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SIM Loli [FreakilyCharming] Teaching Feeling 〜奴隷との生活〜 / Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling- (RJ162718)

Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Where can i find mods for this game that is not chinese (English/Japanese)? Be it costume or otherwise.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

So how does the drug-making work?

I worked out how to make libido enhancers and aphrodisiacs, but when you brew tea, all you do it put the raw flowers in them, so what's the point in using flowers to make drugs?

edit: nevermind, the option to use it appears directly after I post, as usual.
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Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

I was thinking about Ray go to Patreon.....
Just thinking
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Wow this game still number 1 ? :D
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

am i wrong or is 1.20 out?
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Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

I got totally confused by his stance.
He admits piracy occurs in Japan, aknowledges that there players from outside of Japan that bougth the game, but cocnludes that non-japanese players are not to be trusted.

He also seems to conclude that the translation only runs in pirated versions of the game, somehow, and shows displeasure in the fact that there were translations made for his game.

I like his work and have to admit there is quite a lot of effort in it, and piracy really is bad.

But he seems a bit xenophobic to me.

I downloaded it from a japanese site (I can't buy the game, as european). Soooooo.... And if I was him I will instantly contact the translator and offer a collaboration for international release. But whatever, I worked with japanese coders, they are out of any marketing world.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Could someone please teach me how to play this game? No matter what I do sylvie die from getting a cold. Is this how the game suppose to end? No choice?

How can I unlock more scenes? So far all I have are touch options, go out, pet on head, talk. These are all that I've experienced so far. Yet I see people talked about various scenes.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Could someone please teach me how to play this game? No matter what I do sylvie die from getting a cold. Is this how the game suppose to end? No choice?

How can I unlock more scenes? So far all I have are touch options, go out, pet on head, talk. These are all that I've experienced so far. Yet I see people talked about various scenes.

Just stop being a dick with her, this game is created to be a "vanilla" story or almost "romantic" where you find a girl destroyed by a life of torments and you will show her the "happy" side of the life for the first time... or something like that... lol

Just take care of her when she'll get a cold, Pet her, let her eat the same thighs that you eat, and especially don't rape her at the start (the touch her bottom) just wait when she'll offer herself to you.

At the moment there are any option for do "bad things" to her (except the rape at the start) the author tried to implement beating off her or something like that but i think he give up (at the last for the moment)
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Just stop being a dick with her, this game is created to be a "vanilla" story or almost "romantic" where you find a girl destroyed by a life of torments and you will show her the "happy" side of the life for the first time... or something like that... lol

.... that sex addict progression rubs me the wrong way. MAKE THE WEDDING FANON CANON ALREADY!
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

.... that sex addict progression rubs me the wrong way. MAKE THE WEDDING FANON CANON ALREADY!

Would be nice.... This game have a lot of potential... i just wish that author will not waste it
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Would be nice.... This game have a lot of potential... i just wish that author will not waste it

He already made bank from the game going viral, so I doubt he's going to bother.

Still kind of pisses me off to see this game hit number 1 in all time downloads on DLSite when there's very little content to justify it compared to other more fleshed out games.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

He already made bank from the game going viral, so I doubt he's going to bother.

Still kind of pisses me off to see this game hit number 1 in all time downloads on DLSite when there's very little content to justify it compared to other more fleshed out games.

Well most games in Dlsite are generic carbon copies but this one really isnt that great, you get a abused girl, take care of her and eventually make her you waifu....is a history that its already told so i dunno how this got number 1 :p a jap thing i guess.

got them its the outfits ITS ALWAYS THE OUTFITS.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

99% DLSite Maniax is rpgmaker stuff you pay with actual money for low content. Here you have an original game, original art, and even a girl can play it without feeling abused/cheated. You don't need skill, you can play the pace you want, so it's perfect even for casual gamers. The game have a very large audience.

Add the crown icons and sell scores and more people will give a try.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Well most games in Dlsite are generic carbon copies but this one really isnt that great, you get a abused girl, take care of her and eventually make her you waifu....is a history that its already told so i dunno how this got number 1 :p a jap thing i guess.

got them its the outfits ITS ALWAYS THE OUTFITS.

While I agree the "show the abused girl love" thing isn't new at all, it's actually very rare to find a game featuring an already mind broken girl and bringing her close to normality again. Even more so, usually games about abused girls, the girls don't have any visual scars though you might see a bruise here or there. This one features very visible and painful looking scars that in some strange way actually make you see just how adorable she would be without them which makes you feel for her more.

Also....those damn eyes. I swear the dev coded in some hypnosis code in them. They are too damn beautiful.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

While I agree the "show the abused girl love" thing isn't new at all, it's actually very rare to find a game featuring an already mind broken girl and bringing her close to normality again. Even more so, usually games about abused girls, the girls don't have any visual scars though you might see a bruise here or there. This one features very visible and painful looking scars that in some strange way actually make you see just how adorable she would be without them which makes you feel for her more.

Also....those damn eyes. I swear the dev coded in some hypnosis code in them. They are too damn beautiful.

Scars + Petting the head + eyes + totally submissive attitude of the girl, Is the combo killer of this game i think
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Update is up on Eng Dlsite. Extra content and bug fixes apparently.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

While I agree the "show the abused girl love" thing isn't new at all, it's actually very rare to find a game featuring an already mind broken girl and bringing her close to normality again. Even more so, usually games about abused girls, the girls don't have any visual scars though you might see a bruise here or there. This one features very visible and painful looking scars that in some strange way actually make you see just how adorable she would be without them which makes you feel for her more.

Also....those damn eyes. I swear the dev coded in some hypnosis code in them. They are too damn beautiful.

You may be right. Those puppy eyes are irresistible. If someone asks me to jump off a bridge while looking at me with those eyes I probably will jump off a bridge.