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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Oh right, lots of transformations then..." the mimic had to think of a moment as well, asking Hectate "What stops these urges from arising at the worst times?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Pain... and Guilt" Hecate said without really thinking about it, falling in to simply answering questions easily, and relaxing somewhat as they talked. "I can generally fight the urge by inflicting pain on myself and trying to refocus, although that doesn't always work. what stopped me last time was guilt."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, well its a start..." the mimic had to think for a while and asked "How much do you hurt yourself to stop yourself? Slapping yourself? biting your tongue?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Biting my tongue, hard' Hecate said, looking at Michiko again, she was also glad she hadn't shot the doppleganger out of paranoia, that had been a near miss. "The taste of blood I suppose, my own, and the pain reminds me of where I am and whats going on. but lately it hasn't been working, I get so caught up so quickly now that once I start I can't finish, and because of the succubus, even a little sets me off and it all snowballs from there."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thinking for a moment the mimic said "Thats usually good enough to snap you out of it, i guess all i really need to do is help you out of your lewd mindset from your succubus nature...have you ever considered giving it back to your friend? How bad was she as a succubus?" the mimic continued to ask.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"If I could, I would" Hecate said rather wistfully, "And she was kind, innocent really, a willing participant in the program and because she was far more controlled then her fellow demons. But I am not giving up the egg laying thing, because... I will shamelessly admit that that is the single most pleasureable thing I've ever done and I enjoy it too much. "
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, the mimic said "I May be able to help you with that, i have some magic and some techniques to extract your succubus nature from you, so it`ll be even easier to keep your urges under control"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"And if you see Taku you can give them back to her" Hecate said nodding, just accepting this gift for what it was, although she wondered if she could egg a mermaid, that sounded like fun... She wondered if Michiko was down with a little freaky underwater sex as well, she was getting randy.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The mimic noticed Hectate slight arousal creeping up and gave her a light slap "That is the point pretty much, you want to go get rid of it now?" the mimic asked as Michiko swam off.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate jumped at the slap slightly and blushed, nodding ."Ya, get rid of it before my head winds up in the gutter again..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Hectate was taken out of the room back into the corridor...and then they went back inside, however now the room had changed to something looking a bit like a operating theater, once again she was directed to lie on the operating table, as the mimic prepared something at a table of vials nearby.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Okay, now thats just freaky..." Hecate said as she was leadd out and back in again, the room changing entirely. Laying on the table without complaint, Hecate waited patiently for whatever was next, fidgeting nervously.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking up at a digital clock on the wall, Hectate realized it was 3 in the morning and it was tuesday, at least she got a lead from Zenias little kidnap episode, the mimic looked at Hectate and asked "Are you ready?", holding a syringe with a clear liquid in it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded, continuing to look at the clock and doing the math in her head to check it against her available time left. Regardless, if nothing gave soon then she was in trouble However! If she could keep the government ou long enough to acquire the proof she needed, then she won.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Walking over to Hectate, the doppleganger swabbed Hectates neck with alcohol and injected her, Hectate almost immediately passed out, by time she woke up, she was back in the therapy room, the doppleganger still looking like her, Hectate felt like her mind had got a bit...clearer, the doppleganger asked "Feeling better?" as Hectate realised her horns and tail had vanished.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate eeped when she felt the needle hit the back of her neck and then passed out. Waking up, and feeling around, she noticed her succubi bits were missing and she smiled and nodded. "I do, thank you" Hecate said quietly. "I'm glad I didn't shoot you, that would have been mistake" She said a little ashamed at her overly paranoid behavior. "But what do I owe you..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Nothing, just the fact i know im making a difference" the mimic said, petting Hectate as she stood up, "You might want to be careful down here, a lot of the monster girls have made this place their home"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate smiled and nodded, "I know, and I'm certain SOMEONE here knows who the hell screwed the pooch for everyone on this project, that's who I'm currently chasing, but I need more information and I can't waste time." Hecate said a little sadly, standing and stretching. "Still, I appreciate what you've done for me"

Heading for the way out, Hecate wanted to continue exploring the area, hoping to find someone who knew what and who was actually going on before she ran out of time.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Ah yes! I Heard mentions that some people had been joining a few rebels trying to get to the surface, whoever did this was not one person but a group of around five or less people, thats all i can say" the mimic waved to hectate "Look for any doors with leaks and you can meet Michiko there"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Thank you again" Hecate called before exiting the strange room and continuing through the labyrinth, keeping her eyes open for leaking doors, wanting to meet Michiko again, and properly.