a glacier. Both he and his sister were shunned, even if the circumstances differed... But out of two of them, he was lucky. He got to live. He had someone out there, living and suffering for him. But he didn't realize that. He wasted all of that. What was the point of such a hideous existence?

As he watched Envy aim a strand of hair at him, Cynder did not move. He deserved it. He brought this on himself. His sister, though initially discarded, grew into some worthy of the throne. He, who was supposed to be the heir, wasted the chance by his own choice. Ironic. Once again, he waited for the blow. And once again, it didn't come. Instead, he found himself immersed in memories of the old days, of the time when he was still training with his old man. Memories of the realizations he came to, of the promise he had made. Memory of Cynthia, standing before him. Memory of Club, comforting him. Something in his consciousness clicked, urging him to move. But before he could do anything to dodge the incoming attack, he saw an image of Club before him, stopping the deadly lance. He blinked, and suddenly found himself back in reality, staring at the girl's impaled body.

What happened next took only a moment, and yet, it felt like it took ages. Grave stared, eyes wide open, at Club's body, the girl declaring her love for him in her final moments. He watched as Envy flung her dead body away, realizing that his hesitation cost the goblin her life. As he turned his head back towards Envy, he could feel tears flow down his cheeks. His mind raced, fighting against the shock, information and memories rapidly flashing through his head. And just as he was face-to-face with the woman, everything clicked together in a new way... And the world turned red. Rage unlike anything he ever felt before surged through his being as the man finally moved, launching himself at the demon he now hated more than anything else. His hand shot forward, grasping a sword he called forth with his magic, his mind and soul focused on one thing: killing the monster before him. With a cry of anger, he charged, swinging the weapon he summoned at his opponent, aiming to cut her down.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

Watching him get up, and charge at her, Envy's expression was only that of pity. "You choose now of all times to find the courage to attack me?" she said seemingly more to herself than to the hollow shell of a man. Her hair digging into the ground, she flung herself back as he made a slash at her. "You could have fought with those you loved. But they knew you were weak. Even Cynthia knew. She knew your heart wasn't ready, and yet she chose to protect you anyway. Unlike her, mother knows which of our hearts are stronger."

A sudden strand of hair rose, and whipped at Grave, slamming into him like a heavy tree branch, and sending him to his back. "Did you want them to die? Is that why you cowered until now? And now you seek to destroy me. Tell me Grave, which one shall die by the hand of the other, the demon, or the coward?"

Of course, she expected no answer. Able to lift, and drive himself to strike again, Grave fury driven slash missed Envy by an inch as she leaned out of the way, before clenching one of her fists, her hair forming the exact same shape of her closed palm, before she launched it towards Grave as fast as a flying arrow. Smashing into his body, the pain from her attack felt as if it shattered Cynder. Envy's skill and power was simply too overwhelming, even as every muscle in his body pumped with adrenaline to fuel him.

Slammed, punched, wrapped in her hair, crushed, and pounded into the ground, Envy continued to abuse Grave's body, beating on him without restraint. Even as he was on the ground, unable to stand, her hair acted as heavy whips, slamming into his body over, and over, and over again. His bones felt on the edge of snapping, his rib cage in pain, and his back straining from the pain. Crushed by her power, Cynder felt her hair grip his head in the shape of a large hand, and lift him painfully from the ground.

"You're still crying. It is from the pain, or are you still grieving over your loved ones?" she inquired. "In the face of their murderer, how infuriatingly pathetic do you feel, knowing there is nothing you can do?"

Her glowing white eyes narrowed at him, "You're a pathetic sight... It seems there's no more low you can sink to."

Raising a similar blade she used on Club, blood still stained on the strands of hair, she aimed for Grave's heart.

"Embrace death, my gift... For you," she announced.

"Grave, before I pass on to the next life, which may be soon, I want you to know something very important," he said, his features old, yet the power in his voice ever present. "Never be ruled by your emotions. We are human beings, not animals. Your eyes behold the truth that you are more animal than most of us. But you must never forget who you are, and what is important to you. If you ever find yourself overcome by emotion, to the point where you cannot think, then you have truly become nothing but a wild beast, awaiting the arrow of a hunter.

"Clear your mind, Grave. Your heart and soul is what makes you human. Beasts have no minds of their own. They act on pure instinct to survive. Our strength is our souls. Think, Grave, you must never forget your heart, or those you hold dear. Even if I die, look inside your heart. You'll find that fragments of me, and other's you hold dear still yet live. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever think for a moment that when you lose a loved one, that they vanish from the world. You couldn't be more wrong."
The memory of his father's last words before his death in the next few days resurfacing, Grave was brought back into the world, as a black feather drifted through the dark atmosphere of the burning town and black tornadoes, flying in front of his eyes.

"This is your last chance."

"I have been kind to you, chosen soul."

"But your time to idle has gone."

"Those who survive have a purpose for doing so."

"Otherwise, their purpose is to die."

"If you so firmly believe that you are intended to die, then I shall make it so."

"Look inside your heart, and tell me what your purpose is. What reason do you have to defy my will?"
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Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

Pain. Physical and emotional, it drove Grave into one last desperate attack. Ignoring Envy's words, he lunged at her, trying to strike her down - only to be mercilessly beaten. As blows rained on him, he couldn't help butgo over what happened here one more time, even while struggling to get up. Soon, however, it was over. He was only vaguely conscious when she raised him off the ground. He was beaten, bruised, bloodied, and his bones felt as if they'd snap even from a gentle nudge. Dimly, he realized that she pointed a lance at him. Was it his blood that stained it, or Club's? He couldn't tell. He briefly wondered whether it'd hurt...

Awareness. For some reason, Cynder suddenly found himself conscious and aware, his mind clear like a crystal, save for the echos of an old memory. And something else... A warning? He wasn't sure. But he was certain that someone - or something - just asked him a question, and was waiting for an answer. Who was he defying? And how? He realized it didn't matter. What mattered was why. His reason for existence. Catching sight of the black feather, floating before his eyes, he felt an answer form. He kept moving on because he didn't like how things were right now. He wanted to change - himself, and things around him. Of all the things he was now willing to agree with Envy on, the only thing was that he just hit the bottom. Whether he'd climb up or not depended on him. Yes, that was it. Make things the way they should - the way he wanted them to be. Make them better - or at least fix what was broken. He could do that much. That was why he was here. That was the purpose he had, and why others let him get this far. It was the least he could do to honor them, too.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

"To fix that which is broken, this is the purpose you seek?"

A light sparked from the feather floating through the air.

"Even broken lives can be mended. This is not an impossible goal."

The body of Cynthia, each of her feathers, began to glow after the one floating through the air did.

"But you have not this task to worry with. The only life that has been broken is your own."

Laying on the ground, the crow's body slowly began to dissolve into thousands of threads, as if she were coming apart like a yarn doll.

"It pains me to know you won't be joining me, where the lost come to sleep. But,"

In the corner of his eye, Club's body began to move, slowly raising from where she lay on the ground, pushing herself up with her hands.

"Grave Cynder,"

Envy suddenly began to lower her tool of death, her eyes averting him.

"You will die eventually."

"And when that happens,"

"I'll be right here, waiting."

The world around Cynder suddenly began to break apart like shards of glass. The fire, the tornadoes, and the charred earth and blood that lay upon it vanishing, breaking apart, to reveal untouched, healthy earth, blue skies, and an empty town. As if a dream, the nightmarish landscape around Grave had vanished, like a false panting washing off of the canvas to reveal the true display behind it. And when presented with this new environment, Cynder's head suddenly began to throb, as if the sudden bright light from the sun above was too much for his brain, but oddly enough, not his eyes.

"Good morning, Cynder," greeted a familiar voice, as Cynthia stood some ways behind Envy, her wing held out towards the blond girl as visible threads were connected to her. "I am very sorry, but I have misled you. And I have forced not only you, but Club as well to endure something awful."

Shaking her head nearby, the previously wounded Club stood up quickly, padding herself around where she was stabbed, to find no wound in place at all. "Hey! Just what is going on, huh!?" she demanded.

Meanwhile, Envy, with her hair strands still around Grave, suddenly let him go to his feet, which felt quite sturdy, instead of wobbly and ready to collapse. Her eyes were cast at the ground, while Cynthia's threads seemed to hold her prisoner. "Envy had entrapped every living thing in a nightmare as they slept, with the effort of making you suffer, Cynder. I understand that she had intended to kill only you, and none other. If you recall the dream you had earlier, that was when she attached her thread to you, and created the imaginary world you saw earlier. Pretending to kill other's, she had caught even me in her dream. I thank you, Grave, for attempting to wake up from that dream before the final blow was dealt to you. If you had not resisted, I would not have noticed the flaw in her threads."

"He did not resist. He was saved, again." Envy stated suddenly. "And now, I am bound," she announced, though still managing to fold her arms despite that fact. It seemed however that Cynthia's threads bound her every inch for what she was worth, his mind eye seeing Envy as nothing but a mummy. "What will you do now, coward? Are you going to kill me the same way you killed her?" she directed at Cynthia, even if she falsified it by manipulating Grave's mind as he slept.

"... Huh?" Club grunted in confusion, staring with mouth agape, holding no clue as to what has happened, and looking even more confused as Cynthia, and Envy spoke. "Club is confused... Everyone is okay? What the heck was all that for?"

"To make Grave suffer," Envy replied.

"But... All that stuff... How come you didn't do it for real?" she asked.

Envy went silent, staring at the ground angrily.

"That is another lie I told you, Cynder. Envy is actually the weakest of the Cardinal Sins. Even someone such as I can bind her. I simply felt as if you were depending on me too much, and wished for you to take action. I had little clue that we both were in her dream... Or that you would kill me as a sacrifice without much fuss." Her eyes seemed to glare at him as she said that. "I'm very disappointed in you, Cynder. But now, we have another situation," she indicated. "Here is your sister, Cynder. What shall you do with her?" she inquired.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

For a moment, Grave really believed that he'd die, regardless of what the voice was saying. He was, after all, at the mercy of his insane, bloodthristy demonic sister. However, as the voice kept talking, things slowly began to stop making sense to him. How could Club move? He saw her die. Why wasn't his sister trying to strike him down? And why was she looking away? And then, the illusion shattered. The world returned to normal, his brain aching as his mind tried to cope with the sudden change. Shaking his head to clear it, he turned his attention towards his captor and felt his jaw drop. Behind Envy stood Cynthia, safe and sound. It took him a moment to register that she was speaking to him. He barely understood what she wanted to tell him, anyway, Club's question mirroring his own thoughts. He felt close to panicking. He saw Club die! He KILLED Cynthia with his own hands! What the Hell was going on?

The crow's explanation calmed him down somewhat, though he still kept staring at the two girls in front of him. While they talked, he merely registered and memorized everything they were saying, offering no input. His confusion disappeared and he felt genuinely relieved that everyone was alive. He briefly wondered why he could see the magic that bound Envy, but decided he could ponder that later. For now, he had a problem to deal with... Actually, he had several problems to deal with. The first one, of course, was his sister. The second one was fairly obvious to him as well - Cynthia was not happy about his choice in the dream. And he had a suspicion that he'd have to explain things to Club later as well. Cynder rubbed his forehead with his left hand. This was not a good way to start a new day.

Silence descended for a moment as Grave thought. Club wasn't much of an issue now, he'd burn that bridge when he got to it, but a discussion was definitely in order. He couldn't find any fault in Cynthia's disapproval of him - in fact, on second thought he couldn't help but agree with her. He made the same kind of mistake as he did in the ruins, but this time, the consequences could have been far worse. The only reason why things haven't fallen apart completely because he was unreasonably lucky - and there was someone to fix his mess. Though fake, this dream was a grim warning - he couldn't do something like that again. He was a wretched moron, and that had to change. He briefly wondered whether this was what the voice meant when it called him broken, then moved on to considering whether he should apologize or not and if yes, then how, before dismissing that train of thought. He had something else to focus on.

Looking once again at Envy, Cynder frowned. He did not want to let her run around unsupervised, not when she had the ability to cause so much damage and a grudge against him. And even though she put him through an infernal nightmare, he was beginning to reconsider his rage-fueled decision to attempt murder. The half-blood began to pace around, trying not to show his rising frustration at the situation and people who he was beginning to percieve as responsible for it. Glancing at the girls again, he wondered how to keep her from going after him. "You're not going to leave me be, are you?" He sighed. "I'd rather keep an eye on her, but I'm not exactly comfortable around someone who has the means and intention to murder me in my sleep. I don't suppose you have something we could use to stop her from doing that?" He asked Cynthia. "Or at least a place where we can keep her for the time being?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

"I believe I have something fitting..." Cynthia announced, before she directed one of her feathers at Grave, threads connected to Envy snapping, before more threads weaved towards Cynder rapidly, quickly wrapping around his neck. Not choking him, it felt as if something was forming around his neck. Meanwhile, it seemed something was forming on Envy's neck as well, a black choker, which suddenly extended what looked like a black leash that attached to Grave's choker.

"Touch your fingers to what I've placed around your neck, and pour your power into it. This will strengthen the restraints around Envy," she informed him. "She is your responsibility, Grave. I will not help you further than this." she told him, her already cold tone sounding colder than before.

After the fact of the 'leash,' Envy wasted no time picking at the leash with her nails, testing it's durability while Club stepped forward, something important on her mind, "Wait a sec! How's Gwave and I gonna have some private time!?" she exclaimed.

"You can request Grave cut the leash, and release Envy," Cynthia answered, before flapping her wings, "I will take my leave, for it is only natural for someone who has died to vanish," she announces, ascending into the air, and soaring off, back towards the tower with no words of guidance to Cynder.

"You made Cynthia angwy, Gwave," Club stated the obvious, before shrugging and laughing, "Stupid, stupid Gwave."

"I concur," Envy agreed. "Release me, and I'll end your miserable life for you," she offered.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

"Tempting." Grave replied, his tone dry. "Let me think about it... No." He let out a sigh as he ran his fingers over the choker on his neck. He briefly wondered if there was a way to maintain the restraints without making the whole thing visible... It looked silly. Then again, this was probably what Cynthia was aiming for, if her tone and expression were any hints. Well, at least Club seemed to take this affair well. He took a look around him, surveying his surroundings. A sudden thought occured to him: if all that fire was an illusion, then what about his sword? He quickly began to look for it, starting with the sheath on his back and moving to the place where he dropped it, according to the memory of the dream in case it wasn't in it's usual resting place. However, most of his thoughts focused on a question he was asking himself: what now? He had no idea what to do next, where to go... And Cynthia wouldn't be inclined to help him, judging by her attitude.

Cynder frowned. He knew that this was his fault. He was put in a situation unlike anything he ever experienced, yes, and found himself interacting with things that were, frankly, beyond his comprehension, but that did not excuse his stupidity. He kept panicking and doing wrong things, even if he realized his mistakes after the fact. It was as if he couldn't get a grip on himself. The question was, how to fix that? The half-blood shook his head. That line of thought would get him nowhere. Right now, he had to figure out his next move. He doubted the crow girl would like to see him again. Then again, he probably should apologize... Or at least try to get the rest of the stuff he left at her tower and leave, if she wanted him to go away. Though if that was the case, he'd save them both trouble if he left now. He began to pace around, trying to decide which was better. After a moment, he sighed again and turned to the two girls with him. "Alright... I really don't think it's a good idea, but perhaps we should head to the tower. Either I can fix this at least a bit, or... Well, she's mad at me anyway, so I don't think it can get much worse. At least maybe she'll let me take that bag I left there."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

Checking his sheath, his magic absorbing sword was still at his side. "Before you go any further," Envy announced, "Think about the situation you are in. The moment I am free, I will kill you. Just how long do you plan to keep me on this leash? Do you intend to keep me near for the rest of your life? As well..." she glared at him with her red eyes, "Do not even think of anything perverted. If you dare try to take advantage of our forced proximity, I will rip it off," she warned him.

"Me and Gwave can't fuck with cwazy here..." Club announced, seeming to notice the fact herself. But suddenly, she grinned, "Club can just knock her out! Then we can have private fucking!" she cheered, walking towards Envy with a fist held high. "Stay away from me!" Envy shouted, leaping back from Club's hay-maker.

"Oi!" a voice called at them from a distance. Turning to look, Cynder would see purple hair flowing behind a running figure. Belly flat, large golden earrings flapping with each running step she took, and green eyes still holding a bitterness towards the man she was looking at, Valencia ran up to Grave and his smaller two companions. Panting, she seemed to be running for a while as she looked at Envy and Club respectively. "I figured you were the type..." she murmured under her breath, labeling Grave as such a pervert that would desire the 'smaller' variety.

"I got the message from Cynthia..." she panted, trying to get her breath back. "Came in just the nick of time. It's time for you to repay for that time you ditched me, asshole." she announced bluntly. "Since you came where Cynthia said we'd meet, that should mean you're willing to help. Let me get right to the point then," she continued over, as if Grave planned to be where he stood. Another foresight on Cynthia's part. "Roy has been kidnapped," she informed him. "Bunch of demons out of nowhere... They went straight for Roy, and knocked me out as I tried to save him. Basically, you're going to help me save him, got it? In exchange, I won't kill you in your sleep for being a backstabbing, self-serving, pathetic piece of shit, got it?"

"I like you," Envy said to Valencia with a smile.

"I'm hungry..." Club grumbled with a frown, folding her hands behind her head.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: For you (Grave)

Grave grimaced at Envy. "I am not going to do anything of that sort!" In his opinion, it'd be not only wrong, but also completely retarded. However, he had to admit that she had a point... And he wondered why she reminded him of that. Was she simply concerned about the consequences of being leashed to him? Probably. Any other explanation he could come up with sounded too implausible to consider. Maybe he could ask about it later - preferably after stopping Club from killing Envy. The half-blood knew that the little runt had a one-track mind, but this suprised even him. "Oi! Club, stop!" Leaping after the goblin, he cursed himself mentally. He had to solve his problem with Envy, fast. Perhaps he could figure out some temporary agreement.

However, it seemed that now wasn't the time for that. Cynder turned as soon as he heard a voice calling out and paled. Of all the times he could run into Valencia, it had to be now. Noticing the look in her eyes, he winced internally. 'This day just can't get any worse...' He didn't realize what her first comment meant at first, but quickly went a little red after figuring it out. Biting back his first response, he decided it'd be much wiser to shut up and listen. He was suprised that the woman was convinced he planned to be here - it seemed that Cynthia saved him the trouble of explaining his presence, but he felt uneasy. The only reason why he was here was Envy, and while a message from the crow girl was a good explanation for the treasure hunter's presence, everything seemed a bit too convenient for him. A hint of suspicion began to form in his mind.

Trying to ignore the insults - even though he deserved them - Grave focused on listening to Valencia, his face locking into a frown as she finished. Ignoring Envy's rather obvious reaction, he sighed and decided to keep his reply short. The woman wasn't in the mood for anything else. "I got it." He couldn't help but think her story sounded a little suspicious. Why would the demons capture only Roy? There had to be a reason behind that. "I'll help you. Where do we go?" He glanced at Club as he finished his question. To be honest, he was pretty damn hungry as well, considering he left the tower without eating anything. It seemed that breakfast would have to wait.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: For you (Grave)

Valencia didn't acknowledge Grave's agreeing to her request, simply continuing on once he said he would help. "I found where they were keeping him when I got the message from Cynthia. Instead of risking my ass with little chance of success, I figured it'd be fine if you risked yours instead, with little chance of success," she added the last part, the tone of her voice hinting that she was confident he wouldn't make it through the experience. "We're heading over to the mansion to the north of this town. This place's inhabitants are gone, since they're all in that building now. I made a camp to the east of here with Roy when we came for help with my problem I'm sure you so courteously forgot. They found us, a bunch of whores in skimpy outfits with devil wings, snatched Roy, and hit me in the back of my head. Why they just ignored me, your guess is as good as mine."

Valencia turned, facing a path to the north. "I'll explain what we're gonna do on the way," she announced to Cynder, before heading off at a quick walk, not wanting to waste energy nor time. And only when they started to walk did Grave notice club was missing. But the moment he noticed the lack of her presence did she make her presence known again, as she jumped out of an open window of a nearby house, holding a basket filled with stolen food in it above her head and rushing towards Cynder. "Food!" Club announced, holding the basket towards him as she got close, presenting an assortment of fruits, most of which Grave would have no clue what they were, but Club seemed confident that they were edible.

"To make it simple," Valencia began, "You're gonna make a huge ruckus right in front of their nose, while I sneak around and snag Roy from wherever they're holding him. If I tried sneaking in without a disturbance, he might be constantly surrounded by a crowd of them, knowing how their minds work. But if they're in genuine danger, they might abandon him to take you and your little group on. And that's all you gotta do, sound easy?" she asked him, while the manor in question didn't take long to come into view. A rather large estate, it seemed definitely large enough to house the whole town and then some. What's more, some of the vegetation and trees were transforming the closer they were to the mansion, trunks turning gray, and leaves turning purple.

"Reminds me of Hell..." Envy noted quietly as she looked at the corrupted sight.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: For you (Grave)

Grave stared at Valencia as she explained the situation. He didn't like the bit about risking his ass with little chance of success... Or perhaps survival. He began to suspect that his role in the plan would be nasty, risky and possibly fatal. He recalled that Roy did mention she'd have a grudge. The young man followed the girl, pausing only to locate Club - which, fortunately, turned out to be very easy. And it seemed the girl managed to locate some food - something that the half-blood's stomach was very grateful for. He was reluctant to eat anything he couldn't recognize, but since the goblin was confident about those things, they probably were good. He selected one of the more familiar-looking fruits before beginning to eat as he listened to the plan. It was sound, simple and doable. There was just one itty-bitty problem with it.

Cynder sighed as he looked at the manor with a frown on his face. 'Ya really want to kill me, don't ya?' With a sigh, he turned towards Valencia. "Sounds... Simple." He briefly wondered whether he should negotiate a change of plans. "Got any idea how many demons are we talking about?" He said as he cast a curious glance at Envy. Could this mean that the demons were trying to change this land into another Hell? A chilling thought. They probably had gathered considerable power here. "And I don't suppose you're going to warn me in any way, shape or form when you're done with your part?" He suspected that he knew the answer to that one question, but decided to ask anyway. Maybe she didn't hate him that much...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: For you (Grave)

"The whole town is gone," Valencia stated, "So we're probably talking about... A little over a couple dozen? I'm sure you can handle it, since Cynthia sent you. Otherwise, I'd say you're probably going to be raped until you're a drooling, soulless shell." she stated, which Envy laughed to, taking steps forward, a little faster, until she was walking next to Valencia. "I guess I could find some way to warn you, depending on if I'm able. But don't be surprised if you don't hear anything, since I might be hightailing it out of there ASAP if they start coming after me. And I sure as hell am not coming back given the person I'm dealing with. You might just trade places with me and Roy," she announced accusingly to him.

"She knows you so well, Grave." Envy said with grin of retribution aimed at him. "If you ever wish to kill Grave, I'll gladly help you." she told Valencia.

"Gwave just said he'll stick it in your butt if you don't shaddap," Club told Envy with her mouth full of food.

Envy stepped back suddenly as Cynder felt the pin of her heel footwear stab into his foot. Looking back at him she growled angrily, "Just try it, you bastard," she snarled at him, before Club playfully stepped in front of her, wrapping her arms around Envy, and lifting her up so that Envy's black skirt fell up over her waist, displaying her bright white panties to Grave, and the cute rump they were wrapped around.

"She's pulled the last straw, Gwave! Time to show cwazy who's boss! Stick it in her stinker! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Club laughed like a hyena.

Meanwhile, Envy's legs kicked in a flurry of stabs, her heels threatening to stab him if he got too close, "LET ME GO! I'LL MAKE SURE TO KILL YOU FOR REAL NEXT TIME, YOU LITTLE CRETIN!" she screamed at Club, while the sight of her thighs and butt continued to be a stimulating sight. "Don't stare at me!" she barked at Cynder, "Or I'll gouge out your eyes!"

"Do you mind?" Valencia sighed with irritation, "Now isn't the time to indulge in your taboo fetishes," she seemed to direct at Grave as if it were his fault.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: For you (Grave)

Grave winced mentally at the estimate. He was pretty damn sure that he'd not be able to handle that much and he certainly didn't like the image that Valencia provided. Still, he felt a bit grateful for the fact that she was willing to warn him if able, altough her accusation still stung. With a sigh, he decided that perhaps it was time to tell the treasure hunter a couple of things before they got close to the mansion, but Envy interrupted him. He rolled his eyes at the interjection, beginning to grow irritated at the constant threats, but before he could react, things rapidly began to go south. First was Club's not so subtle threat. Before the half-blood could deny it, he felt a spike of pain erupt in his foot as Envy stomped on it, causing him to wince and hiss. Then Club decided to get physical and he was forced to step back to avoid the flurry of kicks aimed at him as Club laughed, Envy shouted and Valencia blamed him for everything.

Cynder facepalmed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his left hand and feeling his supressed irritation rise rapidly. He had a bad night, an even worse morning and while part of it was self-inflicted, he was pretty damn sure he didn't deserve this much trouble. And to top it all off, his day was likely going to get much worse. With another sigh, he glared at the girls in front of him, wondering how to respond. '... I don't care. I just don't want to deal with this anymore.' Suddenly, he blinked as a thought occured to him. The young man straightened himself, his face setting into a serious look as he took a deep breath. "Club, Envy. Both of you, shut up NOW!" Raising his voice, he tried to assume a commanding posture. "I've had enough of listening to all of you today, so now I want you to listen to what I have to say! First, Club. Put Envy down now - I know you probably mean well, but you're just NOT HELPING." Sending them one last glare, he turned his attention to Valencia while the other girls hopefully stopped flailing.

"Valencia. I get that you hate me and quite frankly, I accept that." Grave softened his voice a bit. He still sounded serious, but he didn't intend to scold her, after all. "I realize that you think I'm a cowardly dick and I'm inclined to agree with that assessment." Gathering his will, he tried to avoid stuttering as he spoke. "But I want to tell you this: in retrospect, I regret making that decision and I want to apologize. I don't expect you to accept that apology, and I don't believe you'll forgive me. In fact, I kind of suspect that you'll hit me as soon as I try to say I'm sorry, and that you won't believe anything I say. Quite frankly, right now I just don't care anymore about that, so I'm going to say it anyway. I'm sorry for abandoning you - that was cowardly and inexcusable. And by the way, I am not a deviant, though I can't speak for those two."

"Now." Cynder turned his attention back to the peanut gallery. "Club. I don't think you quite understand what's going on, so I'll speak plainly. What I'm about to do is basically a suicide run, so it's not a good time for jokes. Chances of getting out of that mansion intact are slim at best and non-existent at worst. We'll be lucky if we make a difference at all, and considering what's going to happen if we get caught, I'd prefer you stay out of this. But if you really want to come, I want to be able to trust that you'll cover my back. The only way we're getting out of this is if we take it seriously and give it our best. And please, could you show some restraint?" Another sigh. "I know you mean well, I really do. But sometimes, you should think before you act. You just made a homicidal demon who'd like to rip me in two really mad."

Finally, Grave turned his attention towards his sister. "Envy, first of all, I'm not going to do anything to you because A: you're my sister and B: I'm not stupid or desperate enough to lust after someone who wants to kill me." His tone was a bit dry. "But more importantly, I want to know whether you can fight while bound to me, and whether you're going to help me with this or not. If the answer is no, I'll probably knock you out cold - or let Club knock you out, whichever comes first - then hide you in a bush or something and come back after I'm done with the mansion. And if I don't come back..." He smirked, altough it was a rather bitter smile. "You'll have one brother to kill less, I suppose. Unless you're planning on breaking in and killing me while I'm enslaved."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: For you (Grave)

Valencia sighed, turning to Grave, "The only reason I even lowered myself to the point of asking you for help, is due to Roy and Cynthia insisting that you aren't as bad as your first impressions made you out to be," she told him, before gesturing at Club, "And rather than go with my gut instinct, I'll just ask your bluntly honest friend instead, since you seem so intent on your innocence." Turning to Club, she looked down at her, "You two ever 'do it'?" she asked simply.

Club laughed after setting Envy down. "That's right! Club squeezed him good inside of her tight pussy!" she answered with horrible honesty.

Valencia glanced at Cynder with narrowed eyes of disgust while Envy seemed unable to even look at him, before turning ahead. "Anyway," she continued right over the subject, content with flipping his words over himself. "You should consider your plan before you think you know what you're doing," Valencia stated. "First of all, they already know we're coming, since they'd already be able to sense our souls approaching. Torching the building would sound easy, wouldn't it? Consider the fact that you're terrible with magic before you do that," she lectured him. "I just want you to distract them. You aren't going to win just fighting them. You'd be an idiot to try. And mamono aren't generally known to pounce their prey if they think he's compliant. So that means, just grab their 'attention,' and that's all. I'm sure they're giving Roy the time of his life, with plenty more of them around, eager for their turn," she said with closed eyes, as if the thought irritated her. "But if YOU show up... They won't horde around him so much, get it? They'll be more interested in the next, fresh catch. And since we're talking about succubi, they won't mind playing a bit with their food. If you snap your jaws at them, they'll just fork you and devour you on the spot. Although, that will still distract them, so the choice is your's really," she shrugged. "Your funeral if you want to be stupid again."

"Gwave gets called stupid more than Club, so why should she take advice from stupid Gwave!" Club answered him angrily. "Cwazy demon girl is prisoner! Gwave should just throw her off a cliff if Gwave is so worried about stabby hair!" she told him bluntly.

"Grave won't do anything to me, because he is a coward," Envy states, before turning to Cynder to answer him. "And you really are dense. If I could fight, wouldn't I be pummeling you into the ground at this very moment? Besides, you have no means of reattaching this collar once you break it. Once I am free, even if you 'knock me out,' I will hunt you down, and BREAK your bones for treating me in such a way. Yet again, you do not think before you act, the same crime you're accusing your simple friend of. Idiot." she jabbed at him, more interested in insulting him than actually escaping, it seemed, due to giving out such vital information. Either that, or she didn't want to get hit in the head.

"The mansion is right in front of us." Valencia announced, "Decide what you're going to do, Grave." she told him, before touching a hand to her chest, as the threads that his third eye just barely could comprehend seemed to compress, and shift, changing color to match their surroundings, as if she were... Cloaking her presence from any magical eyes that were watching her? Then, she made a large leap, vanishing into the trees, leaving Grave alone with Club and his sister.

"You could attack head on, like a fool." Envy suggested, "And they will counter your magic before raping you. Or you could try a more subtle approach, such as acting like a mere passerby."

Club growled, leaning towards Envy with a frown, both of their faces staring at each other. "What you up to...?" she questioned her suspiciously.

Envy wrapped the lengthy line between her and her brother's neck around Club's neck, choking her as she answered her question, and she would continue to do so until Cynder broke them apart again. "For your information, as long as I'm connected to this thread, I'm likely to suffer the same fate as he. Since I am a demon, losing my energy to those harlots would mean my death. My own life, I'm sorry to say, is a priority over his death."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: For you (Grave)

Grave just sighed and facepalmed as Club ruined his image without even realizing. Not that he had much dignity left to lose, he admitted, which meant the incident wasn't worth talking about. Another thing he was willing to admit was that he didn't think things through at all. Fortunately for him, it seemed that he was surrounded by people who not only were well informed, but also easily shared that information without being asked to. It seemed that even Envy could be convinced to let out some vital secrets if he pushed the right button. 'Well, you always learn something, I guess... And I'm going to keep this and everything else you've told me in mind, sis.' It seemed that everyone took his rant better than he expected - that is, they weren't really bothered. With a sigh, he watched Valencia leave and turned his attention back to the mansion.

Cynder briefly went over everything he learned. For some reason, he was beginning to see magic, obviously a side effect of gaining powers. And it seemed that while very eager to kill him, Envy wasn't as insane and obsessed as he initially believed. He could probably take advantage of her temper, too. On the other hand, he'd have to be really careful with the bond between them - something Cynthia neglected to mention. Shaking his head, he stepped in between the girls, quickly unwrapping the line Envy was using to choke Club. "Isn't that nice. Now, stop it. I don't want the two of you to start killing each other now. In fact, I'd feel a lot better if you two stayed at least two metres away from each other, and I'm sure you'd feel better too." His tone was dry as he glanced at Envy. "And thanks for educating this humble idiot, by the way. Since my idea was stupid, we'll go with yours. Now let's get going."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Envy at least seemed pleased with Grave's decision. "Since we're doing it my way, you're going to follow my lead." she said strictly. "Given your reputation, I'd prefer you only ever speak when spoken to. And then, only give one word responses. Two if you must. Knowing you, should a demon even flirt with you, you'll likely mouth off and get us all into trouble. Just pretend you are my servant, and let me do all the talking. Same goes for you," she looked to Club, "You are to act like..." She thinks for a moment. "My pet," she decides.

Club immediately threw an uproar, "Club doesn't have to be your stinking pet! And Club WON'T be your stinking pet!"

Envy sighed, "Then what would you do when we enter those mansion grounds? If you do something that compromises us, it is your precious Grave who will suffer. Do you want that to happen? Or are you willing to follow through with this? Besides, I'm not asking you to do anything embarrassing. Just like Grave, whenever the question comes up, all you have to do is nod your head. If you've ever told a lie before, this shouldn't be that hard." she reasoned.

Club glanced up at Cynder, trying to decide, before folding her arms, grumbling, "Fine..."

"They need to think I can still use my powers." Envy stated. "If someone recognizes me, and knows all they're up against are a human and goblin, then they'll realize how compromised we are. If you both understand, then let's not waste any more time talking." She announced, and proceeded towards the mansion as Grave initially desired.


Chapter 5: Hell's Vacation Resort

In the dark room, faintly lit by a single candle, he lifted his gloved hand to push his glasses back along his nose, the flame from the candle faintly glinting off of the lenses. "This is... Interesting, if not uncomfortable."

The red eyes of his captor turned to look at him, a small smile on her face appearing at his noting of his situation. "Are you displeased?" she asked, leaning against the doorway, keeping watch on him.

He lowered the note in front of himself to look at her. There wasn't much written on it, but he kept finding himself reading it over like an obsession. "I wouldn't make the mistake of saying this situation is to my benefit," he replied, his tone low as he spoke to her, to help make it clear he wasn't happy in the least.

She cocked her head to the side, "You would, however, do well to know that there's nothing you can do in your current position," she reminded him. "But, I have good news for you. Apparently a certain friend of yours has been telling everyone she knows about our little resort. And we've got a very unique guest headed our way."

He looked back to the note of paper in his hand, if only to dismiss her. "Why should I care who suffers your demons?"

She giggled, "He is a chosen soul, something of great value to us. You know him, unless I'm mistaken?"

He blinked, "... Grave?" he asked cautiously.

"So you do know him. Yes, a rather self-destructive young man is headed our way. And I think we both know why," she assumed.

He only laughed, setting his paper down on a table next to him, having enough of it and it's worrisome news. "You underestimate his selfishness. Whatever plans you have, do they entail him simply leaving to cover his own skin?"

She continued over without regarding what he said. "The Black Feather has sent him. Since you're obviously of value, even given your current state, she's ensuring your continued service to her cause. There is no doubt that he will be leaving with you, as according to her plan."

He smiled at her, "How foolish you sound."

She smiled back, "This is a vacation resort, my dear~" she cooed, "I won't permit any fighting. Besides... Did you think what I had done to you was for fun? Not anything in my resort is meant to harm him. In fact, Grave shall be welcomed warmly. You are my ace." she announced.

"Me...?" he asked with confusion.

She nodded, grinning intently, "We've eliminated any outside interference, including that annoying friend of yours. Only he shall acquire you. You are my present to him~"

He cringed, "You're both sick and stupid... What good will this bring?"

She laughed, "Jezebel was quite furious when she learned Envy was coming to kill him. Since he survived, I plan to secure the boy as soon as possible. To do that, I need to know where he is. Given your condition... You'll do well to help us with that."

"I'd rather die than help a demon." he stated firmly.

"So you say. But starving yourself will only make you more loyal to us, as your mind slowly loses itself." she informed him. Suddenly, she perked up, "Ah! He's here~" she giggled. "Please stay here, he will be with you shortly~" she said with a polite bow, before leaving, and closing the door shut behind her, locking it tight to ensure he remained a prisoner.

Frustrated, he crumpled the note in his hand, "Grave... Why must my life now depend on him, of all people?"
Following Envy, the group made their way through the rather depressing landscape of the mansion. The trees in the courtyard were rotting with poisonous purple leaves, and the bushes displayed black, deathly leaves with sharp thorns all about their bark. The most appealing sight to be seen was sadly the demonic fountain, which spewed what seemed to be blood, instead of water from the top, and to the shallow pool below, where various depictions of stone succubi were seen playing in the blood colored water, looking towards the gates they came from as if welcoming and inviting the estate's guests.

Though morbid, Envy seemed as happy as a girl in an amusement park. "Isn't it beautiful?" she said seemingly to herself. "Once I kill my brother, I'll make sure to make the whole realm of Earth look this way."
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave was a little suprised by Envy's reaction. She was suprisingly eager to do this, which made him suspect that perhaps he shouldn't have accepted her advice. However, he didn't have much of a choice. With a sigh, he nodded his head. "Got it." Following his sister, the half-blood couldn't help but wonder what's inside. His imagination showed him pictures of sexy, but terrifying demons and frightened slaves, which did not help his mood. At least Envy took the responsibility of dealing with the hard part - if everything went well, no one would bother with a servant and a pet too much. And he knew enough about lying to play the role. Though he did not agree with Envy's low opinion of his reputation. What exactly did he do to deserve such assessment?

Cynder shook his head, ignoring Envy's remark. She seemed to be getting into character disturbingly well. Did she really mean that? He had to admit it was possible - she was a demon, after all. Trying to get his mind off that, he glanced around, but the surroundings were pretty depressing. Especially that fountain. Sure, it was rather well made and the succubi weren't a bad sight, but that blood-like substance (he hoped it wasn't real blood, but suspected that the demons bled a few people dry to fuel this) ruined the effect for him. He considered praying for Valencia's quick success, but dismissed the idea. He was never religious and no god would dwell in such a place anyway. At least, no god he'd like to meet.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Stepping towards the grand pair of doors that awaited them, it was Envy who ascended the two steps to reach the door before the others. Reaching her arm up, she did not knock, only simply opening the door with a turn of the knob, and walking straight in, pulling Grave along by the lengthy line connecting their collars.

Inside the mansion, Cynder, Club and Envy stepped into the main hall. There were doors scattered along the walls, no pattern seeming to be in their placement. Over the length of the doors candles were placed in an orderly line, about the same distance between each one. Even though the sun's light shined bright through the two skinny, tall windows near the corners of the room facing outside, the orange light from the candles gave the large room a gothic atmosphere. Though unmoving, as Grave's eyes would take in the room, the various pictures on the walls of individual beauties seemed to almost be staring at him, their eyes a bit too lifelike to simply be called a normal picture.

"Welcome, Grave," announced a voice from above. On the second floor, just over the stairs, a pale woman with white hair, and blood red eyes looked down at the mansion's visitors with interest. "And Envy as well, it seems. Strange that I did not sense your presence with your brother's."

Envy seemed upset as she made her reply. "... I have taken ownership of him. His soul is attached to mine. I have simply come here to relax after my victory over him." she stated to the pale noblewoman above.

The pale woman laughed with amusement. "Is that so? Well, you've come to the right place. I have turned this mansion into the best vacation spot to be found in this realm. Of course, it's not as grand as what you might be used to in our homeland, but I'd like to think my little resort is of high quality enough to attract customers such as yourself and your... Odd companion." she noted towards the goblin behind her. Stepping forward, the pale woman began to make her way down the staircase. "Normally I would charge you for your stay, but it seems you've a rare moment when you actually have more valid currency with you? Unless you hold your dear brother close, that is~" she motioned at her, almost knowingly as she did seem ready to laugh.

Envy's face went a little red, her expression locked in an angered frown. "... By all means..." she said, gritting her teeth at the very notion of her holding her brother in anything but the most despicable respect.

Nodding with a giggle, the white haired mistress approached Grave with a smile, before taking his hand into her own, and shaking it lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Grave. You may call me Luna. Please don't be put off by our foreign style and mannerisms. I personally aim to ensure that you enjoy yourself... As much as possible." she grinned. Releasing his hand after the handshake, looked at his state of wash, and put a finger to her cheek, shaking her head, making a 'tsk, tsk' noise with her tongue in displeasure. "Your clothes look worn, and just as dirty as your body. Come now let us first give you a grand, relaxing bath. And please don't be modest about the servants. They enjoy their job, so please let them do whatever they can to help you enjoy yourself," she instructed him a bit firmly, as if she could sense that he was already leaning against the idea of his vacation, and wouldn't allow him to refuse without punishment.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hell's Vacation Resort (Grave)

Grave followed Envy, feeling somewhat tense as he entered the building. The way his sister entered the building suggested she was familiar with this place. It occured to him that perhaps this was her home in this world - he had no idea how long she's been on the island. Perhaps she's been waiting for him here for some time? Or maybe she came here with other demons, and decided to move after learning about his return? He couldn't tell. The interior of the mansion seemed fairly normal, altough there wasn't much sunlight available, even if the two windows weren't obscured by anything. Fortunately there was an appropriate number of candles which provided both light and a nice aesthetic effect - in other circumstances, the half-blood would have approved of it. Now, most of his attention was focused on the paintings. Though beautiful, the girls presented on him were creeping him out with their definitely too life-like stares.

His musings were interrupted by a voice greeting him. Cynder was slightly startled, but quickly collected himself, looking up at the person who spoke to him. A woman, and quite attractive one at that, if a bit... Exotic. She seemed to be quite interested in the 'visitors' before her, and for some reason, she seemed to set Envy off as well. Was that because they knew each other? Or was that his sister's general reaction to other demons? He couldn't imagine her liking them, not after what she's been through. The rest of the conversation between the two women was fairly interesting, yielding some unexpected discoveries. A vacation resort for demons? The concept was weird, but if one assumed they were a race that loved indulging their vices to excess, it made sense. And if they were like other monster girls, it was pretty clear exactly which vice they'd indulge in. And if he understood correctly, the 'payment' for staying here was a human... Or rather, a man? Well, that's one way to explain why only Roy was kidnapped.

Ignoring Envy's rather predictable reaction to the other demon's taunt, Grave kept his attention on the mysterious owner of the mansion as she approached him. He returned the light handshake after a slight moment of hesitation, trying to keep a poker face on. Though her attitude seemed quite pleasant, he was pretty damn sure she was hiding something. As Luna assessed his appearance, he was making his own assessment of her. He wasn't too good at reading social situations or other people, considering he lacked experience in socializing. But there were a few things he could tell right off the bat. She didn't seem to care about Club, but he doubted she ignored the goblin completely. She knew who he was, and most likely even more than that. Cynthia seemed to have a way to keep tabs on him while he was away from her tower - perhaps the demons could do the same thing? This one probably did... And he wondered what exactly Luna knew. And what she intended to do with this knowledge.

Cynder resisted the urge to sigh as he was 'offered' a bath. It seemed she could tell he wasn't pleased about the idea of staying here, but he didn't have a choice. Fighting was out of the question, and he had to make a good impression. This Luna obviously wanted something from him. Not from Envy - though she devoted a fair span of attention to his sister, it seemed as if the conversation was mostly an amusing joke to her. 'She's not buying this ruse, isn't she? But if that's the case, she wouldn't need to bother with being nice, unless... Unless she wants me to cooperate? Or is that just teasing? Am I too paranoid here?' Then again, she greeted him first, pretending to notice Envy second. That spoke something about whom she considered more important. He was expected here, which could be explained because Luna sensed his soul. But that wouldn't tell her his name. She knew who he was, and if she really had the ability to spy on him, then perhaps she knew about the outcome of his fight with Envy as well. But then again, perhaps she didn't know that at all... But she could suspect...

In the end, Grave had to admit he ended up with nothing but guesses. He had no way to confirm them here and now. The only way was to go in and see for himself. If Luna really wanted something from him, she'd make a move sooner or later - he'd have to be on his guard. But for now, he had to take the bait and go with the flow. "Um, thanks for the offer." Unfortunately, he wasn't exactly sure how to talk with the demon. The whole situation began to feel a little awkward for him. "And it's a pleasure to meet you too... Luna." He hesitated a bit as he spoke. He wasn't exactly sure whether he should be grateful for the hospitality, too. Sure, a bath would be nice, but he had a sneaking suspicion exactly what kind of help the servants would offer and what kind of reaction Club might have. This could lead to all kinds of problems and he couldn't really do anything about it. 'Oh well... Guess we'll burn the bridge when we get to it, huh?'