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Geography (Sturm)

Re: Geography (Sturm)

The succubus, upon being rescued looked at everyone with extreme suspicion, not trusting any of them yet even as her wide wings flexed and her tail lashed from side to side. It was hard to get an accurate description of her set in anyones mind as well because subtle things about her body continued to change the more she looked at everyone present, everything from her cup size to her hair color, but when she finally stopped changing and made half the attempt to relax, she was a tall, lithe woman with hair down to her ass that was a shining raven black, her breasts on the lower side of the D scale and her curves pronounced, but not overpowering. Everything was in perfect preportion, and it was extremely hard not to stair at her.

However, as she was chained, and injured and would rather be free right at this moment, she wrapped her wings around her body and looked at Claire, the first to address her. Narin, supporting Claire as they moved, nodded in answer to her question. "Yes Claire, that's the one" She muttered. She seemed angry but more curious then anything else as she looked at the woman as the succubus spoke. "Hrm... Am I alright, nope, still in chains, and rather pissed off and the large cut in my arm hurts like hell, but I suppose no one would be alright in these circumstances. As for what they wanted, I don't fucking know, I was summoned, and then used like this. The only thing I do know is that they gathered a lot of power to try and get it done, and you promptly managed to spoil it, so Thanks." She said, looking about as ready to collapse as Clair was herself.

"Now, if you don't mind..." She said, holding up her bound wrists, the chains clinking softly in the stone room. Sherry and Charles seemed perfectly content to let Claire handle this, mainly because Sherry was fussing over her injuries and Charles had taken to standing guard, his eyes panning around the room as everyone talked.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire listened intently to what the succubus said. From the sound of it, it seemed as though the cultists were summoning creatures, taking their power, using them to summon more powerful creatures, and repeating the process. Though to what end remained yet unclear...

As the succubus held up her wrists, Claire sighed and nodded. If nothing else, the succubus looked too worn out to cause trouble for them, and she certainly wasn't going to leave someone chained up in here. As she set about undoing the chains she asked the unknown woman, "So, what do we call you?" And afterwards, she would take the succubus card from the deck and extended it towards the succubus. "Would you mind touching this card? It won't hurt, it will just tell me about you as a species. I am unfortunately ignorant in such matters."
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Being freed, the succubus rubbed her wrists and stretched, like Narin completely uncaring about her nudity but after a moment of focusing, was wearing a knee length black dress and heels to match, looking down at herself. "That's better." She said smiling. "I suppose you can call me my name, which is Dorishallabazztinichooska that fifth. Dori is also fine."

Seeing the card, Dori brightened considerably. "AHhhhh! Tome cards! Those are rare! And really useful, no problem" She said giggling as she tapped the card, predictably filling it with info for Claire to read.

Succubi: Ranging from lesser to elder demons and seen in several circles of hell, most spend their time in the mortal plane looking for food. Feeding on the souls of others during moments of pleasure usually achieved through a sexual act, Succubi are capable of either safely feeding, or devouring a soul entirely, though this does tend to have negative side effects. Succubi, having an innate grasp of magic as well as some telepathic abilities, they are also powerful empaths, able to read a persons emotional state from an unknown distance and even influence the emotions of others in order to achieve a suitable situation to feed. While not as strong as some other demons, Succubi are clever, capable of thinking well in advance due the nature of how they hunt as well as being physically hardy, Highly resistant to most natural elements.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire didn't even bother asking the succubus if she wanted any clothes. Apparently clothing was a human thing. When the succubus told her her full name, all Claire could do was stare until she told her to call her Dori at which point she smiled and nodding replied ,"Alright, Dori it is then."

When Dori giggled and touched the card, Claire looked down to read it, back up at Dori, back to the card, then finally back to the giggling succubus again, arching an eyebrow. "Well...huh... The more you know, right?"

Finally, Claire just sank down to the floor, she had to rest for a minute. Getting blasted by lighting, needing to check the gashes on her leg, and just being damned tired from her use of shadow magic. She flopped down onto her back, resting on the cool stone floor. "So, what now? I guess we need to meet up with the rest of the team, anyone know if there are more cultists here, or have any idea what they are trying to do?"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Charles was the first to answer the resting Claire, Dori having decided to lay down next to her and cuddle her rescuer, her body hard to ignore as it pressed against her. Narin, blessedly, not to be out done, did the same, leaving Claire sandwiched between the two as Charles spoke. "The rest of the team is en route here, this will be the new base camp. It's highly defendable and tactically it's my call." He said, his eyes scanning around as he kept a tight grip on his weapon.

"I have no idea what their end goal is Claire, I was just another piece to the puzzle" Dori said quietly, before adding. "I know they still need an angel, that will likely be where they are now, trying to summon one here any way they can, though I think they're in for a rude surprise when they do" There was no hiding the wicked grin on Dori's face as she pondered that moment.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Dori and Narin lay beside Claire, all she was able to do was lay there comfortably. She was still far too tired to blush or be otherwise embarrassed by their apparent affections. All she could do as she lay there, exhausted, was reach up and gently stroke the two women's hair and enjoy the feel of it slipping through her fingers.

"Oh... well that's good... I'll...I'll just... We'll go find... the cult..."

She just couldn't do it, Claire wasn't exactly used to all of this, and she had already done a lot today. She dozed off, sandwiched between the two beauties. She likely wouldn't wake up either for a few hours, or until someone jostled her.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Passing out between the two women, Claire found that she wasn't the only one exhausted, as both strange new friends had passed out right alongside her, meaning she woke up just as she had fallen asleep, sandwiched between the two of them. Charles, who had watched over them, quirked an eyebrow at her in amusement as she came around, pointing to his watch. "It's been two hours, the others are almost here, mind helping me get set up? Sherry will show you what needs to be done." He said politely, offering her a cup of hot coffee that he had gotten from a pot on a small burner he kept in his pack.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Waking up between her new and very attractive friends, Claire stretched, then ruffled Dori and Narin's hair. She gratefully took the offered coffee and sipped at it. "Thanks, I'll get right on it."

She moved off to find Sherry and find out what needed to be done. If the two on the floor woke up, she invite them to follow, but if not then she would let them continue to rest. No doubt the succubus and the dryad had had it even worse than she did.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

The two on the floor snuggled up to eachother and passed out again, only stirring when Claire had moved. Charles, looking down at them softened a little before laying a blanket over them and pointing over to Sherry who was already bouncing towards Claire. "Alrighty~! Remember that little light spell?" She said taking Claire's hand. "This is how you do it." Claire finding that a piece of paper had been folded into her palm with instructions. It really was a very simple spell. "You need to take those lanterns" She said pointing to an odd assortment of hexagonal panels, "And cast that into them before hanging them on the walls, that way we have light 24/7/365, and then we can start moving equipment, the rest of the group is out in the atrium." She added, pointing once again to a set of large double doors.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Giving her two new friends a peck on the cheek as she walked off, Claire took the spell from Sherry and looked over it. "Seems simple enough."

Once the lanterns were lit and placed about the room, Claire returned to Sherry to see if she had anything else she needed done, and if not, she would go see how the rest of the group was faring.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

The lanterns did indeed manage to light the entire room, the panels seeming to interact with eachother and the spell, tossing small balls of light around the room back and forth, and Claire knew they could easily throw other spells as well, the name of them being Trap panels, not because that was what they were used before, but because they trapped the energy of a working inside of them, let it build up, and then released it like they were doing now. Impressive little things to be sure. Looking around, Claire would see Sherry, Charles, and Margeret all ushering in more equipment as the entire group started to set up a research lab in this dusty old place, Margeret not disuaded for even a moment as she worked.

Narin and Dori were still snuggling on the floor until Charles moved them, managing to scoot them onto a blanket on the ground and slide them into a tent without waking them up miraculously.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire watched the trap panels bounce around the spells, briefly considering the tactical applications of such devices. After a moment, she turned and found Margeret. Going over to the woman, she said, "Hey Margeret, glad to see you made it in one piece. How did your and Charles' groups fare? Oh and what's the next step?" Once the project leader had explained everything, something else occurred to Claire. "Oh and Narin, the dryad we picked up, has been trapped in here for a few days now. I think it would be a good idea to get her outside so she can regenerate, what with her relationship with nature and all. I'd be... happy to take her myself."
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"We made it just fine, although there were some problems with an Arachne, she graciously allowed us to set up shop here so long as we treat her home, this entire place, with respect, and don't interfere with any of her endeavors. Just... Avoid getting stuck in any webs. As for Narin, yes, that's a good idea, best get her up now and handle it before she gets any worse. Sleeping is dangerous fer her right now. See to that and then I'll send Charles to get you after a while and we can discuss our next move here." She said, all business at the moment as she paused a few times to shout at other people to get things handled better, annoyed that she couldn't just reach into peoples heads and pilot them since they were having trouble following simple directions.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Understood, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for webs." Turning about and going back to the tent with the sleeping beauties, Claire gently roused Narin without waking the succubus. Or at least that was the plan. Reaching over Dori to poke Narin, Claire became unbalanced and fell across the both of them with a loud 'oof' sound.

As the two woke up from this, presumably at least, Claire said, "Oh, uh, hey guys. I was just going to say that I was here to escort Narin outside so she could interact with nature and whatnot. Dori you're welcome to come too, I don't know where you were summoned from, but there's a lot more to this place than a dusty, dark, old, temple if you want to actually go outside and see the sun and the trees." If the two, or just Narin were ready, Claire would lead them back along the path she had followed to get here, just backtracking to the entrance of the ruins.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Narin seemed so tired she was out of it, barely stirring even as Claire fell across them, seeming drawn and pale, as if she was sick. She started to brighten a little as she came around however. "Yea Claire, let's go" She said, not waiting for Dori to answer.

Dori however, was all smiles and hugs. "I'll come with you, because even you have to think it's not safe to leave me alone with your friends, you hardly know me" She said giggling. "Or do you, a person that trusts a demon? You're fruity" She added, now laughing loudly as she helped get Narin on her feet.

The path back was empty and uneventful, and once outside, Narin let out a loud cry of pleasure, basking in the sun with a blissful look on her face before walking over to one of the trees and just... Melting inside the thing. "She's gonna be in there awhile..." Dori said snickering, only to be answered by said possessed tree with a banana falling out of its leaves to smack her on the head. "Shutup you"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire was somewhat alarmed at how under the weather Narin looked. Still, she was glad Dori was in such high spirits. "Well, you haven't tried to kill any of us, and I'm always inclined to give people a chance before jumping to any conclusions about them. So I guess I am just a little bit fruity Ms. Demon." Claire laughed along with the succubus.

Once the trio made it outside, Claire was glad to see Narin suddenly liven up and blissfully merge with the tree. As Dori made a joke and got a retaliatory banana to the head, Claire just shook her head, laughing and said, "Oh come now you guys, just enjoy the fresh air why don't you. Although that banana looks pretty good, you going to eat that Dori?" While saying this, Claire had walked up to the tree Narin mad merged with and gently rubbed its trunk, and perhaps the dryad herself.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori shook her head, still laughing and tossing the banana at Claire for apparent consumption of fruity wonder. Rubbing the trunk however saw claire whomped with an entire bundle of bananas, before a blushing red face stuck itself out of the tree, and giggled before popping back in. "So, now that we're waiting for miss tree lady to get in touch with mother nature, what should we do?" Dori asked curiously, digging around in the pile of fruit for the presumably buried Claire.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire caught the banana one handed as she rubbed the tree, only to be immediately buried by an avalanche of the yellow fruit. As Dori came over to try and dig her out, Claire burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all, a much needed reprieve from the dark nature of the ruins. "Ohh my Narin, ticklish are we?"

Readying herself for what she was going to do next, Claire took a deep breath, a shiver running down her spine. She could hardly believe the thoughts that were crossing her mind, out here with the two beautiful women. She was acting completely differently from how she would outside of the game, and she wasn't even affected by any strange aphrodisiacs this time! She resolved herself, thinking that she was just acting with fewer inhibitions because she knew it was only a game, and no one could see her... right?

Once Dori made a little headway into the banana pile, Claire worked her arms free and grabbed the succubus, pulling her onto the pile of fruit. Using the woman as leverage to pull herself out on top of the yellowness, quickly rolling into the Dori, a smile shining on her face as she laughed brightly. "You're the lust demon, Dori, why don't you tell me?"
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Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Well, a pair of women laying in a pile of bananas. This just screams innuendo doesn't it" Dori said laughing, clinging closely to Claire and smiling. "And I am a bit hungry~" She added, a wicked little smile playing on her lips as Claire suddenly felt very very hot, her lust skyrocketing in an instant seemingly out of nowhere, the light in Dori's eyes saying pretty shamelessly that it was most certainly her fault. "Now now now~ We do have a dirty mind don't we~" She whispered, teasing Claire with a ghost of a kiss.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Doesn't it though?" Claire giggled as the succubus held on to her, running her hands up and down the beautiful demon's sides, just enjoying the feel of her soft skin and silky clothes.

When she suddenly felt her desire for the succubus magnify, she retained enough mental faculty, barely, to realize what was happening, made more obvious by the glint in the succubus' eye. "I have a dirty mind? YOU have a dirty mind!" She laughed, then responded to Dori's faint kiss with one of her own.

"You know you just had to ask nicely, right?" Breathing heavily, Claire pressed her chest into Dori's running her hands down the small of the lust demon's back, her hands resting on and softly kneading her rump.

"My, my, I feel as though we are a little over-dressed. Think you could do anything about that?" Remembering she had conjured the clothes through magic, Claire wondered if she could make them vanish the same way. If not, she was sure the succubus would happily get her out of her clothes.