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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera nods, listening to Ambers take on it. "I don't blame you for being leery. This place kinda reminds me of home. I liked home, but there were flaws and all, and this place has em in spades."

Fiera stood up when Amber did and watched the man who evidently had kept those mercenaries. Fiera shrugged with a smile, "I'm Lady Fiera, not creature. As for your men, yes, tragic, but those are the risks of going into ancient ruins. Never know what sort of aliens or other monsters are waiting. But given the whole let's sell Amber into slavery and run off with the reward ourselves deal, seems to me that it did you a favor. After all, such disloyal men were just as likely to not bring back your ladies prize and abandon everything, for their own gain, hm? Or get preyed on by the giant wasps on the way back."

She watched the man carefully. She'd hoped that she would have a much more respectful welcome, but it seemed she'd need to be very aware here. Fiddlesticks. Well, if all else failed, she could light it on fire, steal everything with Amber and run off with even more loot. Pity Sonja wasn't here to watch her back though.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

As Fiera spoke the man raised his eyebrow. "My apologies Mil Lady. To find one of such grace and beauty in the company of such a ruffian.. Well can you forgive my assumptions." The man gave a bow his eyes lusting on Fiera's form. "Its tragic about the men, but alas good help is hard to find. If there is something you desire let me know and if its within my power I shall grant it to you." Bowing once more the man moved to inspect the telescope, muttering to himself before turning to Amber. "Sadly Amber my dear the item is not as valuble as I thought. It seems to be gold plated not solid gold." Amber's mouth dropped before she closed it up again. With a sly seedy grin the man spoke again. "It seems you'll have to stay on just a little longer."

Meanwhile Sonja was having a conversation with the smiths wife. She seemed pleasant enough and after some negotiating and a few denari later Sonja had access to the forge while Nadly took her husband out for a nice meal. Locking up the store proper the woman and her husband left leaving the workshop forge open for her to use. She also found out that no doubt the guard captain would be at the bar most likely with his favorite whore.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Ah there it was. Sycophants. Now she couldn't deny she enjoyed being gushed over from time to time. Minor exaggerations of her vast beauty were always welcome. But when they came from behind false smiles, especially ones that hid fangs and daggers, that was something else entirely. She could accept some flattery, but this was a real snake clearly. But she had to play the game it seems.

"Do not think much of it, my usual bodyguard has wandered off it seems and shall be disciplined. Amber was of much assistance in ensuring we got what we came for.," says Fiera, waving off his missteps with a bored grace.

With his statements about the telescope, Fiera started thinking. He was probably cheating her. Calling him out on it directly might be a bit much. That said though...

"Just how much is it worth to you then, good sir? I enjoy such trinkets and if it's so dross perhaps I'll purchase it from you.," smiles Fiera, "Surely you'd be remiss to bring a false trinket before your mistress then hm?"

Oh two could play this game. And besides, now she could ogle the sun some more if it really did get to her cheap. In either case she could see about getting herself an Amber... If her debt wasn't paid, well then...
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Being able to finally fix her armor properly, Sonja would get right to it. After speaking to the woman, it would seem the captain of the guard would be at the bar given what time of day it was. The woman identified herself as Nadly, and once the deal was made she would take her husband out for a meal. The armor was easy enough to fix, now that Sonja had the proper tools available to her.

Thinking a bit on it, Sonja might want to try to buy a proper forging hammer if she could. Fiera could certainly provide a fire if needed so the idea might just work? Nothing could really be done about it now, since the pair had already left her to the forge. Just a passing idea for when they might be back.

The next step for Sonja now that her armor was fixed, would be to head over to the bar. The captain was there given that almost everyone Sonja asked confirmed it. They even went so far as to basically describe the lady of the night that would be his likely companion while he was there. Likely not a difficult person to find.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Feira began her work and while it was an easy repair she still needed to do it right or it would just break again. After an hour or so she managed to fix the damaged area and replace the leather strap. The repair was still very warm to the touch but wearable. Placing the tools back up and leaving she passed the smith and his wife. The woman gave her a little wave. Speaking with them if she wanted they soon parted letting Sonja head for the tavern. The tavern called Hair of the Dog was a two story building grey building and in poor condition. Once inside she could see a few of the regulars drinking at tables scattered around the room. A worn bar had a greasy looking man wiping down dirty glasses with an even dirtier rag. Above on the balcony stood a couple of frazzled woman in poor makeup. From one of the rooms a distinctive sound of moaning could be heard.

Meanwhile Fiera stood as this man turned his complete attention to her. "Alas it would take to long to acquire another and my daughter would be very disappointed if I sent this away. However I will not give it the value that was assumed when she did her research. Given that it is rare and pretty enough I shall knock off 100 denari from your debt Amber. That is more than fair given how much Cecllia likes you." Amber just chewed her lower lip her eyes moving quickly as she made calculations in her head. Reaching her conclusion the girl visible slumped which made the man grin. "No worries my dear I will not charge you room and board for the week sense you suffered so. Now go to the training hall and let your betters speak. Besides Penalope has some more training for you." At this Amber shivered visible which seemed to fill the man with a little glee. So now then Lady Fiera lets discuss your reward....."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Darn. Worth a shot, and hey maybe she helped Amber a little. And a reward hm? Let's see what she could wriggle. Maybe she could get her an Amber out of it.

"Ah yes. Well, I do enjoy many things...," says Fiera absently, watching Amber move. Let him come to the conclusion himself. Ugh, it'd be soooo much easier just to light the whole place on fire. Honestly she'd rather have it all herself. But one couldn't just kill a noble and take their place. She already tried that a long time ago.

Well either way, she was going to get her Amber. And maybe she'll get to take this place for herself eventually. Oh the fun to be had then. Would need fire proofing.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would leave the pair to run off and do what it was that they were planning to do with little more than a wave and a bow of the head in thanks of being able to finally fix her armor to get rid of those annoying edges and the strap that was just bothering her to no end. With the immediate task taking around an hour or so now complete, it was time to get a meeting with the captain of the guard.

The tavern had a sign out front, "Hair of the Dog". From the looks of it, this dog could use a good washing and that was just for starters. The building itself was in about as good a condition as the rest of the town, which was to say it was in a poor condition at best. A two story building, it would seem that the drinking was done on the bottom floor and by the sounds of it, other activities were taking place on the top floor of the bar.

No one on the bar floor looked like they were a captain of the guard, or any kind of guard for that matter. So it would seem that there were two ways to do this. Either go up and investigate or wait it out and see what would happen next. Judging by the person's rank, interrupting him would likely not go well. So Sonja would wait in the bar and see what would end up happening.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera eyed Amber as she went the rogue even in this state giving her butt a slight sexy sway. Her attention was noticed and a slight eyebrow raised at the sight. "I see you find our little thief attractive? I suppose I could sell her debt to you for the right price of course." The man had a sly grin on his face hinting that any price he gave her would be far too inflated.

Sonja waited taking a seat at the bar. The bartender looked at her a moment before reaching down and pulling out an actually clean glass. "What can I getcha?" Answering how she would she would find that after about 20 minutes a man would exit the top floor bedroom. Her wore a uniform similar to the guards at the manor but with a few added frills. He wasn't too attractive and by the looks of it won his power and respect threw force. As he left the man pulled up his trousers hinting at his large cock still bulging from his encounter with the lady who stayed in the room. Moving to the bar he slapped down 10 denari and gave the bartender a gruff command. "My usual Rick and damn buy some better makeup for the whores. They probably scare off more men then they attract with that garish paint on their face.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would get herself a glass of what she figured to be the standard issue beer. Figuring a single glass would not really do much to her one way or the other. What felt like maybe 15-30 minutes would pass by when someone who certainly looked the part of being the captain of the guard would come downstairs. Looking the part was about the most it would be as it was only the uniform that looked halfway decent.

As he moved to the bar, he would say something to the bartender and this was the opportune moment as it were for Sonja to get his attention.

"If you are the captain of the guard, I am here to answer your post on the board about the bandits."

Simply opting to be blunt and straight to the point, Sonja would get an answer from this man.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Yeah she figured as much. She'd considered buying up her debt. But she had a bargaining chip. "Mmm, oh but I'm not carrying much liquid funds on me. It's never wise to travel with all that weight you know. But I think I can offer you a good deal instead.," smiles Fiera, "You have a giant wasp nest nearby, very big, very aggressive. They foolishly attempted to lay their hands, so to speak, on my servant and amber. So I annihilated them. But I won't always be here after all, and who knows how much damage they might do to your man power. Especially after losing a whole group earlier. So why don't I go burn your little problem away and in exchange you'll give me her debt. I mean, I would think not under threat of massive insects is more than enough for one girl."

Plus they hurt her feelings, so she was going to fry em. Though maybe they'd have treasures she could take too. Or honey to eat. She could go for some honey. Ooo, maybe she could be the new bee queen! Maybe they got tieras! She could go for a nice tiera. Oh but those were usually gold, they tended to melt onto her head... Hm. Well she could wear it as a shoulderband or something.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The man lost his sly grin taking on a more serious look. "Giant wasps you say." He frowned looking a way a moment thinking before nodding slightly and turning back to Fiera. "That could work. Giant wasps are a major threat to the peasants and if left unchecked breed rapidly. You have a deal but.. Im sending someone with you to make sure the job is done. No worries about his skill he is after all my personal bodyguard. Once the task is finished you can have the little thief but not before." He smiled but the expression was more sinister than friendly. "After all I do like to attend to her personal training myself."

Meanwhile at The Hair of the Dog Sonja addressed who she assumed was the guard captain. Her assumption thankfully turned out to be true. The man looked at her a moment before he smiled. "Like her Rick damn she is fine." Clearing her throat the man relented. "The bandits you say.. well yes I do recall a posting on the board. 10 denari per scalp if i recall after all they are dangerous. But why would a pretty thing like you risk yourself?"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Of course, I wouldn't expect otherwise. Just make sure he can cover me and we're golden. Numbers are fairly meaningless against me.," smiles Fiera with a wink. She shrugs a bit at his statement with a lazy smile. "Just don't traumatize the poor girl on me, or ruin her, I'd like to apply my own training at some point and it'd be rather unfortunate to find out I'd been given damaged goods for my hard work. Or half the fun of the training has been already taken from me."

She stretched a bit before looking about. "Anyhow, someone who can track might be of use as well. I know where the wasps hunting grounds are but I don't know where the hive itself is. A map might work as well if you'd let us borrow one."

Yup, definitely scum. But unless she wanted to burn her way through all the people around and nice things and maybe still not get Amber, well... force just was not feasible here. Plus factoring the usual demon quotient meant it'd get messy in short order, especially when the inquisitors showed their face.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

(Presuming here "Rick" is the bartender?)

Sonja seemingly guessed right that the biggest pig in the place would of course be the captain of the guard. Barely even finished with the woman he just had, it would become rather obvious that he was more interested in Sonja's body than her talents in battle.

"You are right, those bandits probably are a waste of my time. Though unless you have something more challenging, that will have to do for now. Just let me know where they are generally seen, and I should be able to thin them out pretty good."

Completely dismissive of this so called "captain", Sonja would not even really answer his question. There was simply no manner or method of attraction that Sonja had toward this glorified puppet. In all seriousness, Fiera and her could probably do a better job of running this town. Though it would be doubtful that Fiera would want to start with this dreck filled village.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The man frowned "Humm but breaking them is the fun part. But sense a deal is a deal she shall be yours. I will send my man out shortly he is currently attending to another matter and should be back with in the hour. I suggest you head to the Golden thread its a higher scale establishment for travailing merchants. Tell them Lord Vesterban sent you and as payment for your stay that his tax... issue will be cleared. As for a map my man will bring one along."

The man shrugged at Sonja's apparent dismissive attitude to him. "Yeah yeah they are general seen west of town." With that the man turned back to his drink leaving Sonja to her own matters. If she recalled correctly her and Fiera had entered the town from the west and the only thing they had seen were giant wasps.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"I appreciate that. I'll ensure your wasps are little more than ashes and memories then. Thank you for the hospitality. Perhaps we can do further business at a later date.," smiles Fiera, "Until then, your lordship."

With that in mind she got up to go find this Golden Thread, heading to leave the grounds. It was progress indeed. If he kept his word, she'd continue being amiable. If he crossed her, she'd take what she wanted and then some. For now though she'd need to find her wayward bodyguard. It was bath time after all, and she could use a nibble from someone before going on a firey rampage through a hive.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would just dismiss this "captain" as a fool.

"I came from the west and all that was in that direction were wasps. Though I might as well head off that way anyway as those wasps are trouble all the same."

As a sign of defiance toward this so called captain, Sonja would walk right into whatever it was that he may have in store for her. Thinking that it was at worst some manner of trap or at best simply nothing, she would bring back the wings of the wasps to taunt this gutless swine. Leaving the tavern, Sonja would notice something familiar off in the distance. That "hair" could only belong to one person, so it would seem that whatever business she had was concluded at this point.

Certainly not the first time they would have split up to do seperate things so that they could get it all done faster, Sonja would at least see what Fiera was going to be up to before heading back out to annihilate these wasps. If she happened to stumble across these bandits as well it would certainly be a bonus for collecting on that particular bounty.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"What ever is your fancy sweet cheeks." The captain would chuckle and get several more from other men in the room. Deciding to leave the pig of a captain Sonja managed to catch the fire hair of Fiera. There could be no doubt to who that was.

Fiera left the manor a particular bad taste in her mouth. Still they had come to an agreement and in short order would be off to get herself an Amber. Of course she would need to find Sonja again. No way was she just going to trust the man the Lord forced her into taking on. After all look what happened to Amber. Rounding a corner Fiera found a very well maintained inn with a large attached barn and stables. The inn building itself was a three story affair made of stone and wood. Numerous windows adorned its golden facade, each adorned with a small flower box full of white roses. The grounds around the inn were well kept and surrounded by a low wall to keep the riff raff out. Eyeing the place she noticed Sonja had reappeared and was heading up to her.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera looked the building over, musing. Looked nice. Wonder why there was a barn. Stables sure. Curious. Definitely pretty. It'd probably burn pretty too. Her thoughts were interrupted by noticing Sonja. Well that saved time!

"Hey! Soooo, Amber's basically a slave so in order to get her on as a servent we need to wipe out the wasps. So we're gonna wait here for a guide and some extra muscle so we can find the hive, then go do that.," says Fiera, hopping over to Sonja, gesturing to the building.

She then marched her way up and into the building, imagining she was about to get quite the welcome.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would spot Fiera, and in turn Fiera would seemingly spot her all the same. Meeting up in the middle they would seem to have a little conversation.

"Interesting, I was at the bar and discovered the guard is pretty useless. At least the captain of the guard was. I would not expect much help on that end.

Other than that I saw a little side contract for some bandits that was open. The contract said that there were bandits to the west. I don't quite get it since that was the way we came from and there were wasps that way, right?

Figure if we can bring a few heads back for the 10 gold bounty per while we are out there?"

Of course the decision was up to Fiera, but it was almost comedic to Sonja that they were waiting for extra help for something as easy as dealing with a few wasps.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Chatting a bit the duo entered the the hotel. Upon crossing the threshold they were met by a portly man in his early forties. He greeted them warmly until he fully took in Fiera. "Oh..... my....." Stunned only for a moment the man began to speak quickly. "Surely I still have time the lord gave me a full month to pay the taxes. Please don't take my daughter away!" From around the corner they heard a feminine voice call out "Heavens mercy!" Followed by the clattering of a try hitting the wood floor. Turning her head she saw an older woman probably the hotel keepers wife.