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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Alexia continues to keep her back to the group, pouting, as she sighs, finally speaking huffily again, "Since you asked so nicely, and you obviously need my help, I guess I could help you." She looks over her shoulder at Grave, a bored expression on her face, "Although, as is, I can't do much~ give me some of your soul energy so that I at least have some power..." she said as she took steps back towards Cynder, placing her hand on his crotch and rubbing his private parts in an effect to encourage him to see things 'her' way.

"So tell me... master... who should I take energy from~?" she asked Grave, while neither Cynthia nor Club gave any objection for Cynder making the decision, or for him being the little imp's 'master'.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

This time, Grave allowed some of his annoyance to be visible on his face. "Hey, hey, hey." He stepped back to break the contact and crouched to look the imp in the eyes. "You're a bit fast, aren't you? Listen, I think I'll give you the benefit of doubt and trust you a bit, considering you may be smart enough not to betray us for now, but we're doing things my way, right?" He stood up and sighed. "So, rule one - not in a public place if we can avoid it." Cynder scratched the back of his head. It seemed that he'd really have to "fuel" the little bugger... Club could also do this, perhaps, but Grave disliked dumping tasks he wouldn't like to do on others. His sense of honor, even if twisted like a snake here and there, had a firm grip on the young man.
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Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

After Grave's first rule, Club interjected with a humorous, and perverted chuckle, "And rule 2, Club gets to play with little imp whenever she wants!" she announced.

The imp nods, and steps closer to Cynder, ignoring Club, taking a step forward and putting her hands on the hem of his lower garments, then suddenly yanks down, smiling as she looks up at him, "I guess that's fine, master, this is a pretty private place already, so let's get started!" She slowly rubs Grave's cock, moving her face, and lips close to his length, "Of course, if you're not comfortable with this~ I can always feed off the idiot instead~" she motioned subtly towards Club.

Club, knowing who she was talking about, started throwing a tantrum, "Who are you calling an idiot, pip-squeak!" she shouted, "Why doesn't the puny little imp say that to Club's face!" she taunted her.

And to this, Cynthia chuckled with amusement, looking to Cynder with a smile, "Perhaps Club should do the honors, Cynder? I must admit, I can easily imagine those two together..." she told him, trying to cover her smile with her black wings.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave's face went deep red when the imp yanked his clothes down. He stepped back to avoid contact again, pulling his pants up. "Rule 2... Club, you're a genius. I think I'll go with Cynthia somewhere while you two have fun." His face was a mask of pure annoyance. It seemed that now he'd have to travel with TWO pocket-sized screwed up girls, and he began to suspect that this could be a challenge for his patience. For now, he decided to let those two work out their differences between them, so to speak.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia seemed content with Grave's decision, and walked over to him, speaking quietly enough for only him to hear, "I'm happy to see you handling situations such as these with as much self control as you've displayed... Come, walk with me to the top floor... We must speak of your mother... Before her death, she made something very special for you..."

She placed her feathers on his back, "Come, we will speak more above, while I prepare a warm cup of tea for you..."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed. "Self-control... I'm going to need some with companions like those two... I just hope they won't attack each other." As he listened to Cynthia, his eyebrows raised. "Something... Special?" This implied that his mother had some plans for him, most likely... Or wanted to help her son. Either way, Cynder would most likely never learn the truth. "Uh, thanks..." He followed Cynthia, letting her lead the way.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Walking with him, up the stairs, Cynthia nodded, "Yes, something special. Although I'll admit, I know not what it is." she told him, remaining silent until they reached the floor above, which seemed like Cynthia's living room. A large, circular window, which overlooked the forest, the town, and the mountains was the first thing to greet Grave as he reached the top of the stairs. And in the middle of the room, was a round table, in the shape of a crescent moon, the legs of the table standing atop the symbol of the sun etched into the ground in the middle of the room. And on the left side from the archway, was long counter that went along the circle of the walls, ending near the window, and near the archway. And on it, were many different baskets, cupboards, and dishes, as well as different cooking tools, among them, a kettle.

And over on the right side of the room, were many paintings of different locations; A snowy abyss, a barren desert, a watery Atlantis city, a rough mountain terrain, a dangerous swamp, and a very familiar forest, looking nearly identical to the forest Cynder was just traversing. And at that knowledge, likely these paintings depicted the different areas of the island. And accompanying the beautiful paintings, were various fitting monster women, which seemed to document what kinds of creatures were to be encountered there...

And, on the far right of all the paintings, was a certain painting that caught Grave's eye. The painting depicted a dungeon, or an underground tomb of some kind, mostly darkened to represent how dark it must be in such a place, but the monster women in it, however, were lit up, as if a light was shining on them from the prospective of the viewer. And among the women in it, a childish looking teen, perhaps up to Cynder's shoulders in length, was hiding in a chest, throwing her hands upwards high, with a bright smile on her face, as if she were surprising you, and a meek looking girl peaking out of a pot, in the middle of the two, was a purple skinned snake woman, whos scales matched her human portion to a degree. She was a very beautiful woman, without a doubt, but what actually caught Grave's attention in the first place, was her physical appearance.

Her eyes were sky blue, just like his, oval shaped, just like his, and she had long, straight, clean, blond hair, the same color as his own. And just looking at her, it didn't take long for the realization to click in his mind...

That is a painting of his mother.

Cynder heard Cynthia suddenly speak behind him, having moved quietly so as not to interrupt his inspection of the room around him, "She was a beautiful, and powerful woman..." she said, stepping forward to stand next to him, while, using her feathers somehow, held out a tea cup to him. The brown colored liquid inside steaming slightly, and looking to have had other ingredients added to it, which Grave would find to be a sweetener if he tasted it.

"... I feel, after all I've done to you, I should at least tell you everything that has happened... Come, let us sit." she told him, turning, with or without the cup dependent on whether or not he took it when it was offered, and took a seat on the side of the table, with the large window on her left, awaiting for Cynder to accompany her...

"But first... Do you have any questions? Ask, and I will answer as best I can..." she told him, while her red eyes fixed on him.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave was puzzled a little by the fact that Cynthia had no idea what kind of gift his mother left for him. Was it something the crow woman couldn't recognize? Cynder doubted it. Was it sealed somehow? Perhaps there was some sort of magic that could recognize a person, and work only for him... Grave pondered this as he followed Cynthia to the next floor. Upon inspecting the living room, the young man decided that his host lived most likely alone... And had a good taste. The various pictures that caught his eye not only expanded his knowledge, but also looked very good. Without a doubt, the artist that painted them was skilled. Grave briefly wondered how it was possible for so many places to fit on a single island until he saw the last picture. A dark dungeon, inhabited by unusual creatures and... Cynder stopped. Impossible. His mother, painted on a picture. The similarity was obvious. For a moment, Grave simply stared at the painting, trying to gather his thoughts and feelings into a coherent set. Cynthia startled him when she finally spoke, but fortunately he had a fairly firm grip on himself by then, and only turned around quickly, as if stung by a bee. Cynder briefly wondered how the Hell was she able to hold that cup, but the image he just saw was too fresh and still haunted his memory, making it hard to think. Grave sighed and accepted the tea, then drank a little. The taste was really good, he had to admit that - and it was wonderfully calming, making him feel better. Following Cynthia to the table, the young man took a seat in front of her, looking straight into her eyes. Cynder had many questions regarding this place, but he wasn't sure whether it was the best time to ask all of them. Perhaps he should pick one or two before moving on... He remembered that he and Cynthia left Club and the imp on their own... And speaking of Club, Cynder had a feeling that the two of them had a good reason to come here... "Well... I assume you know a lot about this land... I suppose I have a lot of questions regarding that, but I nearly forgot about the reason why I decided to go and pay you a visit in the first place. I've heard you know Club. I've found her in a village called... Waymeet, I believe. The place was completely empty, and according to Club, it was attacked by some sort of... Bat girls. That's her description, at least. I believe the term demons fits." Grave drank some more tea and continued without waiting for confirmation. "I suppose that the imp downstairs was one of those creatures, one way or another. They represent the dark forces you've warned me about, correct?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia gave a slow nod, "The town was attacked by creatures known as the Succubi..." she told him, before raising her cup with her wings, and taking a noiseless sip, "And you are correct, the Succubus is but one of many creatures you will likely encounter on your journey... However, they are by far one of the most dangerous creatures you will likely ever face... First, they try to entice you with their bodies, using a powerful magical aura of seduction to consume your mind, before they goad you into having sex with them... At which point, you are at their mercy..."

After the explanation of what the demons were, she continued, "They came to the town with the desire to capture the powerful souls that had arrived there... Those who have been chosen by fate, like you, Cynder... And of those people, they only captured one... Transforming him into a demon like themselves..." she seemed to despair, shaking her head, "That was the last I saw of him. And be warned, Cynder, should you have to face him sometime in the future... He, unlike many other inhabitants of the island that would seek to keep you alive to breed with, will likely pursue your death..."

Cynthia gave Grave a stern look, "But, I will not allow that to happen. I will use all of my power to prepare you, and protect you from such forces... Even if it should cost me my own bodily form." she told him, at which point, the visions Cynder saw flashed back in his mind, depicting how uncertain Cynthia looked... Likely referencing to her apparent suicidal tendency she just revealed...

And, after a moment, Cynthia calmed down a little, taking another sip of her tea. "Do you have more questions? Ask, and I will answer..." she repeated to him.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave paused to think about everything he had learned so far. It seemed that there was at least one enemy who wanted to kill him... But that hardly bothered Cynder. He trusted his intelligence. Besides, there was a chance that they wouldn't meet. The succubi were more of a problem. There was enough of them to actively fight against and enslave other inhabitants, and they weren't alone. On top of that, Cynthia spoke of powerful magic, something Grave had no idea how to counter. The young man realized that this would require carefull planning. Another thing that bothered him was Cynthia herself. It was a bit touching that she was willing to essentially kill herself for him... But didn't she state that there were others like him? Was he really that important? Or was Cynthia so full of guilt and regret, that she was willing to give up on her life entirely? That was a thought Cynder didn't like at all. However, he had a feeling that trying to convince her to change her mind would be a waste of time. She was determined enough to kill a powerful creature and wreck her spawn's childhood to achieve her goal. A couple of words wouldn't be enough. Grave drank the rest of his tea. "Well, just one... No, two. Do you know where the succubi have a base? Who's their leader?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia brought a wing close to her face, her feathers only just touching her soft, smooth cheeks, her eyes dropping to the table as she pondered how to answer Grave's question. ... I don't feel those are the correct words... she told him, commenting towards his referencing of a 'base' and 'leader'. She picks her head up, looking back to Cynder "The main concentration of demons, as you may expect, is what the world has come to call, 'Hell'. It exists in another realm, existing as a place, just as real as the world you see around you now... And as for their leader..." Cynthia trailed off for a moment, giving more thought into her words, "The best way to describe her, is Satan, although that is a very old name, and the current demon who possesses the throne of hell is not called by that name..."

Her voice falls silent again, before she utters the name of the most powerful demon in existence, "... Persephone..."

(Pronounced, Per·seph·o·ne)

The room around Grave seemed to fill with an ominous presence, and a feeling of great fear made Cynder's whole body shiver. Was this demoness so powerful, that simply uttering her name brought forth such a powerful force of magic? And before Grave could ask, Cynthia continued speaking, about to give him a history lesson, "She was once a pure, beautiful angel, a descendant of beings most humans worship as gods. Her great, magical power was used solely for naught but good will, and the betterment of the wounded realms, torn asunder by the demons who mercilessly took over various realms like a plague."

"However, one day, the lord of Hell set his perverted gaze on her, and for many decades, he pursued her, thwarted by her brilliance, and power each and every time he attempted to defile her body and soul to satisfy his own corrupt ego. And when Hell was all but defeated, the demon lord tried one last measure of cunning in an attempt to capture her. Using a fallen angel to disguise itself as a fellow angel, he managed to poison a single fruit in her garden, before the impostor was caught, and purified."

"The angels made a single, dire mistake, and didn't realize that the fallen angel had succeeded in it's task. And within the week, she dined on that very fruit, and fell under the demon's curse. As a result, she, without a mind of her own, was unable to protect her land. And as her friends and followers tried to assist her, they found no method with which to cure her, and soon after, the whole land fell to darkness..." Cynthia said grimly,

"Angels were raped, many converted into demons themselves, while the other, more pure angels were made to be slaves, likely still being tortured, and milked of their souls to this day... While as for Persephone herself... The demon lord had his way with her to his corrupted heart's desire, while her cries, begging for more foul treatment were heard throughout the realm."

Cynthia grabbed her tea cup, drinking the last bit of liquid inside of it to provide more liquid to her throat, before continuing her long story, "The demon lord got Persephone pregnant many times over many centuries, and she birthed many powerful foul spawn, many of whom still walk the plains of existence as we live and breathe now. Until, one day, Persephone's iron will was broken, and the deepest darkness of corruption poured into her soul, twisting, mangling, and warping the poor woman's existence, until she became a mangled horror of what she used to be."

"... She killed the demon that had raped her for so long in an act of sinful vengeance, her pure morals no longer applying to her as she brutally murdered him in his slumber. And on that day, she claimed the throne of Hell, warping her realm to match what had happened to her her whole life, sending her minions and even her own children off to distant realms, with one sole objective in mind, to force everyone to suffer what she had endured for many centuries of her life, sexual torture, and utter corruption..."

Looking at Grave, Cynthia's eyes showed a little fear behind her adept mask of calm, apparently frightened herself from the presence in the room, given off from speaking Persephone's name. "Persephone is a true monster, Cynder, and she suffers with every passing day within her corrupt existence, unable to think of anything other than torture and sex, a woman who has completely lost her mind to insanity, and corruption..."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave listened to Cynthia's story very carefully. It was a fascinating, albeit grim and tragic tale. The crow girl's knowledge was truly impressive, and Cynder never tried to interrupt her. However, the feeling of dread that he experienced upon hearing Persephone's name... Grave couldn't imagine what kind of horror the queen of Hell was. Fighting against her was a hopeless task for a mortal... Fortunately, Cynder wouldn't have to deal with her. That fact helped him stay cool on the outside, but this fear was something he'd remember for the rest of his life. He remained silent for a few moments after Cynthia finished her story, but he didn't reveal what kind of impression it left on him. Grave was sure of one thing - the crow girl was afraid. Even though the presence was insubstantial, and could have been a coincidence... Cynthia was afraid. Persephone was not a force that could be challenged. Her minions, on the other hand... "So... That's how it all began. And now, we have to deal with Hellspawn that's found this world." Cynder shook his head. No need to be afraid now. Stay calm. "Though... When I asked these questions... I was thinking about this island, actually. The succubi that attack this place have some sort of a local leader, right? And some support among the inhabitants of this place, perhaps?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia slowly shook her head, "Not exactly... As I said, there is more than one of Persephone's spawn, and due to many things that would take too long to explain all in one day, she has lain siege on this world, in an effort to hunt those who were foretold would control fate... In essence, you." she told Grave, "Thus, is why I chose to send you away from the island... Beyond the protective barrier, and out of her reach..."

And after another moment, Cynthia slowly, and gracefully got up from her seat, and headed over to the kettle, which, just as she neared it, had just started to start squealing, signaling that the water was done boiling, while she reached it just in time... A display of perfect timing on her part. And the next thing, she bent over to reach into the cupboards, grabbing a couple more tea cups, and a couple more bags of tea, while displaying to Cynder the sight of her panties, which clung to her ass like a second skin, showing off her petite rear, made to look real good from the way she bent over, which made a perfect curve around her private area, likely meaning she'd be a tight fit, should Grave know of such things, or even notice the granted sight of her ass under her skirt... A sight that even would drag full attention even if only in his peripherals.

And as she poured two more cups of tea, something to water the mouth with during their conversation, she continued speaking, no longer bending over, ending the delightful display of a nicely shaped ass as she continued. "Yes... There are many dark beings that exist here to do the demon's behalf..." she confirmed for Cynder, "While they are not demons themselves... Their devotion in the blind belief that a great reward awaits them within their service to the demons still makes them highly dangerous... And worse, they can appear in many forms..."

With the tea cups within her 'feathers,' seemingly hanging on the tips of the wings, she places another small cup in front of Grave, taking his old cup, placing another cup for herself on the table, and taking her own old cup as well, over to the counter again, before placing them within an odd wooden tub filled with water, and fluttering her wings afterwards to rid herself of the wetness, a slight sprinkle from her wet wings tickling Cynder's face...

She turns back, taking a seat at the table, and sipping some more of her tea, obviously loving it, without really showing it. "Is that all of your questions? I feel the time for you to pursue your family heirloom approaches." she told him.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave listened carefully to Cynthia's explanations. It seemed that the demons weren't organized into any kind of an army, and just banded together for raids and such. However, the fact that Evil had many different agents here was a big problem. Cynder would have to be careful. He hoped that Club would be able to understand this. However, these thoughts weren't given much attention. Grave, of course, watched Cynthia as she went to get more tea, and couldn't avoid catching the sight of her panties. He was no expert when it came to women and their bodies, so he didn't reach any conclusions except for the most obvious one: the crow girl had a really nice ass. Any further thoughts, however, were quickly pushed aside. Cynder feared he was going a bit too far for a moment, and Cynthia began to speak again. He gratefully accepted the tea - it was very good, and Grave rarely had the chance to drink something like this. When the drop of water falling from the girl's feathers touched his face, Cynder absent-mindedly wiped it off his face and began to sip his tea. It wasn't unpleasant, but somehow it reminded him of the Cynthia's rear, and this time he decided to silence himself with the calming beverage. This was not the right time to think like this. "Yes, that's all. Thank you." Grave looked into the crow girl's eyes. "I suppose it's time. I assume you've kept it here somewhere, right?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

As Grave thanked her, Cynthia gave him a slow, silent nod, accepting his thanks. But, as to his question, Cynthia gave him a shake of her head instead. "No... I'm afraid not..." she told him, "The gift your mother left for you lies within her tomb... Where she gave birth to you..." Cynthia brought her teacup to her mouth, silently taking another drink, "She protected it with a very powerful spell, to make sure that you, and only you obtained it. No matter the soul's power, not even the lord of Hell herself could lay her hands on it..." she told Cynder, referencing Persephone.

"I must stay, and wait for the other chosen... For else, they will be lost... And during your journey, you will likely encounter many dangerous foes. Though perhaps not as powerful as the demons of hell, the monsters that may await you in those dungeons still possess a threat, and will seek to capture you, and rape you, just like the others of this island." she instructed him, before shaking her head, "Fear not, for only a select few on this island will seek your demise. Most will simply seek to breed with you, and absorb your spiritual energy for themselves..."

Cynthia took one final drink from her tea, before setting it down on the table, and standing up, walking towards Grave, "Currently, you are defenseless. Any monster who chooses to rape you now, even myself, will find little opposition from you..." she informs him as she raises a feather at him, "To counter this... You need the most powerful force in existence at your side... Magic... And I will bestow some of my knowledge to you now, which may help you, should you use it properly..."

With that, she lifts both her wings, touching either side of Cynder's head with her feathers. And not a moment later, did Grave's body begin feeling an almost relaxing vibration surrounding him, soothing him. And after he felt his mind and body eclipsed by Cynthia's magic, within all of a single moment, his mind felt flooded with incredible knowledge of deceptive, and illusionary magic...

Cynder caught images of himself casting a spell, and forming an exact duplicate of himself, Club, Cynthia, and even the imp from before. They followed his commands like puppets, and even talked what he wanted them to say. The only drawback to this, however, was that he was, in the vision, literally manipulating two minds at once, putting stress on both his soul, and his mind...

Grave caught more images of himself casting yet another spell, only this time, he was forming magic into very real things. Into his hands, he envisioned himself suddenly holding a weapon, with which he could use against a strong foe. And in another, he imagined himself summoning a rock, and blocking a river of lava, allowing an unnamed pair to pass safely. And in one final image, he caught himself thinking of using his power in a rather interesting situation, where he would pretend to be summoning a very powerful spell, threatening a monster with it, while he was only summoning with his own magic, bright lights and colorful mists with which to intimidate, and deceive... Very similar to Cynthia's own magic, which she was likely giving to him.

The visions came to an end, and Cynder felt the world returning to him as Cynthia let go of his head with a sigh, letting her wings go to her sides. "These spells are very powerful, and have many uses... However, they are taxing on the soul, compared to the common fireball spell. If you are not giving the spell your full concentration, it may break, and your magic will vanish..." she instructed him. "Do you understand?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave was a bit disappointed that Cynthia didn't manage to recover whatever he was supposed to recieve, but at least it seemed that no one would be able to steal it before Grave got there first. Cynder listened to Cynthia's explanations carefully, his eyebrows raising when she said she could rape him easily. The image of her panties flashed in his mind again, but Grave managed to push it back instantly. His expression became one of pure suprise when Cynthia announced she was going to give him knowledge necessary to use magic... But before he could begin to wonder how it was supposed to happen, the crow girl already began her work. Cynder watched each image carefully, studying and remembering the effects of each spell. Illusion of a person. Materialization. Tricks with light, a toy for intimidating. Each spell would be useful, without a doubt. Grave felt grateful towards Cynthia for granting him this power. He listened to her explanation, looking at her with respect. "Thank you. I understand. They're not something one can use without thinking." Cynder sighed. He began to think that he should find a way to cast fireballs as well, just in case he needed it in the future. "Well... I suppose I should leave soon... As soon as those two finish, anyway." Grave added, thinking about Club and the imp.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia gave a nod, before walking over to the large window, and directing with her feathers, towards the West. "From this tower, follow the setting sun, West. And soon, you will come across an old ruin, with many symbols of the moon engraved among the markings, and many tell tale signs of treasure... Keep a wary step as you enter these ruins, for likely, they will hold monsters awaiting a mate foolish enough to fall into their traps..." she warns him.

She steps away from the window, her talons making slight clicking sounds against the marble floor as she makes slow steps towards him, "As you may already know, those ruins are your birthplace... And should you desire it, I may go to lengths in the future to repair your mother's tomb, to make it into a sanctuary for you... Perhaps to call it home, like you should have long ago..." then, she shakes her head, "Unless thou holds no sentimental value for it... You may use my tower, or wherever else you may wish to call a temporary rest."

She seemed finished, before she suddenly blinked several times over, as if remembering herself, "Oh, I nearly forgot... I had instructed your mentor to teach you how to fight with a weapon... What weapon was it? I shall craft it for you using the very material from this tower, a strong, durable marble that absorbs all magic that touches it..."

(This is your cue to give Grave his only real means of offense at this point. Just have him name what weapon(s) you'd prefer to have him use.)
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

As Grave listened, he began to picture his destination: old, abandoned ruins covered in strange markings and scattered trinkets, promises of wealth that was supposed to be hidden inside. He knew too little to imagine what might be waiting inside. All that he knew was that some objects may be more than they seem to be... Perhaps Cynder would meet one of the monsters he saw on the painting. When Cynthia offered to restore the place to it's former glory, Grave was quite suprised, but he considered this option. Perhaps it'd be nice to have such a home, or a sanctuary of solitude... But that'd have to wait. Cynthia herself reminded Grave of that in a way when she asked him about his weapon of choice. "Thank you for your offers... And yes, he taught me how to use a sword. I had to practice with one made of wood, but it was enough, considering I didn't have to fight for my life."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Cynthia gave a nod to him, before suddenly throwing her wings up into the air, several beams of magical light shooting into the ceiling, breaking into the masonry of the tower. Several small pieces of the sand colored marble slowly drifted down, held within the magical influence, each piece drifting in front of Grave, continuously taking shape, forming together as he felt a large amount of heat brush over his face, as a sign that Cynthia was literally performing a blacksmith's job in a single moment.

And after every piece fell into place, at first as goo, the marble in front of him took the shape of a sword. The hilt, the grip, the guard, and the blade all made of the marble. And etched on the guard, after the process of it's creation, Cynthia took a lone, extra piece of marble, using her magic to move it as reason for her lack of hands, and etched the capital letters, 'G' and "C" onto the guard, permanently marking it as Cynder's blade.

The marble sword slowly drifted down, before Cynthia carefully took it in her feathers, making sure to hold it by the blunt side. "This marble is immune to all magic. Any magical force it touches, vanishes from existence. Should you be threatened by such a force, hold the blade between yourself, and the threat..."

Without handing it to Grave, Cynthia summoned a sheath for the blade, which came soaring down from the floor above, which didn't seem to have any means of someone getting up there... Provided you don't have wings. And in an instant, the sheath took the sword in, a perfect fit. And with a strap around the sheath, it'd do nicely around Cynder's shoulders.

It was after the sword was made, sheathed, and signed with his name, that Cynthia handed it to the awaiting man, stretching her feathers outwards in offering. "The only force this is not immune to is heat... It would be best to keep this in mind..."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave accepted the sword with gratitude. "Thank you. I will remember that." He stepped back, then unsheathed the sword, made a few swings to see how heavy it is, then sheathed it again. Now, he was armed with both magic and a weapon forged to destroy it. Cynder was sure that those gifts would be enough to deal with stray monsters. He just had to remember to keep the blade protected from heat. Grave strapped the sword to his back. "By the way... Do you know what kind of creatures live in the ruins?" This vital piece of knowledge would definitely be helpful.