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Harem, RPG game. c6m6 released 10/16/17 (English, Free)

Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

I do actually use Auto and have animations off, but I'm still finding it pretty tedious, primarily because of the high encounter rate. I actually JRPG-style/RPG Maker combat, too, but the thing is is that the encounter rate is so high and the battles are so trivial that they don't really add anything. It's hard to get that feeling of satisfaction from leveling up, too, because it seems to me that after your first couple levels every cool new skill comes from events and the like.

Since I'm being all buzzkilly right now though, I do want to say that uhhh... Sarah, I think, your first swordgirl, is pretty amusing. "Yo I know we're in a freaky monster-infested tower right now but we just found a secret bondage dungeon and I really need you to plow me in it."

I'll talk to my scripter and see if there's some way to put encounter-rates on a user-adjustable scale. But he's currently on a LoA and won't be back until September so it won't be until October's release that we could implement it.

I have already slid down the encounter rate in most areas. Ace's default is an encounter every 30 steps, unless you're in a dungeon that requires a kill count Harem has encounters every 45. Now if the quest is a 'kill x' quest, I increase the encounters to 15 steps so you aren't running around at random.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

Ah Corsix is near. Some great story-lines, some not so much. Mechanically challenging but a unique perspective in the game. Probably the most divisive section in version 1, I've gotten more feedback that it was the best part of Harem in v1 than any other segment, but also the most in the opposite direction.

So I'd like to hear what you think. But it's not a conversation that we can have without spoilers so I've put it on a back page of the blog. There's enough of an explanation there that even someone who never played v1 should get an idea of what's going to happen, enough to form an opinion. But that involves significant spoilers. So be warned! Either stop by and leave an opinion or send me a direct message.

It's looking like October will be the start of chapter 5. Development on 4m4 is going fine and I doubt if we'd have enough content left in pre-5 Celee to justify a 4m5. I'm not sure what the poll will be yet, will depend heavily on the feedback I get.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

Thanks for all your great feedback on how you'd like to see chapter 5 improved this time around! I've been reading through it all and have come to a few conclusions on changes that must be made.

1. The timer is gone.
2. There will be an option to continue the quests after the main event should be decided. Ralph's events will end, but you'll have the option to continue questing until all of your slaves have had a chance to act in the city. With that, I might end up forcing a few of the more important plot events to happen early, knowing players who want can continue with their favorite characters after the plot stuff is out of the way.
3. There will be several solutions that don't involve your slaves running around fucking dudes in the city. A few of these will be no sexual solutions, some will be lesbian. A few might be exhibitions. Not 100% sure on the details. I'm likely to poll my patrons on if it's worth the time to extend the chapter 5 development to cover those options for all slaves.
4. Quest guidance will be dramatically improved. t51, a new volunteer, has given me some great ideas on how to do that and improve the overall quest quality.
5. I'm still listening if you have more to say! (spoilers ahead)

On the Patreon front, with the start of chapter 5 likely coming in October the player will be entering brand new lands and meeting a variety of new characters that you'll be adding to your harem in the following chapters. Which gives me a unique opportunity. While they had names in version 1, I'm not really tied to them at all. I've decided to give exceptionally generous Patreons a chance to put their own permanent mark on the game by renaming the new characters in thanks for their support. It won't be cheap, but it will be permanent.

There's significant rules to it and any talk of new characters are spoilers by nature, but follow the link if you're interested!
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

Making good progress on 4m4 already! Jessica, Vanessa, Angelica's writing and images are all complete and mostly coded. Rhea/Heather/Dianna and Fiona/Angelica are in progress, as are Naitay's and Kathleen's unique quests. And yes, 4m4 will unlock both Angelica and Fiona's whoring abilities!

What I'm also seeing is a lot of group content. About half the content will have supporting roles from other slaves and quite a few of the scenes will be threesomes. So a lot of character interaction and growth as well as a ton of fucking!

I'm working on a higher-res option for Harem as well, but not sure if that will make the 4m4 cut or not.

And let's do teasers! As usual, Patreon, the blog and the forums will all be getting different teasers!


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Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

New poll up on Patreon for $2+. Listening to the chapter 5 feedback a few things will change:

1. No more timer
2. Better guidance as to where to go
3. An option to continue to each slave after getting enough votes.

What I'm not sure on is how many people don't want chapter 5 to involve using your slave's bodies to gain votes by fucking other men. I like the sexual exploitation aspect to it, but it sounds like a lot of people don't. But how much time should I spend creating a non-sexual/lesbian route through the content? Probably take 2-3 months just rewriting/coding the old events, adding an alternative set could almost double that.

Even if you're not a patron, feel free to chime in!
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

Well, to be perfectly honest, when personally, i'm not into , the whole introduction of the game is basically saying "you are not doing that for yourself and building your own harem, but to find breeding females for your people". So, in that aspect, it respects the plot.

So, I understand why people don't like that, but if you go this route, you should remember this and either rewrite au least a bit your intro (so you can do whatever you want, or be prepared to be burnt at the stake by your community since half will want an ending where you keep the girls for yourself, and the other half will want the respect of the initial plot.

So, i'm saying, be very careful^^
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

Hmm. First off, I'm going to preface this by saying that I played the game back when you were first working on it. I've dabbled in the newer version a bit but haven't done all the content so my memory on some details might be fuzzy or out of date.

Based on what I remember, what comes to mind is that it would make the most sense to have this actually be a light/dark bit if you can make it work that way. Several of the slave specific scenes seem to have slave sharing on the dark option and not on the light. For example, there's the scene if you take Sarah back to the resort and the concert for the soldiers scene with Samantha. In both of those, there's a dark option to have the girl please other men, and a light option where they don't.

If the MC is trending light, then in general he seems to see his slaves as important property and the slaves should feel like they're valuable enough to try and find a less demeaning way to accomplish their goals. On the other hand, if he's trending dark, he's treating them more as a commodity and they should be more comfortable using themselves that way to get what they want.

That said, there's also the issue that players could do a little of both and come in neutral which would throw things off. Plus with all of the new content and some stuff like the brothel which I don't remember well, this might not really hold up if you look at the entire game as opposed to certain scenes. I guess what I'm really getting at is that I think you should look at what you want your narrative to look like and have the characters do what you think fits your story best. You aren't going to please everyone no matter what you do, so I'd say stick with your vision for the story. If you feel like the slaves would choose to use their bodies, then that's what they should do. If you think they would prefer to use their other talents first, go with that. Maybe a mix of both, since not every character's talents are going to be equally useful and some of them might not have a choice in the matter.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m2. released 7/29/16 (English, Free)

Chapter 4 Minor 3 is out for the general public! 4m3 is really designed to resolve a lot of the macro issues that you created as you traveled through Celee, enslaving the most beautiful women in the country. The end of Kathleen's arc in 4m2 introduced a new threat which has to be resolved. While everyone in the westlands is sworn to you, the relationship between the factions there is unsteady at best. 4m3 also starts the focus swing of 4m4. 4m4 will be heavily focused on individual characters and resolving leftover questions about them before heading into Corsix and adding depth to them.

4m4 is going a bit slower than I hoped. Well no, it's gotten bigger than I expected. We'll probably be about 300 images and more than 300 pages of text by the time that it's done. Probably end up closer to a patreon release on the 10th than the 5th.

But enough talk, lets get to the porn!

Content Additions
-The end of Kathleen's sequence may have resolved her past, but it was a bit of a cliff-hanger for the rest of Celee. You'll have to work with the Celeean Swords to address this new threat and change your relationship with them fundamentally in the process.
-You control both of the human groups in the Westlands, but the peace between them is shaky at best. You'll need to unify your followers before going further into this new land.
-With a member of the Celeean Swords now part of your Harem, Heather will have additional quests for you.
-Terra, Sarah and Donna all have quests to explore their characters and get sweet unique gear for them as well!
-Added a new shop in Eowen next to Fiona's, Amazing Mechanics, selling off-hand items for those who can't use a shield or dual-wield.
-New Brothel scenes for Donna, Samantha (dark route only), Sarah, Heather and Kathleen
-8 new in game scenes, 5 brothel scenes and two bonus scenes added!
-167 new images, 210 pages of new text!
-Teased a new character!

Bug Fixes/Modifications
-Significant buff to Noemi, giving her new skills and reducing the cost of existing ones.
-Kathleen's Frozen Collar was supposed to be removed at the end of her questline and the stat buffs it gave her transferred to her directly. There was a few scenarios in 4m2 that wouldn't remove the collar, those have now been resolved retroactively.
-Increased the damage scaling of Terra's spells.
-Improved quest guidance through quest log item, still in beta state.
-Put conditionals into Naitay and Phoebe's brothel stories to adapt to plot/personal progression.
-Cleaned up Eowen as you progress the story to reflect the town rebuilding over time.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

We've just started beta testing for the new 4m4 content. It should be out o my Patrons by the 10th, thank you again for the support! As always, preliminary notes are subject to change! I'm also going to do a series of teasers for the next few days. As usual, different teasers on Patreon, the blog and the forums!

Content Additions
-Another slave of Edrin's has escaped. Rhea would be most interested in finding the slave.
-Angelica's father needs Angelica's 'skills' and she will gain new abilities if you take the time to 'help' him.
-Kathleen being possessed and attacking you is getting so passe. Time to do something about that!
-You may have saved Lesser Corsix, but her troops are in bad shape. Tits for tat as they say!
-Fiona may be your slave, but there's more to her than just her enchanting abilities.
-Jessica from the Circle Guild might be most interested in what you've done for the fine people of Eliba.
-The strange character spying on you in 4m3 continues her work. You might be able to get your hands on her!
-8 new in game scenes, 2 new Patreon bonus scenes!
-5 new Brothel Scenes
-250 new images, 286 pages of new text

Bug fixes/modifications
-Higher default 640x480 resolution!
-Better large screen/fullscreen options. f6 to change window size, f5 to go fullscreen
-Fixed the black stripe under Fiona's/Terra's breasts


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Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Just a little remark on the hearthstone:
-Little typo Shentore -> Shenetore
-Since it's the most used destination, can you move Castra Corson at the very top of the list? Thanks a lot!
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Just a little remark on the hearthstone:
-Little typo Shentore -> Shenetore
-Since it's the most used destination, can you move Castra Corson at the very top of the list? Thanks a lot!

Great suggestions! I'll get those in for 4m4.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Wow, that's quite a nice project. I'm gonna have to play this for sure.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Wow, that's quite a nice project. I'm gonna have to play this for sure.

Thanks! If you would, let me know what you think after you do!
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Went back and reimaged Jessica's 3rd scene as it was noticeably below the quality of the others. A handful of other QoL changes, resorting the Hearthstone, adding some ~lvl 20 skills and cleaning up the questlog more. Testing is going very well, 4m4 should be out to Patrons in the next few days.

And of course more teasing!


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Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

There might be a problem with the v4c4m3 download, the walkthrough is for the release before that one. This means that the walkthrough isn't up to date and has none of the new content.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

There might be a problem with the v4c4m3 download, the walkthrough is for the release before that one. This means that the walkthrough isn't up to date and has none of the new content.

There should have been a second doc titled Mechanical Guide - that is updated through the end of 4m3...
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

There should have been a second doc titled Mechanical Guide - that is updated through the end of 4m3...

Yep, the full walkthrough is done by Ikatashi Paku and he's been very busy as of late so it's fallen behind a bit. I maintain the mechanical walkthrough which should always be current.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

v2c4m4 is out for Patrons! Thank you all for your support yet again and I hope that you love the new content. Feedback is always appreciated. The more I know what works and what doesn't, the better the next month's content will be!

Content Additions
-Another slave of Edrin's has escaped. Rhea would be most interested in finding the slave.
-Angelica's father needs Angelica's 'skills' and she will gain new abilities if you take the time to 'help' him.
-Kathleen being possessed and attacking you is getting so passe. Time to do something about that!
-You may have saved Lesser Corsix, but her troops are in bad shape. Tits for tat as they say!
-Fiona may be your slave, but there's more to her than just her enchanting abilities.
-Jessica from the Circle Guild might be most interested in what you've done for the fine people of Eliba.
-The strange character spying on you in 4m3 continues her work. You might be able to get your hands on her!
-8 new in game scenes, 2 new Patreon bonus scenes!
-5 new Brothel Scenes
-250 new images, 286 pages of new text

Bug fixes/modifications
-Higher default 640x480 resolution!
-Better large screen/fullscreen options. f6 to change window size, f5 to go fullscreen
-Fixed the black stripe under Fiona's/Terra's breasts
-Hearthstone re-sorted
-Jessica's pos cave scene reimaged
-New level 20 skills!
-Capped growing monster's levels. You will be able to out-level content if you wish again.
Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Thanks for all the great feedback that you've all given me about how you thought chapter 5 played out in version 1, using it I think that v2 chapter 5 will be significvantly better than it was the first time around. A few of the bigger changes
-All hetro sex between your slaves and other men will be optional, you will not be forced to watch your harem fuck other men to get you free. Unless you enjoy that of course!
-There will be a lot more lesbian content this time around which will also let me do a much better job of introducing a lot of the new characters (and future slaves) that will become important in Rata.
-There will be a non-sexual route through it as well if you don't want anyone touching your slaves (1 lesbian scene will be mandatory though)
-The timer will be gone and there will be an option to continue the questing after you get enough votes to be found innocent if you want to see all the stories.
-There will be a much larger effort made to introduce and establish characters like Betsy and Melony.

Coding and writing are both coming along well. The intro sequence is written (about 40 pages) and Samantha's opening quest. I'm hoping to have 3-4 additional slaves ready to go for October's release. Likely be 3-4 months worth of releases until it's all completed.


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Re: Harem, RPG game. v2c4m3 released 8/26/16 (English, Free)

Definitely making progress on chapter 5. Most of the month has been dedicated to mapping and coding, I think I have the vast majority of all that in place for the next few releases, now the focus is on getting the content in.

The October release will likely be the first 3 days in Corsix. Covering the initial entry sequence (imaged this time), the events occurring at night and Samantha's initial foray into town, and then the ability to choose between Noemi, Heather and Kathleen for the next 2 quests. Joan's on the bubble, I have an idea of what I want her to do in Corsix but not sure if I'll have the time to write and image it before moving release.

The 4m4 public release will also be this Friday!


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