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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Following her aunt to ground level, the still sour Draconian could hardly forget what just happened. First day home and she already made mother angry. How much worse could it possibly get? Well, she could think of quite a few ways actually, and the results would not be pretty in the slightest. With her aunt finding tracks, the young Draconian would try to find her own set of tracks in order to track down some tasty meal, her thought still drifting back to Ash. Someday, she'd be just as powerful as her mother. Just as tall, just as strong, just as potent, just as persuasive and just as beautiful. One day, she'd have her own harem of lovers and she'd have a prize mate just like Ash. Maybe even two! Her own personal play things to breed and mate with. Birthing many healthy, strong Draconian's and making her race strong again. She would make her mother proud. Her daydream was rather vivid and she shivered at the prospect of all she had imagined. But she stopped in her tracks and shook her head, gathering her thoughts so that she'd be able to hunt. A distracted mind always missed it's target. She kept her eyes wide open and watched for any prey.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Satisfied that the front entrance was at least the lesser defensive problem for the moment, Shabiri got started on the original task, searching out a meal.

Resorting to landing and searching for tracks on foot (Or by coil, in Shabiri's case), the pair quickly came upon some tracks, deer and a large cat stalking them. "Simple enough to follow, and if we get lucky, maybe some work is done for us already." The elder draconian commented, giving Selraani a nod before starting to follow the tracks.

A few moment passed before she spoke again, her tone slow and casual. "You should put more effort into toeing the line, Dear. Ashraani's always been fair, but when she sets down a line, she's never pleased when someone crosses it." She said simply, glancing over to catch the younger Draconian's reaction.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would listen as Selraani spoke a few more words before her daughter left. The Draconian mother looked hopeful, like she wanted to trust her daughters words, but the earlier disobedience had made it hard for her to do so. Ashraani would watch in silence as her child and her sister left to hunt and then turn her attention back to her 'guests'. Being called 'your Majesty' made the Draconian smile pleasedly as she listened attentively to Fethis' reasons to be here. An old city, potentially with treasures within? Ancient magic at that? Oh yes, this definitely kept her interested to hear more. "Fa'Thelis... I have not heard of it, but it sounds like something worthwhile to search for, if there is a chance for ancient knowledge to be found, Fethis. I might consider aiding you in your search for it. Is there anything more you can tell me about it?", she would listen raptly if he had more to speak of regarding this ancient city, and as he mentioned the magics he had master she would smile a little. The first two sounded interesting enough, but the third made her frown slightly. Water magic wasn't something that pleased her, a creature who thrived and reveled in heat and flame, but it might have its uses.

As she next turned to Aura, she would listen as the Night Elf spoke of the 'mistress of love', Venus, a deity she had heard in passing from one of her Demon Mothers as she grew up. She had never considered religious worship beyond seeing to Ashrigaaz, The All-Father of her kind, as most worthy of worship in her life. Even then, he were her father, not her god, and thus she had little understanding of what it meant to worship an entity, even less someone supposedly long since deceased or even less one without physical form to see, hear or touch. Still, the two of them had given her something to think over. She would look to the female elf, a small smile playing upon her lips. "Can you tell me more about this Goddess of yours, Aura? What it means to honor her teachings, and what deeds you do in her name? And perhaps you can tell me what you're capable of? You are a warrior of sort, are you not?". This was nice, Ashraani thought. It was pleasant to sit down and have a simple chat like this, and it had such potential to learn a thing or two about the world outside, if in small bite-size chunks.

After she had gotten her answer however, she would look to the two of them with a more serious look to her. "I am sure the two of you are wondering why I brought you here, are you not? You are allowed to speak your minds, and as long as you do not try to leave my Lair or harm me and those that live herein, you are free to act as you wish. Behave, and I will treat you nicely. Do not, and I will treat you harshly.", with those words, Ashraani slowly rose to her feet, and flexed her wings, looming above her two captives while staring down at them. This was her lair. She ruled here. And as nice as it was to have idle conversation, holding off on letting them know the rules wasn't going to do any good in her opinion.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shibiri Perception 61 vs 43
Shibiri Steath 44 vs 33
Selraani Perception 47 vs 43
Selraani Stealth 26 vs 33

Ashraani HP: 51/51 PP: 61/61 EP: 52/52
Shabiri HP: 57/57 PP: 83/83 EP: 48/48
Selraani HP:66/66 PP: 51/51 EP: 101/101

Fethis seemed very excited about the subject of the ruins, no doubt it was due to his training at the academy. As for Ashraani's other questions about ancient magic he only replied he was certain it was so. Turning her attention to the nightelf Aura Ashraani asked for a little more information about Venus. “Well Majesty I'am indeed a warrior priestess as for Venus she is the goddess of love and beauty. It is said she could turn the hearts of men from war to peace with a simple smile. Many women ask for her blessing on their wedding nights. Aura continued on explaining further details if Ashraani asked for them but soon enough she had some small business to declare to her newest breeders. Making her proclamation brought a rather disappointed look to each of their faces. Fethis was the first to speak being rather willful it seemed. “So we are your prisoners then.. it explains so much. Our lack of armor and these collars on our next hindering our magics.” The man sighed as he looked to the priestess who was lost in thought. “What is the condition of our release? I have contacts that will miss me but for the sake of speeding things along what ransom do you want?

Meanwhile both Shibiri and Selraani where waist deep in damp vegetation as they tracked several small deer threw the underbrush. For the most part the jungle seemed quite and nonthreatening but tracking these deer was starting to get annoying. It had been about an hour sense they found the tracks and yet no prey was present how far did these little things wander? The tracks themselves where easy enough to read the rain from the night before leaving plenty of mud for the creatures to track threw. Looking down at the tracks themselves Shibiri and Selraani got an uneasy feeling of something watching them. Scanning the foliage both caught sight of a black furred panther watching them. The creature was obviously warped with tentacles waving in the air and while it seemed it hadn't seen Shibiri yet, it was definitely looking at Selraani.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri watched the corrupt beast a moment, checking ahead to make sure the deer were not nearby as well. “You‘ve made a new friend. Stand and account youngling, let‘s see what you can do...“ she said quietly, staying put.

((Heading out soon for a couple weeks, figure it may be best if combat accurs without me for a round or three. If Selraani appears to be losing, put a round worth of arrows into the thing. See y‘all when i get back!))
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would hum softly as Aura explained further about this 'Venus' goddess. And given how soft and gentle she sounded to be like it was little wonder she was now gone. Fethis words brought a small, wry, smile to Ashraani's lips though. "Ransom, Fethis? That thought had never crossed my mind, truth be told. Who would pay to see either of you released from my service? And what guarantees do I have that you would not seek my demise later, in the case of me returning your freedom?", Ashraani paused, part to let the words sink in and part to ponder her next choice of words.

"No, Fethis, and Aura, I brought you here because of my own needs sake. Not for the sake of mortal baubles or trinkets. I am not without concern for your well-being however, but how well you will be treated by me and mine depends on how willing you are to co-operate with me. I care for those in my lair, be they my kin or my subjects."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

What started out as a simple hunt for food for the lair now apparently turned into something much more. How could such a mutated beast even exist in this neck of the woods? Why would panthers even come to any location with lava? Foolish creature. The young Draconian smiled almost cruelly at the beast. With mothers blessing and her own natural magical talents, this thing would be a smoldering pile of ash in no time. Feeling a heat welling inside, she'd unleash a fiery breath at the beast, looking to end this fight quickly. No beast would get the better of her today.

Action: Use Dragons Breath in a 90 degree cone, point directly at the Panther. Use 12 EP
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani HP: 51/51 PP: 61/61 EP: 48/52
Shabiri HP: 57/57 PP: 83/83 EP: 48/48
Selraani HP:66/66 PP: 51/51 EP: 88/101

Selraani unleashes her fiery breath 50 vs 45 hit! (108 damage before armor and resistance)
Panther is dead

Selraani felt the fires of her hind build and build until they erupted from her mouth. The mutated panther far from standing still attempted to dodge out of the way but to know avail as the fire death consumed it completely its death cry disturbing the little deer they had been tracking for hours. As the blackened bones of the once powerful creature hit the ground the other effects of Selraani's outburst began to take effect. Looking about the massive tree that the panther had been stationed on was burning the intense flames having dried it to kindling before catching. Thick black and grey smoke began to fill the small area that the two draconians had found themselves in as other vegetation began to burn producing more heat and drying more trees out....


Meanwhile Fethis looked on defiantly at Ashraani. "Madam if I go missing others will come looking for us, and I doubt they will fall so easy to your snare as I have. Do you really wish for the might of the academy to scour this land looking for you and your kin?" His tone was not pleasant and bordered on threatening while Aura simply kept silent keeping her own consul on the subject seemingly lost in thought.

Sorry for the delay guys I got wrapped up with other things. I know its a poor excuse so have a free xp for being good patent players.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

That's not necessary. It was only a short break, and i wouldn't have been able to reply before now anyways.

Shabiri glanced between the scorched corpse, the burning patch of jungle, and the sounds of the deer retreating in a panic. "Impressive. Perhaps a bit too impressive, though." She said with a chuckle, the warmth from the blaze making the cracks in her skin glow brighter. Her tone sounded patient, with just a hint of disapproval.

She slithered a bit closer, basking in the heat as she reached for the dead creature, prodding at it to see just how scorched it was, before hefting it carefully. "May be able to keep some of this to eat, but not enough for everyone, I fear. The deer should be tired from their flight, if we can keep up with the tracks." She said, nodding off in the direction she had heard the deer.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had been nice to her most recent captives, at least in her own opinion, and it was because of it that Fethis borderline threatening tone made her blood hotter than usual. Her eyes glowered with a dangerous gleam to them for a brief moment before she answered the mage. "I am no 'madam', Fethis. I also do not know of this academy that you speak of. If you were trying to threaten me... then you have failed", Ashraani would pause briefly, just enough to let her words sink in. And to collect her thoughts. "You do however, have my attention. I may not feel threatened by something I do not know anything about, but that does not mean I am willing to risk the safety of my lair and those that dwell there". Another brief pause, again to think over what words to choose.

"Then again, how do I know for sure that anyone would come and look for you? If you were of a high rank within this... 'academy' as you called it... Then wouldn't you have had more than just four companions with you on this journey?", Ashraani couldn't help but smile a little. Perhaps she was revealing too much knowledge that she had of Fethis and his entourage, but at the same time... What could she lose from it? And that reminded her of the first of his band she had snatched up and whisked away. Ashraani would turn around somewhat and look over to where Ash had been left, to see if she was still there and Argaaz still by her side.

After locating her first breeder Ashraani would turn her attention back to her two recent captures, more specificly the Elf. "You've been quiet for a while, Aura. You are as free as Fethis to voice your thoughts, and concerns. Are they as defiant as his, I wonder...?"

[OOC: Nah, we can't accept that XP, ranger. Me and Aust was a bit late to reply ourselves, so it is all well I say!]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

For a moment, the young Draconian was filled with great pride. Mother would certainly be impressed by this kill. A real exhibition of power and strength. But in her haste, she may have done more damage to the beast then was necessary. The beast itself was charred to a crisp and her aunts examination did not fill her with much hope. Not enough to eat? Oh gods, mother was gonna be mad. And the fire she started couldn't be a good thing either. Could give them away if they weren't careful. "We...We need to track that deer! And we need to do something about the fire!" Selraani was a little frantic over the situation, unsure if her aunt would provide proper direction. If not, she'd make an effort to try and follow the deer, no doubt running blind.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

"Calm yourself, youngling." Shabiri said soothingly, extending a hand toward where the deer left. Her face held an amused grin, remembering when she was just as young and eager. "I have no way to deal with the fire, but the place is wet enough. shouldn't jump more than once or twice more before the jungle handles it itself. The deer will run, but if we crash after them, they'll just run further. Besides, your mother didn't set a time limit, did she? I wouldn't suggest being lazy about it, but we aren't in a great hurry, either."
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani HP: 51/51 PP: 61/61 EP: 52/52
Shabiri HP: 57/57 PP: 83/83 EP: 48/48
Selraani HP:66/66 PP: 51/51 EP: 101/101
Shibiri takes 5 resistance damage from the fire.

The panther or at lest what used to be a panther was little more than scorched leather and blackened bone. It would be worthless for anything other than a grisly warning if they erected it somewhere it could be seen. Turning to Selraani in her attempt to calm the younger draconian down Shibiri felt her loins stir slightly as the heat from the burning trees started to affect her.

Selraani beamed with pride her powerful display showing off the glory of her heritage. However, it was short-lived as her aunt made her discovery. Crushed if only, for the moment, Selraani was eager to prove herself more and nearly headed off blindly before her aunt stopped her.

Together after finding the tracks once more the duo headed into the jungle quickly leaving the fire behind. It would take at lest another hour for them to find the deer once more and this time, there was no panther to stop their hunt. Nearly a dozen of the animals sat in a loose herd nibbling on tender shoots of greenery.


"I do not make idle threats Ashraani. While I may not be of high rank in the academy, I will be expected back, and they will look for me. As for my companions, I did not want to waste too much money only finding nothing, so I made this scouting party to make sure there was something to find first. " Fethis had a slight hint of anger in his tone but sealed and trapped there was little he could do.

Turning her head as Fethis spoke Ashraani easily spotted Ash. She was sitting as Argaaz watched her like a hawk. Looking on the human, she could clearly see that she feared Argaaz greatly though given their first encounter it could hardly be a surprise. Looking back she spoke to Aura. "You've been quiet for a while, Aura. You are as free as Fethis to voice your thoughts, and concerns. Are they as defiant as his, I wonder...?" Looking up the nightelf frowned slightly. "I of course desire my freedom, but the goddess led me here for a reason... I will willingly stay and serve you if you let Fethis go..." Fethis of course turned to Aura and nearly shouted. "Aura what are you saying! You can't possibly be willing to stay with this demon!
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

(Was trying not to be first this time. Ah well XD)

Shabiri let out a small shiver as they left the impromptu bonfire, the cool damp of the jungle settling in far too fast for her liking. As they travelled, she pondered relaxing near one of the lava vents when they returned, perhaps with one of the herd her sister had already started to collect...

The pair came upon the deer after a while, the snakelike draconian smiling in anticipation when they finally crested a small rise and saw their prey through the foliage. "Me first this time. I'll make sure we have enough for dinner, then you can see what you can do to get us extra." She said quietly, laying her coils under her as she took a spot behind a tree, using the length to raise herself a few feet higher in the air. "Get us enough, and we'll be well for a while, I'm sure that will please your mother, hmm?"

She waited a moment for Selraani to agree and prepare herself, then took careful aim for a deer along one edge of the herd. Moving swiftly, she loosed an arrow at it, then drew and fired another, the second shot zooming towards a second deer, on the other side. Then she looked down at her neice. "Go."

Rapid shot, adding one shot. -4 to hit, and -1 damage are the associated penalties. aiming her normal shot and the additional shot at two different deer.
Each attack will be +57 to hit and 2d8+18 damage, doubled if she's sneak attacking.
Deer have to take a resistance check DC 24 or gain paralyzed status. (I doubt i really need the sneak attack of resistance check, but just taking note for practice's sake. XD)
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani frowned slightly as she saw Argaaz behavior towards Ash. As much as she loved her companion, his... enthusiasm... in serving her could be a bit much at times. And Fethis anger and frustration was palpable to her. She wasn't going to let him get to her again though. "I rarely see threats as idle ones, Fethis.", her voice was a little distant, as if distracted, in this case by Ash and Argaaz. She turned her head and stared down upon the mage with a calm, if disappointed, expression to her. "And letting you go free is more of a threat to me and mine than keeping you here, as far as I'm concerned.", Ashraani's voice was of the musing sort. Keeping Fethis here could potentially bite her later on, but that'd require the 'Akademi' to track her down. Letting Fethis go however, meant that he could easily lead them to her. It was never going to be easy, now would it?

The Draconian would listen as Aura spoke next, and the Elves words made Ashraani raise a curious brow. The Elf thought she was here for a higher purpose? The Draconian couldn't help but smile faintly at that. She could work with this, perhaps. Fethis shout made her scowl, though she wouldn't respond to him. After a brief moment of pondering, Ashraani would crouch down before Aura, to look into her eyes on a more even level. "Now, I am not the sort to believe in deities, so my apologies if I come off as ignorant here... But if your Goddess led you here, Aura, why is Fethis an issue to your decision?", Ashraani's eyes glowered slightly, and she would look towards the Mage briefly. "Admittedly, he is starting to become an issue for me. I can't let him leave, to potentially tell others about this place. I have as much reason to trust his words, as he have to trust mine.", she then looked back to Aura with a saddened expression. "As much as I would love to have you live here of your own free will, Aura, I cannot accept the terms you've given me. I wish I could have."

Ashraani paused before continuing, her voice now carrying a matter-of-factly, emotionally neutral, tone. "He is useful to me here, alive, he is a liability to me and mine out there... Unless he is not.", with those words Ashraani would rise to her feet. She would stare down upon her captives with a cold look. "I do wonder what the 'Akademi' would think, if they found a burned down camp, with a charred corpse in it.", Ashraani's eyes glowered as she turned her gaze upon Fethis, ever so slightly baring her fangs. "As much as I would prefer not having to resort to such... actions... I find myself with little choice. I have more people to care for than myself, Fethis. Had you simply posed a threat to me, I wouldn't think twice about my actions.", Ashraani turned halfly to make a sweeping handwave over her lair. "But you are threatening this. A new home for me and mine. Your freedom could threaten that. And what kind of mother would allow a threat to her family go free like that?"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The change of setting and the finding of the deer herd was a rather promising prospect for the pair. Actual pray that could give them some actual food and nothing to stop them. However, the younger of the two Draconian was still a little bothered by the damage she caused earlier. She'd let her aunt do the majority of the work in this case, taking out any deer she could. But she remembered she still had some non-lethal magics that could aid in this situation. A quick incantation later she would hold out her hand at one of the deer and attempt to bind it and allow for an easier kill. Hopefully she could get a couple more of these spells out so they'd have a healthy supply of food. What her aunt did now, she could only guess.

(Spend 4 EP to cast binding on one deer in her line of sight)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Fethis didn't at all seem worried about Ashraani's threat about leaving him a scorched corpse, though she did notice a flare in his eyes and the collar he wore sparked briefly. Still the seal held leaving the mage helpless before her. “Mistress” the word was hesitant as if aura was reluctant to use it but she soon spoke again. “Mistress he is special to me and I care for him deeply. If I still have free reign to speak as I choose then hear me out. Fethis and myself where unconscious when you brought us here. If you rendered him unconscious once more then deposited him in the town of Korst I doubt he would be able to track us back to your lair. Also I doubt the Academy will spend resources looking for his hired help as long as they get him back. After all they are fighting a war against the Orcs in the north.” Fethis looked over at Aura mouth agape. “Aura don't condemn yourself here. This beast only wants to breed you. She won't listen to your preaching or sway from her course. All you are to her is a womb to be filled she doesn't care for you!” Aura looked over at Fethis a hint of annoyance. “Be silent Fethis. Im trying to save your life. Besides I made my choice and I know this is where my path leads.” The mage just looked on silent his protests caught in his throat.


Shibiri's aim was true he arrows flying fast taking down her two targets with ease. This of course sent the other deer into a panic causing the timid and agile creatures to bolt off. Following her Aunts lead Selraani invoked her magics easily ensnaring one of the creatures in mid jump binding sending it crashing to the ground, where it struggled against the magic bonds holding it in place.

Looking at the fresh chaos her attack caused Shibiri had the chance for one maybe two more shots before the deer made good their escape. That choice was up to her of course after all they had plenty of meat for the current house hold though one of the animals was still thrashing around its legs caught in a magic bonds.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The naga-like draconian grinned as both her arrows found their mark, the rest of the deer starting to scatter. Drawing another pair of arrows, she fired at one of the fleeing herbivores, then sent her last arrow at the one Selraani had bound, ending it's like before the struggling would toughen the meat much. The rest she let flee. Thinning the herd too much may provide them with food for now, but would also take the deer longer to replenish themselves.

"Aye, that will do, I believe. Good job." She told her neice, sliding her bow over her shoulder and starting to slither forwards to collect their spoils.

Same as before, Rapid shot, adding one shot. -4 to hit, and -1 damage on each shot.
+57 to hit and 2d8+18 damage, doubled if she's sneak attacking.
Resistance check DC 24 or gain paralyzed status.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Selraani smiled at her aunts words. She finally managed to do something today without screwing it up or causing more damage then she intended. Sure, her aunt did most of the killing, but she was able to help without causing too much noise or being a general hindrance. "Thank you! Mother should be pleased with these results. Enough to last us a little while if we space it out properly." With her words, she followed her elder and began to gather the fallen creatures to bring home. Oh she knew her mother would be pleased with this! She had to be!
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

When Fethis' eyes had flared and his collar sparked, Ashraani had made a dismissive gesture; one humming lowly with fiery magic, a warning. If he were so much as to try that trick again she would not think twice about dealing with him with swiftly. This had started to get ridiculous how thickheaded the male was. As she finished her speech she would wait for the captives response. She was pleased with the tone she was spoken to by Aura. 'Mistress'. She could grow to like that. As the Elf spoke of Fethis as 'someone special' the Draconian would frown slightly, part because that would undoubtedly make matters more complicated, and part because she couldn't for the life of her imagine anyone fancying Fethis. Ashraani would listen to Aura and consider her words. But of course Fethis would prove incapable of keeping his mouth shut. The Elf snapping at him had Ashraani on the verge of giggling. But she managed to stiffle that before it was made vocal.

"I hear your reasoning, Aura. It is sound. It is one I could agree with, were the circumstances not as they were.", Ashraani would cross her arms under her bosom and hum thoughtfully. "I am however of keen interest in matters of magic, and while I do not know the rituals or chants I do know there are means known as 'scrying'. Fethis could undoubtedly scry for you, and even if he does not have the aid of this... academi, that keeps being mentioned, he could pursue vengeance personally.", Ashraani stared down on Fethis and growled lowly in annoyance. She was being far too paranoid. It wouldn't surprise her even for a moment if Fethis proved to be one to strive towards personal vendettas though. "And I am loathe to let go of anyone that I have rightfully claimed, by means of strength or cunning. There is much for me to consider.", the Draconian's tail slowly began to whip back and forth impatiently. "Nor can I let him go before my sister and my daughter returns, even if I intended to do as much.", she turned her gaze back upon Aura, an unhappy expression to her. "Your loyalty is something I value, Aura, but unless I can make sure that Fethis is not coming back, or otherwise try to disrupt my efforts, there is nothing I can agree to... Unless you to swear yourself to me and my cause.", Ashraani's eyes glowered, her patience was running thin. She would continue to speak before either of the two captives had a chance to respond though.

"If I am to let Fethis go free, then you, Aura, are to swear that you will defend me and mine, this lair and my subjects, against anyone that wishes us harm or trying to take anyone away from my side.", she would stare down at Fethis, her eyes filled with contempt. "Including Fethis, should he prove dumb enough to return by whatever means. That you would oppose him if he tried to free you.", she turned her gaze back to Aura. "You need not swear it now. Not until my kin returns at least. You have time to think it over. And as for you, Fethis...", Ashraani's lips formed a wry little smile as she slowly turned around, as if about to leave them. "Should you not wish for me to use Aura as another piece of flesh, not just another womb to fill with my young as soon as you're away from here, perhaps you should stay, accept your fate, and breed in her stead.", with those words said Ashraani spread her wings. "Now, excuse me, for I have someone to see to, someone that have already accepted my seed. And if either of you try to escape, any chances of a peaceful conclusion will be lost to you. Make use of this time to consider your options."

And with that the Draconian set off into the air, a low altitude and a lazy glide over towards Argaaz and Ash. As soon as she landed close to them she would speak to her first breeder. "My apologies for leaving you behind like that, Ash. I had matters to tend to. I hope Argaaz haven't been... a problem?", Ashraani stared down on her prized companion. As much as she loved him she knew full well that he could be a little... overzealous at times.