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ACT [Hkid] Drow huntress - free 3d game

Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

I understand learning a new engine when you are just getting the ropes of one can be daunting, but sometimes it's better to just do it if one is better than the other.

Unity standard is free to use and it natively supports blender files, it imports them with everything you may need:
docs dot unity3d dot com/Manual/HOWTO-ImportObjectBlender dot html

Also, unity is already being used by most gambling websites and porn projects made with it have just begun to surface. It's roughly the same with gamemaker and rpgmaker, both are (nowadays) professional, commercial software, yet they are the foundation of most porn games out there and you don't see yoyo of enterbrain chassing people around or banning the use of their engines for unholy purposes.

The biggest difference between unity and blender engine, I think, would be that with unity you would not only have access to the asset market, you would also have probably the most comprehensive array of tutorials available for any game engine. I still want to learn unity after I get at least decent with gamemaker, but if I did 3D then unity would be my #1 option based on learning resources alone.

For example:
www dot assetstore dot unity3d dot com/en/#!/content/10043
$50 for a fully functioning hack and slash engine.

www dot assetstore dot unity3d dot com/en/#!/content/18280
$30 and now you have a pretty neat scenery and an enemy.

You purchased them, usually there's nothing on the eula that says that you need to even tell them what you are gonna use the assets for, much less ask for permission. For less than $100 you have saved yourself weeks of work.

And if you want to learn how to use it instead of tweaking ready made assets there's always a lot of learning resources missing from almost any other game engine, for example:
www dot digitaltutors dot com/tutorial/1566-Quick-Start-to-Unity-Volume-1
www dot digitaltutors dot com/tutorial/1567-Quick-Start-to-Unity-Volume-2
www dot digitaltutors dot com/tutorial/1583-Quick-Start-to-Unity-Volume-3

Less than 3 hours of instruction and it should give you enough of a headstart in unity to begin making a fully functional game.

I'm done cheering for unity, I will leave you alone now :p
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Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

OK I have an update, I have abandoned the plugin and am now going with a standalone executable. You can find it

There's a very early alpha version with a bit of gameplay. You have to get past the troll and cross the bridge, but there's an obstacle.

I have changed the controls to WASD (It can be played one handed now, I read that was a requirement.. heh) There is not a lot of content but some game mechanics are already present. The character can run or walk, interact with objects, use two kinds of weapons and there are some sound effects.

Everything about the game is subject to change, textures, models, animations, lighting and effects are at an extremely preliminary stage.

Mac and linux versions are possible in subsequent releases, depending on user interest.

Known bugs:

Crossbow bolts reset after excaping from a grab

Some weird interactions between characters when actions overlap

If the game gives you problems or you find other bugs please leave a comment, stating your system specs and as much detail as possible.

I'll be posting updates over the coming weeks, the only file that will need re-download is the executable, the support files will stay the same so they can be retained.

Stuff to work on in no particular order:

-Clothing destructability
-Additional animations for enemy and a more nuanced grab (Right now he just grabs you if you fall withing a fairly large area in front of him, I want to make it more precise, with an animation, and give him some varied attacks)
-Possibly interaction - talk to the troll instead of fighting?
-Sneaking - Obstacles you can hide behind and avoid enemies altogether
-Melee combat - backstab?
-A turn 180º button for rapid escape

I'm a fan of the way Deus Ex allowed multiple ways to achieve an objective so I'll try to allow this if possible.

-Texturing the drow's armor and refining the player character in general
-Textures for the background, add vegetation, etc...
-More sound effects
-Music? I need to find some CC sources that are either CC-0 or don't mind attribution from a porn game (I checked one source and they said no already... I could've just used the music and let them find out in good time but it sermed rude. It's why I'm going with CC-0 assets if I can find them)
-Arousal levels like Mitsuko X has, changing the sex scenes depending on hornyness.

-Magic powers - give the drow access to spells: i.e. create a doppelganger illusion and let the enemies screw that while you backstab them, invisibility, magic missile, etc...
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

I forgot to mention, one of the options I have in the game engine is to output as a 3d anaglyph, like so


Or a side by side version (You know the ones, you have to cross your eyes to see it pop out? I don't know if anyone would want to play a whole game like that...)

I dunno if I will do anything with this, might be a gimmick or it could be what distinguishes my game from the pack...
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

bestiality is a big thing here. will you ever be implementing a dog/wolf enemy?
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

Ye-ees... but carefully. It can make things complicated...

I might add animal enemies and add a sex component later on, once the game has an established following. It can get me blacklisted from places I need to use.

I'll stick to humanoids at first, but maybe a plant tentacle thing can also fit in.
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Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

I can't seem to get the game working. Idk what I am doing wrong.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

What specs do you have? Windows version?

You need the game .exe in the same folder as the support files, and you need to have .net 3.5 or higher which can be obtained from microsoft here

Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

Cell shading? Hm...

As for browser game, the biggest problem with large internet games is the dl speed.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

It's no longer a browser game... I wondered if I should have created a new thread, I guess I better to avoid confusion
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d browser game

Can't you just rename this one?
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game

Still can't run it. Every time I try the bender stops working before it even boots up. Is the file supposed to be in a specific place or what?
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game

Just saying,but you could give a try to unity-chan shader if you want cell shading,or something like this.
Its one of the best shader for cell shading,and you probably can do it yourself by using shader forge.

Well,Im just passing by giving some random advice,anyways,good luck with your project.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game

Alpha0.2 released


-Placeholder start screen implemented with mouse support, background video texture and intro music (Soundtrack credit: ) Credit link is also clickable in game, please warn me if it causes problems like opening multiple browser windows. Bitcoin donation QR code graphic can be mouseovered to grow

-Cameras are now set to follow the character rather than fixed, shift makes the camera focus tighter for aiming

-Toon render outlines around models.

-Q key makes character turn 180º (Slightly glitchy)

-New resting animation.

-New falling animation when character goes over the cliff.

-Pushing animation when character walks into a pushable object.

-Enemy now cannot see player through obstacles, allowing for sneaking gameplay (Problem: New vision system is very narrow focus, I’m leaving the orc’s vision indicator visible for debugging, it’s a red line)

Enemy has a new pathing system that will allow him to follow around obstacles (Needs work)

Fixed dynamic shadows, as a compromise the shadow casting light follows the main character.

Added life bar, it has logic for damage and healing but no events affect it just yet.

Had some glitching problems at the end producing the .exe so I wouldn't be surprised if people have problems running it... but that's what an alpha is about.

Hope to be able to post the next update focusing on getting some gameplay development, I have some clear ideas where to go next.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game


Testing gameplay with multiple enemies, at the moment they all start humping the air when one of 'em grabs the elf, but I can switch that to fapping and watching (easy) or maybe take her from the other side (More complicated). Or I could randomize their behaviour so they do different things... so many choices.

In other news, as of this month I am now officially freelancing again, no pesky day job dragging me away. Which means I can dedicate more time to game development... or none at all, because I need to keep a roof over my head and I need to find paying work...

Yes, it's time for me to ask for patronage! But I'm not using patreon, as I have credit card processing on my old paysite, and I feel safer using them for adult stuff.

The perks and reward tiers are somewhat preliminary, because I'm not sure if people are interested in say, watching me work on livestream. I'm kind of leaning towards having all the rewards be the same and let people pick the tier they want, for some people 30$ is nothing, for others 5$ is a lot, and on that note I've introduced a 0$ tier for anyone that helps me out with promotion or for fellow developers/artists (Whose feedback is particularly valuable!)

So, the next demo update will not be public, but eventually there will be another public release, perhaps at the end of the month. For supporters, assuming there are any, I should have something up by next week at the latest.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game

Can you embed youtube videos? I recorded some gameplay from the current demo using open broadocaster, might be good publicity :)

edit: Nope. Here ¡s the
Working on the next update... ogre now will attack rather than just grab the character, I'll activate the grab with a knockdown or something like that.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game

Under the Youtube video is a "Share" option. Click that, click "Embed", ta-daaaa

<iframe width="600" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9w1lJeFOV3I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can even alter the width and height if you'd like it larger/smaller.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game

Ah, didn't realize you could use iframes, tried a couple of the usual bbcode embed methods and it didn't work. Well now I know, and knowing yadda yadda :)
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game


Quick update to show I'm still alive, testing various render solutions and working on improving shadows. Got some female sounds and bg effects in there too. Orc punches also on the works.
Re: Drow huntress - free 3d game


Hi folks, should have an update to the alpha demo in a few days. Been working on various improvements to the animations, a new strike action from the orc that results in a knockdown for the player, toon line render outlines and various other behind the scenes stuff.

Unfortunately the time has come to seriously ask for support. I’ve been running on fumes for the past few months and I cannot dedicate time to this project anymore without seeing some kind of return, so I’m giving it to the end of this month and if I can’t raise at least 100$ before the 1st of april, I’ll have to consider this project dead. It's a symbolic amount, as obviously I won't be living off such a small amount, but it'll give me some encouragement.

I'm particularly interested in feedback from people who are able and willing to provide this support, clearly there are multiple projects with x1000$ per month crowdfunding running at the moment, I believe I could do some really interesting stuff with even a fraction of that.