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Games Discussion Thread


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm on 360, but do to my generally odd hours of operation and the fact that I'm EST there may be concerns. I know I've had Wonderboy's tag for a few weeks and we've yet to play once; I may have seen him online at some point.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

If anyone on the 360 needs help, be free to hit me up. Just PM me your gamertag and I'll add you. Then we can just breeze through some matches with me tossing everything about like a ragdoll. Bonus points if you get the reference.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm up for some multiplayer fun as well, XBL tag is ArtemisWingate.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm on the PC, so not sure if we can connect. Also, I'm not sure if 2 people are enough. Either way, I'll probably play Infiltrator - though at level 1, it probably doesn't matter if I change my class.
Unfortunately there isn't any cross-platform multiplayer, just keep at it and you'll find a match. I know alot of people shun infiltrators because most don't really work too well with others, just trying to get as many kills as they can, and unlike the vanguards they can't tank the entire enemy force. I was quite displeased with the way a good vanguard can almost solo a match before, but frankly I don't care anymore, you don't get money from kills, and you get a decent chunk of xp for clearing the match.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yay people playing online! My XB gamertag is simply "Simen Reynolds" hit me up if you wanna play, I do live in Norway though, so you might not see me online that much.

Also, about the petition for endings:
I don't have a problem what so ever with Shepard dying, or that the ending is sad, my problem is that all the choices are pretty much the same, much of what happens in the last 15 minutes are against ME canon, and last but probably most prominent.

None of the endings make any fucking sense, or tell you anything about the results of your actions.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

What are you guys talking about? I stuck to my guns and killed every motherfucking reaper, and their faggot child leader. And I survived the explosion/ re-entry of the citidel. Serisouly, I got a scene where you see the N7 logo on an armored torso and dogtags, then just before it cuts off the person (my shep was the only person I've ever seen with the N7 logo on his armor) takes a breath. Some closure on the galaxy at large would have been nice though.


Grim Reaper
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I really hated that they pulled the same ending as Deus Ex HR. I didn't like it there, and I don't like it here. You mean to tell me that in spite of all the choices I've made thus far I can pick any ending, regardless of how much sense it'll make for the character? Fantastic. You've devalued the atmosphere you just spent all that time building.
Taking a closer look, it's more like the first Deus Ex game endings.

Still, still, guys, I've solved the riddle. Now everythings makes sense and I'm finally happy.

Remember how ME1 and ME2 hints at alot of stuff for the ME3 ending but ME3 just forgets about them?

Just reading now through wikipedia and such.... , the ME1 and ME2 lead writer, didn't work on ME3. So... yeah. His original trilogy ending was scrapped. By his ME1 and ME2 serion writer, now lead writer in ME3, Mac Walters.

Problem solved! Let us lynch that asshole!

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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mass Effect 3 endings are IMO one of the worst pieces of story- writing I think I have ever seen...

That is the only ending in which Shepard survives, but on my playthrough that meant killing the geth, and EDI, which I didn't want. One of the problems here, is that no matter what choices you make during the 3 games, you will always end up with the same "Choose red, green or blue." And mostly the endings are the same. There is also of course the problem of the enormous alien fleet that is now in Sol, and many of those aliens can't eat our food, so they will all starve... So with a fleet of millions of starving aliens centered around Earth. Said aliens hate each others guts, but came together to fight the reapers, and now the reapers are gone. It sounds to me like Sol is in a bad position.

My main problem with this is still the lack of choice and the complete change in character for Shepard.

There are actually more reasons the endings suck, but I'm too tired to write them all down.

Rule 34

Rule 34

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh my god, I completely forgot about the Conduit! Seriously! You need to get people on the Citadel even though it's locked down? Well how about the central part of the entire first game you fucking jackasses! I don't think there'd be any Reapers hanging out around Ilos. You'd need, what, one ship full of people to get there? Gah! The more I think about it, the stupider it gets!

Also, is an article elegantly summing up all legit complaints people have about the ending.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Problem solved! Let us lynch that asshole!

Haha, yeah that's usually what happens when the apprentice takes charge, drops a giant duece on the master's work and offers it up as a masterpiece.

Also, I was waiting for the gurren lagann refrences to start. TBH They should have replaced EVERYTHING after
the reaper beam
with gurren lagann's ending. Just straight up ripped it off, didn't even bother changing any of the dialoge to fit or make sense, and I would've ate it up, then I'd have asked them if I could give them more money.

The way things stand now, I won't be giving bioware another cent EVAR!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

My intuition tells me that this needn't necessarily be Bioware's fault. After all Electronic Arts is the publisher here. Either they were rushed or it got changed mid-way, like I am Legend or something.

Also, a highly hyped game like ME3, the end of a trilogy at that, was bound to disappoint people.

Still struggling whether to buy it ...
Rule 34

Rule 34

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay, you know what? I can't keep bitching about Mass Effect 3 non-stop. I just got so upset by the ending that I never got around to say how good the game actually is. The , for one, is absolutely fantastic. Combat is smoother and more varied than in the previous games, and I'm sure slicer was delighted to see the large variety of guns - as was I, my favourite being the Krogan spike thrower shotgun. The characters and writing (except for the ending) are, as always for Bioware games, excellent and your choices feel like they have an impact, more than once testing your morality. Even though it's an open-galaxy game, it never fails to give you a sense of urgency even while doing scans, as the Reapers could show up every moment to fuck your shit up. Granted, the setback for getting caught could've been bigger, but still. There are fewer side missions (actually playable levels) than in either 1 or 2, but it fits in my opinion. You don't have time for fixing other people's diminutive problems while millions die on Earth every day. "What, your sun shield went down and you're too lazy to send an engineer up there? Of course I'll fix it, as soon as I've dealt with the minor problem of the galaxy being eaten by alien bug ships." There is enough variety in the missions to be sastisfying, from stopping Cerberus from kidnapping humanity's brightest and most talented kids to clearing out a cave right out of Alien.

To sum it up: Good combat, good writing, excellent characters, excellent atmosphere, few, but satisfying side missions, great pay-off for your trouble during the final battles, messed up as fuck ending that'll punch a hole in your heart.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yes, as I said, until the last what? 5 minutes or something, I had ME3 declared as my favorite game of all time.

EDIT: Also, I actually warned a friend of mine, I said: "There is going to be a conversation with Anderson very near the end, it is going to be very touching, and you will marvel once again at how amazing the game is. When this conversation is finished, turn off your console. Trust me. It is the best ending you can get. Just turn it off." Understandably he isn't going to follow my advice, I wouldn't either, because I'm too darned curious, but now I really wish someone had given me that warning and I had followed it.
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Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can certainly agree with the game's quality, I'd give it a 9/10, even if it was a bit short since there's multiplayer to take care of any want for combat you have, but that ending just... I can't ignore it, I won't play the SP again because it's there.
I feel as if the ending completely ruins the game, as if I'd wasted my time making my own shepard and making choices based on my own opinions, maybe I should have just picked the "action" option at the start of the game at least I wouldn't be dissapointed at the lack of an ending. Because really, that's not an ending that's a FUCK YOU THE STORY IS DONE. Also no big boss battle? Really? Because I was expecting something a little more challenging than a bunch of brutes and a couple banshees I could snipe at my leisure from the back of the area. Ohhhhhh maybe the hurtshep with A FUCKING SHIT HANDGUN against a couple husks and a marauder was the end-boss, because I can't stand the recoil/firing rate on the carifex or paladin this was an ungodly painfull experience for me, add in the fact that I went through this part 10 times because I didn't bother to use any of the handguns (I was playing as my ME2 soldier import, as I had figured they still had the shitty weapon restrictions on classes when I started) and you've got the perfect recipe for my hate.

I can't reasonably take off many points for what is a small amount of time, but then again it is arguably the most important/rewarding amount of time in the game. For a public review I'd say a 7/10 because I know the ending will, and has already, bothered alot of people. As for a personal review, usually these are lower because, I have high expectations and realise very few games can deliver so that's why I do two, 5/10.
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Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

....Wow. There is....a Huge amount of buzz over ME3's Ending all over the place o_o;;. I think I'll just buy my copy a bit later. So umm...about that wasteland 2 Kickstarter...Woohoo!


o_o What could this countdown on the page mean?
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

New old school Baldur's Gate? That'd be pretty ballin.


Grim Reaper
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread


Did.....they go Fallout 3 on us?

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RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

One more thing to mention about ME3 that nobody seemed to have mentioned yet...

I dunno bout you guys... But I was getting pretty annoyed midways when I was swapping discs every five minutes...

Now as for the games Greatness... With the staggering amount of enemies they through at me, it makes you feel both tottally unstoppable and completly vulnerable... And leaves you feeling like it's ultimatly been totally worth the effort... Especially if you played through on Insane like I did...

Till you get to the "Trench Run" part... Then starting with the "Wha da fuk? What I do wrong?" It continues throughout the rest of the end-phase... And not even a Military Strength over 7000 could change anything pertaining to the ending...

Slicer said:
I feel as if the ending completely ruins the game, as if I'd wasted my time making my own shepard and making choices based on my own opinions, maybe I should have just picked the "action" option at the start of the game at least I wouldn't be dissapointed at the lack of an ending. Because really, that's not an ending that's a FUCK YOU THE STORY IS DONE. Also no big boss battle? Really? Because I was expecting something a little more challenging than a bunch of brutes and a couple banshees I could snipe at my leisure from the back of the area. Ohhhhhh maybe the hurtshep with A FUCKING SHIT HANDGUN against a couple husks and a marauder was the end-boss, because I can't stand the recoil/firing rate on the carifex or paladin this was an ungodly painfull experience for me, add in the fact that I went through this part 10 times because I didn't bother to use any of the handguns (I was playing as my ME2 soldier import, as I had figured they still had the shitty weapon restrictions on classes when I started) and you've got the perfect recipe for my hate.
Try using that Carnifex against those things with 4 shots to kill the Husks, 1 melee kills you, 8+ shots to kill the Marauder, 2 rounds to kill you... I saw that scene alot more than 10 times...

Wonderboy said:
That is the only ending in which Shepard survives, but on my playthrough that meant killing the geth, and EDI, which I didn't want. One of the problems here, is that no matter what choices you make during the 3 games, you will always end up with the same "Choose red, green or blue." And mostly the endings are the same. There is also of course the problem of the enormous alien fleet that is now in Sol, and many of those aliens can't eat our food, so they will all starve... So with a fleet of millions of starving aliens centered around Earth. Said aliens hate each others guts, but came together to fight the reapers, and now the reapers are gone. It sounds to me like Sol is in a bad position.
Actually, I went back and retried all three... I hadn't checked online for spoilers so I didn't know there all exactly the same pretty much...

If Shepard kills the Synthetics he's commiting suicide due to the cybernetic implants he has... It's tricky but the Catalyst DOES warn you about it too...

Now after seeing all three scenarios... I have to say IMO the best one to pick is the Blue Burst... Sure none of them are good, Civilization is crippled after the relays are destroyed, Shepard is dead makes himself a martyr for the galaxy, Earth probably can't even support the surviving humans let alone the visitors (Non-Dextro DNA), and our crew is making a run for the hills and crash land on something that looks remarkably like an updated Ilos...

But... Blue doesn't have FORCED assimilation, nobody likes a borg... And it certainly doesn't have another genocidal act on a race you've been empowering for two games... Yeah... People forget about the Geth... All that time I spent making sure neither one was gonna wipe out the other, and finally get a Quarian Geth alliance? Legions "Death" scene... He was always one of my fav from ME2... Out your damn mind if you think I'll just wipe them all out without a second thought...

All Blue has, is an end to the Reaper Assault... And a very small possibilitiy that the Reapers may be repurposed now that Shepard Assumed Direct Control
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread


Did.....they go Fallout 3 on us?

Hmph. I didn't believe in the indoctrination theory, discarding it as a bunch of people in denial. Understandably. But reading all that evidence - maybe there is something to it.
I'm just wondering why it can't all be a near death experience from being fried by Harbinger's laser, without all the indoctrination stuff. Maybe Shepard is fighting for his/her life instead of fighting indoctrination, and as two of the options result in death, they are seen as "giving up." One of them is even the stereotypical "go into the light." Only when Shepard decides that the fight has to go on does she wake up in the rubble.
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Grim Reaper
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Direct from the article.

"The ending was half-assed because of the leak. They changed it at the last minute so they could have more time to prepare the real ending via DLC.

It’s called The Truth and it’s being released in April or May. You WILL be able to continue the story if you picked any of the endings. Your decision during that sequence will have a big effect on your ending of The Truth. The Truth adds two new sets of enemies, new classes, and multiplayer maps including “Firebase Hive”, which is a small area of the last remaining collector ship included in the DLC, which, by the way you should definitely bring Javik the Prothean along if you have him.

The picture here shows some of the leaked multiplayer classes and races. One race that isn’t shown is the Prothean Adept and Vanguard. This DLC also enables the ability for owners of the preorder and From Ashes DLC to find their DLC weapons in reinforcement packs.

All that content, and this might as well be labeled an expansion pack.

And it’s free.

You’re welcome."