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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Oh...." Stephanie muttered quietly, and then fell silent for several moments. Finally, a little bit after Chloe announced her desire to remain sure, the earth mage said; "Well... There are ways to do that, right? Like, if he was dead, wouldn't Carly be able to call up his spirit? Or, if he was alive, couldn't you find him with a couple of different spells? I don't know how adept you are at Arcane magic, but it's in there, and that one girl you met during the... The Invasion, wasn't she good at it? Even if she wasn't, I'm sure you could find someone to help you."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe visibly shuddered at the mention of calling forth the spirit of the dead. Not only did it bring sadness to her heart to think Chandler being dead it also reminded her of the experiance she had just after the invasion. After that day she had sworn off Aether magics besides what was needed to pass her course work. As for Ashly well they never really hit it off and had mostly gone their seperate ways. "Im not sure if that will work.. after all they fought in Gods-Reach." Still it was something to hope for.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Right! You've just... Just gotta stay positive, right?" the earth mage continued with a poor attempt at jolliness in her tone. She didn't seem to have much to add beyond that, however, leaving Chloe to drift off to sleep if she liked.

(Chloe gains 6 exp for her work healing them soldiers.)
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe nodded and slipped off to sleep her dreams troubled by her doubts. Still she would wake early enough and sit a while before heading to the public baths and think. She had a free day today, no studies or duties to attend to. Leaving the bath Chloe went back to her room to dress and headed to get breakfast. As she gathered her food she made a plan. The first part of her day would be a little research on location spells and such. Such magics where never her strong suite so a refresher was in order. Then seh would head back to check to see if Chandlier had been brought in and after that... Well Chloe couldn't really think straight for that far.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Resting, and then going about her daily business, Chloe would find in her studies that location spells were fairly complex things, requiring an innate connection rooted as much in the soul as in the mind to the thing being searched for. Even so, despite their complexity and her lack of dedicated study in them, the Academy's teachings had allowed her not only a breadth of knowledge but a method of understanding the workings of magic that would allow her to perform one if she needed to.

Returning to the healing encampment, she would search in vain for signs of Chandler, who was still missing according to official records and the only member of his squad that she could locate who was capable of speech, Lanys.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Finding no news of Chandier didn't really surprise Chloe at all. Then again she had hoped. Sighing to herself Chloe rubbed her forehead trying to think of the next step. Undoubtly Chandlier was still in Gods Reach wounded or missing. Still their was the faintest chance that he had been missed here and just simply lost in the crowd of wounded. Finding him would be a pain and take far to long. Thinking back to the few spells that Chloe had reviewed one came to mind that would tell for sure if Chandlier was just lost in the crowed of wounded or someplace else. Working up her magics Chloe cast Locate. Letting the magic take hold Chloe waited to see where it would lead her.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Casting her spell, Chloe would feel the magic take hold immediately and without any issues. Chandler was, at the very least, alive. The magic directed her with subtle nudges that occurred in her subconscious, and if she followed them she would find herself drawn outside, away from the tents containing the wounded. They urged her to go beyond the boundaries of the town and to the South, which was the general direction of Gods-Reach from the Academy.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Feeling a sudden swell in her chest Chloe turned around immidiatly and headed back to the wounded and to Lanis keeping her spell maintained. "Hes alive Lanis and still in Gods-Reach." Chloe looked to the man hoping this news would pull him out of his stupor after all Chloe needed help and at lest a body guard. "I intend to head out to find him and Im gonna need someone to watch my back knows the way."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Finding Lanys in a waiting room near where his friend was in recovery, he shot up at Chloe's approach and subsequent statement. "He's alive!? He's alive! Fantastic!" he proclaimed loudly, hooting with joy and drawing a good bit of attention to himself from those nearby. He looked somewhat surprised at her announcement that she would be going over to search for Chandler, "uhh... Wait. Can you... Actually do that? I thought access to the portals was restricted?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned for a secound before her face lit up once more. "Yes but they are doing clean up now right? Who would refuse to have a healer around to search for wounded." Her faced shifted to a mischievous grin. "Besides I have other ways to remain hidden if need be. So are you in or am I going on my own."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Uhhh... Well, hold on a minute. I've gotta clear it with my commander, even though I've been put off duty" Lanys replied, and if Chloe agreed he would return after a few minutes and nod. "I'm in."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

As Chloe waited for Lanys she though about what he had said about getting permission. It was her freeday after all so she could spend it doing this.. but still she better get some permission as well. Besides having someone know where your is bound to be helpful just in case. Noting her bodyguards return Chloe smiled. "All set? Good. Im going to report to the head healer as well he might offer some supplies to help me if we do find wounded." With that Chloe headed out to seek permission. After all it is better to go with a blessing than none at all.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lanys would wait for Chloe, and when she found Beligar at work he would frown at her suspiciously before giving her permission. Collecting the solider, they would be able to go through the portal to Gods-Reach, finding themselves in a scene of controlled chaos as people moved around among the ancient elven fortress, battered but still standing strong. "Do you know where he is?" Lanys asked, looking around with his face gone somewhat paler than usual.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Belgar was not a stupid man and probably knew Chloe had another goal in mind. Still Chloe was pleased the older mage had let her go. Heading in Chloe took a deep breath and noticed Lanys start to pale. "Yes and don't go soft on me Lanys. Focus on the task at hand and not the madness around you. Its how I got threw that cursed church full of the undead." It was mostly truthful after all Chloe had made it threw it alive and despite a particular inccident that still gave her nightmares she was able to handle it. "Let me focus and we can get moving but we will help those that need it Lanys do you understand?" With that said Chloe focused her mind on her tracking spell and began to move as it directed.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 77/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Locate

"There was a cursed church full of undead?" Lanys replied uncertainly, but then nodded and let her concentrate. Her spell would, when cast, point her deeper into the ruined fortress and through a building. The version she had used didn't guide one around objects, and showed that Chandler was somewhere deep within the fortress and below them, meaning he was probably indoors somewhere. Should she enter the building in front of her, Chloe would find that she had gone into a library that had been converted into a barracks, the knowledge once contained there burned to dust when the orcs had arrived. There didn't seem to be any way to go lower, and the place was empty having already been seemingly tossed for loot.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned at the ruined libary. Clearly the orcs had no idea where real power lied. Sighing she ended her minor spell. "It seems he is deep in the fortress Ill have to use a more potent spell." Focusing a moment Chloe drew upon her energies to cast find. It was a spell at the very end of her schooling in arcane magics but it should do the trick. After all it would guide her around and threw obsticles. "Okay we should be good to go but we should hurry. I don't want to run out of energy."

Casting Find level 3 arcane spell. Yay for experianced caster!
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find

"Alright" Lanys said, and then waited while Chloe replaced her spell with a more advanced one. It led her out of the library, and Lanys would follow her as she led the way into one of the towers that made up the inner wall. They passed a number of people who gave them odd looks, but nobody bothered to try and stop them.

The spell would lead Chloe into the section of the tower beneath the wall, and from there to a trap door that was securely locked that led further down still, into dark catacombs.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Getting to the locked door Chloe frowned. Clearly this was not the way Chandler had gone. Still she knelt down and tested the lock and door to sense its condition. If it seemed weak enough she would try to force it herself and if not ask Lanys to do the honors. Once threw if able she would see if another spell would be needed to light their way and cast it if need be before moving on.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Find

The lock was sturdy and thick, and made out of iron. Trying to force it with her hands most likely wouldn't work, and when Lanys gave it a try with a crowbar he pried the outer lock off only for the door to continue to refuse to open. Its rattling revealed that another lock was down below, but they couldn't get to it from here. Still, her spell was pointing her in that direction.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"The hells......" Chloe looked at the stubborn double locked door. "Is that even normal Lanys?" It seemed strange that the door would be both locked inside and out not to mention how one would even acomplish that unless it was an escape tunnel. Though given its location she doubted that possiblity. Still it was strange. She could redirect the spell but that would take time and it was not a certain answer, after all it could just lead her to another similarly locked door. Pausing a moment to think Chloe looked down at the door and frowned. She could blast the door but the chances of drawing attention where great. "Okay Lanys Im going to cast a spell on you alright. Its going to let you pass threw this door. Now I need you to check to see if its safe and then if so open the door for me got it?" If Lanys agreed Chloe would bring up her energies to cast Phasing. It was Aether magic and Chloe always got goosebumps when casting it. Though part of her schooling she never really found it very pleasent. If the soldier refused Chloe would focus a blast of arcane magic instead trying to pop the lock.