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Re: Breeding Season

lmao too true.
I never got the appeal to this game tbh, the H content was subpar and the gameplay was nothing to write home about, definitely not worth $42k a month. I'm glad it got cancelled, it allows room for much more worthy adult Patreon-funded projects.
Re: Breeding Season

This is... weird. I mean I expected Breeding Season to die but from this kind of in-fighting is weird.

We all know that H-bomb is a terrible manager and that this project has been milked to death but I don't think that the reason for they breaking up is actually what I or anyone expected to happen. It almost feels that the reason for the break up is just that S-purple got too close to the project but didn't like how H-Bomb was working on it.

As an artist myself I don't agree with S-purple's stance and how he's approaching this. He's taking all the assets? Why? They were made when you were in contract with H-bomb, they don't belong to S-purple, they're part of the contract and belong to the project, the person who commissioned you for it, H-bomb.

I really feel that his way of taking the assets is so he can use the setting that's very similar to breeding season, kill the competition and save time to get a working demo out by reusing assets.

This is just brutal to be honest.
Re: Breeding Season

This is... weird. I mean I expected Breeding Season to die but from this kind of in-fighting is weird.

We all know that H-bomb is a terrible manager and that this project has been milked to death but I don't think that the reason for they breaking up is actually what I or anyone expected to happen. It almost feels that the reason for the break up is just that S-purple got too close to the project but didn't like how H-Bomb was working on it.

As an artist myself I don't agree with S-purple's stance and how he's approaching this. He's taking all the assets? Why? They were made when you were in contract with H-bomb, they don't belong to S-purple, they're part of the contract and belong to the project, the person who commissioned you for it, H-bomb.

I really feel that his way of taking the assets is so he can use the setting that's very similar to breeding season, kill the competition and save time to get a working demo out by reusing assets.

This is just brutal to be honest.

wow, That's just insane, I mean he could have worked something out where he could of worked on both games, instead of going the scorched earth route.
Re: Breeding Season

I hope this gets resolved the best way possible and h bomb can continue the project with full control.
Re: Breeding Season

I wouldn't count on it, S-purple has the rights to the assets (Who the hell makes a contract that pays your worker to make material for you, but they're still full owners of such content??) and from the looks of it, has been working against the project for a while before walking away, killing the project.

From what H-Bomb has told (so take it with a grain of salt, all the same) he was unable to make an offer to retain S-purple's assets, not even money was accepted.
Re: Breeding Season

lmao too true.
I never got the appeal to this game tbh, the H content was subpar and the gameplay was nothing to write home about, definitely not worth $42k a month. I'm glad it got cancelled, it allows room for much more worthy adult Patreon-funded projects.

Has anyone actually released a complete and decent game through patreon yet?

Ive seen quite a few with a bit of potential but most have only delivered demos, prequels, and empty promises.
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Re: Breeding Season

I will add one last comment - I never really followed the game closely, as monster/furry wasn't really my thing, but to see this happen - I am worried for the future of indie development of adult games. This was a complete clusterfuck, and screws everybody involved in the project (team and patrons). One can only hope there will be the right ramifications from this that will cause a correction in how this kind of crowdfunding is looked at, and proper warnings are given for the risks involved. Or - are we just dealing with a lot of wishful thinkers?
Re: Breeding Season

Has anyone actually released a complete and decent game through patreon yet?

Ive seen quite a few with a bit of potential but most have only delivered demos, prequels, and empty promises.

Anthophobia, Overwhored, Magic Matchup, Noxian Nights, and probably a few others, AFAIK.
Re: Breeding Season

Anthophobia, Overwhored, Magic Matchup, Noxian Nights, and probably a few others, AFAIK.

And those advanced enough and with regular updates, so they can be considered legit too. Adorevia, remaid, or the last sovereign comes to mind.
Re: Breeding Season

Anthophobia, Overwhored, Magic Matchup, Noxian Nights, and probably a few others, AFAIK.

Going down Meh's list -

Akubar's Princess Trainer and Witch Trainer (although the latter actually not really complete but declared complete - whatever)

I believe BBBen's Super Pervert Legacy is the current focus of his Patreon, but he has many games already out to the public (does that count?)

Pizzacatmx gets little love, but has a few completed games and is juggling a couple more

There are a ton of others that I could add that have completed games in their resumes, as well as many more that update on a regular basis with progress updates. In other words - don't completely flee the sinking ship - the rats may still be there, but there are still people there as well...be discerning...
Re: Breeding Season

Damn, news even made it to some Belgian video-game site

For those of you who speak/understand dutch :p
Re: Breeding Season

Damn, news even made it to some Belgian video-game site

For those of you who speak/understand dutch :p

Huh, that's pretty much a word-for-word translation of an earlier linked Kotaku article.
Re: Breeding Season

. The point is this: don't feel bad for Hbomb or S-Purple or anyone else involved...not even the patrons. They are imbeciles who should have known better and have had plenty of signs with which to put 2 and 2 together.

Agreed. You could see the moment Hbomb started making money from the project his productiveness started to drop even more. The first itterations of the game where actually my favorite.
Re: Breeding Season

what program did he uses to make this game. was it flash?
Re: Breeding Season

And it's already at 800$. :D

They took 500k$ of our money and spent 2 years doing pretty much nothing!
Let's give them some more money, I'm sure this time it will be different! :D
Re: Breeding Season

Has anyone actually released a complete and decent game through patreon yet?

Ive seen quite a few with a bit of potential but most have only delivered demos, prequels, and empty promises.

Umm 155k views and 4.08 stars on Newgrounds (in just over a month) a completed project.
Re: Breeding Season

Agreed. You could see the moment Hbomb started making money from the project his productiveness started to drop even more. The first itterations of the game where actually my favorite.

I'd have to agree. Even though the art was basic I still found it functional enough.

For those interested, I found the game version which I believe was in it's most complete form ever in 3 years of development. With most pairs containing animations and cumshots Version 4.4.1
Re: Breeding Season

All they need is a new artist to start reworking everything and they can milk the same cow for a couple more years.
Standard Patreon practice.
Re: Breeding Season

I only read H-Bomb's announcement of the failure of Breeding Season, never followed his project actively. But in his last post he basically blamed everything that went wrong on his main artist, S-Purple. Maybe H-Bomb wrote this out of anger he will no longer gain an absurd amount of money for shitty work, but the guy is absolutely incompetent in my eyes, by starting with the contracts he made with his employees, to the end where he shovels all the dirt on a single dude.
At the end of the day I feel sorry for all those guys that donated. But there is clearly something wrong with patreon when such projects make 42k dollars per month. I feel like the more lazy devs are, the more money they get.
You can simply check yourself for example hreinngames that gave updates every month for the past year with great art and story, get the same amount of money like an other game (more like scam) advertised on this forum, that needed basically 1 year to release a rushed demo.
Now if I was one of the hreinngames guys I would start making updates every 2 or 3 months, gaining even more money per month for less work and this is disgusting. There are 0 incentive to be productive and professional. People literally throw money on scammers with the hope they can play their porn games earlier.