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In today's news...


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
In other news, you can tell Netanyahu's back in power: the IDF have shot up a refugee camp claiming gunmen were there and a Palestinian has today driven a car into a crowd at a shopping mall
So I take it that we're going to sanction them, freeze their bank accounts, and send the Palestinians a few tanks and IFVs then?


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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My solution to the Palestine/Isreal conflict has gotten me banned in other forums so I'm just going to play innocent here.
We don't ban people for stating bad or even wrong opinions. See any of bob's posts if you need proof. You're fine to say what you like here.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
So I take it that we're going to sanction them, freeze their bank accounts, and send the Palestinians a few tanks and IFVs then?
Of course not, they make regular payments to most US politicians and many US organizations. Which they pay using the subsidies and funding that the US politicians are giving them
So of course no politician will actually push for that


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
We don't ban people for stating bad or even wrong opinions. See any of bob's posts if you need proof. You're fine to say what you like here.
Every country has an expiration date and if two kids don't get along you should probably throw them into oncoming and let the laws of physics be their guide.
Cultures that can't evolve into either a stable country that doesn't bother others-- or become dictatorship wrapped in imaginary ethics that couldn't pass a kindergartener's level of philosophy-- are genuine threats to the future generations of those who just want to cross borders to get skin-color horny fever. I don't see why nations who prove to slander every other nation for their benefit can't just be wiped off the globe so the adults can take over and start over.
I'm %100 paternalist in my beliefs-- some people can't think without just copying funny big words they see on a screen, and I've met too many of them to be told that every person should be respected for human life. Adult responsibility isnt for all.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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The benchmark for glassing a country should probably be a little higher than "they be talkin shit bout my momma!". Just sayin. I'll admit that I'm not well versed on the current sand-rats vs jews conflict though.
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Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Is there anything new going on in that corner?
I've not been able to find anything other than the usuals


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
The benchmark for glassing a country should probably be a little higher than "they be talkin shit bout my momma!". Just sayin. I'll admit that I'm not well versed on the current sand-rats vs jews conflict though.
Neither Jews nor Palestenians should get the Get Out of Geneva Convention card for free but both treat it like it's a shopping list.
I'm just saying the boy who cries wolf should be thrown to them.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
I mean social credit in general usually favors the most "You're either with us or against us" in any govt.
My parents were polar opposites yet equally militant about their beliefs, and when I was still a fresh spawn I was caught in adult politics while really just wanting to hang out with my Power Rangers collection.
Usually why I don't get along with most beliefs-- most favor dictatorship in some way or the other. It's best to be independent than lean towards "Peacekeeper" concepts.
My uncle was full of shit most of his life, but he hit home when drunkenly muttured "There's always some fucking Crusade and some poor kid on the chopping block for it."
I mean, look at the Oshi No Ko drama as of late. The mangaka took a real-world suicide that was highly publicized and crafted a character's arc around it. The mother understandably got upset and expressed herself to the mangaka and studio, and those "reasonable" anime fans took to crusading against the mother. Worse yet, there's idiots online on the complete opposite side of this whole thing who believe the mangaka himself owes the mother something like monetary compensation or some kind of tribute to her daughter. People will find a reason to pick a fight or launch a campaign because they need some sort of fulfillment and getting a job or finding a hobby requires effort.

Questionable content being panties, nazi parody symbols and
  • Toning down depictions of racial violence in ’s story
  • Removing the hair pick from Filia’s afro during her
  • Removing several illustrations from the game’s guest art gallery
  • Removing the
  • Replacing the 18-hit combo fanfare (“Barely Legal” to “Spiffy”)
You know, if the depictions of racial violence are gratuitous to the point of making Higurashi look tame, I can understand it. I somehow doubt it was that bad, though. I also don't get what hair picks have to do with "questionable content" unless there is some form of cultural appropriation I'm not aware of. The illustrations I can't comment on cause I don't know what was removed. Soviet Announcer pack seemed like a fun inclusion and also fuck the USSR and Russia, totalitarian nation-states are garbage and deserve to be mocked. The fanfare thing is just a silly thing that I doubt anyone was going to overthink or get upset about.

Also, uh, nazi parody symbols seems a bit edgy, but I don't know the context so it could have also easily been a narrative thing that now might confuse people post-change. Panties being removed is... why? I don't get what about panties is objectionable. Are the developers part of an anti-underwear cult? Did undergarments become outlawed in their country?

Proving once again Western lewd games are shit when it comes to giving a straightforward product.
I think somewhere after CoC and before MGI I eventually just look at them for gameplay value, which Portals of Phereon still reigns #1 for just being interesting/fun once you get past the "This game makes no fucking sense to me" stage.
Most developers are lazy as fuck. look at the surplus of "visual novels" and "adventure" games where the core component of porn is locked behind a shitty, tacked-on dating sim. Oh, and it's not improved by the fact that these games get hosted and promoted on forums like ulmf and f95zone. I don't even fault the moderation staff, either. Too many people who praise the bare minimum of content as the second coming make up the majority of audience engagement. Unfortunately, there isn't an answer that doesn't involve a mass culling of the species, and my therapist tells me that expressing such thoughts publicly might get me put on a watchlist.

My solution to the Palestine/Isreal conflict has gotten me banned in other forums so I'm just going to play innocent here.
Neither Jews nor Palestenians should get the Get Out of Geneva Convention card for free but both treat it like it's a shopping list.
I'm just saying the boy who cries wolf should be thrown to them.
This is a really fucking complicated topic for a lot of reasons, least of which begins with Hitler because of course it does. The short version is, the Brits mass-deported the Jews to the Middle East and told the native population to eat shit when they expressed objections. If it were just British Jews, it would be one thing. It was a mass deportation of ALL European Jews, which is already a tall order. It also doesn't help that basically anyone not white and not born in a white nation were pretty much under the heel of British Imperialism which... yeah, let's not open another folder. Anyways, to conclude this "short" story, take about 60 years of the Palestinian's peacefully requesting mediation by their former oppressors and/or the US, being ignored, getting frustrated, being used for proxy wars, and eventually deciding that violence is an option, and here we are. Also, there was that time that Bill Gates DID get both sides to agree to peace, but, yeah.

So, once again, it all started with the British and Hitler. Funny how those two things seem to be behind basically every modern issue ever.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
This is a really fucking complicated topic for a lot of reasons, least of which begins with Hitler because of course it does.
*started with Hadrian, seems like leaders with names starting with 'H' are just bad news for jews in general.

It also doesn't help when you have people in positions of power who are very set on the whole ethno-nationalist mindset and insist on conducting operations designed to drive out people based on ethnicity. By that I'm talking about the 'chosen people' of God, the Zionists. It's very telling that, after experiencing persecution at the hands of the Germans in WW2, upon arriving in Israel they immediately started conducting terrorist attacks and killings intended to drive Palestinians out of lands they saw as theirs (which continue on today). So much so that the British (who were responsible for the entire mess) had to conduct anti-terrorist operations and arrest a bunch of Zionists responsible.

But it's not surprising when you have even a surface look into Jewish history and mythology, not to mention a deeper dive into the religion side of things. American media today presents them as funny comedians, actors/actresses, and there's a lot of Jewish scientists, but back in the day they were a very warlike people who had continual beef with pretty much everybody. They'd hire themselves out as mercs, conquer lands and drive off native people, and have more than a few (claimed) genocides under their belts.

People having an issue with Jews, and Jews having an issue with other peoples, has been going on well before Hitler used the excuse of the post-WW1 German civil war (largely led by Jewish Bolsheviks) to rile up popular support. There's millennia of bad blood and manifest destiny at work that is overshadowed by recent history.

I think it can be difficult for people living in Commonwealth/British colonised countries that have only existed for a few hundred years to grasp just how far back some of these ethnic and national issues can go. People living in areas like the Middle East and Eastern Europe/The Balkans can have centuries of hate built up for their neighbours.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
It's also worth noting that the jews of today are not the 'chosen people' of the bible, and it annoys me when people assume such
Today's jews come from the pharisees and their traditions. Specifically the ones that Jesus spoke out against constantly. We have records that show this from Rome and the Roman era if you don't trust the bible as historic document, plus the jews own records

This was a religious schism that was already happening before the Romans conquered the place, with the key conflict being whether or not you follow the letter of God's laws (Pharisee/modern judaism's viewpoint), and can thus get around certain rules by technicalities(Entertaining to look into if you want to see the downright silly things they do to avoid breaking the letter of the law). Or if you need to follow the spirit of the laws, and so if you try to cheat you're still in violation even if you can argue you did nothing wrong according to other interpretations(Christianity's view). This also led the modern jews to hate Christianity as a concept because it tells them that their entire worldview is wrong and you can't just cheat on religion

And this religious schism comes on the back of several (sometimes forced) population migrations in the region, with Hittite and Caanite people moving into what was Judea and then calling themselves locals, as well as several other local populations moving in and out. Plus a few genocides, because of course there were genocides
Then there are also the DNA tests showing many of today's followers of Judaism have significant DNA from Khazarian converts from medieval times (Between 600 and 1000), sometimes without any ancestral connection to the levant
And how they decided to change from measuring 'jewishness' from being paternal to maternal at some point in history, so that makes it difficult for them to track their 'jewishness' further back

"Chosen people" is certainly incorrect in every way when talking about the jews as far as all historic evidence shows. If there is a chosen people, it is certainly not them
Not that that stops them from pretending and using it to justify any amount of atrocities though. Or from using it to beg for more money from gullible people

In other news Dutch gov collapsed. Expectation is that there will be a vote soon and then the same gov will probably form again because people never learn and keep voting for the same politicians despite disapproving of them


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
The short version is, the Brits mass-deported the Jews to the Middle East and told the native population to eat shit when they expressed objections. If it were just British Jews, it would be one thing. It was a mass deportation of ALL European Jews, which is already a tall order. It also doesn't help that basically anyone not white and not born in a white nation were pretty much under the heel of British Imperialism which... yeah, let's not open another folder. Anyways, to conclude this "short" story, take about 60 years of the Palestinian's peacefully requesting mediation by their former oppressors and/or the US, being ignored, getting frustrated, being used for proxy wars, and eventually deciding that violence is an option, and here we are. Also, there was that time that Bill Gates DID get both sides to agree to peace, but, yeah.

So, once again, it all started with the British and Hitler. Funny how those two things seem to be behind basically every modern issue ever.
Ah Bob talking his usual ignorant bollocks.
Blah blah Balfour Declaration, it was total bullshit that was nearly completely forgotten about post WW1 because the British no longer needed a disruptive influence to keep the former Ottaman empire from reuniting, and they found the Saudis and Iranians and, I think, the Syrians were more than happy to sell them the oil they needed - and they certainly didn't want to piss off their new oil rich friends (or Egypt) by dumping their ancient enemy there.
There was actually another agreement made with the Arabs for a united Arabia post defeat of the Ottomans, which also wasn't upheld.

Contrary to popular internet belief, the British did not create the Jewish state of Israel in WW2, they were given a temporary mandate over Palestine.
When that mandate ended they came up with two plans, the first was to give some areas (jewish and arab) autonomy with the British extending their mandate (with slightly less but still direct power). The USA was not in favour of this so it was rejected (because the USA's objective after WW2 became to dismantle the former colonial powers in order to have no challengers to their own new hegemony)

A second plan was devised which was that after the mandate Palestine would be a two party state with a Jewish and Arab council and any decisions would need to be approved by a majority in both.
Initially this was supported by the USA until the Zionist lobby in the USA told President Truman that if he didn't support them in their quest for a single Jewish state they would support his opponent in the next election instead.
By this point in time the British had passed the decisions to the UN because they were having issues with other parts of the empire.
The UN (especially the Arab League members) heavily favoured the compromise of two-states plan but America went ahead of declared recognition for the Jewish state of Israel instead.

This caused a huge flood of the European Jews into Palestine (far more than the British were willing to allow), the British prevented their entry and had to start shoving them in [concentration] camps in Cyprus.
A 'civil' war between the Jews and Arabs started, so the British enforced a weapons embargo on Palestine.

Because of their continued resistance to the creation of the Jewish state, the British became an enemy of the Zionists and so the Zionist Insurgents made several attacks against the British Forces stationed there, the most famous of which was the which was the HQ of the British Mandate (and fuck me in took a long time for wikipedia to acknowledge it as a terror attack), as well as the assassination of the British Minister of the Middle East and the bombing of the British Officer's Club.

So next time, before opening your cock holster and spouting vitriol, .


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
So, once again, it all started with the British and Hitler. Funny how those two things seem to be behind basically every modern issue ever.
The main problem that I have with this whole ordeal is that the land is dogshit.
Generations upon generations of human lives are born to fought over one of the most useless dustbowls the Mediterranean has ever produced-- and instead of adults realizing this, it's over petty politics of outdated wars and principles that should have been moved on from rather than leaving permanent scars throughout history.
Jew/Palestine warfare proves that humanity is too weak to heal from itself, and would rather die with the lowest point of pride in 200 years of recorded than accept the fact that they've lost.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
*started with Hadrian, seems like leaders with names starting with 'H' are just bad news for jews in general.

It also doesn't help when you have people in positions of power who are very set on the whole ethno-nationalist mindset and insist on conducting operations designed to drive out people based on ethnicity. By that I'm talking about the 'chosen people' of God, the Zionists. It's very telling that, after experiencing persecution at the hands of the Germans in WW2, upon arriving in Israel they immediately started conducting terrorist attacks and killings intended to drive Palestinians out of lands they saw as theirs (which continue on today). So much so that the British (who were responsible for the entire mess) had to conduct anti-terrorist operations and arrest a bunch of Zionists responsible.
it doesn't help that the British attempts (of which there was one notable plan proposed called the Peel Commissions which would have displaced as many Arabs in Palestine) were basically shit and following rejection by the Arabs, the White Papers were put into practice. It also didn't help that there was an armed campaign to prevent the Jews from entry into Palestine (and yes, Jewish transports were fired upon by both British and Soviet armor), and that Jews were basically unwelcome in Europe. Nothing to say they were justified, but I could imagine the frustration of attempting to immigrate elsewhere and being shot at from all sides as a result, only to then be greeted with disdain by the native populace.

But it's not surprising when you have even a surface look into Jewish history and mythology, not to mention a deeper dive into the religion side of things. American media today presents them as funny comedians, actors/actresses, and there's a lot of Jewish scientists, but back in the day they were a very warlike people who had continual beef with pretty much everybody. They'd hire themselves out as mercs, conquer lands and drive off native people, and have more than a few (claimed) genocides under their belts.
I mean, everyone was "warlike" and had a genocide or two under their belt. I think history is evidence that Humanity tends to jerk itself off to who can commit the worst atrocity and only has rules added following a particularly egregious one just to up the difficulty. A sincere attempt to diminish the likelihood of those events would involve a much more aggressive effort in de-platforming persons who pushed especially objectionable narratives. People forget all a movement needs is a really charismatic leader and an angry enough group of people.

People having an issue with Jews, and Jews having an issue with other peoples, has been going on well before Hitler used the excuse of the post-WW1 German civil war (largely led by Jewish Bolsheviks) to rile up popular support. There's millennia of bad blood and manifest destiny at work that is overshadowed by recent history.

I think it can be difficult for people living in Commonwealth/British colonised countries that have only existed for a few hundred years to grasp just how far back some of these ethnic and national issues can go. People living in areas like the Middle East and Eastern Europe/The Balkans can have centuries of hate built up for their neighbours.
Anti-Jewish sentiment was widespread before Hitler's rise to power, that is true. Lots of it not completely unprovoked, either, since like you said, there was too much influence from the Jews and a lot of blame-avoidance for much of the problems that plagued Europe around that time. The Jews were simply the easiest and most convenient group to pin the fault on because everyone already had a bone to pick with them. This is also true of the major powers at the time. The British might have appeared on friendly terms with India and Iran, but the native populace and even politicians in those countries would tell a very different story. al-Qassam comes to mind of notable figures who provoked antagonism between the British Empire and Iran.

Ah, yes, someone summarizes events without going into detail and you make a jerk of yourself. I'm not inclined to merit you a humoring. I wonder about the thought process of someone who sees a summarization and says to themselves "I'm going to try and dunk on this guy while being as toxic as possible rather than respectfully critiquing him and elaborating on key points. That will show everyone that I am capable of handling myself appropriately!" Like, yeah, I'll admit I skipped some important details and didn't know as much as you elaborated on (read above, I've even admitted that my understanding isn't as thorough as I'd like it to be). But, I'm not even inclined to acknowledging your post in full beyond noting that elaboration. So, yeah, there you go. Kindly discontinue acknowledging me in future posts. At this point, I'd rather not have to associate with someone who thinks the most childish and arrogant manner of engagement is the most socially-acceptable.

The main problem that I have with this whole ordeal is that the land is dogshit.
Generations upon generations of human lives are born to fought over one of the most useless dustbowls the Mediterranean has ever produced-- and instead of adults realizing this, it's over petty politics of outdated wars and principles that should have been moved on from rather than leaving permanent scars throughout history.
Jew/Palestine warfare proves that humanity is too weak to heal from itself, and would rather die with the lowest point of pride in 200 years of recorded than accept the fact that they've lost.
Far be it for me to comment on the nature of regional disputes beyond what is obvious, and the Jewish/Palestinian conflict is by-and-large a pretty damn complex matter beyond how terrible the land may or may not be. There is a strong argument that whoever owns the land owns the oil, and with that comes significant financial presence that arguably positions either side favorably on the world stage. The issue gets further exacerbated when both sides have religious claim over the region which tends to get negated when we quantify the atrocities committed in the name of "reclaiming" that land. The issue with "moving on" is that every time Palestine has moved for a peaceful resolution in the past, they've been ignored. Meanwhile, the Zionists have taken the low road as much as they can, largely provoked by the British Empire passing legislation that could be summarized as "eat shit, Jews," and engaging in armored warfare to further enforce said legislation because when you're a superpower, swinging your dick around is the natural thing to do.

I see the issue in Palestine more as a proof that Humanity has yet to prove itself capable in terms of colonizing other worlds when the leftovers of a bygone era are several nation-states having multiple classes/races in conflict with each other and societal norms in a lot of those places being the antagonizing/victimization of the "others" to promote your own status in those societies. China is perhaps the best example of a nation "recovering" from European Imperialism and ironically dedicating its entirety to de-stabilizing their historical oppressors before moving onto world domination. It sounds like the kind of insanity you would see in an anime synopsis.

"over 100 years ago, Mainland China was ruled by the cruel and greedy British Empire. It took generations before the nation healed, but healed it did. Now, China has learned the secret techniques of Capitalism, the very power which had been used to keep them oppressed. Using these powers, China, joined by his friends Russia and North Korea, will go on a journey of revenge to make his oppressors pay using the same forbidden arts they once employed!"
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Chomp Dude

Nov 27, 2008
Reputation score
Sad times are ahead. The erotic Japanese game company Illusion has announced that it will be shutting down operations on the 18th of August
A shame. It's fun messing around in Koikatsu...despite the price tag and all the stuff they removed from the Steam version. Wish they would have released an english version of Sunshine, though it sounded like it wasn't much of an improvement over KP.


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
Reputation score
Paul Reubens, best known for his legendary role as Pee-Wee Herman has passed away today at the age of 70. May he rest in peace



Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score

Being baited into virus sites makes me wish I knew how to make it backfire for fun.


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
Haven't watched Barbenheimer but I gotta say,

TMNT was pretty damn good.