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RPG Maker HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

If your using chrome and downloading from Mega, might want to check your Download section. Need to allow the file. for some reason chrome does not like 95% of these games
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

This is the best gift I could hope for, thanks a ton, hrpgheaven!

Btw, could someone give me a save file for To H... with the recollection room? Would be much appreciated.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Any one have a link for a full CG save of Sacred Eyes. I want to see the other endings that I didn't get. I checked the thread of it here but the MEGA link of the full save for 2.0 was taken down.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Sacred Eyes made me save right before a forced battle. There should be rules against doing that. Like... the sort of rules that their inner-consciousness gives them.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I can remove that from the game but I highly advise against it. That battle leads to two routes, a "bad ending" with H-Scenes, and the game continuing.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Just curious, why did you guys go with 2.0 and not 2.01? :D

btw, i think this should be a 100% Save for 2.0. I cant remember how to get to CG Room to check it.

Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

It might be 2.01, we know it's the latest, so...
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

thanks for the gift doood!
(now if only i could make sacred eyes play on my laptop.... i guess ill keep searching how to do it xD)
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Thanks for the work / effort that went into this release.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I can speak in the name of everyone that worked in all of these projects that it's a pleasure, giving is always good, sharing something, specially when it's appreciated means the world to us.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

finally got around playing silver sunrise and well.. id feel a bit shit upon if i had bought the game, damn thing ended before it even actually started :mad:

was a good game though, compared to the previous one from him i was actually able to progress in this without any troubles.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Thanks so much for the games but i wanted to ask does To H have an ending? :confused:
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

sorry, can i ask for another link besides mega? i don't know why but since 3 days ago i can't open mega link anymore. it keep loading no matter how long i wait.
btw, merry x-mas & happy new year for all ULMF users and thanks for this gift.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Try cleaning your browser cache, or use a diffrent browser.
If that fails, use a downloader program like Jdownloader 2.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I dont know whats going on but every time i try to play sacred eyes the character starts moving to the left then i cant progress. anyone know whats going on?
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Thank you for your hard work
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I dont know whats going on but every time i try to play sacred eyes the character starts moving to the left then i cant progress. anyone know whats going on?
Common problem of RPG Maker games. Usually nothing but restarting PC won't help. If that doesn't work, unplugg the keyboard and check your keys.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Try cleaning your browser cache, or use a diffrent browser.
If that fails, use a downloader program like Jdownloader 2.

thanks for your info. i'm using jdownloader 2 and it works.
i already try cleaning my browser cache and use different browser and it's still not work. well at least i can still donwload from mega using jdownloader2.
thanks yugifan3.
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