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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

p=police Officer
c=police Chief
O=The Tower
White=Apparently Dead

Robert aims his shot and fires at the nearest zombie and it's left shoulder flies back from the force of impact. His shot, however, causes the tension in the younger officers to erupt and they all fire. Only twice, however, does a zombie react. One of the farther ones flinching and the closest falling to the ground. The chief then barks out, Don't panic you pathetic excuses for officers! Keep calm! Don't let the old man here show you up! He says before taking aim and shooting the next closest zombie which promptly collapses to the ground. With the gunshots, a new sound does take the field, however, as the zombies begin to moan.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Remaining calm, Robert takes aim on another zombie and squeezes the trigger. "Take it easy, these things aren't much of a threat unless there's a lot of them."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*hearing vry little of the talking but all of the gunshots chase tries to speed up on finishing the plate of this vehicle to try and move on to another but also trying to make sure its not a shoddy job*

"fuck its hot under here.."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


As Chase works away on the current vehicle (Now over halfway through), Robert and the police force fire again. Again the closest two zombies flinch as bullets hit them before falling to the ground.

As this is happening, the man up in the watchtower calls out, We got a pair coming in through the sides!
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Oh crap, people are working over there." Robert says, and quickly tries to rush over to the side, going behind the other officers so as not to risk getting shot. The other cops can handle the zombies approaching from the front, since most of them are already down. Once he gets there, he slows down and raises his weapon, moving cautiously and looking for targets.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*Seeing how close it was coming to being done with the plating and the fact Chase couldnt really hear the yelling over the sound of the torch Chase kept right on welding knowing their were cops with guns out there on watch for the zombies trying to get in.*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


The officers fire off one more round downing another zombie and injuring a second before the chief shouts out an order. Williams, Tanner. Move over to the mechanics and give them cover.

Meanwhile, Robert watches as a zombie slowly starts to scale one of the cars forming a barricade along the side of the parking lot.

Chase is now nearly finished with the car she is working on with only a few welds left
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert takes aim at the undead climbing the barricade and fires.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Robert fires at the Zombie starting to climb over the first barricade, but misses. However, several shots ring out from the other officers and the zombie falls back from the barricade anyway. However, a second zombie starts climbing slightly farther down.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Swearing at the miss, Robert takes more careful aim at this one, once again going for the chest. Hopefully the creatures erratic movements as it was climbing the barricade wouldn't screw up his aim this time. Once he's got a bead on it, he squeezes the trigger.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


The zombie falls backwards and off the barricade as a few more bullets fly out and for a short period, nothing moves.

Tower, can you see anything up there? The chief calls out.

Looks clear. Comes the reply.

The police chief mutters something before looking back up. Good work men. Looks like the zombies aren't much to be scared of, eh? Everyone make sure to at least fill your clips from the extra ammo if you don't have any spare bullets on you. We don't want you running out in the middle of things. He says before moving over to the mechanics. How far along on the trucks are we? He asks as Chase puts the finishing touches on the plates beneath the truck she's been working on.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*cutting off the torch and rolling from under the truck Chase sits up and gives a brief sigh*

"there done with that bugger..bottom is patched shut no one will be grabbing up under there."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert glances around for any more zombies himself until the tower says all clear. After that he holsters his gun and approaches the police chief; "Sir, where do you store the ammunition? I didn't have any spare rounds at my house when I left this morning, and I'm half empty on the clip I've got loaded. I'd feel more comfortable having more than five bullets when I'm out here should a large number of them approach."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

After conferring with head mechanic the man give him an order first before he replies to Robert, Move the pickups to the other side, there should be fewer of the z's coming from over there. Robert, the ammo's in the boxes under the tower, just find the right type and grab some, we have a few clips and quite a few loose bullets.

The mechanic then addresses his people including chase. Alright, you heard him. Come get a set of key's and we'll drive the trucks around. The trucks which have bottom plating finished go on the outside, if we need to pull back to the primary barricades, it's faster if the farthest people aren't under a truck.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Thank you sir!" Robert replies, before going off to look through the ammo drawers for 9mm for his handgun. He ejects his current clip and refills it with spare rounds before grabbing an extra and filling it with more extra bullets and tucking it into the ammo pouch on his belt. (Which cops always have.)

When he's done, he pops his old clip back into his gun and makes sure a round is chambered before cleaning the place up a bit and heading back out to keep watch. He stops a few feet away from the nearest zombie corpse and watches it for a few moments.

(They keep all the ammo outside? They're asking for trouble.)
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*Chase steps up to grab a set of keys motioning to the pickup that just had its bottom finished*

"alright i'll get it moved chop chop..on the outside right?"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

The corpses seem to be just that: corpses. However, after a short time the chief moves back to the head mechanic. Any of the trucks finished?

Just one, why?

We've cannibalized most of the available wood here and I'm planning on sending out a group to get more from the small home improvement store down the way. Might as well give them safe transport.

Alright. Hey, kid. Bring your truck over here instead, I got a different job for you. The mechanic calls to Chase.

Meanwhile, the chief calls to Robert, Hey, old timer. Got a job for you: we need more planks and nails to shore up the barricades, so I want to send you with one of the rookies and a mechanic down to the home improvement store in one of the modified trucks. Make sure you have spare ammo and grab a gun for the mechanic as well. The z's shouldn't have reached there yet, but better safe than sorry.

(Most of the guns and ammo are in side, but about 10% of it is kept at the barricades)
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Yes sir!" Robert replies, and goes to retrieve more ammunition, as well as a 9mm for Chase. He makes sure that he has 2 more additional clips, along with enough rounds to refill all of the magazines he has, as well as two clips for Chase. Once properly equipped, he returns heads outside to get into the reinforced truck, making sure he turns in the keys to his truck along the way.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*Bringing the truck over as asked still sitting in the driver's seat*

"sooo i get to go run some errands around town with yall? Dont worry my driving doesnt suck...though...my aim might."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Alright then, You'll be taking Verath with you. The chief says before moving back to the others before another man comes up and gets into the pickup, from there he squeezes his way into the bunker-like back through where the rear window normally would have been.

If you're wondering about the name, I'm pretty sure my parents were high when they decided on it. He says. The rookie is armed with a hunting rifle as well as a standard pistol. Once the old timer squeezes in, we should head out. We want to get this over with as soon as possible. If we wait too long, there may be too many zombies blocking the road for us to get by.
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