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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

New patch seems pretty pointless, other than the new hair style. They said they tweaked behaviors but didn't specify what they tweaked. Is that really it? Kind of weird they'd have a patch so close to a previous one with such small differences. I feel bad for the modders trying to keep everything up to date :p

NEW! -I added the extension screenshot function. (Keyboard "F9" key). It is possible to take a picture of as they were displayed conversation window, the screen icon or the like.
NEW! -I added an external BGM function. (ON / OFF possible keyboard "Y" key, in the configuration screen)
NEW! -I did the adjustment of NPC behavior.
NEW! I-Fixed a bug that was the color of the heart of the H-scene is reversed.
Edit: Oh it was even further back in the thread. Apparently they just adjusted movements of npcs? And there were bug fixes apparently. "I have been fixed some display problem of personal information that is displayed in the Jizo. " Okay, I need this, my statue displays have been fucked up since last patch. Actually not sure if that was in the latest patch or an earlier one, apparently the person who posted that added old patch info too.

Well I'll test the new official patch + HF patch soon and mention if I notice any changes.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

wait there is a way to tweak behaviors? "Is it possible to learn this power?"
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Well shit, with the new 1.0.4 Eng Launcher, when I click for a chracter's personal card at the Buddha Statue, my game straight away gets an error and has to close; and you guys aren't around to help me ascertain if I'm the only one. ): Troubles from living in S.E.A.

I've successfully played the latest HF patch and haven't encountered any such errors. Have you tried with a new class? Perhaps it's a bad install of the HF patch.

New patch seems pretty pointless, other than the new hair style. They said they tweaked behaviors but didn't specify what they tweaked. Is that really it? Kind of weird they'd have a patch so close to a previous one with such small differences. I feel bad for the modders trying to keep everything up to date :p

NEW! -I added the extension screenshot function. (Keyboard "F9" key). It is possible to take a picture of as they were displayed conversation window, the screen icon or the like.
NEW! -I added an external BGM function. (ON / OFF possible keyboard "Y" key, in the configuration screen)
NEW! -I did the adjustment of NPC behavior.
NEW! I-Fixed a bug that was the color of the heart of the H-scene is reversed.
Edit: Oh it was even further back in the thread. Apparently they just adjusted movements of npcs? And there were bug fixes apparently. "I have been fixed some display problem of personal information that is displayed in the Jizo. " Okay, I need this, my statue displays have been fucked up since last patch.

Well I found it abit harder to gain affection but it could just be me being too hasty trying to goad women into H actions. The AI also appears to be more active, again, it's most likely i'm imagining these changes. However it's always good to stay up to date with latest patch's and whatnot, even if they're subtle changes. Although, the first time I initiated sex I immediately noticed the updated genitals, especially the males.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

They seem to have taken away the controls with the middle mouse button, and changed it to toggling between manual mode (choose your speed) and automatic mode (whoever is on top thrusts the way s/he wants and with the style s/he wants). I definitely enjoy that change, even if it was a bit weird to get used to moving the angle around by holding both mouse buttons. The automatic mode is just absolutely lovely.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The HF patch changed to the 3d uncensor instead of the cartoon one, so yeah, that should be a nice treat. You could have had it without the updated patch though.

I think there always was an automatic mode with middle mouse button, I used it all the time.

Seems some people are having trouble with the new patches, might need to do a clean reinstall. That's annoying, I was finally enjoying this class. Guess I could test it first to see if there's a problem. Edit: Everything seems to work fine at a glance. I think the problems occur if you use a different launcher than the HF patch one.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I think there always was an automatic mode with middle mouse button, I used it all the time.

I'm pretty sure you could hold the middle mouse button and drag the camera around doing so. That doesn't work since I updated (to V3), and now it suddenly changes things to automatic. Nice feature none the less.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Although, the first time I initiated sex I immediately noticed the updated genitals, especially the males.

The HF patch changed to the 3d uncensor instead of the cartoon one, so yeah, that should be a nice treat. You could have had it without the updated patch though.

Yeah the male genitals was a pretty big shock. My MC is pretty tan and well I've gotten used to seeing his darker-shaded genitals. Whip out 1.0.4 and BAM! Freaking bright pink chewing gum rod. Thank heavens for the JG2ChrData, otherwise I don't think I could let my MC do any H.

I've successfully played the latest HF patch and haven't encountered any such errors. Have you tried with a new class? Perhaps it's a bad install of the HF patch.

Seems some people are having trouble with the new patches, might need to do a clean reinstall. That's annoying, I was finally enjoying this class. Guess I could test it first to see if there's a problem. Edit: Everything seems to work fine at a glance. I think the problems occur if you use a different launcher than the HF patch one.

Ironically, it was the Official HF Patched 1.0.4 Launcher that was giving the error. The JS-Frontier Launcher didn't hang when viewing the character cards. But yeah looks like it was a bad install. My lousy Antivirus spazzed up towards the .exe file, pausing the installation while it prompted me on what to do. I always clicked approve but apparently that single interruption screwed the install?? Well I'm no computer-expert, but turning the Antivirus off for the duration of the install seems to have averted the error. Yay, go me, now I can view character cards! :D
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Hi, i'm having some trouble with the maker in that i can't use the trait unlocker + skin colour freedom mod made by Phil:

I've replaced the old AA2Edit.exe with his one but typing a value such as 163 into the hue box automatically snaps back to 40, and the traits aren't unlocked (ie. i can only choose 2).

Note this is both while loading an old character and editing AND creating a new character.

Strangely an old version of his works, but as it was for the demo version it mucks a lot of the maker up in that every default character looks the same, due to those characters presumably being created after the mod was created.

So yeah am i missing something?

Edit: No sooner had i posted that i realised that pressing new character twice seemed to let me choose as many traits as i wanted, and all parameters other than skin pigment were unlocked to 255, and rereading the thread it seems like that the skin colour was never explicitly included in the maker.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Is there an easier way to install this game?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

It's pretty damn easy to install, I remember one of my first Illusion games was about 3 times worse :p

Oh also HF patch problems fixed:

"0.9.2, 2014.07.7: Replace Full 3D Uncensor 0.6 with Cartoon Uncensor v0.8 because of reported crashes and issues."

I didn't have any crashes with the 3D Uncensor patch in my short time playing it, so dunno. I like that the 3D one actually has an anus, so hopefully it'll be fixed/worked on.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

So the uncensor patch caused that one crash? I actually haven't been playing since. But I'll keep trying and see what happens. If it crashes again I'll rage, then change the uncensor patch so I don't end up wasting anymore time.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

So the uncensor patch caused that one crash? I actually haven't been playing since. But I'll keep trying and see what happens. If it crashes again I'll rage, then change the uncensor patch so I don't end up wasting anymore time.

I don't think it's the 3DUncensor so much as I actually believe it was the AA2 Play launcher that was included in the HF patch. I actually got a bug, where on character sheets their first sexual partner wasn't being displayed and occasionally, at the end of the day if I inspected the character details it would crash. The solution I found was to install the HF patch then download the 3DUncensor separately and install it. No hiccups so far playing a week in-game aside from slow performance but that's my problem.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Upon further inspection, making a proper class is actually more intense than you might think. While I did go all out on the characters and it feels like they are pretty diverse while keeping a nice touch of cliche, there are more, not so obvious problems you might encounter. These, on the other hand, are things that most people who once drew manga or at lest tried to, might be familiar with.


If you dont manage your haircolors properly, some haircolor (for me, that is blonde for most positive attitudes) will feel too frequent and every time you see your whole class, it feels weird. Going for multiple colors for a single archetype (pink in this example) will greatly help here.

Missing background Information makes the whole Idea problematic. Even though the characters are different from vanilla, since I aim to make them "just like vanilla, but different", after a while, I would suspect that it actually does feel like vanilla. While i personally know how i set up my characters and can somehow relate to them, i guess most people woudnt know the difference. This means that profile information MIGHT be a great tool here. If someone actually makes the effort of reading those before choosing his 'target', reading about his target being his MCs sister-in-law or his otaku MC having a terrrible case of chuunibyou, which is causing him to be rather antisocial and bad with girls, might just work wonders on immersion.

Sizes. All sizes, be it character size, breat size or waist size, should have a common median around the middle. If personal preference is used to create the characters, these things will obviously be great for one person, but feel terribly out of place for another. The class should be as diverse as possible, including characters the creator did not think of as "great". This, of course, is a big problem, since that is not something you usually go for when creating something.

Consider how many traits are necessary. I personally feel obliged to use 2 traits every time, but that is of course not true. If your characters only real important feature is being a tsundere, go for it. If a character is supposed to be as "normal" as possible, maybe consider "ordinary" + no traits at all.

Eyes. Tinkering with the eyes is great fun. Dont go about making every character have the same pair of eyes. In most manga, they are part of describing the characters personality, so try to do that. Sharp edges and a bit smaller for tsundere, wide and round for refined characters. These things are needed to create proper characters.

Finally, its important not to go with the flow on every aspect. "Weird" characters make anime all the more interesting to watch, so remember to include some of those also. A quiet tsundere? Why not? The outcome might be interesting. Dignified with no virtue and perverted? Uncommon, but the outcome might also be interesting.

Gotta have friggin twins in your class :p


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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I do look at my whole roster and try to see which hair colors/skin colors/breast sizes I'm lacking, then I fill it in (I had too many short light haired, dark skin girls for a while. Tweaked some of their hair colors). As you said it's impossible to not be a bit biased. You can end up with tunnel vision if you don't take a look at your whole class/roster once in a while. You're likely to end up with more large breasted or small breasted or long haired girls or whatever you like if you try to manually make girls feel randomized/balanced.

I fix breasts so they're realistic and not spastic, same with eyes and such. I don't let anybody be disturbing, some are just not what most people may consider "beautiful" (For an anime girl, lols). Randomize can be crazy. Gotta remove a lot of moles and glasses too after randomizing. In short I kind of make all the physical options close to reality anatomy in what is possible, so nobody is like a beast or alien or anything. Though sometimes you gotta have those huge anime breasts :p

When it comes to personalities, I have the trait unlocker and I'd guess most my girls have an average of like 4-6 traits. Girls with high virtue are less likely to have more sexual preferences as well, while some lewd or low virtue girls have 6 or more. Some girls have all positive traits that make them easy to get along with, some have all negatives that essentially makes them a serial killer :p Most girls however are a combination/balance of them. In that way the traits of my class are more dramatic than in reality, but that's anime for you~

I think I nearly had more fun making my roster than playing sometimes. Only problem is I ran out of original types, I'm kind of waiting for mods and patches to settle down so I can DL some hair/accessory mods and continue that. At like 50+ girls it's difficult to not make one that is too similar to the others using just the default options. I actually only spend like 5-10 minutes or so a girl, it doesn't take that long really, helps if you notepad traits/personalities to avoid having too much of certain types.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Haha, im happy im not the only one with these problems.. im now on my third run though my girls in an attempt to make em better. I started adding flavor text to every one, even though some got pretty decent background while other seem wayy to common (in the anime genre). But oh well, thats how it works :p

Still, I think I will try to go for about 20 girls and 5 boys and upload them as a full pack. Like I mentioned earlier, i cant keep up with FruitSmoothie at all :p

Im currently at about 20 characters, but only half of them are polished properly. Most of the missing pieces are boys though. And one of the boys has a topknot.. i used only frontal view in the character creator :p
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Haha, im happy im not the only one with these problems.. im now on my third run though my girls in an attempt to make em better. I started adding flavor text to every one, even though some got pretty decent background while other seem wayy to common (in the anime genre). But oh well, thats how it works :p

If only you could start off characters with existing relationships with other characters (That they tried to maintain). That's why I don't bio any of my characters x.x Would be so cool to have a backstory where people are already friends/lovers/exs by the time you enter into a class. I mean some of these guys and girls had to of known each other before this highschool class :p
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I don't really bio my characters either. Just a short description of their personality.

Also hf patch 0.9.2 is out.

Edit: Sometime when checking individual stats at the statue the game crashes. Doe anybody know a fix for this?
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Does the masochist trait actually do anything?

I keep using it for specific characters, but it doesn't seem to get a diffrent reaction to anything.

insults "fail" (no idea how that works, do you need people to like you inorder to insult them?)and playing with the vibe/show, options or forcing yourself on someone makes them consider you "the lowest trash"

Also, the Savehacker?

i can only use the bottom option (hack class, by the looks of it) then i select my save file pick a character, press the top button on the character i want (bottom one seems to be untranslated, no idea what it's showing me) mess with stats, ect.

there doesn't seem to be any way to actually build a relationship in the editor though, only fuck with H compatibility, which apparently has something to do with unlocking new positions, but doesn't make them like you more.

if I go for the first option right after opening the program, I get an error message. "unhandled exception"

frankly, it seems way more limited than the AA1 save editor. then again, it only half works, so...
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The masochist trait makes love rise when doing abusive actions. I do believe having them like you helps the chance of "inslut" working. When a masochist character's love and arousal increases with abusive actions, being lovers helps the chance of not falling into a purple status.

Edit: Male friend asks me to massage him. Uhhh... Okay. "You got to cop a feel!" I'm going to pretend that didn't just happen.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The masochist trait makes love rise when doing abusive actions. I do believe having them like you helps the chance of "inslut" working. When a masochist character's love and arousal increases with abusive actions, being lovers helps the chance of not falling into a purple status.

Edit: Male friend asks me to massage him. Uhhh... Okay. "You got to cop a feel!" I'm going to pretend that didn't just happen.

That's better than my "best friend". I had just NTR'd his girlfriend and he runs up to me and says......"Hey....you want to have sex?" Left....utterly....speechless.

So after the timer ran out, and it default to no. I made a quick dash to the statue. Looked at what he had to say about her "Cheater!", looked at who her first time was with: Me. Even though they had been together for 3 days, looked at what he thought about me "Really want to fuck". Mind....freaking...blown.