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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

No, really.

This makes me sick.

TL;DR, UMG is claiming ownership of a song they had no involvement in whatsoever, and they're winning.
yeah yeah, insert par-for-the-course-for-UMG joke here. Now go get this passed around. Please.
Re: In today's news...

So, apparently Canada is trying to pass their own 'SOPA'. Called Bill C-11, though it's been on-going for about 6 years now as far as I can tell. Previous incarnations got tossed when Parliament got dissolved by a vote of no confidence. It seems they're really trying to push this version on through quickly, though.

Re: In today's news...

Porn stars running for Mayor in Taranto, Italy, are holding a pole dancing competition to try to win voters. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
Re: In today's news...

'We want to be fair so we would like to invite any other candidate to come along and dance too.'

I doubt that offer will be taken...
Re: In today's news...

long spoiler is long. Horizontally. Meaning thataway ->
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, that's going to work. I give it at max a month before computers made before the proposed chip redisign have software that enables them to view the content anyway.

And to boot, about the only way they'd be able to force this shit on you is to put it on a component that you want to update every couple of years. Basically a video card (maybe ram, but I tend to just buy the max when I build my rig). Which would mean redisigning motherboards to send data through that before anything else.

Fortunately, these fucktards don't understand a goddamn thing about computers and are refusing to work with silicon valley on this, so they don't know that and will just have it on another card, or even on the motherboard itself (lolz, worst selling motherboards ever).
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Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I know it isn't going to work. It's the idiocy that upsets me. Which really shouldn't upset me this much anymore, all things considered, but... damn. I just want to run into one of those meetings with a megaphone and yell "STUPID! YOU'RE ALL SO STUPID!"
Re: In today's news...


From the no-shit-sherlock department: Megaupload takedown didn't stop piracy one bit, study finds. Actually, the funny thing is there's not mention of piracy past the title, so it's a bit mis-leading, IMO. Should say that it didn't slow file-sharing. Though, really, to the companies that went after MU, ALL file-sharing is piracy, I'd guess.
ALSO: Taking out MU seems to have largely hurt U.S. based ISPs, since now most traffic is going through European ISPs.

Re: In today's news...

For anyone who is curious about the TPPA, here is a link:

From my understanding, nothing has been finalized yet. The different countries just finally agreed on the basic outline of what the overall goals will be.

Side note--interesting article from C-SPAN about possibly televising Supreme Court cases:

Re: In today's news...

Sorry for double-posting but Whitney Houston was pronounced dead this afternoon:

I pray for her family and friends. She had an amazing career(more earlier on). It's such a shame...
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Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...


I.... I... .....
Re: In today's news...

That's some crazy shit, facebook is fucking meaningless and people commit violent crimes because of it? As the atricle said, I doubt we're getting the whole picture or even the correct one, but fuck, when a social networking site can be considered the cause of murders we've got a problem.
Re: In today's news...

Crazy people are crazy. The only difference is that the imagined insult happened online instead of IRL. I mean honestly, how many people would really be shocked if it didn't involve facebook but happened because she didn't get invited to a birthday party or something?
Re: In today's news...

That's not just what I'm talking about, as you said crazy people do crazy shit over the slightest provocation.

I'm talking about the media sensationalizing dumb shit and misleading people. That article talks as if it's a perfectly fine reason to kill someone, even proferring evidence to support that in the form of previous cases where facebook was the "cause", not once mentioning that these motherfuckers are obviously insane. The article focuses more on facebook than it does the murders, it's tabloid journalism, and it's becoming more and more prevalent.

Edit: after a little looking around it became obvious to me that this article was rushed and had little to no reaserch done on it. Here's an article on the subject that I think is more informative than sensationalistic (I don't even know if that is a word but I'm using it)
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The technological answer to SOPA/PIPA.

I don't know how I missed this article, but read this:

Download Tribbler here:

url deleted - love nunu

This program is freaking awesome! I can't tell you how much of a bane this will be for the RIAA and MPAA. They, of course, will try to attack it SOMEHOW. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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Re: In today's news...

... you do realize that's just kazaa under a different name right? With all the problems that came with it, since there's no way to discern if a file is legitamate or safe without actually downloading it. I'm sure there's some sort of comment or rating system, but that's about as reliable as asking my dick if the file is safe.
Re: In today's news...

... you do realize that's just kazaa under a different name right? With all the problems that came with it, since there's no way to discern if a file is legitamate or safe without actually downloading it. I'm sure there's some sort of comment or rating system, but that's about as reliable as asking my dick if the file is safe.

How's that different from normal torrents?
Re: In today's news...

... you do realize that's just kazaa under a different name right? With all the problems that came with it, since there's no way to discern if a file is legitamate or safe without actually downloading it. I'm sure there's some sort of comment or rating system, but that's about as reliable as asking my dick if the file is safe.

Not really.

1) Kazaa has always been owned by a company since early after its creation--making it an easy target.
2) The biggest source of malware complaints concerning Kazaa was the spyware and adware that were bundled with the client.
3) Downloading torrent files via Kazaa is no different than downloading torrent files via any other torrent software.