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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Could someone put up a mega link please axfc is crowded :(

Edit: NVM i got it to start
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Go to the Bar Hole, you'll be greeted by a Jewish stereotype who says something about cockroaches. You might need to defeat both the Dump and Desert hunters.

Then go back to the Iskun District, the last option takes to a warehouse thats full of huge cockroaches. Lovely.

On floor, on back: Mounted by a winged bug
Standing, from behind: Grabbed from behind by flying bug.
Standing, from front: As above
Standing, from behind: Get fucked by a flyer from a kneeling position - do other enemies have crouch anims?

Doesnt look like theres a Defeated, crawling anim.

They will also surround you and gang bite you if you fall on the ground, sometimes.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

So is going through various captcha like things normal when trying to download this game? I seem to constantly be putting in these three letter/number sequences, picking the correct displayed letters, and determining whether a number is even or odd over and over again. I'm pretty sure I'm human so what am I doing wrong here?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

darn it, when are they going to add my dog and pregnancy!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

WTF these captcha things with numbers are annoying me as fuck, i cant get it to work i dont understand it
like there's a number "5 9" and then i have to click "even" or "odd" even with chrome that translates it its still EVEN and ODD what the hell am i supposed to do there?

ok i give up
i was like clicking 16 times in a row that retry button and i cant get it to work...
could someone upload it somewhere else so i dont need to do such a retarded annoying thing?
would be amazing
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The captcha stuff is just the hosting site saying there are too many people doing things. Keep spamming or wait until later.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

this jew guy you say isn't showing up I went back and did both of those to be sure...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

this jew guy you say isn't showing up I went back and did both of those to be sure...

You have to finish the pub event to get him to show up.

Refresher: Rat Stage -> Apologise at Bar -> Talk to Fio -> Talk to Embassy -> Talk to Swordsman -> Fight Mendes -> Bar -> Swordsman -> Bar -> Night Bar , buy 2000 sake -> Swordsman -> Bar -> Slum, fight Cobolio again.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

...oops it was something I did....trying to reuse the old translated files from the other version I had to the update made it not trigger.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

wow even after 1 hour i cant download it at all
do i have to do something special like load the page 3 billion times and only after that im able to download it?
i start to feel absolut hate against that download site

edit: PLS could someone upload it to another side, is just cant get it to download AT ALL, would be amazing
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Can someone please send me a download link for the game (new version)? I've been trying for 30 minutes to download it to no avail. Thanks!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Unfortunately, the site he uses restricts bandwidth, so when you try to download, it uses some sorta captcha loop. If it's too busy it really can take forever.

Sometimes the best option is to just wait a week when all the traffic dies down to a more manageable level.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I went over after making that post and managed to get in after about 5 minutes.... odd.

Currently downloading, but I have no accounts on any hosting sites to share.


Just giving a word advice on how I lucked out, put "blade" in the first box, the captcha in the second, and then I quickly solved the captchas in the captcha loop. I was able to answer the questions quickly so that might be what got me in.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Now I know wheres this creature came from...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

what is with that second capthca thingy all about?
that one with the numbers and 2 things to click the ones wich says (moonrunes) EVEN and (moonrunes) ODD, i dont get that

edit: well i was lucky this time, but HOLY F*CK 8h download time
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

When you attempt to download, you can see some stats for the file on the left. At time of writing this post, there are 13 people trying to download it, with a bandwidth congestion rate of 97.90%.

This is actually not as bad (earlier it was ~45 people and 99.89%), but being able to download the file is still pretty random. Just keep trying every few minutes, while you're doing something else. Worst case, you may have to wait a day, (not a week) for people trying to download to thin out a bit, but at least they're free releases and we're not waiting for DLsite to update, or for someone to purchase/crack the game first.
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