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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo has passed away at age 55. May he rest in peace :(

Re: In today's news...

May he rest in peace.

Anyone know if he worked on any notable nintendo games? I'm afraid I don't know too much about him.
Re: In today's news...

Anyone know if he worked on any notable nintendo games? I'm afraid I don't know too much about him.

Same, the only thing i heard is
@TotalBiscuit Content Patch (First part).

Mostly says that he had influence over some of important titles and names them.
Re: In today's news...

RIP in peace, nintendo direct man.

You were alright.
Re: In today's news...

>Polygon tweets about Iwata's death with a picture of Miyamoto.

Real classy you racist fucks.
Re: In today's news...

that was apparently fake, though they had some shitty wording
Re: In today's news...

Tired of starving, Zimbabwe is hinting that they may want the farmers they forcibly evicted off their land to come back, and the few that are still there are asked to stay. Compensations for taking their land is also a possibility

Of course, the ones that died defending their farms won't be able to come back
Re: In today's news...

Unfortunate news in F1. Just read about an hour or so ago that French F1 driver Jules Bianchi, the one who'd had the really bad wreck as Suzuka at the Japanese Grand Prix last year, has died of his injuries. Far as I know, he never came out of his coma that crash put him in. He was only 25 years old.

Re: In today's news...

Turns out, the pirates...Are the film studio themselves.
And they didn't bother to check into it and stop seeding or anything, they just sorta asked google to block it all.
Re: In today's news...

Someone who goes by the name Deez Nuts is running for presidency and it's being reported on several news sites, including CBS :D

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Sad Copper. Even thought he was a heel (especially in the cartoon), I came to like him as he got older and more mellow. Frogtown will never be the same without him.

So, in the spirit of remembering him, I'm reposting a campaign he started later in life.

Re: In today's news...

That's terribly sad.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

One dead

Now on to get TTIP killed too, so hopefully Europe won't be fucked

And then of course wait for the next time those fucks try to take power
Re: In today's news...

Huh, thought that was going through, guess Harper did something right for a change. Related to that, we have an early election:

Yay for more campaign spending, attack ads and increased voter apathy. You weren't be hearing much from Canada for a while.
Re: In today's news...

One dead

Now on to get TTIP killed too, so hopefully Europe won't be fucked

And TISA. Jesus what a debacle. Apparently it has a non-disclosure clause of five years after the actual agreement is reached. Democracy sayswhat?

EDIT: And the Ratchet-effect, wherein once a sector has been opened for free-market competition (like healthcare, prisons or whatever) new democratically elected governments can't roll back those policies.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, pretty much

That sort of thing is just plain anti-democrasy and anti-freedom.
All it takes is one dick to sign it in and then somehow the will of the people no longer matters?

How about no. That's not how any sort of government works. All these 'free trade agreements' are not about trade at all, they're just about removing power from governments so that people can't change things for the better anymore. Because that would impact some rich guy's profits
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lol, how can they even enforce that? Someone signed this paper saying that no-one can change their mind on this law EVER so you can't take it away, it's now a piece of your government forever because... we said so! And if you try to take it out we'll throw a rich-person tantrum.

I think the real problem here is that they're trying to create a world government that's not a democracy, or even a communist state, but some new type of Plutocracy wherein corporations are the ruling class.

The thing I don't understand, is how they're getting away with these shennanigans. I know a large amount of the public just can't be bothered or outright refuses to vote/protest/whatever needs to be done to stop this. But of the people that will actually get involved in these processes you'd think that there would be at least a 50/50 split between for and against, however it seems like the overwhelming majority is for enslaving humanity to corporations.

As an aside, a friend of mine and I were talking about such things and he brought up the point that greed isn't all that evil, but the short-sightedness of the greed that these corporations embody IS, Not only that, it's idiotic to boot.

And I kind of agree, I wouldn't mind giving up my right to vote as part of a democracy if I could actually believe in the ruling class, but it seems that somewhere along the way that became a group of short-sighted, idiotic, lazy, vain, self-centerd fools. I have no doubts in my mind what-so-ever that if these people were allowed to rule, after 100 years the only thing left of our planet (which we NEED, ya know to live on) would be a charred resourceless rock floating through space.
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Re: In today's news...

lol, how can they even enforce that? Someone signed this paper saying that no-one can change their mind on this law EVER so you can't take it away, it's now a piece of your government forever because... we said so! And if you try to take it out we'll throw a rich-person tantrum.

International 'courts' that will have all the other countries block economic traffic to your country if your country votes to change things anyway, and other 'sanctions'

So yeah, it is very much trying to make it so that countries no longer have their own laws anymore, and sadly, it's not even entirely dead. They're still trying to push it