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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"It's hard to say, but it's better to both keep you safe and protect the student body from getting caught in it if he does come after you again. Sorcerers who did what he did tend to be... Unpredictable. And irrational."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned and after gathering her stuff she would follow to this supposed safe house. It was hard for her to really leave the Academy had been her home for almost six years now. It didn't make it any better that she had to leave the place as if she were an exile. Still she would get a chance to finish her book and practice some of her skills in the field. Well if she wasn't forced into complete isolation.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Taken out of the infirmary, and then out of the Academy itself, Greyback led her down to Buttersville, then to the basement of the tavern. Three professors had set up a portal to it, and Chloe was taken through it, the feeling of momentary weightlessness fading quickly as she stepped out into a dressing room of some sort. "This is a retired instructor's house, in Therion. You'll be staying in the city, but they'll be responsible for you. Don't get into trouble or draw attention to yourself, and don't contact any family, but you should be alright to go out if you want," Greyback said, "we'll come and get you once we've caught Saijen."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Therion.. she had only been here once when her mother had visited a very old friend. Looking at the professor Chloe nodded. "No worries Professor. I will do my best not to be noticed. It should be easy in such a large city." Looking about she sighed slightly. "Heh I already miss my dorm." Turning to Greyback she spoke again. "Professor before you go.. can you tell me about who I'm staying with?" Obviously she was expected but having some knowledge before hand would help ease the first meeting.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Of course," Greyback said, "lets go and meet him. He should be around here... Somewhere."

The professor would lead Chloe out of the dressing room, down a somewhat lavish but poorly kept hallway. It was a decently sized estate but not huge compared to the Academy. The home's owner was found downstairs, in the living room, reading one of Therion's many daily magazines. He was a big burly man gone to seed, a rotund belly and a thick white beard and a balding head crowned in snow white hair, his cheeks rosy and round as he looked up over the rectangular rims of his glasses.

"Ahhh, is this the girl in trouble?" he asked, and Greyback nodded and let out a sigh. "We don't know how long this is going to take, unfortunately," she said, but the man simply waved her apparent concern away. "Don't worry about it... So long as she earns her keep she can stay as long as she likes."

The man rose, setting his paper aside, and then sized her up. "Well then... I'm Aaron," he said, "and your name?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe bowed "My name is Chloe Himly Mr. Aaron" Standing up Chloe waited to see what was next. She wondered what he meant by earn her keep. She had little domestic skills and while she was talented in magic to a degree that would draw far to much attention. She was a quest here and she didn't want to be a burden or impolite and awaited to see if Greyback and Aaron had more to say or the gentleman had any further questions.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Well then miss Himly, why don't we let Lady Greyback get back to work while I show you around the house?" Aaron said brightly, the jolly old man smiling and offering her his arm.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Taking the offered arm Chloe smiled letting the kind old man guide her around the house. Before that however she would bid Professor Greyback goodbye. It had been awhile sense she had been in such luxurious accommodations and she would enjoy the tour letting the sights ease her worry about potentially being hunted by an unknown force.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron's home wasn't massive by any means, many larger were to be found within the walls of Therion, and while it was fairly luxurious it also wasn't as lavish as some. Even so, it was still fairly large and impressive, with a full kitchen, four bedrooms, a large study, a sitting room for meeting with guests, and a sizable yard for a place located in the city itself. She was given a bedroom, where she was to stay, and then told that dinners would be in the sitting room or delivered to her by a servant at her preference.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Thank you Lord Aaron. Ill try not to be too bothersome." Bowing slightly Chloe bid the man a short fair well as she settled in. Setting the book she had borrowed from Nina down Chloe looked over the room. "There moved in." Frowning slightly at the announcement. Chloe sat a moment thinking. She hadn't alot of time to gather things and while she was able to bring along some money it was hardly enough for an indefinite stay. At lest she hopped it wouldn't become indefinite. With her meager belongings packed away Chloe headed out to meet up with Lord Aaron again to inform him that she was going to head out into the town to pick up a few extra cloths and to see if their was any work she could do to help earn her keep. After working out any details and addressing the concerns of her protector Chloe would use her light magic to change how she looked. First off she changed her eye color to a soft light purple which was followed by her hair changing to blonde and even her academy robes taking on a more bland less noticeable look. With the preparations complete she would head out and see the town.

Casting Alter Self Light level 4 for a disguise
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Alter Self

Once she had settled in and come back downstairs to tell Lord Aaron of her plans, if she explained the rushed nature of her coming to stay with him he would hastily hand her a purse containing thirty coins, and explained that he could give her more in order to acquire what she needed if she did need more. Leaving his home under a magical disguise, Chloe would find that the bustling metropolis had plenty of options for clothing in the districts that her host had directed her to. Fashions from every part of the world were on sale in every manner of material and of every quality of make, letting her choose what sort of clothes she wanted to shop for among her myriad of choices. In the meantime, she could concentrate on searching for work, though of what type she might wish to look for might narrow her search a great deal in such a vast city.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Accepting the small bag Chloe bowed promising to repay the man once she got some work that could suit her. Once disguised Chloe headed out and promptly got overwhelmed by the throngs of people and level of noise. Still after a moment of finding her feet and centering herself the girl headed out still a little wary.

Heading for the clothing markets Chloe eyed the vast variety of clothing. She was simply astonished by it. Inspecting the clothing she had to resist buying some amazonian silk for Tesnya. This of course brought a slight tear to her eye hoping the girl was okay and not to worried about her. Pressing on to less expensive clothing choices she let her eyes wander for anything that was astounding. Of course as she walked she picked up some basic undergarments nothing too flashy and all very modest. Her next selection was just a few changes of clothes choosing a few well made items that seemed to fit with her protectors range of wealth as well as some sturdy cloths for hard work or travel.

Once that was done she would ask around looking for work explaining that she knew how to read and write as well as being able to speak a few of the more common languages as well as numbers and wouldn't mind being a tutor for younger students. For the moment she would keep her talents in magic secret just in case her trackers had spies in the city. While she was no doubt being over cautious it seemed prudent for now. If need be she could accept a job as a waitress having taken a few shifts for a friend in Buttersville. It wasn't an optimal choice but if that was what was available then she would.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Alter Self

Choosing generally more conservative sorts of garb would end up saving Chloe some coin, or perhaps allowed her to get a bit more than she'd planned on. The underwear without alluring bells and whistles, no silk or lace or fancy designs, would only cost a pair of coins each or three for matching sets, leaving her able to get as much as she needed without much trouble. Getting outerwear was a little bit more difficult, mostly because of the options available, but again opting for more conservative dress would at least keep things cheap even if she didn't get much in the way of adventurous garb. She could manage to get a few outfits, dresses or pairs of trousers and blouses, or perhaps skirts if she didn't mind the Northern chill on her skin, for four coin apiece. Travel or heavy work level clothes would be a bit more expensive, with a proper winter cloak, coat, and boots costing her seven in coin total, though she could potentially get away with a cheaper option of only the cloak for three.

On the job front, however, she would be somewhat less fortunate. As she entered a clerks office that kept track of the city's food stores that she'd been pointed to while asking around it turned out that someone had already just been hired for the position, though if she left a name and address she could be contacted later about it. Good work was seemingly something of a commodity this time of year, as all of the shops were scaling back as the trade season came to an end in preparation for winter. All that seemed to be left to her were the waitress jobs, and she could choose a regular one in the business district, a somewhat rougher one that catered to the town guard and mercenaries, or if she were willing to be a little more adventurous she could go to one of the poorer areas where things tended to be a little bit more risque.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe looked over the modest garb suddenly glad that Nina wasn't present to force her into some lewd decisions. She was still amazed at what that girl could get her to do. Smiling at happy if slightly embarrassing memories Chloe purchased the cheaper options picking up 3 sets of undergarments for 6 coins. Moving on she picked out several outfits deciding on one dress, one skirt & blouse, three sets of trousers and shirts. Handing over her 20 coins with a small frown. This left her with four denari for winter cloths. Looking over the items she decided to try and get the cloak and pair of boots for her remaining money.

Once that was settled she would deposit her new cloths back at Lord Aaron's house before beginning her job search. Needless to say she was rather disappointed at the opportunities present. Still she had done waitress work before and while not the most pleasant she at lest had options of where to work. Any work in the slums was just a bad idea and while she could defender self well enough she didn't want to bring any undue worry or the like upon Lord Aaron. The next choice was a rougher place with guards and mercenaries. This seemed like a good place to get tips but after her recent encounter with such men she decided against it as her fist choice. This only left a tavern in the business district. Sighing that her talents would be wasted in such a place Chloe headed out. After all she needed a job to pay back Lord Aaron and that district should be safe enough as long as she kept her disguise up.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Alter Self

"Oh... Hello! Can I get you a table, or will you be going to the bar miss?" the server on duty asked as Chloe entered, and if she explained her desires the girl would nod and point Chloe to a door behind the bar, and to ask the bartender. She would enter a small, cramped office that had quite a few liquor bottles stacked in cases along the sides, with only the back of the room containing a small desk and a cabinet stuck in the corner. It was empty when she entered, but after a few minutes a balding man in a white shirt and black vest and pants would come in, frowning and fixating her with beady brown eyes.

"You the girl looking for a job? Here, sit down," he said, pulling a chair out from behind some boxes and setting it in front of the desk. He awkwardly climbed into a chair behind the desk, "sorry... Renovations. So, do you have any serving experience? We're not necessarily desperate for people, but we could certainly use some help."
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Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe didn't much like the look of this man but she did need the job. Giving the man a slight curtsy before she sat Chloe began to explain. "Well sir I've had some experience in a similar establishment in my home town. It was only a few days but I did get the hang of serving drinks. If my lack of experience is at question Im also very good with numbers."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Alter Self

"Good with numbers eh? Well that'd help... Maybe you could check the accounting on the side, it'd earn you a little more pay. For now though, lets get some information down. You seem like a decent enough sort. I'll need a name, an address in case I need to send someone for you, and any references you might have." He pulled out a piece of paper and pen and began to scribble something on it, and then looked up at Chloe expectantly.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Unfortunately I just moved here so references are going to be a little hard to come by. However I currently reside with my cousin and she lives at...."Chloe would give the man the address for Lord Aaron explaining that her cousin was employed as servant and the kind Lord Aaron has let her stay till she gets a place of her own. She would also give him fake name calling herself Samantha Berk. With that out of the way and resolving other issues like uniform and times she could start Chloe would head back to Lord Aaron and inform him of her job and alter identity so he wouldn't be confused if someone did call on her here.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Alter Self

"Well then Samantha... That should do. If you know your measurements, you can leave them here and we'll have a dress fitted for you, otherwise try and come by to give them to me tomorrow. Ask for John. If all goes well, we can fit you into the schedule starting early next week," her interviewer said, offering to shake Chloe's hand and then allowing her to be on her way.

Lord Aaron was pleased when she returned and informed him of her success in finding a job. The old man was busy writing something that he put aside when she returned, a letter of some sort, but he paid no heed to it and suggested it wasn't important if Chloe asked about it. He would ask her if she needed any help unpacking and getting settled in, calling for one of a trio of servants to help her if she said yes but allowing her to go on her way on her own otherwise.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Thankfully she had her measurements from her earlier shopping and quickly gave them to John before shaking his hand and departing. It would be work that was unsuited for her gifts but until what ever happened at the academy was sorted out she was stuck. Returning to her sanctuary she greeted Lord Aaron warmly and shared a little about her day before asking about his. Seeing the letter she asked if he was writing to family. Hearing his answer she nodded and refused the help of the servants after all she was used to tending to her own affairs. Bidding the Lord a good night before heading to her room and finishing her unpacking. Pulling out the book she had borrowed from Nina she read for awhile before deciding to sleep.

Getting up she placed an alarm trap at her door and at the window locking both and prepping for bed. Brushing her hair she let the magic fade as her eyes and hair took on their familiar color. For a moment she thought about dyeing it blonde for the duration but given that her hair was hardly normal after her exposure to the aliens she doubt it would hold they dye. Frowning she whispered to any divine that might hear her for the rapid recovery of her roommates, and blew out the candle before crawling into bed the dagger she kept stashed under her pillow.