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RPG Maker HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

The current banner is a perfect example of why people don't like Starke. The forum is supposedly closed, yet at the bottom of every post is a large banner linking the site, and then saying its closed. What good is the banner, then, except as just another way to tease people, if no one else can join, and the people who are already members already have the link?

I think someone else said it best in another thread when they pretty much equated him to a kid with a toy, waving it around saying "Nah nah you can't have this".

Then don't look at it, I'm not advertising, I'm wearing my colors proudly.

You just have to find a reason to pick at anything we do, you're fucking obsessed, that's what you are.

You need Jesus and a hobby.

Also: Nah nah nah nah nah, you can't have this.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

You know what's causing your inferiority complex? 2 years, 31 posts, 0 of them helpful.

Are you blind?
I've uploaded:
1 Video
1 Siterip
10 Games
2 Tools (RPG Decrypter/arc_conv)
I've worked on 2 H-Games (No chatlog/private messages)

monkeyman said:
So why tar and feather us all with the same brush then? It's the same thing with here, almost all members are great and don't give a shit that we have our own forum, but one or two people throw a fit over a game that could very well have stayed un-translated never mind unreleased

I can't find anything in my posts which is negative to the hrpgheaven community as a whole.
If you're offended, I'm sorry, that wasn't what i intended.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I can't find anything in my posts which is negative to the hrpgheaven community as a whole.
If you're offended, I'm sorry, that wasn't what i meant to accomplish.

Sorry, I used You in the general term there, I didn't mean you specifically.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Are you blind?
I've uploaded:
1 Video
1 Siterip
10 Games
2 Tools (RPG Decrypter/arc_conv)
I've worked on 2 H-Games (No chatlog/private messages)

I can't find anything in my posts which is negative to the hrpgheaven community as a whole.
If you're offended, I'm sorry, that wasn't what i intended.

No, you linked a video, linked a siterip that you didn't rip, posted links for 10 games which I'm pretty sure I can find links with previous dates on the internet (wink wink, we know you get links from other sites you don't pay for shit), 2 tools one of which we created (funny as fuck), and I can't read your PM's.

See? I can be picky as fuck too.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

You're proud of displaying a useless banner that doesn't help anyone because its advertising something that is supposedly closed?

Also: Jesus is a myth.

Anyhoo I'm done with this crap.
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

And thereeeee weeeee gooooooo. It's YOU who feels like a second class citizen. It's YOU who feels like they are being looked down upon.

Yet, what's this? Most people here are relatively grateful for the translations. I assume they don't feel like second class citizens?

So as hrpg said, where does that inferiority complex come from? You aren't even an asset to the ULMF community, only a second class leech.

Go away, you're not contributing here.
I'm sure you didn't pay for an invite, considering you have such a hard on for starke.

hrpgheaven said:
No, you linked a video, linked a siterip that you didn't rip, posted links for 10 games which I'm pretty sure I can find links with previous dates on the internet (wink wink, we know you get links from other sites), 2 tools one of which we created, and I can't read your PM's.

Good job, you can make a GUI over an extractor.
If you want to be picky, I linked the siterip and video and uploaded the 10 games.
I also sent Valkyrie's anal Atrocity and サツキちゃんとセックス to kiko for her? sprite sex list.

Monkeyman said:
Sorry, I used You in the general term there, I didn't mean you specifically.
Ok all good then
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Oh no, I never said I'd stop releasing, aside from one or two people I quite enjoy releasing here (even if it is few and far between because of my work ethic). I'm just saying, if he's so picky about what gets translated and what doesnt or what gets released, why doesn't he just do the ones he wants himself.

As for VCT and Starke, well that's up to them but yeah, don't see it happening now.

Im not picky about what you translate and release. I just think your reasons for not sharing them are pretty lame and stupid honestly. And if you want to stop sharing translations because of me personally then please do. Please continue to prove how toxic HRPGheaven is to the Hrpg community and why no one should pay any attention to your cancerous little forum. But thanks i guess, for releasing To H, the first unleaked translation released by HRPGheaven. Congratulations.
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Im not picky about what you translate and release. I just think your reasons for not sharing them are pretty lame and stupid honestly. And if you want to stop sharing translations because of me personally then please do. Please continue to prove how toxic HRPGheaven is to the Hrpg community and why no one should pay any attention to your cancerous little forum. But thanks i guess, for releasing To H, the first unleaked translation released by HRPGheaven. Congratulations.

You put the capitalized I in idiot.

"First unleaked translation"...

After Sangeki of Gear... Virgin Island... Sacred Eyes... I came to buy a few herbs... Brave in the pocket... etc. etc. etc.

Good job, you can make a GUI over an extractor.

Can YOU make the extractor? Make an extractor (I can see if it's my code) doesn't even need a fancy GUI, and we'll talk.

EDIT: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift 5th January 2015 03:25 Several accounts, several bans, your contributions to this forum?

2 accounts, 1 ban by request because someone with database access had the "decency" of changing my password instead of issuing a ban. At least have the balls to sign it, you had the balls before, did anyone cut them for you? *wink wink* so obvious who you are *wink wink*

My contribution? makes yours look like a grain of sand in the desert. In fact, unless your nickname is Aika or Rin Umiko (which we know it isn't), I wouldn't even start to THINK about debating that, let alone doing it.
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I'm usually just a long time lurker but I was thinking of trying my hand at translating a RPGMaker VX Ace game but I have no idea where to start.

This may or may not be the best time to ask for help but seeing as all the big players are here in this thread I was hoping someone could lend a hand.

For the record I was always really thankful and inspired when I saw people like Monkeyman and HappyGoomba take the time to translate any project. Even now I look forward to Goomba's Seiren Harp updates and I'm wondering if I could learn to translate a game just like him.

When you say you don't know where to start, do you mean you've got it up in RPG Maker and don't where to go from there, or you don't know how to open it up in RPGMaker yet?
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Wish it worked like that with every game and slang, sadly it doesn't, and kinda beats the point of making verbatim translations.

I'm an optimist.

Sometimes, you just have to take your best guess at what you think they're trying to say.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I'm an optimist.

Sometimes, you just have to take your best guess at what you think they're trying to say.

Yeah, that's not bad, just... not verbatim...

Luckily, we have Platanus? :cool:
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

You put the capitalized I in idiot.

Can YOU make the extractor? Make an extractor (I can see if it's my code) doesn't even need a fancy GUI, and we'll talk.

I know you can't.

My contribution? makes yours look like a grain of sand in the desert. In fact, unless your nickname is Aika or Rin Umiko (which we know it isn't), I wouldn't even start to THINK about debating that, let alone doing it.

Your contribution is massive. You've successfully split an community and continue to disrupt this forum despite getting banned.
If only only day I could be as big of a self centered asshole as you are.
Stop contributing.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

all i see in the thread is a pointless argument about one side having the resources and dedication to translate games and the other side with envy for the games they can't get translated.

instead of being a prick can't the side waiting for the translations ask nicely for it? most of us like the translations already available. what if instead of a few people picking a fight we just wait for more translations, perhaps that would make you get them sooner.

as a side question ¿about how many games are translated that you have not released for the public?
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I don't give a fuck about the negrep I'm going to get, can we please fucking quit this already? No HRPGHeaven, we don't NEED
your goddamn shit, we don't CARE what the fuck you did release or what you're going to release in the future, stop acting like a
13 year old kid. If it's not you it'll be someone else who releases what you got, and if it doesn't get released then bloody peace.
For all I care, you should be banned for good for multiple direct and public insults to forum members and recidive flaming as
no amount of contribution justifies your pathetic attitude. I cringe every time you people come here and the asslicking parade
starts, which only fuels your thinking of yourself as nobles giving some gold to the peasants, when in reality you're nothing but
a bunch of thieves, even specialized in one of the most shallow genres of porn games. You people dump stuff here and then
DEMAND gratitude and recognition for that. That's not how it works. If anything, it shows it's you who have a complex.
Which is understandable, since of all the things you could be in your life you chose to be someone who brags on Internet
forums about the amount of naked pixels he has on his PC

Please, go away, and don't ever fucking come back. We'll manage without you.

I don't share your opinion. And after taking a look at the last like, 10-15 posts in this thread, I'm surprised at what I see and need to search at where this has begun and to understand why all this hate. Now seeing it starts with a post "Why are you even doing this? I don't understand the purpose of your forum. All you're doing is stealing translators."...

I don't know if the hprgheaven is an account used by only one guy, but whatever, it kinda represents the community as a whole with the name, and whoever it is, it even comes and shares stuff with us that we won't find anywhere else.

And people, even if it's one guy, sharing what he shares here to raise and satisfy his own ego? Are you kidding me? And please people, someone doing something for himself and his friends, not sharing anonymously on the internet for everyone, and having someone pay a fee to enter his community that he has with friends/pals/you choose the word, IS NOT BULLIYNG, for christ sake man. You can even ask politely for the translation and they can without any problem share it with you.

For the hrpgheaven comunnity, thank you alot for the xmans gift, and the other stuff you shared with us before.

And for the guys with the agressive posts, and that started this whole mess: Why? Please, don't tell me that a closed community, that makes japanese h-games more acessible for the non j-speaking market is hurting the whole english h-games community, it's not.

PS: What a long post... English is not my main language, and I'm not used to doing this stuff, so sorry for the bad grammar, and stuff.
PS2: Please people, think well before writing stuff like that, and try to use a non agressive posture, you can't give someone a punch in the face and hope for a critical conversation that will result in the better of both sides.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

When you say you don't know where to start, do you mean you've got it up in RPG Maker and don't where to go from there, or you don't know how to open it up in RPGMaker yet?

Well after googling how to translate games I ended up trying various programs that were supposed to rip the dialogues from the games to be translated. After talking with Monkeyman earlier today I realized that doesn't work anymore and I'm installing RPGMaker.

I know I have to open the game in RPGMaker to edit it now but I don't know anything beyond that. I'm guessing I'll be able to open the dialogues somewhere and be able to convert it to English.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I don't give a fuck about the negrep I'm going to get, can we please fucking quit this already? No HRPGHeaven, we don't NEED
your goddamn shit, we don't CARE what the fuck you did release or what you're going to release in the future, stop acting like a
13 year old kid. If it's not you it'll be someone else who releases what you got, and if it doesn't get released then bloody peace.
For all I care, you should be banned for good for multiple direct and public insults to forum members and recidive flaming as
no amount of contribution justifies your pathetic attitude. I cringe every time you people come here and the asslicking parade
starts, which only fuels your thinking of yourself as nobles giving some gold to the peasants, when in reality you're nothing but
a bunch of thieves, even specialized in one of the most shallow genres of porn games. You people dump stuff here and then
DEMAND gratitude and recognition for that. That's not how it works. If anything, it shows it's you who have a complex.
Which is understandable, since of all the things you could be in your life you chose to be someone who brags on Internet
forums about the amount of naked pixels he has on his PC

Please, go away, and don't ever fucking come back. We'll manage without you.

Don't talk like you have our voices with you, cause you don't at least not mine. This argument is childish and as more wise people before me comented alredy, can we stop it? we are just proving how dumb internet turns people
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I concur Wolflance and Luckcrazy. Not sure why people need to come in and hijack the thread that was doing just fine. It is pretty damn easy to just NOT CLICK on the thread and go about their business.

@m1zuki: Glad Monkeyman sent you over some information. From what I have learned, he is right. You should just open RPG Maker and start getting used to the system. I will say that making my own game helped with translations and vice versa. If you want to do a complete translation, you're going to need to learn how it all works, and learn what the original author did. Most of the time, they made mistakes and set things up inefficiently. Especially important is learning how eventing works and what common events are. Those are used frequently.

My biggest suggestion, start SMALL. Don't try to tackle a Virgin Island on your first run. You will get burnt out. Translating is tedious work, and RPG Maker is not conducive to doing it quickly. Pick a small game. I can't stress this enough.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Yeah thanks for the advice so far guys. I'm fiddling around with everything but there's a few things I'm wondering.

It seems like most of the menu things are edited in the Database, but will I break any of the programming or scripts if I change the names of the actors, classes, items, etc? Are there some things I should leave alone to not break those scripts? I'm guessing changing map names and classes are a nono?

Also it looks like all the NPC dialogues are all in the event boxes. Do would I have to go through each map and translate every event and would that cover pretty much all the dialogue in the game?
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Yeah thanks for the advice so far guys. I'm fiddling around with everything but there's a few things I'm wondering.

It seems like most of the menu things are edited in the Database, but will I break any of the programming or scripts if I change the names of the actors, classes, items, etc? Are there some things I should leave alone to not break those scripts? I'm guessing changing map names and classes are a nono?

Also it looks like all the NPC dialogues are all in the event boxes. Do would I have to go through each map and translate every event and would that cover pretty much all the dialogue in the game?

That would translate most of the dialogue in the game.

Of course, a lot of it can be in scripts (menus are, most of the times), common events, etc. etc.

Also, you gotta translate some maps, items, actors, etc.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Hmm, it's odd.

Stuff like this makes me think of when i was in the HRPG Heaven forum.
I got in on the founding, so I didn't need to donate money or whatever like you seem to do now.

Not quite sure what to call it, surely it wasn't long enough ago to cause nostalgia, right?

Whatever, apparently my post-count dropped too low or something, and I was given the boot.
Well no, that's not quite fair, I was given the boot, then when i sent an email asking why, Starke offered to let me back in if I lurked less and posted more.

Unfortunately colleges and hospitals aren't the best places to post porn from, and that's pretty much where i was spending 90% of my life at the time, so I had to tell him not to bother.

oh well. It was nice while it lasted.
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