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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thankfully the distraction worked as the first beast almost sucked the guard into it, he was giving out muffled screams as Hectate managed to free Zenia, who had the most relieved look on her face, looking back over at the beasts, there was no signs of the guard, the slime simply spat out metal chunks of armor and nothing else...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate hugged Zenia tightly for a moment before turning to point her revolver at one of the slimes, starting to pull the creature, its main body too large to have to worry much about recoil as she steadied her aim with both hands, and then saw it spit out the guards armour. "Holy shit they eat people!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia shook her head and said "I-I saw it e-eat some g-guards...t-they took f-females...s-somewhere..." Zenia shakily said, the beasts turned their attention towards the two, both giving them hungry stares as they slowly made their way foward, emphasis on slow, they were about as fast as a elephant on a skateboard, giving Hectate and Zenia ample time to prepare.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well, if you think of something.. Tell me" Hecate said before leaping at the one on the right, spinning as her foot was brought across in a powerful arc, hoping to use the impact from the hit to rebound off and away from the creature and let her attack and keep some distance.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Using a attempted rebound technique, Hectate noticed the other slime had spat out the assualt rifle that was still on the guard as well, Zenia noticed this and immediately attempted to sprint and grab it, however both of them were set up to fail as Hectates wrists were grabbed and she was slammed into the ground backfirst and Zenias ankles were pulled out from beneath her, making her making her slam into the ground painfully as they were both yanked closer, in the struggle Zenia did manage to grab the rifle however.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Zenia, point and pull and just hold on!" Hecate shouted as she brought her leg up to coil around the tendrils holding her and tried to break their grip, her wings and tail flailing around wildly to try and keep the others at bay.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Flailing to try and break the slimes grip, Hectate couldnt get herself free, Zenia however managed to worm her way out of the grip of the tentacles and hop backwards, managing to spray a few bullets into the beast she had just wriggled free of, Hectate felt the tentacles on her ankles wrap around her legs fully, only leaving her knees unbinded as she tried to get a shot off on the beast and failing to.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed as her legs were snared as well, bucking and thrashing as she tried to pull herself out of this things grip, not wanting to get caught like the guard had, using every ounce of her strength to try and pull free.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling and growling, Hectate didnt get much farther unfortunately, more tentacles winding around her wrists and arms, the slime lifted her up and leant her against its body, its strength seemed to be weak as it tried to pull her legs apart, Zenia was caught out again by a tentacle almost slapping the gun out of her hand and using the opening to wrap around her stomach, dragging her closer as Zenia fired another spray but forgot to pray and completely missed her target.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was muttering curses now as she was completely bound up and leant against the creatures body, the individuals limbs seemed to be weak as they tried to pry her legs apart. Using it's body now as leverage, Hecate tried to muscle her way out again, not liking being this close to the creature on little bit...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to struggle out of her current state was aggravating, as she just couldnt move, another tentacle brushed against her back, this one had a needle like ending, jabbing it into Hectate she felt some senses dull as the tentacle withdrew, her legs were pried apart as she panted in a tired state, Zenia struggled but couldnt get free either as tentacles grabbed at her gun to try and pull it away, thankfully Zenia kept a firm grip on the guns handle stopping it from being stolen from her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Feeling something jab into her back, injecting her with some kind of poison, Hecate was unable to keep her legs closed any longer and struggled again, albeit more weakly, the ability to fight draining out of her as she watched Zenia continue fighting as if in a haze.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Almost as if on cue, Hectate felt two thick tentacles enter both her lower holes, however instead of feeling arousal, Hectate didnt feel anything at all, even as the two tentacles started to thrust and pound into her repeatedly, it was a strange experience, but Hectate knew if she didnt struggle out soon something bad would happen, it was in her gut, Zenia managed to get another shot into the beast grappling her, making it even more frustrated as it sucessfully slapped the rifle out of her hand and pull her closer again, making it so her back was against the slime as she whimpered and struggled.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Shit, that drug, it had numbed her body, she couldn't even feel the two tendrils pumping into her lower holes, which really kind of pissed her off, angry, Hecate pulled and thrashed against her bonds, trying to lean out and bite the creature if she had to.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling against the binds, Hectate just couldnt find a opening as she felt the two tentacles inside her open up and spurt something into both her stomach and her womb, bloating her belly a little bit, the whole feeling of being came inside without feeling the pleasure was alien and foreign, Zenia wasnt getting much luck either as a tentacle coiled around her right ankle and lifted her leg up, exposing her lower lips as her arms were pinned to her sides, she whimpered as she tried struggling, not having much luck either, Hectate managed to get a good opening off and get her right arm free, not before the tendrils in her started to roughly pound her again.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate couldn't get loose, her numb body confusing and enraging her as the two tendrils pounded away until she felt them cum, flooding her body with something, but being unable to feel it. Getting her arm free just as it started to thrust into her again, Hecate slammed her elbow into the creature as she pushed back and away, already hating these things.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Slamming her elbow into the creature, Hectate still couldnt get it off of her as it thoroughly pounded away at her, again spurting its juices into her and bloating her belly even more, however she did manage to get all her limbs free and jump off of the slime, landing on the ground, the fluid inside her almost having no weight to her, Zenia wasnt having much luck as a tentacle unfolded from the slime, this one in the shape of a soft blunt drill, Zenia gave out a yelp as the drill forced itself into her pussy, the point of it disappearing inside her as it started to rotate rapidly inside her, making Zenia give out shaky cries of pleasure as it thrust in and out of her, the beast was approaching Hectate again, its tentacles dripping with her juices.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, bloated with whatever had been spurted into her not once, but twice, managed to get away, only to see Zenia getting literally drilled. Unable to simply get passed the creatures, Hecate gave a yell and came in low, aiming her fist at the creature angrily.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Attempting to run in was foolish as Hectate immediately found herself seized by the beast coming towards her again, tentacles winded around her ankles and legs as she was raised above the beast, she noticed a hole open up in the slimes upper area, her wrists were swiftly grabbed as well as she was placed inside the slime, the hole sealing itself as Hectate found herself floating in the goo, she felt something rub up against her lower holes before she was penetrated in both her holes, something thin and sticky grabbed a hold of her nipples and started to tug and pull at them, while something long and wet thrust itself into her mouth, leaving her floating in the mass as all her holes were thoroughly fucked and her nipples played with, she still couldnt feel the pleasure she was used to, Zenia still couldnt struggle free as the beast continued to drill into her further, speeding up its drill and its thrusts as her body started to buck and bounce with each thrust, she was only able to moan out "O-Oh god... i-it feels so g-good~!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed and swore as she was snatched up and lifted above the creature, watching it open a maw of some kind before she was pulled in and her holes were filled again. Completely restrained within the creature, even her mouth filled now, all she could do was rage at the fact that she had lost, and couldn't feel anything. And why that bothered her during what was in fact a rape in progress she wasn't quite sure, but it wasn't fair damnit!. And then she remembered Taku.... It wasn't the drug! It was her damned tail! Talk about Karma being a pain in the ass! Sprouting her tail, she wrapped it around the length pounding into her slit, coiling up it to join it in it's thrusting into her flower, trying to raise her own pleasure rather then simply please the creature that was using her body like a toy. And to make matters worse she could hear Zenia panting out about how good everything felt. Damnit!