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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I'd be surprised if it means much of anything in the end. This law brings England and Wales up to speed with Scotland's law on rape material possession. I've lived my entire life in Scotland, and have accessed images that depict rape. I've yet to be tried.

Downloading a good deal of the games I come across here is likely to be against some variation of copyright, intellectual property and/or fair use laws, of which I haven't been tried.

It's one thing to say it's against the law. It's another thing entirely to have that law enforced. If only because the access or tracking of my internet history may constitute an argument that data and privacy protection laws are being subverted in the process of indicting me. *shrugs* It's not really my field of expertise.
Re: In today's news...

In this case it's not the minds of children they are protecting, but its the argument that looking at porn of people being raped "normalises" violence against women. I'd like to see some studies on whether that is true or if it just sounds true and is nice and fluffy.

And no one really wants to be the advocate of pornography because that means standing up and proclaiming to the entire world that you are potentially immoral. Although i fantasise about what I'd do if I was in charge, hopefully the silent majority would be on my side.
Re: In today's news...

Saw this on Reddit about an hour ago.

Some potentially bad news for Brits / Everyone.

This may directly make possession of 'Rape Porn' (good luck finding a better definition of what that is) punishable with 3 years of imprisonment; talk about a slippery slope.

David Cameron who is a conservative prime minister is taking aim at internet related pornography, he has also recently praised google and microsoft for ratcheting up the removal of child pornography from their search engine results.

While i agree that actual child pornography and actual rape porn should be removed as there is a true victim, one cannot help but believe this will reach far beyond it's intended target.

"Mr Cameron is targeting websites which show videos and images of rape – whether they claim they are ‘simulated’ or not."

90% of the content on this website can be considered 'simulated rape'.

This is of course all being done in order to protect the innocent minds of children, who will surely go on to become serial rapists if they witness a simulated rape scenario which may or may not involve fictional tentacles.

A politician taking a political stance like this is hard to combat, as 'simulated rape' is usually not one of the socially acceptable fetishes, and therefore most people will agree with the proposed law changes since they aren't effected; this is a foothold to a great political agenda in order to abolish any and all indecency which depraved deviants such as us enjoy.

Id be interested in hearing what residents of UK think of this.

As a UK resident producing such content, I would lose my career in an instant... though... i'm not sure my content qualifies currently as i'm sure these something about it having to be realistic...

Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

In other news, your furniture is probably full of 'flame retardant' chemicals that aren't actually flame retardant.

Thank the corporate lobbies misinterpreting science for that one
Re: In today's news...

Not only do they do jack shit to stop a fire they slowly kill you from normal use.
Re: In today's news...

TL;DR: Airline kills a dog by leaving it in the heat. There's a petition, please for to signature.
Re: In today's news...

Two pieces I got linked
First, Canadian man denied entrance to the US

Because the US border guards had his medical dossier, which is supposed to be private and not even the Canadian government should have it. Some very obvious spying and breaching rules/laws going on there

Syria army confiscates Israeli-made arms

Turns out, at least some of the rebel factions use guns made in Israel, with a British intelligence report saying it is very likely that Israel, Qatar, Turkey, and the Saudis are supporting the rebels
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

A little dated, but it seems the Mario Bros. are reunited in the great Warp Pipe in the sky...

Re: In today's news...

Bad idea: Stealing radioactive materials
Worse idea: Taking them out of their protective casings to take a closer look

Re: In today's news...

It was a surprise when I was doing a class on terrorism and came across him. Now everyone just thinks I'm an asshole for bringing it up.
Re: In today's news...

Are you serious? I would never buy this for my kids, because i'll be a good parent. There's no need for this unless your too lazy to parent your kid. I know my parents wouldn't get me that, because i respect them.
Re: In today's news...

about Black Friday: sales are down because people are getting more deals online. Only one death and fifteen injuries due to the events of the day. I still think it's a crappy tradition. I'm rather unhappy that we find one death due to a day of shopping in any way acceptable.

The fatality was a teenager who passed out at the wheel after a long night of waiting for a store to open, which I suppose is more palatable than the incident a few years back, when a 34 year-old Walmart employee was trampled to death by customers who were "cold."

Anyway... sales are down so we're moving in the right direction, but there are still idiots out there shopping. What's more, many stores are starting their sales on Thanksgiving Day, depriving retail employees yet another holiday with their oft-neglected families. I'm glad that isn't my job anymore.

EDIT: Oh, and before anyone mentions it, yes I've watched the relevant three-part South Park special on the subject. Go watch it, if you haven't. It's funny.
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Re: In today's news...

about Black Friday: sales are down because people are getting more deals online. Only one death and fifteen injuries due to the events of the day. I still think it's a crappy tradition. I'm rather unhappy that we find one death due to a day of shopping in any way acceptable.

The fatality was a teenager who passed out at the wheel after a long night of waiting for a store to open, which I suppose is more palatable than the incident a few years back, when a 34 year-old Walmart employee was trampled to death by customers who were "cold."

Anyway... sales are down so we're moving in the right direction, but there are still idiots out there shopping. What's more, many stores are starting their sales on Thanksgiving Day, depriving retail employees yet another holiday with their oft-neglected families. I'm glad that isn't my job anymore.

EDIT: Oh, and before anyone mentions it, yes I've watched the relevant three-part South Park special on the subject. Go watch it, if you haven't. It's funny.

Before the South Park episodes, I didn't even know Black Friday existed. People should be ashamed to even call this abomination a 'tradition'.
Then on the other hand, the vast majority of western 'festivals/holidays' nowadays require you to buy shit, so it's kind of consequent, isn't it.
Re: In today's news...

and Ironicaly the only one invented for that purpose was fathers day.
Re: In today's news...

Anyway... sales are down so we're moving in the right direction, but there are still idiots out there shopping. What's more, many stores are starting their sales on Thanksgiving Day, depriving retail employees yet another holiday with their oft-neglected families. I'm glad that isn't my job anymore.

Think that's bad?
I'm currently working a supermarket's IT department, stores are open boxing day and new years so I have to be there...

And I'm doing a straight 10 shift starting to tomorrow
Re: In today's news...

Think that's bad?
I'm currently working a supermarket's IT department, stores are open boxing day and new years so I have to be there...

And I'm doing a straight 10 shift starting to tomorrow

You had my sympathies at "IT."

God bless you.

(Speaking of IT, there was a somewhat obscure British comedy series a few years back called "The IT Crowd." Extremely funny and highly-recommended, and I believe it can be viewed on Netflix.)
Re: In today's news...

Some more on Syria

US stops supporting the rebels, since it seems Al-Qaeda took over most of it

And Israel would prefer Assad over the Islamic fundamentalists

Edit for an unconfirmed thing:

S. 1353
Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2014

Apparently this bill allows government to put anyone posting anti-government messages behind bars in the US. Will update if confirmed true or false
Edit2: "Maybe". Stuff is pretty vague, as one would expect of laws
"This bill codifies the means necessary to track them. combined with indefinite detention codified in the NDAA, we now have a government that is authorized to spy on us, and jail us for whatever reason it sees fit."

20 (F) how to determine the origin of a message transmitted over the Internet;

(H) how to address the growing problem of insider threats;

(K) any additional objectives the Director
of the Office of Science and Technology Policy,
in coordination with the head of any relevant
Federal agency and with input from stakeholders, including industry and academia, determines appropriate.
So basically, anything the top guy of that deems appropriate is fine for the law
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