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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja did not even wait for Fiera to "approve" of her choice to leave her and go to pursue Amber. Sonja after all was basically waiting for this moment ever since the start where Amber would try to run from them. Though kind of thankful that Amber did not outright turn on them when there was a minor little skirmish, Sonja could still feel that air of betrayal from Amber.

Sonja starts off to chase down Amber with the intent of simply taking her to the ground like a cop chasing a robber down the street. What happened next however were she able to do so.. Maybe not what cops do to robbers. The mere thought of what she was going to do to Amber started to bring a coy smile across her face. Though all of this would simply be a dream were she not able to ever catch up to her in the first place.

(Sonja above all else wants to run down Amber, so she will in every way possible attempt to do so over anything else.)
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sorry about this, I was sure I had posted but it turns out I had missed it entirely. Derp.

Fiera happily kept up her flames, though frowned a bit as the carpeted floor started to get all curny. "Huh. Starting to get some deja vu. Better hurry this up before we get screwed."

Fiera huffed and moved forward as she concentrated, hoping to speed up her destruction enough to clear it out faster. She wanted to run back, grab more of her prize before running to catch up to her servants.

After all, they would need to wait out the fire somewhere cool and stonier. Maybe downstairs, or that kitchen. Or wherever all the corpse puppets came from.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera takes 1 damage from smoke and loses 1 ep for upkeep
Fiera: HP = 50/51, PP = 61, EP = 34/52, Status = choking
Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Incinerating her enemies Fiera soon found nothing left to barbecue and soon enough was appreciative that she was at lest resistant to heat as the floor began to catch the walls and thick black smoke filled the air choking her. Meanwhile as Fiera fried the undead Sonja dashed into the room that Amber had run into. Her she found much to her disappointment the rogue holding the other door open. "Come one hurry this place is gonna become an inferno soon!" Already smoke had started waft in. Thankfull the room they were in was big enough that it wasn't an issue yet.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera grinned as she finished her task, but coughed a bit from the smoke. Blegh, this was the worst part. She decided to do what she could to preserve her prizes, running back and hurriedly grabbing as many of the books as she could before running back out the way the others were, shutting the door on the way to hopefully ensure that the flame would not get inside at the books.

Maybe she hadn't thought this through enough, but well, it was what it was now. Now she just had to make sure they lived to get out with their prizes. Maybe she could study these books and learn how to make a new better castle! Or turn into queen of the tables! Or maybe conjure a bunch of money or make dragons or something. Wouldn't know til she studied them.

Hopefully her servants were okay.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

After following Amber, with the intent of stopping her from getting away, Sonja was almost befuddled by Amber seemingly waiting for her to catch up. In the meantime she had lost track of where Fiera was, so the only real logical thing to do was to continue on with Amber.

The though process was still the same, do not let Amber get away. Hopefully Fiera would be able to take care of herself for a little while. Sonja did not really want to think of what would happen were she to let Amber escape alone.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera takes 2 damage from smoke
Amber and Sonja take 1 damage from smoke
Fiera: HP = 48/51, PP = 61, EP = 34/52, Status = choking
Sonja: HP = 70/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = choking

As the fires caught even more of the damp mess the smoke got thicker. Thankfully it hadn't obscured anyone's vision yet. Rushing back the way she game Fiera shut the door the study before rounding the corner and threw the door that Amber and Sonja had gone threw.

Meanwhile Sonja's chase denied she caught up with Amber at the door. "Where's Fiera?" As the two waited a moment the smoke got thicker causing both to cough. Thankfully they didn't have to wait long as Fiera burst threw the far door in a billow of smoke her red glowing form looking quite demonic. Next to her Amber whimpered but held her ground.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja was not really sure what to do here. Maybe it was just all the smoke that was filling the area that was getting to her a bit.

Fiera surely had to have some idea of what was going on, and Amber looked like she was ready to head for the exit with or without the others. So the plan was to simply keep on keeping on. Amber was likely to try to get away again, and Sonja would do everything she could to prevent this until told otherwise by Fiera.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Coughing a bit, Fiera got what she wanted at least, hurrying back after her servants. Fortunately they weren't too far ahead.

"Okay so I may have gotten a little zealous with the fire again, happens sometimes, low blood sugar, not enough sleep, zombies fault not mine. Now smoke always goes up, and the way back outside is on fire so our only real safe choice to avoid the flames is to move back down a level til it burns itself out. Unless you have better plans? Meantime, let's get low so we can stop choking!"

Fiera flops to the ground beneath the smoke so she can breathe better. "Better for now. Anyways we better hurry. Everything is really damp and mildewy so the fire should stop pretty fast anyways, but it can still roast you two. Hopefully that room is secure enough to not get damaged much with the door closed now. Now, ideas or running, choose now!"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Crouching low Amber looked at the duo. "The exit is not blocked yet we can still get out. If we go down there is a chance ceiling could collapse and we would be stuck below." Amber was looking fidgety the combination of fire and thoughts of being stuck clearly working the girl over. Crouched low the girls were fine from the smoke but it was clear it was getting thicker and soon being down low wouldn't do anything for them.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja still basically kept herself in a position where she could monitor Amber. Though as for what they would do:"Fiera, what are we gonna do now?"

Sonja has no relevant opinion on which way they should go.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera listens to Amber and muses a bit. Sonja had no opinion, and she didn't have much time to mull it over. Best not to get collapsed on. She really didn't want to lose those other books but well, she got several at least, it'd have to do.

"Alright let's go for the way out, I don't like being squishied. Hop to it girls, fire demons first! Least that way if I accidently wander into a fire storm I might live. Alright go go go!," says Fiera, getting up and heading for the way out quick as she could.

"Gah, smoke. Don't drop anything now, and we'll be paid in spades! Cmon cmon, here hold my whip in your teeth so we don't get split up in the fog!"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera takes 4 damage from smoke
Amber and Sonja take 4 damage from smoke
Amber takes 3 damage from the heat.
Fiera: HP = 42/51, PP = 61, EP = 34/52, Status = choking
Sonja: HP = 66/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = choking

Surprisingly or not Amber did not take the whip into her mouth but followed quickly after Fiera. Sonja of course followed after Amber still suspecting betrayal at any moment. Moving to the stairs the girls where bombarded with both smoke and heat. Fiera was fine of course due to her demonic nature and Sonja was sheltered due to the token that Fiera had granted her. Amber however bore the full effect her skin redding as it was burned. Thankfully it looked minor. All three however where hit with the smoke which had gotten thicker due to the delay but for the most part they managed to leave the ruin. Clearing their lungs of smoke the whole group heard loud crash as the remains of the building they were on shook slightly.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera, regardless of her whip held or not, lead the way through the smoke, coughing a bit. The heat wasn't so bad for them, but poor Amber hadn't been inured against it like Sonja had. She'd have to fix that later.

They finally emerged into the building above the ruins, Fiera breathing the cool air in with mixture of distaste and relieve. Smoke sucked, cold sucked, but she preferred not asphyxiating.

"For the record, I blame the zombies entirely for any discomfort caused to us and take no responsibility for any fire damage.," she declared.

Then the building started to shake.

"Okay, okay I'll take a little responsibility! Damn earth spirits! And on that note, the building is collapsing, run away, demons and cabbages first!"

Fiera then ran down the stairs, carrying her loot as she went, and hoping Amber still had everything too. She shoulda got Sonja to grab stuff too. Oh well.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

(Throwaway post incoming!)

Sonja although protected somewhat from fire, still certainly had an issue with being unable to breathe much less really being able to see from all the smoke that had been produced.

So much so that her only real objective was to attempt to keep both of them within her sights so that she would not get left behind or become more lost than the other two may become in all of this.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Free of the smoke and in the clean air again the trio took in fresh breath and coughed to clear their lungs. Then the building started to shake as a floor began to collapse. All three regardless of their motives cleared the structure before the floor they had been on buckled sealing anything left below. Sitting down Amber sighed and took out the loot. "Okay Feira here are your books." Standing the girl tried to straighten herself out before pulling an extra shirt from her bag and wearing it. "Thank you for your help and sorry for attacking you both earlier. May your travels go well." Turning the girl began to walk away.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja could almost visibly start to jitter once Amber turned her back to Fiera and her. It was obvious that she did not want Amber to just up and leave however it was not her decision when all was said and done.

Sonja trying not to be too obvious, tried to whisper toward Fiera:

"Shall I stop her?"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera glances to Sonja once they got out, sighing in relief. "Aw man, we lost those extra books. Ah well, I have lead us to freedom, and my chef got her reward and we got some books at least! Sonja, get the books okay?"

She looked over as Amber left the books and started to leave, Fiera hurrying over to catch her herself. "Hey, hey hold on a sec!"

Once she caught up, she looked Amber over. "Look, you wanna bring the telescope back, and that makes sense but that means you know someone with money who will sell things. I need a place to sell my books and all, so how about we travel together, and you can cook me dinner and I can clear the smoke from your lungs! Plus you're alone on the roads with bandits and all sorts of nasty crazy critters around! There's safety in numbers."

She gave Amber one of her winning smiles, putting her hands behind her back and shifting a foot, making full use of her disarming appearance best she could. "Cmon, you've got nothing to lose, and you might even enjoy having company that isn't planning to sell you or some nonsense. Those scum deserved what they got. And once we get to your buyer, we can part ways if you really want, right?"

She did not mention that Sonja clearly had an obsessive crush on the treasure hunter, but that'd probably play out nicely. Fiera really needed a meal too though so Sonja would tend to her less frequent duties first.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Amber paused a moment considering the offer. "Okay safety in numbers sounds good, but I'm not a cook. I'm a treasure hunter." Amber eyed both of them a moment before turning back to help them sort their gear and salvage whatever was left from her previous party members. Once that was all set the rogue looked to the sky, shading her eyes. "We can make some good progress back to the buyer so lets get moving." Taking the lead Amber would head off on a rather fresh path no doubt cut by her and the others the other day. For the most part it was pleasant and peaceful but as darkness began to fall Amber stopped to make camp.

Sonja and Feira receive 2xp
30 denari each for the random loot (silverware, non-magical books)
Feira has two magic books worth 60 denari each if sold. (Basics of nature magic, Basics of water magic)
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera has Specialisation with water as forbidden school. I assume that'd make the water book useless for her?

Fiera tilted her head but nodded as she followed her new treasure hunter along the path, humming happily. It was nice to be under the sky again. Her hunger bugged her but she figured she could wait for now.

Eventually they stopped to make camp and Fiera flopped down with a content sigh. "Ooof, much better. A decent haul and we can check things out and stuff. Guess I should tell you know though, Amber. I'm a fire demon, but I sometimes gotta be a succubus instead. I'm not the forceful type, but does mean that I'll probably play with Sonja some. You're welcome to join in and share the fun and the drain a bit, but that's your choice. There's no side effects or anything if you do though and it let's me be all fiery and stuff. Though I might be learning naturey magics later too!"

She smiled at Amber a bit before setting her stuff aside a moment and looking to Sonja. "You too tired to tend to your duties? We can save it for tommorow."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

I kinda figured the water magic book was going to be sold, my character has no current desire to learn magical shenanigans

In other news, I do not remember if I have the visual reference for this character anymore

"Hmm, I might just sleep better tonight so do as you will, Fiera. I dont mind sharing, so if Amber wants to play too that is fine by me."

Sonja muses as she just simply lays herself down in preparation. Fiera never seemed to like it when Sonja were on top for some reason. Sonja would start to undo the armor covering her chest at this point. Maybe taking a different tact toward Amber would illicit a more favorable response from her, though Sonja was admittedly pretty bad with general interactions with other people. Fiera being "in control" just works out best at the end of the day as far as Sonja is concerned.