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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate was unable to get herself free from this threesome as Taku continued to lick faster and Zenia thrusted harder, the beast was waiting just out of her line of sight, healing itself up, Hectate couldnt even get herself free with a second struggle as she felt Zenias length warm up, Taku thankfully lapsed out of her stupor and realised what Zenia was doing, trying to pull her off, Zenia quickly jumped away, on edge, the beast thrust its tentacle into Zenia and started to quickly pull itself inside like the earlier beast did to Hectate, only this time it was completely gone, somehow inside Zenia without her belly being bloated or having tentacles coming out of her orifices, Zenias eyes turned to a golden yellow colour as she smirked and licked her fingers, her new shaft still standing high and twitching as Taku handed Hectate her revolver.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate scrambled to her feet, taking her gun and staring at Zenia, her body still shaking with lust while she though. "Taku, I can't shoot her, I can't... You need to distract her long enough for me to bite her" Hecate said, biting her own lip and letting the toxin spread in her own system, making her more flexible, plyable, buying herself some manueverability and time as she moved one way around Zenia, and motioned for Taku to go the other, they had to flank her. As soon as Taku made her move, Hecate would rush in and sink her fang into any part of Zenia she could reach.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Taku holstered her rapier as she tried to distract Zenia, rushing out to try and get Zenia into a submission hold, Taku was surprised as the beast suddenely phased out of Zenia and right ontop of Taku, almost immediately absorbing her into her mass, it seemed like the beast was using Hectates own tricks, she was too astounded by this to realise that Zenia had grabbed a hold of her and forced her to the ground, her ass in the air as Zenia penetrated her pucker, giving a gasp of satisfaction as Hectate wormed in her grip, Zenia started thrusting into Hectate, hilting several times which only made it harder for Hectate to resist, Taku was having more luck as she forced herself out of the slime, her jeans torn slightly as she re-drew her rapier to do battle with the beast while Hectate had to confront a horny Zenia with a dick...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"God. Damnit" Hecate said with a shuddering voice as everything went violently wrong, she got distracted, and Zenia bowled her over, starting to thrust into her ass with a passion as Hecate struggled to get out of her hold, using her superior strength to straighten her body and kick out. Getting really tired of this annoying things game.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling, Hectate managed to get out of Zenia before she came into her, sputtering her juices onto the ground, Zenia looked almost upset, trying to grapple her again, Hectate dodged out of the way and managed to hit Zenia, her hit glanced her and didnt knock her out unfortunately, Taku was busy trying to combat the beast, getting a few slashes off on it before it grappled her with its tentacles, dragging her closer once more.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate turned while Zenia was till stumbling from the blow, firing a round at the beast rather then fighting Zenia, they had to kill that damned thing first!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Getting a shot off on the beast, Hectates bulelt slammed home as it forced the beast to let go of Taku, however this distracted hectate from Zenia, who was still frustrated from Hectate escaping her grip, Zenia seized her distraction by running and grabbing Hectate, slamming her against a wall and roughly penetrating her lower lips, making Hectate cry out in pleasure and pain as Zenia held her legs by her ankles and spread them, starting to thrust and hilt into Hectate against the wall as Zenias tongue licked and suckled on Hectates already aroused teets, Taku managed to get a good three slash combo off on the beast and avoid another strike from its tentacles.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Seeing her powerful revolver's round slam into the creature Hecate smiled before yelping as Zenia, still under the things control, pinned to a wall and continued pounding her, slamming into her slit while she held her ankles. Not grabbing her wrists was a big mistake as Hecate groaned even as she leveled a hard right cross into Zenia's gut.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to get a punch was easier said than done as Zenia continued to make Hectate feel better and better, eventually Hectate couldnt handle it as she herself reached a orgasm, making Zenia grin as she sped up her speed of thrusting, eventually reaching a shuddering climax herself, letting her tongue hang as she spurted her seed straight into Hectates womb, as her dick was pressing against Hectates cervix, panting, Zenia pulled out of Hectate and let her drop to the floor as Zenia kneeled and rubbed her own dick, panting and moaning, smearing it with Zenias cum to lubricate it, Taku on the other hand tried to pull off a overhead slash by jumping only to land straight on a slimy wooden horse the beast prepared as a counter, latching its tentacles around her ankles to pull her onto it, tearing her jeans and making her panties wet as the horse started to rock back and forth, making Takus face turn bright red with arousal as she tried to get off.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She couldn't tear herself loose until Zenia had pushed her over into an orgasm and cum herself, filling her womb with seed before Zenia seemed to lose interest in her and dropped her to the floor, starting to rub herself off. Figuring she was no longer a threat, Hecate stood and fired another round at the beast, her hand cannon not to be ignored!!!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Shooting at the beast, Hectate was temporarily in the clear as Taku was too busy getting herself aroused by the beast, the beast however was adept at multi tasking as it sent a very tiny tendril out at Hectate, it was hollow and it latched onto her clit, making her gasp out in surprise as it tugged on her clit, bringing her foward and making her moan as Taku still couldnt get herself free, Hectate could see Zenia continue to masturbate, making her breasts lactate as she hungrily drank it, damnit, she forgot about Zenia being able to drink her own milk...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate called on her lessons again to resist the sharp spike of pleasure pulsing through her as the thing latched onto her clit, starting to drag her towards it as she bit down on her tongue hoping the pain would help as she ran towards it to relieve the pulling and fired another round. They had to end this quickly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Running towards the beast, Hectate managed to get off a few more rounds, making the beast quiver and drop Taku, latching onto the ceiling and shrinking in size to make it harder for Hectate to hit her, Taku stood up and panted calming herself down, picking up her rapier and trying to hit the slime, while Hectate had to reload, Zenia had seemingly stopped healing herself now and was running towards her again, a quick thinking reaction by Hectate clotheslined Zenia, making her land on her back hard as Hectate finished her reload, Zenia seemed to be persistent as she got right back up and decided to opt punching Hectate in the stomach to weaken her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed as she had to reload, and then clothesline Zenia mid reload, and then finish the reload, only to get punched in the stomach, letting out a loud "Ooomph" Hecate had had enough as she threw herself onto Zenia, biting like a woman possessed, desperate to phase into her and limit the number of people BEATING ON HER!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Attacking Zenia, Hectate only managed to suceed in landing right on Zenias well lubricated dick and sliding into place, Zenia grinned and passionately kissed Hectate, thrusting into her repeadetely and hilting almost every single time, Hectate could feel herself and Zenias arousal grow higher and higher, she couldnt let herself or Zenia reach another orgasm or her succubus body would go into auto-pilot...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Crying out in unexpected pleasure as Zenia of all people pulled a dirty trick, Hecate knew this was a bad place to be and pushed away from her, hitting her if she had to to get off the cock she had inadvertently impaled herself on.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling, Hectate couldnt pull herself off of Zenias dick as she continued to thrust harder and faster into her, despite a second struggle attempt, Hectate and Zenia were both about to peak she could tell, Taku however was wailing on the beast, easily knocking it off the ceiling, dodging its attempt to land on her and getting a very expertly timed stab at its core, making it shake some of its slime away as the beast was on its last legs...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate knew she was in trouble, and that the creature was weak. Making one last gamble, She let Zenia continue pound her, using her last seconds of coherent thought as her will bent against the pleasure to aim and fire at the creature before hitting her peak at the same time as Zenia filled her with warmth, the Holstaurus cumming again and Hecate devolving into her succubus nature as she lost herself to the pleasure, not even sure if her attack had struck home, but knowing that she could trust her skill, and the clear sight picture she'd had before she pulled the trigger, and the explosion of pleasure that burst within her core, was heralded by the hellfire bellowing out of the barrel of the revolver before she dropped the gun and started thrashing, trapped in the throws of bliss.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Summoning the last of her strength, Hectate managed to get a perfect shot off on the beast, the bullet slamming home and into its core, killing it outright as the milky beasts core exploded and it literally shook itself to death, however Zenia had already finished her plan, with a scream of pleasure she came into Hectate, however Hectate felt something shift and change in her mind, Zenia pulled out and started going after Taku, who was content to dodge at this point, however Hectate realized after Zenia cummed in her that her clit had swelled into a similar sized dick and her mind was telling her to join Zenia in going after Taku, the thought was overwhelmingly tempting as she stood up and followed Zenia, with Taku having a worried look on her face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, growing a length of her own even after killing the creature, fought the impulse with every ounce of mental reserve she had, but her succubus nature was getting in the way, she needed sex but she had just been sated by Zenia twice as well and was energy wise thankfully sated. But it was still hard to ignore and inside her meant she bent to the task trying to stop herself but not confident she could even as she moved towards Taku.