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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

All of the oni seemed a bit shocked by the sudden development, so much so that they didn't react initially as Grave was allowed to take Roy outside of the hut, and towards a river about a minute's walk away. Despite their intentions, apparently Roy did need some water, drinking some before she looked at Cynder with a glance. "You drink some water too, clear that poison out of your system as best you can." She instructed. "Any further drinks and you'd find yourself waking up to broken hips due to severe blunt trauma."

After a moment, Roy stood up to face Grave directly. "We cannot simply return to that hut now without a plan. We'll just be sitting down to continue their drinking game, and I'm honestly shocked you're still standing, though you're clearly suffering from the powerful alcohol content." Roy noted. "We have to get through this without you being ground into dust by oni hips."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave didn't hesitate to help himself to some water. He was starting to get annoyed with how his state continued to wreck his balance. After a few moments he spent on drinking quite greedily, he finally answered Roy. "Can't say I'm the one keeping me from keeling over." He admitted. For all the issues it caused, having his mom hang around wasn't such a bad thing. "I guess you're right, though... They're gonna drink us under the table at this rate. Though to be honest, I've no idea what to do here." Cynder admitted. He was starting to think that perhaps he made a huge mistake when agreeing to the oni's offer. "This is pretty bad. Any ideas?"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"We should be fine right now. Just need you to act like my caretaker for a while. You can't leave me alone because of my development, you see?" Roy filled him in on the plan. "Let's just sleep on it. The Oni would be asking for trouble if they pushed the issue further."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Hmm... Makes sense." Grave agreed after a moment of consideration. "Especially since a few others have been felled by this stuff already... Seriously, what the Hell is that thing made of?" He ranted. "I've heard of only one thing that could come anywhere close, but it was not meant for drinking like this. I might have to call bullshit Oni magic on this." With a sigh, Cynder finished and turned back to Roy. "So, want me to keep helping you walk? Might as well keep at it if we're gonna continue this act."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"It can be considered to be quite literally poison. It's far beyond what any normal brew of its' sort should be. The Oni don't let their secrets slip out, but something that unnaturally strong has to be abnormal." Roy theorized, then nodded. "Yes, help me walk. Let's just return to the tent and take a rest." Roy announced. Unless Grave had more to say, they'd head back to the tent where the Oni were waiting, eager to see how the situation had developed. "I'm... Fine... I just need to lay down for a while..." Roy indicated a place to be laid down, before nudging Cynder. "Fetch some more water, please." she said, wanting to keep him busy and focused on her given how much the Oni looked to want to interfere.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Maybe it's actually one of those kunoichi poisons..." Grave mused even as he helped Roy keep up the appearance of requiring help with walking. It kinda made sense, now that he thought about it. If the assassins simply tested everything they could think of on the oni as Roy explained earlier, then perhaps the brew they were drinking was a bastardized version of one of those toxins. Still, perhaps it was better not to ask. Approaching the hut again, Cynder could see the crowd waiting for them. He helped the neo-girl lay down, nodding at her request. "Sure thing, give me a sec." He moved to find and bring the requested drink.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Perhaps..." Roy said in reply to Grave's suspicions before resting on the floor of the hut. Once Cynder left, acquired water, and returned, he'd find that the party had mostly quieted down. The ones that had passed out from the drink were covered with blankets, as was Roy. One of the Oni provided a large tied sack to Grave upon his return. "Some plenty of supplies for your trip, boy." said the Oni. "Was nice having new people around for drinking, was good fun." the red giant said with a grin. "Here's the map as well. Keep it somewhere safe, don't sit on it now!" she chuckled, giving Cynder the map with which she could use to find Fio.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Thanks." Grave accepted with a smile. It seemed that the oni was both honest and a pretty damn nice person, to share such things with him despite the fact that they were total strangers. Regardless of what Roy told him earlier, he felt his opinion of the red woman rise a bit. "I've had fun too. Don't get too many chances to party with someone like that. Usually it's either road or trouble." He put the map away with the rest of the group's supplies. Now it was a matter of resting up until those who knocked themselves out were back to working order.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave was free to pick from his comrades, who he wanted to snuggle with. He had a few choices. Club, who slept on her back like a frog. Her legs were spread wide, her slightly see-through light pants leaving little to the imagination and her arms above her head. Envy was laying on her side covered up, her figured curled up like a baby and her arms around her legs. Valencia too, also on her back, but unlike club her legs were together with one arm flat at her side, and the other wrapped over her stomach. Finally, Roy, who was left as she was, on her side with her arms folded around her chest, in the midst of going to sleep.

There was always the option of sleeping alone too. Cynder would get a few curious looks to be sure, but such were his choices.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

In the end, Cynder's choice of sleeping arrangements wasn't even much of a conscious decision. In fact, it was closer to a habit cultivated over years. Find nearest unoccupied space, set up and go to sleep. While he was getting used to having someone cuddle next to him when he went to sleep, particularly when space was limited, he had yet to start approaching others by himself like that. If asked, he'd probably rationalize this by not wanting to disturb others during rest, especially when quite a few of them genuinely required some. His tendency to toss and turn around in sleep sometimes helped make that decision. Plus, he occasionally would stay awake for a long time before falling asleep.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

He chose to sleep alone, and as he went through the process of sleeping alone in a most lonely fashion, none would disturb him as he eventually went to sleep. But as it turns out, once he was asleep, at some point, he was in fact disturbed. Such was evident the moment he found himself waking up in the morning.

He passed up on the wild goblin.

He passed up on the murderous sibling.

They didn't share the same thoughts as him.

Both girls looked rather ruffled, both showing bruises and marks of harm. Golden strands of hair seen here and there, wrapped around Club in various locations, lost in the struggle. And goblin-sized fist marks on the blond girl to his other side. The most evident marks were on their necks, which told the tale of two angry women strangling each other to sleep. Thankfully, they were alive. Valencia and Roy were out, not within sight. Their voices were heard outside though, talking with one another.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave woke up the morning as usual. He lazily cleared out his eyes before grudgingly accepting the fact it was time to get up again and move. At the very least he wasn't suffering from the effects of drinking, nowhere near as much as he should have at least. He rose to a sitting position, taking stock of his surroundings. With a sigh, he took note of the two girls who made their way to him during the night. Everybody else seemed to be outside. Rubbing his eyes to clear his sleepyness away completely, Cynder pondered whether he should wake the two girls up. And went very, very still as he took in the damage.

Bruises and torn hair. Those alone told the tale of a vicious fight that somehow did not wake him, despite the proximity. The genuinely worrying part were the marks on their necks, though. Perhaps in a different time, Grave would have found some amusement in the image of two girls strangling each other into unconsciousness. But he had a very, very good idea about how deadly the two of them could be when sufficiently motivated. He was also smart enough to realize that compared to their previous squabbles, things were starting to escalate. Their previous scraps did not leave nearly so many marks, and they did not end them with potentially deadly manouvers. And Cynder had a feeling it'd only keep getting worse.

Caring about another person was not a concept Grave was intimately familiar with. But with his feelings towards the two slowly but surely developing, the sight and it's implications made him break out in cold sweat. This was starting to get genuinely horrifying. At the rate they were going, he could see all stops being pulled, hair blades and monstrous strenght tearing into each other with disastrous results. Club would not relent, and neither would Envy. Roy and Valencia... Cynder doubted he'd get much help there. Mother was out of the question, what with her lacking a body (and her advice likely to just give him more headaches). It was down to him to stop this, but how? The two of them just loved him too much...

Grave paused. That was the thing, right? Their attraction to him. Everything with those two usually came down to that. And come to think of it, didn't Roy say something about him spoiling them too much? Perhaps he needed a different approach. Maybe he could impress upon them that he was worried about their health and disapproved of their fighting? He would certainly have to start breaking them up himself in case the conflict picked up again. With a very bemused expression on his face, Cynder set himself to the task of waking the two problem children up. He just hoped he'd be up to the task of giving them a stern talk as well.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"It's about time you woke up." Grave's mother said from within his mind, her presence sounding stronger than before, if only slightly. "I cannot believe you slept through their conflict. It is rare that I see two beings hate each other as much as these two do. I've a feeling their hate would persist regardless of your existence." she claimed. "Regardless, find a way to punish your worthless sister. She brings shame upon you and I both for losing to a mere goblin."

Thus ended his mother's words to him, unless he decided to speak with her. He'd find the woman with nothing better to do inside his head, more than willing to talk a great deal despite her anti-social attitude. After that, came the objective he sought with Envy and Club. Waking the two up, both girls would find the situation they awoke to a bit surprising. Though they quickly seemed to understand the position they were under when they found themselves before Cross like defendants before a judge. The looks on their faces were undeniably guilty in different ways.

Envy's face looked like one that projected the blame onto Club. It was as if she was confessing to the crime she was being accused, but still blamed Club for it. "I did it, but she started it," were the words that such an expression spoke.

Club's expression looked like a pitiful one. "I did it, but I couldn't help it." Was what he sad face said. Also, "Please forgive me, because I am making this face." Like a guilty dog, lowering it's head while looking up at you with adorable and pitiful eyes.

When they glanced at each other though, their expressions became mirrors of one another. "I hate you." they seemed to speak to one another. All this occurred without a single word being said.
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Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave had to admit, for someone so belligerent his mother was suprisingly talkative whenever she decided to speak up. 'You're a little louder today. Clearer, too.' He noted, choosing not to comment on her "advice". He had a feeling this was something best ignored, for the time being. 'Are you getting stronger or something? It kinda sounds like the time around here isn't serving you too badly.'

Still, Cynder had another matter to deal with and consider carefully. It seemed that the first step was something of a success - they got the idea that he was not happy about their fight and thankfully, they did feel guilt about it. Unfortunately, he could literally feel the hatred between the two, unspoken threats passed around even now. Grave sighed, wondering how to deal with this, before coughing to get their attention.

"Don't think I haven't noticed that." He spoke in a calm, but rather cold tone. Shouting or trying to express his anger through some specific form of speech would likely only end with him making a poor impression. It was best to stick to one thing he, as an antisocial outcast, could pull off - being simply and obviously unfriendly. "And judging by the looks on your faces, I am not sure whether you two are even willing to properly reflect on your actions. In fact, I'm almost sure you aren't. That is not a good start at all."

"Now, perhaps I should take part of the blame here, I did provide this whole mess with a starting point and didn't quite contain things before they got this bad." Cynder continued, giving both girls a stern glare. "But in the end, it's you two that keep causing trouble. Way too much trouble." He paused, considering what to do with the two. "And to be honest, I am not sure what to do with you two. I am not even sure if it's possible for me to stop your fights. So I think that perhaps we could use a little timeout."

"For the time being, I think all three of us should stay away from each other a bit, so you two can cool your heads a little. Once you prove you can coexist without engaging in repeated murder attempts every day of the week, I'm sure we could go back to living as normal. Until then..." Grave sighed. "No sex, no hugging, no shows of affection, no sleeping together, no competing for such et cetera. I intend to treat both of you equally here. And I'm thinking that perhaps the best way to make you reflect on your actions a bit is if I start treating you the same way you treat each other. Any objections?" He finished, in a tone of voice that clearly said he was going to follow through on this even if the two girls objected.
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Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Of course. Your soul is giving my own the strength to exist. I've just been borrowing more than my rent requires because I intend to reemerge into this world as something other than a weak slither." she replied.

Then, came his lecture and terms. Of course, the other parties objected strongly. Their eyes went wide, and Club was the first to lunge out and cling to Grave's pants, while Envy stood up, looking anxious. "Club is sorry!" The goblin declared, seeming to have been hit with the weight of her action. "Club won't punch Gwave's evil sister anymore!" she swore.

Although that comment about how evil she was clearly made Envy want to strangle Club again, the demon seemed to take an indirect route of complaint. "You really think you're high and mighty, don't you? Think you have the right to tell others what to do! Well guess what..." She paused for a minute, seemingly trying to think up a countermeasure against Cynder's attempt at control. "You... Can't tell me what to do! So bite me!" She declared. "Besides... Even if you tell us not to, I need energy to survive." she said. Then, in combination with Club, the size difference between them suddenly didn't appear to be so much in Grave's favor. "So it's not exactly like you can say no."

Club nodded, seeming to take on a serious grin. "Club will love Gwave even if he stops loving Club. So, rape is fine too."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'... You know, I'd appreciate being told about such things in advance.' Grave deadpanned mentally. That being said, he had to admit to himself he didn't even notice any sort of additional drain. 'Still, I guess as long as it doesn't cause problems it's fine.' He added. 'Is it normal for a living person to have enough power to support others like that, though?'

Faced with the first reaction of the girl's before him, Grave felt a strange mix of satisfaction and unhappyness. Satisfaction because it seemed that he may have found an effective method, unhappyness because he did not like what he was doing to them. Their distress affected him more deeply than he assumed it would. Unfortunately, the situation quickly turned against him - Envy would not back down without a fight, and Club was quickly bolstered by her rival's declaration - in the end, both saw nothing wrong with simply taking him. The only silver lining Cynder could find was that the two of them didn't start tearing each other apart again because of Club's insult. With a sigh, the half-blood stood up - assuming he could pry the goblin off of him enough to achieve that - and crossed his arms, giving both girls a stern glare.

"Perhaps I indeed have no right to tell you what to do." Grave began his own counter. "Altough the two of you denying my right to choose puts us on even footing in that regard. However, I'd like to ask you two a question here. Let's imagine that next time, you're the ones who wake up second and find me battered and bruised, simply because I got into a fight with someone over you while you were unaware. How'd you feel about this?" Cynder sighed. If being stern alone was not enough, then he'd appeal to their feelings toward him more directly. "Because when I woke up today, I was horrified. I've cared about very few people in my life, I admit, and now I find myself scared that if I leave you two out of my sight or let you do as you please, I'll find myself without another person I love once more. Maybe both of them." He could feel himself tense involuntarily as memories of his old man came back, without calling. Clenching his hand as he forced himself to calm down, Grave stared first Envy, then Club straight in the eyes.

"I hate that." He spoke plainly, trying to keep bitterness out of his voice. But now that he not quite intentionally and perhaps carelessly upset his own emotions, he found it hard to stop talking. "I won't allow the two of you to fight like that. I'll keep you two separate with my own damn hands if I have to, but I will not let shit like this happen again if I can help it. Whether the two of you like it or not." A very, very cynical smirk appeared on his face as he picked his next sentence. "So it's not exactly like you can say no. I can see now that I've let this go on for too long."

Cynder had to admit to himself that this felt like a bit of a cheap, low blow. But the more he kept thinking about losing someone, the more he kept recalling his master and father figure. And the last memories of him were not something he ever really got over. At that particular moment, Grave was feeling more and more upset the longer the argument kept going on. And as his negative emotions piled up, he experienced a growing desire to just stop things through any means necessary, whatever the cost.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

Grave proposed an interesting scenario, one that they didn't immediately expect. The idea of Cynder getting into a fight with someone over them made them ponder it in their minds. The answer came after he finished the second bit, regarding his take about it. And the first to answer was Club. "Club would be upset... But... If Club found Gwave fighting over her with someone else, Club would fuck both you and him until you couldn't fight each other!" she declared, her answer being that she'd encourage a harem. Envy's answer came with a bit of a haughty grin. "It depends on who won the fight. I'd obviously choose the winner." She announced with confidence.

Then came Grave's stern stance on the matter. He let it be known he'd stop their fighting with all his power, and basically confessed to them. They both went silent. Club had her hands on her hips, looking to the ground. Clearly not in shame, but in thought about the situation. Envy meanwhile was trying to act like she didn't care, but one of her fingers were nervously twirling around one of her long blond strands of hair.

A moment passed, and then Club raised her hand. "Club will agree. Gwave can fuck his evil sister if he wants. Club will turn cheek." she declared, but had more to say. "But, when Gwave has sex, it always has to be with Club. If evil hair hands wants to suck Gwave, Gwave has to lick Club too."

Envy had a moment of internal struggle due to the goblin's words, before she relaxed her closed fists, even the ones her hair formed. "I only promise not to break anything. That's the most I can do." Envy declared, before beating a quick retreat from the scene by turning and walking away.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'Well, that was a missed shot.' Grave mused as he watched his sister and Club react to his example. Obviously they held different values than he did, though he did note that Club seemed to be the one more open to a relationship with more than one person. Envy, on the other hand, seemed like someone who wanted some pampering, wishing to indulge herself with "the best". However, it seemed that putting his foot down did the trick. They were hardly sorry, and Cynder could swear that this wouldn't be the last of his troubles. But at the very least, they were taking him seriously.

"Very well." Grave once he got his answers from both girls. Again, Envy seemed to be less receptive to the idea of sharing, but at the very least he managed to get his point across. Probably. Whether they'd really stop fighting remained to be seen, and they certainly had reservations, but it was good enough for now. It occured to Cynder that this issue would likely require a compromise from all three of them - if he wanted something from them, he'd have to give something back. At least Club was straightforward on that point. "That's fair enough. Anyway, we should probably go see how Roy and Valencia are doing after yesterday, I imagine at least one of them has to have a hangover. Plus, we gotta get to Fio and hopefully get mom out of my head..." 'Even if that sounds like a recipe for a disaster if you ask me.' He added in the private corner of his mind.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

"Do I sense reservations about releasing me into the world?" His mother inquired. "Oh, who am I kidding? I can hear your thoughts clearly no matter how much you try to hide them. Look at it this way, if I continue to grow in strength while inside you, your soul will likely be unable to handle the pressure. Your body will begin to break down, and to put it lightly, you will die. Unless I take over your body instead." she chuckled.

Club chuckled. "By the way, Gwave, do you think your mommy will support us?" Club inquired.

"Yes, sure, whatever." Grave's mother replied, obviously expecting him to deliver the message.

"Cuz if she doesn't, Club will have to deck her!" Club announced, holding up her fist.

"Nevermind, kill the goblin." his mother commanded.

Once that moment had passed, Cynder would find Roy conversing with the oni townsfolk, while Valencia was apparently taken to the shaman to be given some treatment for her hangover. Valencia would only reply with groans if talked to, and Roy would turn and greet him normally if approached.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave;Cross)

'Dear gods why?' Grave sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he listened to both the girl next to him and his mother speak. While he certainly memorized his mother's warning and decided to take it to heart, he was still convinced that letting the two of them interact without a buffer would only end badly. Adding Envy to the mix would likely make it an unmanageable clusterfuck. And then there was the fact that if the echidna decided to push him into fucking Valencia again, the woman in question would now be able to hear her. Yep, he had plenty of reservations. But he did not want to die or lose control of his body, and frankly if he had to suffer then everybody else might as well suffer with him.

"No Club, that is a bad idea." Cynder replied, trying to stop that train of thought from lodging itself in the goblin's skull. "I am sure she'll be more receptive of this idea if you do not punch her. In fact, she pretty much said so." It wasn't really a lie, honestly. He was just leaving some details out. Not like Club asked for them or anything. Now if only his mother stopped being so goddamn aggressive... Come to think of it, Envy was pretty homicidal too. Was it genetic among women in his family or something? He sincerely hoped his daughter, assuming he'd have one, would not inherit those tendencies. After all, he was not that brutal, right? Right?

"Yo." Grave approached the remaining members of the party after he spied them, noting Valencia's less than perfect state. "Good to see you're looking well today." He said to Roy, before glancing at Valencia. "And, uh... Good morning, I guess?" He felt a little confused here - what do you say to someone who looks like shit and obviously should not have even tried to wake up before afternoon? "Well, glad to see you're both alright... Er, mostly alright. Sorry about the delay, I had to speak with Envy and Club for a bit."