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[Happy Life] Meltys Quest [OUT NOW ON STEAM]

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Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Save game, exit and re-open and it slows to a crawl to the point you nearly teleport across the screen if Auto-Run is enabled

Do you mean when you soft reset with F5? Or do you mean you saved your game, exit the save menu, and reopen the save menu?

If it's the soft reset, then I can't do anything about unfortunately. It's just a innate issue with RPG Maker games and soft resets.

Also, there's no way to unlock the chest in the demo, sorry!

I'll try to see if I replicate the SP bug you're talking about

edit: Oh I see the SP bug now, thanks!
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Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

For exactly what I mean

Enter the Meadow stage or Starting city, and head to around half way through the map, save
ALT+F4 and restart the application up.
Load your game

It is really slow until all the necessary files get cached, but it might be due in part from my toaster of a laptop.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

I've rereach slut level 50, made Melty's Naked then lose to the slime. Its giving me Error : Fail to load Img/pictures/004_09.png. (Pic provided)
The frame drops is a small problem
Another one involves the quest where you need to get a monster egg is unobtainable (unless its in the full version)
Lastly the slut tech is missing even after having a high slut level. (unless its for the full version of the game)


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Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Does the game have the ability for MC to change her skin tone?
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

I loved the yuri and futa scenes, definitely looking forward to the game now because of them.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Does the game have the ability for MC to change her skin tone?

Might as well read DLSite description, from time to time:

*** Who shouldn't play Meltys Quest?
6. People who want to freely change Meltys's skin color.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Now that I can actually play the game, I can give feedback.

This game plays a lot like a traditional RPG. The player is given a prologue and backstory, and given a main quest along with a few side quests. I think the pacing and quest system are both very refreshing changes to H-RPGs, many of which don't feel much like RPG's since they sacrifice story and gameplay mechanics quite a bit.

Combat was alright. I did also like the clothing SP system, which gives plenty of reasons to grind Sex exp and wear those clothes into combat. I did think the first boss fight was a bit too easy. I also like that the defeat scenes drop regardless of the fight outcome. Very good for saving time.

My only real problem with the game was load times. For an RPG maker game, some of the menus do take a bit of time to pop up. Most noticeable was in town when talking to vender NPCs which have anywhere from 1-4 seconds of lag from the end of your conversation with them to their vender menu popping up.

Otherwise, I greatly look forward to this game's release.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Thanks for the missing 004_09.png report!

If the lag is caused by opening menus and loading in map assets, that's a tough if not impossible issue for me to fix since it's MV related. I'll try to see if there's any optimizations I can do on the scripts but, well, we'll see.

Can I ask for anyone who are experiencing slowdowns to tell me:
  • if they're playing the game on a HDD or SDD,
  • if they updated their video drivers to the latest version to get the latest OpenGL drivers and if they haven't, to update it and see if there is a performance improvement,
  • if their video card/laptop integrated graphics card supports OpenGL (Please don't just write the name of your video card, I wouldn't know),
  • how much RAM they have and how much memory their computer is already using before launching the game
  • and this is a long shot, but if disabling Desktop Composition (right click on game.exe and go to properties>Compatibility) improves things or not

I would greatly appreciate the above information! If nothing else, atleast I would be able to provide an accurate recommended system requirements for the game to let people know in advance if their computer will have difficulties running the game.
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Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

My only real problem with the game was load times. For an RPG maker game, some of the menus do take a bit of time to pop up. Most noticeable was in town when talking to vender NPCs which have anywhere from 1-4 seconds of lag from the end of your conversation with them to their vender menu popping up.

Can you please try replacing the file in www/img/pictures with the attached file to see if there are any noticeable improvement with load times?

It would really help us out alot!


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Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

I think the slowdowns are just a regular rpgmaker mv thing, I experience the menu slowdowns in other mv games too.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

what ETA on full game?

nvm, saw OCT 2017 on dlsite page
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Sachinama added a new character to the mix. He's an orc named Tonkin. Apparently, he has a huge crush on Meltys' sister, Emma. He's been watching her from the shadows since before the start of the game. I guess he sees the turmoil in the kingdom as an opportunity to finally impregnate Emma. Well then... I'm excited! XD

Here are some pics:
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

just release the game already

i want to give you my money now
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Hmm i dunno man, i kinda want it to be finished first :p

I don't know why, but this comment cracked me up. It was like all the shitty games that came out too early over the years flashing before my very eyes.

I don't think Meltys Quest will be that. We should definitely wait until October :p

That's fair, it was something that gave me a dank chuckle. As for Minako i've tried it and I didn't like it that much.
What else can I say, I am just not into cheating :p
But in any case I'll put on the reading glasses and try my best at find spots missed by Remtairy with this game as I've taken quite the liken to it already.
Also i'd find it really awesome that we got to speak with Sachi as well. Instead of "just" his protogé. Not that there is anything wrong with it just being Remtairy, I dunno it'd be cool :p

I was going to respond to this earlier, but I had to think about it for a few days. I've also personally been a victim to such behavior. You're right. It is really fucked up and despicable. I would never wish it upon my worst enemy.

However, I think there's another side to this we're not thinking about. NTR is fantasy, but it's also based on a concept that is real. So in that sense, I think it does make some of these games more immersive. And if you're able to cope with all of that, I think NTR is a viable genre. But to your point, again, it's not for everyone :eek:

Although, I was looking through the Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris thread, and I noticed you had posted in there. So... maybe you do like NTR! XD

All joking aside, Minako is one of the better NTR games imo. I know I was obsessing over it when m1zuki's English translation for it was released lol.

In other news that is somewhat related, but also unrelated, one of the onaholes that Sachinama designed is now back in stock after being sold out since 2009.

I know it has nothing to do with Meltys Quest, but it gives you some context on how talented that guy is. And it's all to make it easier for all of us to fap. It's almost as if it's his life's mission lol.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Just one question, will the game be sold on mangagamer or will it be only on dlsite?.

I personally don't like dlsite to buy games but well.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Do a steam release with uncensor patch, do it, do it.
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Oh, welcome here!

Just asking but are there any bondage related enemies or events that going to happen to Melty?
Re: [Happy Life] Meltys Quest (Official English Demo out now!)

Hey guys!
I am Sachinama of Happy Life from Japan.
Does anybody have any questions?:)

Hello, and I have just 2 questions at the moment.

1. Will the translated version come out around the same time and date or will the translated have a bit of a delay based on random events of life.

2. Are clothing going to affect CG like your previous games (used for certain events only), different variations of CG based on clothing, or a mix of both?

Also, I've been a big fan of your games and really glad to see the next one getting a translation.
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