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[はなたか] NTRPG3 (RJ175288)

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NTRPG 2 was incredibly sad. It was also in the "unfappable" category for me, but i still really liked it, in the same way I liked MGQ (but for different reasons). Yes, Mars couldn't do a shit about Ragnas, and it makes it even worse. It felt like a greek tragedy.

Seriously, the thing which is killing me is how these games are great and how i can't talk to anyone about it :/

Seriously, the thing which is killing me is how these games are great and how i can't talk to anyone about it :/

I got you fam.

I mean, I have some frienda who knew about me being into chinese cartoon porn and all, but chinese cartoon porn cuckolding each other? That shit's already on another category man.

Like, you're already weird if you like 2D porn, sure, and having a fetish, cuckoldry at that, isn't really considered normal in real life....

2D Cuckold? It would be easier to come clean about me being gay at this point....

P.S. : I have nothing against homosexual people, it's just that the society around me is kind of against it.

And by kind of, expect some disowning and stoning abound. :p

Well, it's just because it's H-games, you know.

trying to understand the blog, he says that NTRPG1 took 2 months to make, NTRPG2 4 months.

the main female characters are Serena (Hero's Older Sister) and Monica (Feudal Lord's Daughter). the game will be similar to the other games. same "feelings"...

so hardcore ucantdoshit ntr. :D

Not if the NTRer is a godly dragon-slayer-class jock like Ragnas.

Yes if the NTRer is an asshole like Eric and Libido.
Indeed, I agree that it would be less yay. :)

I hate tihs game. NTR is my favorite but in this game we play a cheated one. İts weirt. I like to play female side, at least jert side but cheated side.

I cant stop myself to play anyway.:D If m1zuki translate this one Im sure play again.:rolleyes:

I hate tihs game. NTR is my favorite but in this game we play a cheated one. İts weirt. I like to play female side, at least jert side but cheated side.

I cant stop myself to play anyway.:D If m1zuki translate this one Im sure play again.:rolleyes:

I take it you're saying that you're either more into netori side, or netorare, but from the female pov, like To H or Minako's daily life?

I take it you're saying that you're either more into netori side, or netorare, but from the female pov, like To H or Minako's daily life?

Exactly. You understand me dude. I like so much that both game. Lily of the Valley will be my best ntr. I cant wait next update.;)

You know my english so bad. But I make progress about english. I can read but l cant write.:(
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Oh Jesus... there's a third one coming out?

I played 1, 2 and the Xmas one. I never realized I can both dislike and like a game at the same time. Gotta say I'm looking forward to this.

I did always enjoy the devs take on condoms though.

yeah, they use the condoms as a "layer", and when they stop using it and go bareback then its too late, the girl is successfully enslaved and no return.
probably they will use it again in this one.

Meh, too many girls just distracts the NTR.

And I agree that the NTR feeling in the 2nd game wasn't that great. The NTRer was such a hotshot that it just make me think that it's not that implausible for her to dump the MC for the guy. F ornately, this setup makes it nearly impossible to be interpreted as Netori. Rule of Netoare is: the uglier and more worthless the NTRer, the harder the NTRed loses, the stronger the NTR power.
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I don't know, I liked the second. Because your rival was so powerful, cocky hero you couldn't do anything but watch. Watch as you lose, not only a girl(s) but your place in home village. It was so frustrating, the feeling of helplessness.

If he was an old ojiisan I could just punch him in the face. Why would he win - forced drama.

Hi guys, this might be a little off topic but what the heck, does someone have MarieXmas and if so mind hooking me up with a link? been searching the internet for the game with no luck and I really wanna play all of them :D can't wait for ntrpg3 to come out ( I was hoping for it to come out sooner but at least its this year)

Hi guys, this might be a little off topic but what the heck, does someone have MarieXmas and if so mind hooking me up with a link? been searching the internet for the game with no luck and I really wanna play all of them :D can't wait for ntrpg3 to come out ( I was hoping for it to come out sooner but at least its this year)

Sure, here you go.

The password is pumpmaster

I don't know, I liked the second. Because your rival was so powerful, cocky hero you couldn't do anything but watch. Watch as you lose, not only a girl(s) but your place in home village. It was so frustrating, the feeling of helplessness.

If he was an old ojiisan I could just punch him in the face. Why would he win - forced drama.

I agree with you Garble, but I think it's just that everyone has their own tastes in what NTR they like, I enjoyed the fuck out of the second one because being helpless and watching your lover or not knowing your lover was getting fucked without you knowing is awesome. I don't mind an ugly asshole too as long as it is blackmail and the mc doesn't know because yeah, if he knew, he'd beat that fat shits ass right quick, but if it's someone stronger, you can only bow down and enjoy the show.

And I don't mind alot of female characters as long as they are well developed and have a good relationship with the mc so that when they are taken, it'll have more of an impact rather than some hussy that had no character one moment and is fucking the next.

And I don't mind alot of female characters as long as they are well developed and have a good relationship with the mc so that when they are taken, it'll have more of an impact rather than some hussy that had no character one moment and is fucking the next.

Monica and Serena will be the main girls in this one just like Marie and Fillia were in NTRPG2.

I think the extra girls were handled well in the previous game, like the purple haired prostitute at the inn, Kaede, etc. They were all memorable to some extent.

Most girls in this one look interesting and have some attachment potential which will make it much sweeter when they get stolen.

for me the best part of NTR is the struggle of the female character to try to resist as much possible before getting used by some manipulative asshole.

thats why i like to play the female character. and if theres options to resist i would do that as much possible before succumb. its important how she get broken. if its too simple, if she didnt try enough, then i would not feel for her.

in this game series, we play a dork, that do nothing to change his ntr-fate. like a stupid fuck he go around and let things happens, but he likes to watch and suffer. i dont know shit about the female characters, are they whores? did they struggle? did they let it happen? no, they are just getting fucked without knowing how or why.

i really hope in this part, we can reveal more about the female characters decisions, mood and feelings.

blog update:
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