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I make game 4 U :D

Re: I make game 4 U :D

nunu put everything in the boxes... although you may have missed some as each box has two pages...
Re: I make game 4 U :D

So um... What program do I need to play this game?
Re: I make game 4 U :D

flash player, the test is that if you can use youtube you can probably use these. just run the .swf file.

you can open them in internet browsers to, there technicaly using flash inside the browser though so if you don't have the flash player (not to be confused with the flash editing software) it still wont work.
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Alright, I've got the basics of playing, stopping, etc done in actionscripting. Give me a couple of weeks, or months and I should be in most understanding of it. :D
Re: I make game 4 U :D

if you need a hand you know how to contact me
Re: I make game 4 U :D

The model in the updated version of this dress up game that I'm working on in my free time.

Tell me if you want to change anything.

You might also notice she has no eyes, well I need some of you to help me draw some.
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Re: I make game 4 U :D

i think a lot of the basic proportions are off on that drawing.
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Obviously, many proportions must be exaggerated. Also, I'm not that good with drawing full bodies, so I stuck with it as it looks good to me. Maybe I'll make her less tall and move her waist up.

Also you mind sendind me the .fla file of your modded verson of the game? I want to test something. If you still have it that is.
Re: I make game 4 U :D

there is a link to it on the previous page
Re: I make game 4 U :D

moving waist up would be very YES.

Along with the vagina. Makes it look, well... long <_<
Re: I make game 4 U :D

For the most part, it looks like she's too tall and too thin. Stretch it out and shrink it down just a bit. Do it a little at a time, so that you don't over-compensate.

Once you do that, check to see if she still looks anorexic as fuck or if her tits look too stretched, because I can see those things in the current picture, but simply fixing the vertical and horizontal sizes might fix those/make them less noticeable.
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Two things:
Her vagina is currently looking like it protrudes a few inches from her body.
Where are her arms?
Re: I make game 4 U :D

I think her arms are supposed to be behind her, but that goes to my point of her being too skinny; it's like her torso is only as big as her two arms put together, or like her arms are toothpick sized or something.
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Okay lets see,
1) Move waist up. Try to make her NOT look anorexic.
2) Move vagina up.
3) Still needs eyes.


Just finished tweaking, bettar yes?
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Re: I make game 4 U :D

Also, depending on what style you want with the eyes, anime eyes are pretty simple to draw.

There we are... Now if I could just make those monkeys in the school IT department install PS on my machine:mad:
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Much better. I think the bellybutton needs to be moved up, though. it should be in the center of the stomach area, which is generally where the hips and ribcage meet
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Alright, I'll try to draw up some eyes, and move the belly button. I'll report back as soon as I get it done.:D
Re: I make game 4 U :D

Most of what you can learn about proportions, you can just trace real girls, and you'll sort of pick up on it. It's how I've learned to draw, pretty much... Try MS Paint first.