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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

and the fact that forcing isn't forcing. I don't understand why you can say no to being forced. It should be no if the victim is stronger than the perpetrator, not if the victim doesn't want it. And, even though I absolutely love how broken they look if they aren't masochistic, I still find it silly that we get the exact same positions when forcing as we do when we go the romantic route, just with an added tear drop.

I made a joke about this earlier but I thought people might take me seriously so I removed it :p But yeah, I agree that it woulda been nice if forcing was more like physically forcing than "Blackmail". It's like you're a rapist AND a passive-aggressive douchebag, what a terrible combination, lol. 95% of Jap hentais have rape, and in all of them the girl loves it after 20 seconds. It must be hard to put hardcore/more realistic rape in their games/hentais. Only time I've seen it is in amateur games, has a big commercial game ever had it?

I just woulda liked if the girl was angry for a bit during the sex or something, those angry glare eyes~ Maybe some personalities stay quiet or something, woulda added some nice variety. That they act exactly the same as if you weren't forcing them bugs me. Even if you were just coaxing her or she wasn't totally opposed to it, she probably wouldn't go full moaning/excited right away.

Woulda been cool if there was a "fighting ability" score to work with that, kind of weird that your general athletic score helps you in fights.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

It must be hard to put hardcore/more realistic rape in their games/hentais. Only time I've seen it is in amateur games, has a big commercial game ever had it?
There was one, but we're specifically forbidden from talking about it. The genre is limited to amateurs because it would be insane for a publisher to touch it.

"Hmmm, what should I do today? I know - I'll sink lots of money into a project which will be banned worldwide and which will get my company, and possibly me personally, sued under hate-crime statutes. Also the customers know that buying the game in a traceable way (e.g. via credit card) will possibly get them placed on a sex-offender registry, but there's no way to buy it without proving one's age (e.g. via credit card), so they'll just pirate it instead. Once they realize that I was involved in this project, my female friends and acquaintances will spit upon me in public. There is no possible upside to this decision, but I'm giving it the green light regardless."
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Oh apparently there was a problem with the Hongfire mod patch, so if you got .80, you should go check it again.

There was one, but we're specifically forbidden from talking about it. The genre is limited to amateurs because it would be insane for a publisher to touch it.

"Hmmm, what should I do today? I know - I'll sink lots of money into a project which will be banned worldwide and which will get my company, and possibly me personally, sued under hate-crime statutes. Also the customers know that buying the game in a traceable way (e.g. via credit card) will possibly get them placed on a sex-offender registry, but there's no way to buy it without proving one's age (e.g. via credit card), so they'll just pirate it instead. Once they realize that I was involved in this project, my female friends and acquaintances will spit upon me in public. There is no possible upside to this decision, but I'm giving it the green light regardless."

Sounds about right. I wonder if the masses will realize that fantasy and reality are separate one day. Rape is actually a very popular fetish for women.

But hey, going slightly off topic here so I'll just say: I wish this game had better force options and different responses to it, at least so the girl isn't all hyped up about it immediately. It's a little weird. She goes from hating you, to loving you instantly as soon as sex starts, and then the awkward silence afterwards.

Has Illusion ever added big new features to patches? I mean so far I've seen hair, and overhearing conversations that already existed, nothing too impressive but the game is still somewhat new. It seems we may be in for 3ways at some point. I feel like they kept that from us just so they'd have something to release later. Is there anything else that feels incomplete in the game like 3ways? I haven't really noticed anything else. Can you actually get grades yet? I don't think I've ever seen that update on the statue scorecard, but I usually don't play one class very long.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

But hey, going slightly off topic here so I'll just say: I wish this game had better force options and different responses to it, at least so the girl isn't all hyped up about it immediately. It's a little weird. She goes from hating you, to loving you instantly as soon as sex starts, and then the awkward silence afterwards.

Has Illusion ever added big new features to patches? I mean so far I've seen hair, and overhearing conversations that already existed, nothing too impressive but the game is still somewhat new. It seems we may be in for 3ways at some point. I feel like they kept that from us just so they'd have something to release later. Is there anything else that feels incomplete in the game like 3ways? I haven't really noticed anything else. Can you actually get grades yet? I don't think I've ever seen that update on the statue scorecard, but I usually don't play one class very long.

Yeah grades do exist. There are tests every few weeks (3 says the wiki), there's 1 for Physical, 1 for academics and a club competition? Not sure but your character supposedly leaves the school to compete with other schools. Nothing fancy though, just text on a screen fading to black. Statue has a button on the lower right that brings up the individual's stats, second button from the right, has a little person on it.

Perhaps Illusion is careless or perhaps they are incredibly shrewd. They knew people wouldn't have much continued gameplay. You yourself said you don't play a class very long :p and I think most people agree that the virgin experiences with the girl's are the best, first lover, first H, first kiss etc. What I'm saying is that the reason why H isn't too hard to obtain (apart from maxing virtue) and that there isn't much extended gameplay beyond unlocking all H-positions may in fact not be a slip-up but rather Illusion knowing their market too well. :D

Hmm, are you knowledgeable with Real Play? I'm not, but I seem to recall an addon where you made love to the women as a masseuse instead of raping them. Does that count as a big new feature?

Yeah apart from 3P, the force and its responses like you said, is also lacking. But doesn't seem to hard to patch up! Keeping their default expression to getting first time anal (without anal preference) and making ahegao twice/thrice as long to achieve would be good places to start. Bigger stuff would be reanimating and more voice acting. Like Doggy Style between lovers has hands on the girl's waist but when forced, could have a hand pressing her head down or covering her mouth or holding her hair. Ah the possibilities.

The teacher, man the teacher role. Really, they seem to just be another student. What kind of teacher competes with students for grades on the charts?? :confused:


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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The teacher, man the teacher role. Really, they seem to just be another student. What kind of teacher competes with students for grades on the charts?? :confused:

The teacher is more stupid than the student :p
Well other than that a lttle teacher role and abit different diagloe the teacher basicaly a student itself, although playing the detective role and finding the teacher have sex with student + put command everyone gather here was quite fun once :D (yes i fired that teacher trololol)

I really wish there 3P / 4P in this that make harem route more satisfying ;) (still dunt know how to make both of them show their genital thing like what it show in wiki -.- I always end up making them hate each other from best friend :( )

I love HF mod regarding hair accesory cuz all the same clothing pattern itself is kinda lacking, well its a school i guess
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Well hey, not my fault they don't have any lasting gameplay :p If there was actual dating stuff or anything to do beyond sex scenes as you mentioned, I'd play longer. I also like to test things, which usually requires a clean save. Now that the translations and wiki is pretty fleshed out though, less to test myself so I can relax in a class.

Too bad a lesbian keeps stealing my girlfriend's virginity in this class >.> I replayed a day like 3 times and couldn't stop her, one time she took her into the gym storeroom right in front of me after my girlfriend wouldn't go in with me. Like 400+ kiss and touch scores too, I had to make sure she wasn't a lesbian herself (She's bi).

First time I wish I had the evil trait to deal with competition >.> Even though my girlfriend chose me in an argument, it didn't hurt their relationship or start a sex scene like usual. So cruel. This is what happens when average social scores fight against the class lead girl in popularity for love...
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The teacher, man the teacher role. Really, they seem to just be another student. What kind of teacher competes with students for grades on the charts?? :confused:

The teacher role doesn't actually take part in tests. Their wisdom and athletic scores just affect how well they teach their students.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The teacher role doesn't actually take part in tests. Their wisdom and athletic scores just affect how well they teach their students.

That actually makes more sense, I feel pretty silly now. :x Nevertheless they should get off my class scores chart haha! :mad:

Too bad a lesbian keeps stealing my girlfriend's virginity in this class >.> I replayed a day like 3 times and couldn't stop her, one time she took her into the gym storeroom right in front of me after my girlfriend wouldn't go in with me. Like 400+ kiss and touch scores too, I had to make sure she wasn't a lesbian herself (She's bi).

First time I wish I had the evil trait to deal with competition >.> Even though my girlfriend chose me in an argument, it didn't hurt their relationship or start a sex scene like usual. So cruel. This is what happens when average social scores fight against the class lead girl in popularity for love...

Wow that bitch is snatching your lover from you? That would utterly completely enrage me as well! You can't give up. Have you tried repeated H prompting? My MC had a girl (uptight/harsh) who was horny but also so virtuous that she brought me into a H-location and refused me sex. Ultimate blue-balling man.

Girl: Let's go in here.
MC: Mm.
Girl: You know why I brought you here. Are you stupid?
MC: *prepares to take her virginity*
Girl: Not there. We're done now.
MC: ...

After exiting the cubicle, my MC immediately just asked her to follow and went back in and fortunately, my MC was allowed to this time. I guess it was like girls in real life, who'll deny they want something but are really just testing your persistence. Sounds like a challenge though, having people fighting for your lovers. I wish I could turn back time to the point where another guy was chasing my MC's teacher-cum-lover. (and prevent that 1 instance of sex ever, EVER!)

You managed to get a sex scene after getting a victory in a choosing argument? Hmm I've never experienced that before, possibly would you run through what happened? I have won and gotten chosen before, but it's just the other character getting sad and the interaction ends. No H or being brought to a H location.

By the way how large are the classes you all play in? And how do you choose your classmate. My first few games were with a full class and with random people from the HF database/uploader that at the very least looked appealing, just to see the atmosphere and gameplay. Currently my MC is playing with just one other guy in the class, 3 girls we don't interact with at all we left for that other guy (but he still went for my lover), and the girls I planned my MC to chase. All slowly go through my very vigorous adjustment and reference comparing procedure haha! It's left me with like 6/7 girls for my MC only... I really need to widen my anime knowledge... So yeah the class only has like 10 people. How different are you guys?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I usually try and fill up a class. I have one file where the MC teacher is the only male and I have at least one girl for each personality. My usual file has 8 boys (two for each personality) where most of the girls just lean hetero and always seem to end up in relations with each other if one another as well as some guys.

My main characters main lover actually ended up going out with his best friend to. Betrayed by your best bro... Brotrayal™

Some personalities seem to have a really high libido compared to others. The moody/ordinary girls always seem to be in the mood. Readily dragging me off some where private so she can add her cherry to the cake.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Wow that bitch is snatching your lover from you? That would utterly completely enrage me as well! You can't give up. Have you tried repeated H prompting?

You managed to get a sex scene after getting a victory in a choosing argument? Hmm I've never experienced that before, possibly would you run through what happened? I have won and gotten chosen before, but it's just the other character getting sad and the interaction ends. No H or being brought to a H location.

By the way how large are the classes you all play in? And how do you choose your classmate. My first few games were with a full class and with random people from the HF database/uploader that at the very least looked appealing, just to see the atmosphere and gameplay.

Yeah, tried everything, my girl is actually bi and normal virtue/sociability. She doesn't even have Singleminded or anything, it's just that the more social girl (I keep calling her a lesbian, but I checked her traits and she's bi too) was dating her a day before me. Now that I check both of their stats/traits, I actually have no idea why this is so hard for me, neither of them should be making this so difficult. I wonder if Passive on a PC can hurt your H chances, maybe I need to remove that. Would be pretty funny if this whole time my own character was the one screwing me over. Worst part is one time she was going to ask me for sex, and we were interrupted mid dialogue.

No I didn't get the scene, but I have before. If you stop an H interaction and make your lover choose, if she chooses you, a sex scene can start immediately. Maybe it needs a very high roll or something. Didn't happen this time though, after my girl friend chose me, the lesbian girl just kept H'ing on her like nothing happened >.> I had to stop like 5 other interactions.

I created all of my girls and guys myself (As well as using the default girls), starting from randomization on looks and trying to use an equal amount of personalities and traits. Basically as if the randomize button actually created balanced looking and acting characters. It must work because my all around average mc usually ends up right in the middle of the athletic/academic/popularity scores. So I tweak some stuff, like removing moles/glasses, fixing eyes and such, since those are likely to be weird or have an unnatural amount of said thing (Like 75% of people would have glasses otherwise and like 90% moles :p). I randomize and tweak hair and breasts and skin color until I feel like it fits that character too, trying to get a good variety of types of girls.

I just put my MC into the game and randomize the class to full, sometimes I ditch some characters I'm not interested in seeing in that playthrough to randomize again :p Getting pretty tired of all my characters though so I might need to start downloading other player's stuff. I usually end up with around 2-5 males in the full class, I try to keep that male/female ratio of characters so I always get some competition from the randomize class button.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Whatever happened to that 5th male personality they teased?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

is it just me who cannot download patch straight from hongfire,even after logging in? for some reason they always show calm down text...
would appreciated a MEGA upload from someone please :D
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I don't know if they teased a name, only an image. He was holding his wrist with a cocky look on his face. Pretty sure you could find it on hongfire. I'm not about to wade through the sea of posts to find it though.

They'll probably release it somewhere down the line. But we still haven't heard much about it.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

the download links worked after i post my last post in ULMF :eek:
i expected no less from the wonder of this forum :D
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Yeah how to have sex with a girl who keeps giving you 0% on sex question but is in love with you:

Have sex with another girl in front of her, she should confront you, choose her and you will auto get a scene with her.

Only way I can have sex with this girl, I have no freaking idea what's wrong with her. She has Class Prez trait or maybe it's her safe day or something? Just keep getting "No way, I won't go in there with you" or "Geez..." type messages even though she's blushing. She even follows me into the shower room. Seems like she wants to have sex but won't. Even after I quickly took her virginity using that trick above (Before we were interrupted), she won't go above 0% with the normal sex option even with 400-600%+ kiss/touch scores and erotic music. So obnoxious.

I'd love to know how that other girl got her to go into the gym storage room with her x.X She has average virtue and no bad sex traits, which really confuses me.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Does anybody know how to get the download for the AA2 HF patch to work?

The HF Patch
Download the Artificial Academy 2 HF Patch.
Read the patch release post while downloading, so you know what is required and what to expect!
Run the patch by double-clicking on the file you just downloaded.
Read the information in the beginning and make sure that you have enough free disk space to run the patch before you click Next!
Click Next and review the components. The Recommended installation is all you need to get the game updated, partially translated and partially uncensored, but you might want to check out the options anyway.
Click Next and consider installing an icon on your desktop (TIP: The shortcut using AppLocale is highly recommended, because you still have to run the translated game with Japanese locale. Using the shortcut will make it completely transparent that you actually run the game with Japanese locale).
Click Next to start patching your game. Beware that patching your game will change installed files and it cannot be reversed or uninstalled. Therefore you should keep the original files, so you can restore the game to it's original state later on if needed. Having the original files might be a necessity if you plan to install additional or different mods later on.
Let the patch finish. Patching may take several minutes and the progress bar may not move. Just be patient. It is guaranteed to work if you installed the game as outlined above.
Play the updated, partially translated and partially uncensored game by double-clicking the desktop icon.*
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I wonder. Is there a way to actually get the Harsh personality to say they love you? They might in a confession, but they seem to be the type to not really do romantic interactions that much. They've pretty much become one of my favorite personality types.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Yeah how to have sex with a girl who keeps giving you 0% on sex question but is in love with you:

Have sex with another girl in front of her, she should confront you, choose her and you will auto get a scene with her.

Only way I can have sex with this girl, I have no freaking idea what's wrong with her. She has Class Prez trait or maybe it's her safe day or something? Just keep getting "No way, I won't go in there with you" or "Geez..." type messages even though she's blushing. She even follows me into the shower room. Seems like she wants to have sex but won't. Even after I quickly took her virginity using that trick above (Before we were interrupted), she won't go above 0% with the normal sex option even with 400-600%+ kiss/touch scores and erotic music. So obnoxious.

I'd love to know how that other girl got her to go into the gym storage room with her x.X She has average virtue and no bad sex traits, which really confuses me.

You unluckily got one of the girls who only have sex when she's the one being assertive. Best you can do is make her as horny as possible and wait for her to come to you.

Another thing you can look into is see if she's having sex with someone else. You could be building her up and she go to someone for relief. The statue will tell you who her last sex partner was.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

For those wanting more than 2 traits, took me a while to find but i think the mod is on this page