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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

((Sorry for the late post. Had some real world issues. Issues that caused us to drop off the front page!))

Phyrra was prepared for an ambush as the doors opened, ready to once again call on the forces of nature for aid, but was glad she didn't have to when the door opened to the empty room. Just a few more expenditures like her earlier one would nearly drain her, and she had to replenish her energy from somewhere. Still, as she saw the darkened room, she figured she could spare some of her energy to call up some light. "Pwot." Putting her hand on the dirt outside the tower, she uttered a single word and drew up a green glowing ball. Holding it in her hand, she entered the tower behind the other two in time to see Maya send her own ball of energy up to the chandeliere. "Wait! It might do something we don't want it to!" She hissed softly, but too late.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 82/87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

Phyrras warning came too late as Mayas tiny piece of energy flew up into the chandelier, and a powerful blue and white light filled the massive chamber. It didn't originate from the crystal chandelier itself, but as the trio watched a figure slowly appeared in the center of the room, standing atop the table. The figure was in a dark cloak, but was clearly masculine and apparently aging, his wrinkled face twisted into a slightly menacing grin. He spoke in a cold, raspy voice that echoed across the inner walls of the tower; "Welcome to my humble abode! I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here." Just then, a strange force yanked all three of them forward several aces away from the door, all of them stumbling and barely able to keep their feet. Before they could recover, the door slammed shut, cutting them off from the outside. The voice continued after the ringing of the door slamming shut was over with; "At least one of you is clearly able to use magic. So, perhaps you might stand a chance of making it all the way up to the top, or perhaps even get out alive!" The voice ends in a loud laugh, and then the image disappears, leaving them alone in the tower. The options remained much the same as before, though now they could make out more details of it now that it was well lit. The chairs around the table, which they'd at first thought were wood, were solid stone, and would likely be nearly impossible to move for any of them. The iron staircase wasn't stained with rust, but splotches of dark red, long dried blood.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

As they are greeted by the wizened old man Tomoe imagines being a wizard, she readies for combat immidiately. Suddenly jerked away from the door, Tomoe manages to land on her feet but has to take a little support with one hand. As the menacing figure vanishes, she looks around them, not really liking what she sees.
"This... doesn't look good at all." she thinks, turning to her companions for a possible plan.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra shook her head in agreement. Now that there was light, she brought the ball of light up to her face and blew gently on it, the ball scattering out on her breath like fireflies before dissapearing completely.

"Well, I don't think there's much we can do but move forward now." Still, as she finishes, she walks over to the door and tries to open it, just to confirm that they were trapped now. "We'll just need to be on the lookout for more traps. The enemy will likly have been alerted to us now as well."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya having walked the closest to the chandelier before activating it, moves back a few steps squinting against the light as the unexpected image appears, and for a moment begins wondering how to reply before she realised this man didn't seem to be real. At the words, "get out alive" she frowns and raises an eyebrow at the idea of seemingly being toyed with and indirectly threatened. The sudden pull inwards though catches her off guard once more, ending up stumbling for balance and only just avoiding tumbling over and scuffing her sleeveless white dress on the floor.

Recomposing herself she glares up irritably at where the mysterious figure had just been, then back at the door as Phyrra goes to try it. "Who the hell was that? He locked us in!?" She asks rhetorically. She had half a mind to begin trying all her tricks at breaking the tower open again, even if she didn't intend to leave yet, but thought that perhaps now wasn't the time for an explosive tantrum. "Pfft. Make it to the top huh. Is that where we want to go? I somehow felt like down is a kidnapping monstery direction, but I dunno really. Do you think those clawed things are working for him? And how did blood get on the stairs?" She asks in a small barrage of questions, slowly strolling closer to the spiral staircase whilst looking round the room.

Perhaps she could break his crystal lamp trap thing. He'd probably hate that, whoever he was. Rude wizard person. But no, not now. Mind on the situation at hand. This was all kind of exciting. An interesting change from farming. Maya thought to herself.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"I don't think the creatures are working with him." Phyrra said, giving up with the door. "I think it's more likly that he left this effect as a trap before he left and that the creates are just squatting here." Walking over to Maya, Phyrra put a hand on her shoulder, as if to try to calm her down. "I too thought that they would have taken them down. Perhaps we should start looking there first." Phyrra finished by turning to Tomoe and motioning towards the stairs.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

At the hand landing on her shoulder Maya looks round to Phyrra briefly, being reminded of someone else for a split second. "Mmm. I wonder what he meant by get out alive. Like, there'll be traps and magic soldiers? I guess we'll find out soon huh." She replies, "Sorry about lighting up the lamp thing by the way. Didn't know it would do that."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe listens patiently for the two companion to finish their short conversation, then takes a look at the stairs.
"Whatever we'll find down there, I'll be ready for it." she tells them, following Phyrra's hint. Moving to the stairs, she cautiously tests the first step for anything suspicious before starting to descend down the iron staircase, keeping herself ready for an ambush.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

Perception: All excellent rolls, Success.
Resistance (Phyrra): Success.
Resistance (Maya): Success.
Resistance (Tomoe): Success.

The trio descend down the stairs after they make sure that it isn't trapped as well. The iron steps clang lightly as they proceed downwards, the blood having been dry. They all stop at one point, noticing a lever attached to the underside of one of the steps, and skip over it to the next one. When they reach the bottom of the stairs, they find themselves staring at a bare stone passageway, about six feet in any direction and lit with a blue light which had no identifiable source. Directly at the end of the stairs is a small gap, dropping about twenty feet down into a pit which was filled with dozens of pink, writhing tentacles. The gap between the end of the stairs and the passageway was only about five feet, and easy enough for them to jump across. The passage was unmarked and only about fifty feet long, at the end of which was an opening into a larger room. The trio headed there, moving carefully but quickly until they reached it. Within was lit by more blue light, but this looked more like a cavern than worked stone, with stalactites and stalagmites.

In the center of the room was a table, a primitive mirror of the one found in the tower above. It was surrounded by old wooden chairs, and directly opposite them was a throne-like chair with intricate carvings that glowed brightly, apparently the source of the light that filled the cavern. All three women could feel an intense presence up ahead, filled with equal parts malice and power. As they drew closer, unable to help themselves, all three felt the presence grow stronger with every step, until they all stood at the edge of the table. There, in the throne at the head of the table, lay an ancient skeleton. A dark aura surrounded, almost palpable to their heightened senses, but not one of them recognized this type of power, not even Phyrra. As they watched, the aura around it twisted and warped, and suddenly the very world around them changed.

The cavern was gone, replaced by what looked like the tower above, but without the blood or years of dust and decay. The floors were made of intricate beige and block marble tiles, each polished until they shone and forming a checkerboard style pattern. The walls were covered in beautiful, intricate tapestries, all depicting knights or creatures of legend in battle poses. The book shelves were absent, and the table was much larger, with them at the head and nearly 100 feet from the throne on the opposite side. There were about fifty chairs, and all but two of them were full. The only thing that remained the same was the skeleton form before, which now had a black orb sitting within the rib cage. Strangely, each person sat completely still, staring straight ahead, and they wore many different garbs. Some were dressed like one would expect from an adventurer, though their were also several people in simple farmers clothes. The people all also looked hollow and insubstantial, as though they weren't truly there. Suddenly, a voice sounded out, like that of the man who'd greeted them, but somehow.... Wrong. It was as though he was older, and was speaking to them from across an echoing chasm. "Come.... Sit....... Join our party....." And all three women had the sudden urge to fight for the last two seats available at the table. However, all three quickly managed to push the urge aside, recognizing it as not their own in one way or another. Whatever this thing was, it was definitely not friendly.....
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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra looked around and the assembled figures at the table with great concern, especially after the sudden feeling of needing to sit beside them. 'Are these... lost souls?'

Looking at the skeleton, noting the orb that was now there, she had a suspicion of where the urge came from and prayed she was right. She would have wanted to talk with the... thing, get some more information, but, looking to her two companions, she was more worried that there might be another compulsion. Not wanting the two girls, or herself, to join the souls at the table, Phyrra raised a hand, aiming at the orb and spoke. "Sxki, dbgs eyhn ylg kpwoplhx!" While there was a feeling of death in the cavern, Phyrra found enough life energy from the three of those still living to form a beam of energy towards the orb, hoping to destroy it, or at least weaken the force she prayed was held inside.

((Use Inner Decay, my new direct damage spell! Sort of hoping that it could be more something like a bolt of directed life energy or something... so that it would actually not do nothing at all to an inanimate object. But we'll see... Also, don't try pronouncing that spell.

Not sure what the to-hit bonus is, but the damage is [2d4+10]x4))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"The hell is this? Where are we now?" Maya exclaims in surprise and confusion, looking to the others for answers, though their faces didn't give the impression she'd get any. 'What's with these people, and that thing? It's... I... Perhaps I should sit down. There's only two spaces...' taking a single slow step forward as her mind begins to wander. Suddenly blinking and recoiling a little she snaps out of it, 'Huh... I didn't think that!'

"Hey what the hell! Get out of my head!"
<Hey what the hell! Get out of my head!> She both shouts back at the strange entity both verbally and telepathically.

Seeing Phyrra raising a hand against him, she frowns indignantly at their new 'not friend', and telekinetically lashes out against one of the empty chairs attempting to toss it to the side.

(Spend 6 EP on furniture throwing tantrum)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Having descended down the stairs, Tomoe finds herself in a rather creepy situation, all this weird magic making her hairs stand. Seeing the "dead" people and the skeleton in this strange illusionary terrain, the miko deduces that the orb is the reason for these surroundings, despite not being well-versed in magical things.

Sorry old man, but I won't be joining your litttle festivities of the dead. Prepare yourself." Tomoe thinks, moving full speed towards the magical object. She could sense her partners evoking powers, so the miko aimed to maneuver her move in a way she wouldn't be in the way of their spells.

(Double move towards the orb, maneuvering so that Tomoe wouldn't get hit by Maya or Phyrra)
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 78/87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 30/50, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 4 + 11 = 16 x 4 = 64 - 12 = 52 damage.
Maya throws a chair.
Tomoe runs, and gets to within 62 feet of the orb before being forced to stop.
Aphrodisiacs: Tomoe is at 21/29 Resistance.
Maya is at 22/25 Resistance.
Phyrra is at 21/27 Resistance.
Perception (Tomoe): Success.
Perception (Maya): Failure.
Perception (Phyrra): Success.

Tomoe swiftly turned to her right and started running down the side of the table past the stationary people, just barely being missed by Mayas psychically hurled chair. The miko made it a good distance toward the black orb before the illusionary terrain began to shift and boil around her, and she was forced to halt as a wall of violet, gelatinous goo appeared in front of her, swiftly surrounding her before she could get out of it. Now, with a wall of opaque purple slime surrounding her and leaving her in a ten by ten box, Tomoe was trapped. Mayas hurled chair simply disappeared after it had gone a certain distance from her, vanishing as though it had never been. Another, identical chair appeared in its place as it blinked out of existence. Phyrras beam of greenish energy hurled across the table, spectral hands and walls of slime appearing in front of it in an attempt to block its path, but all of them are just a half second too slow. The spell strikes the black orb, and a harsh violent sound, like some sort of animal shrieking in pain, fills the hall at ear splitting volume. The orb discolors, half of its shiny black surface coating over with a dull brown, and the air suddenly fills with a thick, dark purple haze.

The miasma causes each of them to warm, their bodies becoming more sensitive even as a state of unwarranted arousal overcomes them. It is easily most familiar to Maya, but the half-daemon had little trouble in mostly ignoring it, as it didn't even hold a candle in potency when compared to shorn pollen, even though it had a similar effect. Tomoe and Phyrra managed to mostly ignore it as well, though it affected them more than it had Maya. However, with the venomous haze also came an altering in their perceptions, and as they looked around, each women perceived something different.

For Tomoe, all sight of Maya and Phyrra was already blocked by the wall of violet gelatin, which began sprouting long sinuous tendrils that waved toward her, each of them ending in a rounded head covered in about a dozen smaller tendrils that were about an inch long. Images flashed before her eyes, but they were garbled and incoherent, and her vision swiftly returned to the sight of the purple tendrils slowly approaching her, jutting out of the wall that blocked her path.

For Maya, her vision blurred for a moment, and suddenly the area around her disappeared, and she was in the fields back home. A shorn weed stood before her, its flower tied down and her mother standing on the other side with her hands on her hips. "There you are! What took you so long? Nevermind, since you're late, you're going to have to milk this one on your own. Its very full, so you're going to have to use your pussy. Hurry up now!" The shorn weeds stamen was fully erect and already leaking its familiar blue fluid. Despite where she'd been a moment ago, and despite her mothers very odd command, Maya fully believed that she was home at the moment, the memories of the day before now hazy and seemingly from a time long ago.

Phyrras mind was bombarded with a series garbled, incoherent images, some of which she recognized from her memories, but others were seemingly formed from her fantasies. They passed after a moment, but when she came to she found herself surrounded by long, violet tendrils that seemed to leak out of the floor. Some of them ended in suction cups, while others ended in rounded domes covered in wriggling cilia, while still more had white, ghostly hands on the top. They weren't yet reaching for her, but the demoness had little doubt that they would be on her shortly. There were gaps between them, perhaps enough to slip through if she hurried. Her allies, however, were in dire straights. Maya was seemingly in a daze, her expression blank as a single cilia covered tentacle waved in front of her, though this particular appendage had the addition of ridges along its shaft. Tomoe was surrounded by a dense wall of slime, and Phyrra had no idea what had become of the miko, though she hadn't heard any screams. The orb still hovered above the skeleton at the opposite end of the table, but now a field of obstacles lay in her path, and any shot at it would be much more difficult than the first, but she knew that if she could destroy that, then this illusion and the haze that accompanied it would cease to be.

(@Kakka: You can cut through the slime. @Maiko: you can take another shot, but it'll be a much harder attack roll. Alternatively, you can always go for something else, you've still got plenty of options. @Squid: Maya unfortunately believes the illusion, so unless someone kills the orb or slaps some sense into her, prepare to write some more wonderful wonderful smut.)


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra cringes at the sound of the cry of pain as her bolt strikes true, but takes that as proof that it actually did something. About to gather the energy needed to send another one at the orb, she was interrupted as the mist rolled over them.

Images of Hell, Tam-lin, and other parts of her life, as well as her fantasies flashed in her mind before Phyrra pushed them away. Noticing the tentacles around her, and the added obstructions between her and the orb, Phyrra grit her teeth. Seeing her two companions in such trouble made the demoness hesitate. She wasn't sure if she should try to wake up Maya or free Tomoe. She knew she would feel bad if anything happened to the two of them while she felt she was supposed to be protecting them.

As she struggled with the decisions, a darker part of her provided the advice she needed. Rather than protect the other two, she should focus on destroying the cause of their problems. Trying to dodge through the tentacle cage, Phyrra would raise her hand, gathering more energy to fire at the Orb. "Sim vxoj kokb pder dwnxn wecjkw!"

((Use the same spell again after trying to get out of the tentacle ring. If she's caught then... I guess ignore that part.))

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Doing a sudden stop, Tomoe grinds her sandals against the rough floor to stop herself before she'd collide with the wall of jelly rising in front of her. When the purple haze fills the surroundings, the miko starts to feel unnaturally hot, something she was not used to during her life at the shrine. Quickly spinning in place to check her surroundings, Tomoe starts to feel uneasy as her partners are suddenly nowhere to be seen. Even worse is the swarm of knobby tentacles that sprouts from the surrounding wall of gelatinous matter, slowly inching their way towards the miko.

Fighting away the hazy visions that flash in her eyes, Tomoe raises her sword to a ready position at her side, drawing a few heavy breaths in preparation. "Whatever you are planning, I'm not willing to go with your plan.. I promised to help these people, and that's exactly what I intend to do.." are the thoughts rolling through the young miko's mind as she pushes forward in an attempt to cut her way out.

(Cut away at the wall and surrounding tentacles in an effort to get out and closer towards the orb)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

((Heh, I meant litterally spend 6 EPtotal, So X woulda been 3, but it's not a big deal. Clearly it's just Maya going off the handle and wasting EP, even more than I intended myself it seems. ^_^;

I'll be sure to make sure it's clear in future posts.))

Maya mutters to herself seeing the chair vanish without the vandalistic crash she'd hoped for. Phyrra's more aggressive response seemed to have much more effect though, Maya wincing a little at both the volume of the pained noise and seeing Tomoe run into some kind of trouble. And now this ominous purple mist was rolling in everywhere, the way she had no idea what the hell was going on was beginning to get on her nerves. Deciding to following Phyrra's lead she begins charging a mass of energy into her hand, though wondering to herself if leaving mother for this adventure was the right decision after all. Her shot ready, she was about to let it go, but falters a moment. Phyrra would see her standing with her lightly crackling energy in her palm held up, as her eyes suddenly glaze over and seem to stare into space ahead of her.

"Huh... M-mother?" she says in surprise. The comprehensive illusion quickly taking full hold over her. The energy being allowed to fade out with her arm dropping as Phyrra watches.

"Yes, who else were you expecting. Where have you been all day?" Her figment mother retorts. "Come on then, get busy." She continues, crossing her arms impatiently. Maya still in a bit of a daze about this blinks and steps forward, "Uh sorry, just day dreaming... yes of course!" she replies coming up to the waiting "Shorn weed", pulling off her dress and discarding her pack behind her as she does goes. Stopping to clutch at the shaft, she looks to her mother once more rather confused by the command, who answers with a firm nod. Not arguing any further, she drops her already mildly wet panties to the ground and mounts over the stamen. Taking a quick moment to rub some of the blue pre-cum down the shaft, she slides down onto it exhaling with a long sensual moan. She gazes down meekly at the shorn weed cheeks flushing with pleasure, as she begins bucking into it, then back up to her mother who was still standing there seemingly supervising the whole thing approvingly now. There was something about being told to do it that made the act lose a little bit of it's appeal in Maya's mind, yet at the same time the unexpectedness of it and having mother watching like this added something entirely new.

Completely oblivious to what she was doing or the plight of her companions around her, she continued on playing into the well built illusion. The inherent strangeness of the scenario was nagging at her brain trying to inform her that this wasn't real, but at the same time the powerful magic, along with the highly distracting pleasure she was inflicting on herself were both working against her. Her only contribution to the battle being lewd noises and her talking to a fictitious mother.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 51/54, PP = 3/47, EP = 48/87, Status = About to Orgasm, Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 24/50, Status = Fine

(@maikochain: You can still cast spells at other targets even when grappled. It's just a little more difficult to cast and hit.)

Aphrodisiacs: Tomoe is at 10/29 Resistance.
Maya is at 8/25 Resistance.
Phyrra is at 15/27 Resistance.
And the aphrodisiacs hammer everyone except Phyrra. : [
They'll get weaker after this round at least.

Attack (Tentacles): Hit.
Phyrra has been grappled.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit. Right on the dot too.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 11 = 16 x 4 = 64 - 12 = 52 damage.

Pleasure (Maya): 9 + 3 + 20 + 8 + 4 = 44 Pleasure
Damage: 3 damage.
Maya has been drained 30 EP.
Pleasure (Tentacle): 2 + 8 + 12 + 10 = 32 Pleasure = Orgasm.

Perception (Maya): Failure.
Perception (Phyrra): Success.

Attack (Tomoe): Hit.
Damage: 8 + 5 + 24 = 37 damage.
Just because it's got almost no HP left and you might not remain able to make decisions next round if the aphrodisiacs hit you like a train again, I'm gonna give it to you.

Phyrra very nearly gets past the wall of tentacles, trying to get a better shot at the black orb at the opposite end of the table. Unfortunately, one of them wraps around the demons leg, and she very nearly stumbles and falls. she just barely stays standing as more of the writhing appendages come to try and bind her more severely. She could still see the orb from where she stood, however, and so took the chance to unleash another spell at it. The magical ray hits its mark, and more patches of brown rot cover the magical objects shiny black surface, very nearly coating all of it now. Unfortunately, the tentacles still bind her, and she feels the aphrodisiacs in the miasma that filled the air increasing their effect on her. A bright spot of hope appeared as Tomoe came back into view, however, running our of the jelly-cage she'd been trapped in.

Tomoes blade had sunk through the jelly easily, the tentacles around the wound crumpling as her sword passed through them and that which they were attached to. As she breathed in deeply from exertion, however, the toxic miasma around her began affecting her much more powerfully. Her nipples stiffen to points beneath her kimono, and her untouched petals moisten as thoughts of pulling off her robes in order to ease the heat that now suffused her body invaded her mind and weakened her concentration. She retained her will, however, and as her blade parts a hole in the wall, Tomoe takes her chance. She jumps through the gap, narrowly avoiding being grabbed by more waiting tentacles. She runs through the room, toward the black orb, which sits waiting, so close yet so far. by her estimation it was only another 43 feet between her and the source of the dark magic around them.

(Maya smut)
For Maya, the illusion proved to be far too powerful to resist, and she quickly mounted the shorn weed, the familiar plants stamen strangely seeming to thrust up into her even as her pussy descended down onto it. The difference to how things was noticeable, but even as she first descended down onto it and inhaled deeply, Maya suddenly felt a powerful lust take over her, almost as if she'd been hit a weakened blast of shorn powder. The physical differences between this and what she was used to ceased to matter at that point, except that they only made it feel that much better buried inside of her than any shorn weed she had ever experienced.

Firstly, every inch of the shaft seemed to grip her member, stimulating her in ways that the inexperienced Maya had never thought possible, as though it were covered in hardened ridges that constantly rubbed against her inner walls. Secondly, the tip of it seemed to twist and warp, touching every single one of her most sensitive spots as it traveled up to Mayas deepest depths, the appendage reaching her core with ease as the head of it seemed to touch every single spot within her supernaturally fertile womb. And finally, as she bucked her hips up and down upon it, her mother watching and grinning, Maya felt something being taken from her, as though the mind-bending sex were draining her of her energy in a way similar to the use of her spiritual magics, but the sensations brought on by it were indescribably pleasurable, almost orgasmic in their potency. The image of her mother watched on as Maya vigorously fucked the illusionary shorn weed, smiling, until suddenly the stamen bucked up into her, and she felt a thick, burning oily substance squirting up into her womb. The sensation of feeling it cum inside her on top of all of the others very nearly drove Maya over the edge, but something was... Different.

This substance was thin and runny, and much warmer than any shorn cum she'd ever felt bursting into her. It was thin and runny as compared to normal shorn cum, which was extremely thick and very sticky, and much of it slipped out around the member embedded inside of her, and formed a wet puddle underneath her. Enough of it made it up into Mayas womb for her to know that she'd be birthing seedlings soon enough, however. Her mother grinned up at her as Maya knelt, shaking, atop the plant, on the verge of cumming herself, and with its stamen buried deep within her. "Good. Now, make yourself cum all over it." Her mother commanded, quite unlike herself, but the arousal burning in her loins blocked out any influence that the parts of her that were wondering why so many things about this were so strange might have on Mayas actions.

As Maya moaned and bucked up and down on one of the tentacles coming from the floor, a thick green goo already leaking out of the girls pussy where it took in the ribbed appendage, Phyrra noticed something strange. Some of the patches of brown that had appeared on the black orb due to her spells were disappearing, the shiny black surface returning to normal. Taking another glance at Maya, the girls spirit seemed to weaken, and the demon could see a stream of spiritual energy flowing down the tentacle and into the floor. The abomination was seemingly absorbing Mayas incredibly potent soul, just as Phyrra did to those she made love to, but using it repair the damage that the demoness had done. The young girls limbs shook as she stood on the verge of orgasm, and Phyrra knew well that when her partner climaxed was when she could feast to her hearts content. If she didn't stop the girl soon, she would orgasm, feeding all of her energy to the thing they were fighting, which would not only take her out of the fight, but grant her strength to their enemy. The orb was still within her line of sight, however, and showing signs of damage. Even as the tentacles tried to bind her, Phyrra knew that she might be able to get off another spell, and that if it struck the orb, she might end the combat here and now. But, if she missed......

Tomoe saw none of this from where she was, hurling herself toward the black orb. She did hear Phyrra unleash her spell, as well as Maya moaning in pleasure and speaking strangely, as though she were talking to someone who wasn't there.

(@Squid: I'd recommend including a couple of if-thens in your next post. Phyrra has noticed how Mayas smexings of the tentacle have regenerated the orb, and even if maiko decides to try another shot at the orb instead of freeing her, Maya might get freed since it won't survive another hit.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)


Tomoe's war cry sounds as she tears into the wall with Kuchinawa, her slash opening a miko-sized gap into the gelatinous barrier and severing any tentacles attached to that part of the wall. Before she can make good of her escape, the purple mist starts to work it's magic in her young body. Suddenly breathing heavily as her voluptous frame starts to flare up in heat, the miko fights of the urge to lower her hakama and start rubbing herself to gain relief. Quickly feeling up her voluminous chest, Tomoe notices them being erect and stiff as little pebbles.

"Such evil sorcery, making me think about these unclean things..." she ponders as she jumps through the tentacle-covered hole, the orb now in clear sight. With the cursed item in her sights, Tomoe sprints towards it in an effort to shatter the vile thing with a slash from her dedicated sword, holding the blade sideways as she closes. She could hear Phyrra cast another spell, relieved about the demoness still being there near her. She could also hear Maya's ecstasic moans, and cursed the item for hexing her friend with it's dark magic.

(Move towards the orb, double time)


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra struggled as the tentacles gripped her. It had been decades since she'd had to exhert herself physically, and the time had made her weak. She knew she wouldn't be able to free herself on her own.

Looking over to Maya, Phyrra felt a hint of jealousy for the tentacle she was fucking. 'Would that were me...' She thought, watching the energy flow out of the girl, but shook her head. If she didn't do something, the girl would climax and possibly fully repair the damage she had done to the orb. She could summon a beast to try to free Maya from the tentacle, but then she herself would start to have her energy drained, so that would leave Tomoe as their last chance. Unless... if she could destroy the orb...

"Alwt Ulpyge!" She yelled, trying to get at least an arm free to aim at the orb, hoping to send one last burst of life energy towards it. If she missed, or mishandled the energy, Tomoe would be their last hope.

((Cast Inner Decay once more... and pray to Gaia it hits...))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya gasps out, eyes widening momentarily as the new powerful sensation rushes through her. Very familiar with the nature and flow of her own energies, she can vividly feel as they are drawn from her. Every ebb of essence being exchanged for equal sums of a strange deep pleasure. Then came the false Shorn weeds release, different again. Hotter and slicker, far removed from Maya's experience or expectations. She lets out a surprised yelp, which proceeds to melt into a long moan, head dropping and eyes closed as she basks in each pump of the strange liquid filling her for a moment. It had her on the edge, but she wasn't satisfied yet and naturally begins to pick up the pace again. Her confused and dizzy eyes once again look up to her mother for some kind of explanation as she worked, but she was answered only with the command to orgasm...

"Yes! Yesss..." She responds promptly. Best suggestion ever. Why worry about why it felt good, when she could just enjoy it. There was nothing wrong at all... nothing to worry about...

Eyes rolling back she continues, moaning lewdly and going light-headed from the draining, eagerly seeking her own release. She couldn't help but spill and broadcast her thoughts to the rest of the room. Not actual words, but her general ecstatic frame of mind.

<Empty me! Fill me! Make me fly!>
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