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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

(Chloe treated a burned woman, not a man.)

"I... I'm not really sure. It was really... Chaotic when it all happened, and we all ended up getting separated. Kenneth and I made it out of the collapsing tower, but we didn't see anyone else and then he and I ended up running into a sniper's sights. I'd be dead now too if I hadn't run into an alley and ended up knocked out by some falling debris from another building that the dragon was smashing." Layns would admit glumly, and then fall silent with a look of despair on his face. "Hrm? Did you? I could look, it might very well be him!" Lanys said, perking up hopefully following Chloe's story, and quickly rising to leave.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe lead Lanys to the sever injury tent where the patient in question had been. Looking about to see if the soldier had been moved or passed during the night. "Over here I think let me check." Gesturing for Lanys to stay put Chloe headed in. If she found her patient Chloe would feel relieved as well as slightly guilty. In the rush to treat injuries she had missed the fact that the patient was a woman not a man. Instantly she felt better but then again it could still be Lanys's friend who got hit by the dragon fire. Either way patient or not she would head back out and tell Lanys and apologize her face flush with embarrassment.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lanys followed her to the infirmary that she had worked at the night before, and upon looking down at the burn victim she had treated his face paled as a look of recognition crossed his features. "Sandra! Is... Is she going to be alright? How bad is it?" he said quickly, either not noticing or choosing to ignore the mistake that Chloe had made regarding the gender of her patient.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked on moved by Lanys's devotion to his friends. "She'll be fine Lanys just as long as she can make it threw the first few days. Some of the best healers in the realms work here. It will take awhile but she has a fighting chance." Chloe put a hand on Lanys's back trying to comfort the soldier. "Besides with someone like you rooting for her might be the edge she needs. Look I.... I need to go. I have others that need attention. You can stay and visit just don't touch her. Its best to let the medicines do its work."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lanys nodded but said nothing in return, allowing Chloe to be on her way, either to report for her duties or to go elsewhere if she so wished.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

That was heart wrenching still Chloe had to steady herself and report for her next duties. Making her way to main tent Chloe asked where she would be needed next. For the most part she doubt many more seriously injured would arrive, given the injuries she treated. Undoubtedly most had already died. Still she tried not to let that over come her. "Buck up Chloe there are more people that need your help." Getting her next assignment Chloe would head over and start her day.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Reporting to the main tent, an exhausted looking Beligar would put her in a tent next to the one she'd been in last night and tell her to get to work in a fairly gruff manner. Over the course of that day, Chloe would find that she wasn't wrong in her assumptions. The orcs were still fighting, meaning that a few injured did come in from time to time, but the small pockets of resistance were falling quickly and the people who were going to die had mostly already done so. The day passed relatively uneventfully, and when she went back to the lead tent to clock out she was told that she could go back to her dorm and rest for the next day, and then to report to the Academy's infirmary the next. People were being put on shifts, apparently, and she wasn't set to come back out here for another two days. If she wanted to find out about Chandler, or at least try to, now would be the best time to do it.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe nodded and stepped away from Beligar. If they where being put on shifts and her next assignment was the infirmary then undoubedly some of the more serious wounded would be sent up to the facilties at the acadamy. Which meant they would have to be properly registerd. Not wanting to bother Beligar Chloe moved to find where if at all the persons recording the injured and dead would be. If anyone knew it would be them. She would ask and who knows maybe Chandler was here and she could visit him...
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Hunting down the records person proved a bit of an annoyance, as she kept getting conflicting directions, but eventually a soldier who was being checked out would take Chloe there and she would find herself confronted by a scribe seated behind a thin pine desk. The woman, perhaps somewhere in her thirties though it was difficult to tell for sure, looked up from the pen she had enchanted to do her writing for her, the instrument stopping in place and then lifting off of the page to hover in mid air while she said; "Yes? May I help you?" Her voice was tired and impatient, telling Chloe that she had best get her business over with quickly and be out of her hair if she didn't want to make the woman cross with her.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Yes you can. Im looking for a soldier named Chandler. I was hoping that he had been registered here.” Chloe waited for her answer not bothering the woman as she hopefully looked up the information. Her heart raced as she waited a near sudden desperation to know nearly over coming her professional manner. Why was she so worried after all it had been a single night. For all she knew she was just another notch on his belt. This new thought did little to calm her only serving to send a slight angry spark threw her. After a moment though she calmed down. Gods she was a mess.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Chandler... Last name?" the woman said, and then narrowed her gaze in annoyance when Chloe proclaimed that she didn't have it, as she had never learned her one-night-paramour's family name. She set about searching the records anyway, however, going through about three dozen sheets of paper that seemed to be lists of names and occasionally writing things down, and when she was finally done almost half an hour later she looked up at Chloe and said; "There are three Chandlers reported dead, Chandler Riggs, Chandler Stofinson, and Chandler Allisi, all from Therion. There's another Chandler reported missing, and yet another who's wounded, Chandler Denisson and Chandler Carrick respectively. Carrick is supposedly in tent seven, so you can go there and see if that's who you're looking for, but if they aren't wounded, missing, or dead I'm afraid that I can't be of too much use to you. The militia office set up in Buttersville might be able to tell you your friend's last name if you know his unit number, but I'm afraid that this is the best I can give you." Despite her irate appearance initially, the woman had settled into a stage of bone-dead weariness, and there was at least a degree of sympathy in her expression and tone by that point. Tent seven hadn't been one that Chloe had been to as yet, so there was a chance that Chandler was there at least.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it." Chloe gave the woman a comforting smile and turned away. Her smile had fadded at the news. Still one wounded and one missing.. there was still hope and Chloe had some time before heading back.

On her way to tent seven Chloe kept her mind busy trying to avoid thinking about the possiblity that Chandler was one of the killed. Though once more the fact that she didn't even know his last name let a small amount of doubt creep into her mind. It was just a fling what if he is just.. doesn't remember me. Keeping these nagging thoughts at bay Chloe made her way to tent seven and as long as nothing else hindered her would enter quietly.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tent seven did not have what she sought. The man there was only mildly wounded, and it wasn't the one that she knew. He wasn't even one of the militia like Chandler had been, but a member of a mercenary group, the Blue Falcons.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe gritted her teeth and felt the swelling gloom in her but forced it down. Seeing if she could be of any minor help Chloe stayed a moment before heading back to Lanys to ask him Chandler's last name. It would be the final effort before heading back to the dorms to change and shower and she hopped that Chandler was the missing man at lest then she could hope.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The situation was well in hand by that point, at least where healing was concerned, and so Chloe returned to the tent where she'd done the brunt of her healing work to find Lanys sitting with his head in his hands near the entrance. He looked up rather hollowly when she entered, appearing bone weary, but when asked what Chandler's last name was he would reply; "Mmm? Chandler's last name is Dennisson."

Assuming that that was all she wanted of the soldier, Chloe would be allowed to go back to her dorms where, for once, everything was quiet. Carly was asleep, and Stephanie was studying a herbology by a magelight she'd conjured when Chloe entered. Getting cleaned up, either in the public baths or waiting for an empty private one, would be an uneventful task, and she would be able to do as she wished with her time after returning to her room.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Opting for a private bath Chloe let herself sink in and take in the heat. She had felt the first effects of a cold comming on during the morning but to be sure she brought up her spell and checked out her body making sure all was well. No hidden infections and no major sicknesses. Her hand stopped however as it hovered over her stomach. The fait traces of another life greeted her scan. "Oh.. gods....." Hurrying up her bath and getting dried off Chloe headed back to her room a grim look on her face. This was a wholely unexpected devlopment. What could she do? Riding herself of the pregnancy seemed horrible to her but possibly raising the child alone was daunting as well. Either option scared her at the moment so Chloe simply laid in bed and drifted to sleep.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The terrified look on Chloe's face was not missed by Stephanie when she walked back into her dorm, and as Chloe headed for her bed the earth mage quickly said; "You don't look so good... Is something wrong Chloe?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked to her friend her face full of fear. "Im Im pregant." Chloe let that sink in as she brought her blankets up to warm her and for some comfort. What was she going to do?
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Whhh... Oh! Oh gods! Was it... The night we went out?" Stephanie replied, her face going pale just like Chloe's, "well, uhhhhh, it's... It's not too late to take a potion to take care of it, if it is! I mean, you don't have to, but.... I don't know. Have you, uhhh, found the father again? I know you were out working to help with the wounded."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe lay huddled in her blanket. "No.. he's missing in action." Chloe paused a moment thinking about what she was going to do. She could of course take a potion but what if Chandler was found alive and well. Chloe got a sullen look on her face as she tried to control the negative thoughts going threw her head. "I want to know for sure before... before I take that step...."