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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

As the demon reveals its power Lily shifts slightly so far as she is able, bound as she is. A slight smile flashes on her face as her suspicions about the pair are confirmed, but it is soon gone as the conversation continues. Despite her helplessness, Lily manages to make her voice more than a little haughty. "So far you've given us a demonstration of just how little you trust us as well as a display of power and vague talks of a supposed powerful artifact. Got anything better?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

"You seem like a decent enough young man, I'm sure you'd do something with them that wouldn't involve the slaughter of countless innocents."

Those last words rung inside his head, gnawing at his conscious. Glancing down to the corner, his mind tried to come up with some way out of this, but it easily turned up blank. The fact that the demon was right was what made him so frustrated about the circumstance.

Damnit! This is always how they get people! They trap them in a corner with logic and their conflicting morals to make them agree, and then all hell breaks loose once they get done. I bet if I go get this artifact of his, he'll slaughter people left and right. But if he doesn't.... and the fact that if somebody ELSE gets it, most likely another demon, they will for certain do such a thing. I bet it will have like some corrupting powers in itself or something. But then if that's true.... Damnit!

"Fine, whatever. I'm not doing it for your sake of course. But I swear, if something goes wrong, one little tiny detail that you left out that could cause even more trouble and pain then what we've just discussed...."

Well he wasn't sure what he would do. But he figured the demon got the drift. And if he WAS telling the truth, then he wouldn't have to worry right? So if he let him go, it should be fine. At least as far as you could possibly trust a demon.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

Smiling in a manner that seemed completely genuine, Canderous waved his hands and dismissed the bonds holding Lily and Garrett completely as the man gave his consent. He waited until the man had taken the keystone from his hand, the carved black stone surprisingly light as it dropped into his hand, before the demon turned from him and began to speak again. "I'm sure you'll find that I've left nothing of the sort out. My research has been very... Thorough. You may keep the items for yourself when you find them, I have neither need nor desire for them, only that they no longer be where they currently are." He paused mid stride and turned toward Garrett, frowning darkly as he said quite emphatically; "Rest assured that I won't hesitate to seek their removal from your possession if you misuse their power. This land has enough problems without dangerous items falling into the hands of a fool."

He settled back against the fireplace, his teacup having somehow returned to his hand as he took a sip from it. When he lowered his glass again, Canderous had the same confident smile on his face as he had possessed before. "If it helps your conscience, don't think of it as working for me. Think of it as working with me, toward the common good. Even if you don't trust me personally, you can trust the information that I give you." He turned his gaze toward Lily and finally addressed her question, showing no signs that he had taken offense at her haughty tone; "After all, your friend here is a scholar herself, if I'm not mistaken. She can look through the books that I've collected over the years in order to verify my findings. I haven't left any notes in them, so you wouldn't need to worry about my own research pointing her toward the same conclusions. Besides, I'm sure you would find many of the works I've collected fascinating in their own right, so feel free to peruse my personal collection at your whims, Lily."

He gestured toward a bookshelf along the wall with his teacup. A bookshelf that covered the entire wall of the cottage, taking up a full quarter of the wall space of the entire building, and didn't seem to have very much free space left at all. "In the meantime, feel free to treat my home as you would your home. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them for you, and you may stay here for as long as you need to so long as you don't abuse my hospitality. Or, if you'd prefer to make arrangements for yourself, you may borrow any of the texts here with my blessing, so long as you promise to take good care of them and return them in good shape. I'll be providing you with a map to the temple housing the first of the artifacts, and with a few places to avoid marked out along it as well."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

More of an informant, rather than an actual ally eh? Well, I suppose I could live with that point of view.

With the bonds releasing him, Garrett took the key from Canderous.

"Don't worry. Last thing I want to do is mess with time itself. And as long as you keep your promise of hospitality, I won't break mine."

The moment he does though....

It was very stressful dealing with this guy, and it wouldn't hurt to possibly take a break in a somewhat safe environment. Plus, apparently their new friend Lily was a scholar as the man mentioned. Whether it was coincidence or sheer luck, he didn't care. The closer he'd get to his answer, the quicker he could help his family.

"I do have a couple questions though. What kind of things can I be expecting to come across? And, is it possible after 2 years for my family to still be alive?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

As she is freed from the wooden bonds, Lily relaxes, her hair returning to its original color as she gets up and walks to the bookshelf. "I... thank you for the hospitality." After a look at Garrett, Lily starts inspecting the books, trying to get a feel of what kind of secrets they would contain.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

"You're quite welcome," Canderous replied casually, acting as if he hadn't had them bound to their chairs mere moments ago. There were a number of books on the shelves, seemingly organized by subject more than anything else. On the top left were books on the general topic of ancient legends, those taking up the whole shelf, and the next three shelves had an assortment of books on the various forms of magic ranging from introductory texts to volumes marked only by the designs of each element. The next shelf was at about chest level on Lily, and had a number of texts on various crafts such as woodworking and blacksmithing, even including a text on the construction of musical instruments. Beneath that was a shelf containing a number of thin, largely handwritten manuals on even more eclectic subjects like tracking, swordplay, hunting, geography and gemcrafting, and on the end there were a few larger books written regarding the local flora and fauna of various parts of the world, the most used of which was obviously the one written about the amazonian jungle. The shelf below that was a mess, having a number religious texts, tomes that looked suspiciously like necromantic manuals and demonic rituals, books written in Old Faerie, and even a few volumes written in a language that Lily suspected was angelic script. The shelf below that was only half filled with a number of hand written leather bound journals, and below that on the floor were a bunch of scroll tubes.

"If you need my help finding anything, feel free to ask." He offered politely before turning to Garrett and taking another sip of tea. After draining his cup, he moved over to the table and got a refill, offering the same to the rest of them if they had finished their drinks, "It depends on what exactly took them, Garrett. If they were truly taken by demons, then they're probably alive, though I can't say that their minds will be easy to repair if you do find them. If they were taken by the aliens, then they're either dead or turned by now. As for what you're likely to find in the jungle, I think Laena would be able to tell you what you've got to worry about better than I could."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett raised his eyebrow, unsure of what exactly what the demon had just told him. Garrett was pretty sure it was demons that took his family, he had recognized a lot of similarities, plus he had studied up on it for the past 2 years. But this info was still new to him. Maybe he was jumping to conclusions though, as there was another term for 'alien'.

"Aliens, sir? I'm pretty sure what took my family were demons. Another thing is I've never even heard of aliens ever attacking anybody or anything anywhere. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but for a second there I thought you were meaning like a weird type of monster or something. If you meant foreigners, no, these were not human people."

Seriously aliens? Comon, that's just stupid. Demons I can believe, but aliens is a whole new level of weird. It... still bothers me. I seriously think he means the real deal monster creatures.

"But.... to be on the safe side, tell me about these aliens. Weaknesses, attacks, habits, anything I could use against them? Because I studied to fight demons, not creatures from who knows where."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena let out a sigh of relief as Garrett accepted Canderous' offer. She had been worried for some time that he would screw everything up with that hot head of his, especially after his outburst at being restrained and his severe distrust. He seemed willing to deal with the demon now, though, so long as Canderous didn't do anything suspicious, which seemed unlikely. Lily quickly went to work searching through the vast collection of books for the knowledge she was seeking, and the harpy vaguely wondered if having so much to choose from didn't somehow hurt the chances of the angelic figure's finding what she was really looking for.

When Canderous offered, Laena gladly took him up on a refill. "Thank you" she said, taking another sip as the demon indicated to Garrett that she would probably be best to tell him about the hazards of the jungle. The human, however, seemed incredulous at the idea that there were aliens at all. She nearly spat out her tea. He doesn't know that there are aliens...!? What in... This man really is ignorant, isn't he...? she thought, gulping down her mouthful of tea and looking at him like he was completely insane.

"You've never heard of aliens?" she asked rhetorically, "that's not even true, I've mentioned them! How have you lived the last two years without learning what aliens are? Did you just see rape and death and assume it was demons?" That would explain his hatred toward them, for sure. "Look, a couple of years ago aliens invaded. They came in these giant ships, all over the Amazon, and wreaked havoc everywhere. Most of the major population centers were wiped out, both human and dark elf, the men killed and the women raped and taken away, to be turned into soulless servants for the aliens. It fits with your story perfectly. Your female family members have almost certainly had their souls taken from them by now, and are probably fighting for or otherwise serving their alien masters, if they haven't been killed in their attempts to capture more humans" she said, perhaps saying a bit too much. "They don't have weaknesses, not any they don't share with every other living thing. If they did the jungle wouldn't have so many of them now. If you kill the aliens, though, the ones they've turned regain their free will. They'll never be the same person they were before, but they might become people again. That's why this magical item is so amazing! If you really can change the flow of time, you could return the turned to their old selves!"

The harpy took a deep breath, calming herself for a moment. "So that's what aliens are like. They're not the only dangerous creatures in the jungle, though. You've already met alarunes. The jungle is lousy with them, they're everywhere. There's also wolves and carnivorous plants and animals of every kind you can possibly imagine. And now there are Arachne, kidnapping people and doing Gods know what with them. Being able to fly is... quite a benefit here." With that she stopped talking, resuming sipping her tea. Did I say too much? Was I too mean about it? Did I ramble too much? The worries flitted through her head as she waited for the response and continued to down her drink.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Picking up a tome that seems to be about local myths, Lily turns to look at Laena as she speaks. Curious. She seems to know quite a bit about these aliens. Having nothing to add to the conversation, Lily turns back to the book, opening it and looking through the index. Seeing that it is what she thought it was, Lily sits down again with the book on her lap.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

(I forgot about the alien arc to the story. >_<)

Garrett was honestly surprised by Leana's outburst.

"Well to be honest, yeah I did hear you mention them, but I thought you were just joking. Aliens? Really? Seriously those things in the forest are alien related? I figured an Alurane was something influenced by demonic magics and stuff! So your saying my entire hatred of demons could possibly be a product of confusing these aliens as demons? And by the sounds of it, they don't sound all that different than a demon! Only thing that you've mentioned so far that would even remotely distinguish the two is one comes from hell, the others comes from a flying hovering ship!"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

Canderous, perhaps prudently, remained silent until Garrett had replied to Laena's explanation of the dangers present in the jungles. Then, however, the demon interjected; "That you're confusing my kind with the invaders is... Troubling, but not really surprising. Before I address that, however, I would like to address a somewhat less pressing error in your thinking. The alraune and the other sentient plants are not solely creations of demonic magic. They were present in the jungle well before the invasion by my kind that occurred in Badaria four years ago, and the mutation that created them could occur from any powerful burst of magic. My research on the subject has led me to believe that they were either created by the fey, or that the first of them came to life when the goddess Janis was killed in this region some two thousand years ago."

He paused to take a sip of tea, showing no reaction to the fact that he had just casually referred to the death of a deity, before continuing; "As for the differences between the aliens and demons, there are some fairly important ones that you seem to be missing. Firstly, if your family was taken by the invaders, then they are as good as dead to you. Even if you find them and destroy whichever creature is controlling them, they'll never remember being your family, and the marks left by their time in service to the invaders could not be removed, at least not by any method that anyone has thought of so far. If they were taken by demons, you might be able to repair the damage done to their minds, and if they were turned into one of us then it's likely that their minds are completely intact already, even if their personalities might have taken a shift. Secondly, while you aren't really wrong in thinking that your family would have been abused as much by certain members of my kind as they would have in the clutches of the invaders, there is a key difference. The invaders use the converted as shock troops, disposable weapons to send against defenses in order to soften them up. The usual policy for my kind is to treat our subjects as assets, not something to be thrown away. If they were taken by demons, there's a much bigger chance that your family is still alive.

"Then there's aesthetics. The aliens are mostly grey, slimy and fairly shapeless by our standards, with the only notable exceptions being the hunters. Demons come in a much wider array of forms and colors, and the vast majority of us appear humanoid, if not human. Another thing to note is the pattern of the attack: You say that the men were mostly killed, correct? That's more along the lines of how the aliens operate, as male slaves are almost as useful to us as female ones, and the ones that fought back would have been first on the list of people to be captured."

Canderous paused to take another sip of tea, and then concluded; "Finally, and perhaps most importantly in your case, is the method by which you might be able to save your family. My kind, even the worst of them, can be reasoned with. The same cannot be said of the aliens. If you have to get your family back from them, then there's a good chance you'll face a small army of monsters in order to even reach them, and then you'd have to incapacitate them somehow and then carry them to a safe place, bind them before they awaken, and then figure out some way to help them. That's if they haven't been fully converted yet, in which case they'll be willing servants of the aliens rather than thralls. If my kind have them, then it's entirely possible that they'll simply be handed over to you if a bargain can be reached. If things do come to violence, however, you'll likely be in a great deal more trouble facing demons than you would be against the invaders."

As he was speaking, Lily chose a book from the top shelf and pulled it down. The title was 'Relics of Power,' and opening to the index included a long list of various items labeled with page numbers. The book had apparently been crafted with magic rather than hand written, making the text much easier to read and also allowing for such conveniences, and it seemed too old to have been made on a Badarian printing press.

The index read:
-Thunderstrike and the Zephyr Blade, Weapons of the Thunder God, pg 1
-Soulshatter, the Godslayer, pg 11
-The Metathran Lotus, the Four Shards, pg 15
-Elderspike, the Huntress's Guide, pg 27
-Plaguespitter, Bringer of Pestilence, pg 32
-Shadowshift, One with the Darkness, pg 37
-The Crackling Veil, pg 41
-The Boots of Blinding Speed, pg 45
-Stormbringer, pg 48
-The Neverstar, the Heart of the Void, pg 55
-The Longbow of Ever Complaining, pg 63
-Devildriver, pg 66
-Himmelklyvaren, the Heaven Cleaver, pg 71
-The Eye of Truth, pg 77
-Wraithguard, 83
-Wotan's Spear, pg 88
-Ambisagrus, the Helm of Knowledge, pg 95
-Damara's Grasp, pg 101
-Heartripper and Stormfist, pg 107
-The Umbral Shield, pg 116
-The Six Gems of Power, pg 122
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

His mind was doing it's best to process what he had just heard. Things were already terrible, demons were already something he struggled to deal with. But now this? He had heard stories from passerby's before, but never really bothered to ease drop for too long to get all the details. And now that he thought about it, there was some details that he never really thought about until the demons own explanation of the differences between the two.

"Well.... not all the men were dead. We couldn't account for a lot of the bodies. I just assumed they were dead or, well, I don't know. I know for sure my dad is dead, I found hi-"
His voice cracked as he closed his eyes briefly, biting his lower lip as he tried regaining control of his emotions.
"I found his body. A similarity was that many of them didn't wield a weapon. You said the aggressors were most likely to be captured first right? So this could possibly mean they were offered a choice by the demons and they refused to go with them on their deal. Pretty much given the option of death or whatever the heck they wanted. Either I was really lucky to have been out at that time, or unlucky enough to have lived while so many others were dead. Not everybody in the village was gone, mostly like nine tenths of the people. And the amount of bodies recovered was even less than that. So if it were aliens, they probably would only leave the dead bodies of those who fought, and taken all the others without leaving a single person behind."

Like I figured, demons aren't exactly totally monstrous... well they prefer to twist and pervert rather than kill. But that still shows some hint of humanity, just that they've given into the most basic desires of the body. But now there's more to worry about?

Taking a deep breath and absorbing his thoughts, Garrett tried to keep his tone of voice calm.

"So now, let me just clarify to get this straight. Aliens are not demons. While rescue from demons may be possible with the victims mind and personality somewhat intact, abduction by aliens means almost certain death of a person's mind. And while I had considered demons to be generally evil, there is something even moreso, perhaps even just pure evil that I had overlooked?"
He paused, tapping his fingers together as he leaned back in the chair.

"Well if that's the case, I don't need to feel any mercy for these aliens I'll be killing right? Demons at least are individuals and have their own preferences and dislikes. But aliens sound to me like a hive mind of some sort."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

"I'm not sure if what the aliens are could truly be called evil, but I wouldn't doubt that they've done far worse overall than any member or group of my kind has ever managed to do to the mortal world. Calling them evil implies that they have a concept for morality that I'm not convinced they possess. As far as I've seen, the alien's creatures are largely mindless or animalistic save for those possessed of magical power, and many of them don't seem to have the cognitive function capable of genuine malice. I suppose that that doesn't make what they do to people any less horrendous though, so if you're judging them on a purely utilitarian level then yes, the invaders probably could be regarded as something close to pure evil." Once he had finished speaking, Canderous once more took a sip of his tea.

"If they were killed rather than captured, I'd edge toward aliens over demons. My kind have come to possess a great deal of experience in taking unwilling captives. The same goes for leaving women behind, though the aliens very rarely left any of their victims behind. That part of your story I can't explain either way, to be honest, as neither my kind nor the aliens would have left people behind unless they'd been chased off somehow, particularly if they'd already been impregnated. Did you stay long enough to see any of them give birth? If you could describe the results, I could probably confirm one way or another." He discussed all of that in a fairly clinical voice, showing almost no emotional response despite talking about rape and enslavement.

If she were unsatisfied with the selection of her book, Lily was free to choose another, as she saw several possessing titles that suggested that the books might have some less global legends in them. 'Treasures of the East,' 'Savage Lands,' 'Into the Darkness,' and 'A History of Mythology of Various Cultures' were also present in the section relating to myths and legends, among others.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily starts reading about Metathran Lotus while listening the conversation, not being an expert in either aliens or demons. Only the occasional wing movement or turning of a page would make a sound as the purple-eyed sidhe focuses on the book.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

So, I wasted 2 years studying about an enemy I was never going to face in the first place, only to find a larger threat that I'm unprepared for. On top of that, likelihood of ever saving my family is slim to nothing.

Again, the birthing was something he overlooked. How could he forget something so essential?
"Yeah, they gave birth to these 'things'. They weren't even humanoid, and some of them attacked right out of the womb. We made sure to kill every single one of those abominations. So yes, most likely aliens of which you speak." A heavy sigh escaped his lips, frustration, desperation, and slight humiliation on his lack of knowledge, he had heard enough for the entire day.

"I'm done talking about this for now. I just want to get some rest. Thank you for your help though. And if it's any consolation to you, I'm getting a much better impression of your kind due to your hospitality. I've heard stories, many of them. Always terrible ones. I suppose people forget to tell about the details and instead just say what frightened and scared them the most. One is usually afraid of what they don't understand after all." A slight pause followed before he resumed.
"So, if I kill of these things, I suppose I'd be not only saving humans, but demon kind as well in the long run, eh?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

The twelve pages worth of information dedicated to the Metathran Lotus were largely dedicated to a number of stories about them, as well as diagrams concerning their appearance. Firstly, a round shield with its front shaped like the interlocking petals of a flower, and with a circular coat of arms appearing in its center. Allegedly, the lotus shield was able to grant protection from even the most powerful magics, and was also a potent defense against physical attacks as well.

Second came the lotus amulet, an onyx pendant on a silver chain shaped like a miniature version of the flower that it was named for. The lotus amulet was said to grant both great wisdom and unlimited knowledge, but without the other parts of the set would drive its wearer insane. Thirdly was the helmet, which possessed the same crest as the shield carved into its front, and was supposed to grant its wielder protection from attacks against their mind, as well as strengthening their magical aptitude. Finally came the lotus armor, which had surprisingly little written about it. As far as Lily could tell from the legends, there wasn't any suggestion about the full set's ability to grant control over time.

Canderous, meanwhile, seemed about to question Garrett further just before the man said that he had finished talking about. The demon closed his mouth and nodded, taking another sip of tea before setting his cup down on the table. He contemplated something for a moment, and then said; "I've been on the mortal world for nearly a thousand years, Garrett, and if there's one thing that I've learned with absolute certainty, it's that mortals like you are worth far more than you often get credit for. Despite all the meddling by creatures like me or Lily over there, and all of the creatures that come from the darkness, you still go on. I'm confident that, whether you find your family or not, that you will make something good in this world."

The old demon cast a smirk in Laena's direction, but then turned back to Garrett with a more serious expression and continued; "You shouldn't take me as an example for my kind though, Garrett. Many demons are as vile as you've no doubt learned in your studies of us, and our reputation isn't entirely undeserved. If you do encounter another demon, I'd advise you all to be careful." He gave Garrett a pat on the shoulder before turning and heading back over to the mantle, grabbing his cane which he had left there when he had revealed his true nature. Within a few moments, Canderous was in the form of an old man once more, and he turned back to them with a smile, "I've got a few errands left to run today. Feel free to stay as long as you like in my home, there are a pair of guest bedrooms right through there," he gestured with his cane toward a pair of doors, "I'll be back in a couple of hours, but don't feel obligated to stay. I'm not going anywhere, so you'll know where to find me, or at least leave a note that should reach me.... Eventually."

Unless any of them directed questions at him, Canderous left the house a moment later, leaving the three of them alone.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Watching the man leave the house, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of 'errands' he's was going out to do. He wasn't going to let his guard down around any demons soon. He barely trusted this guy, but more than he could ever say about any other demon. Still, Garrett felt a little bit more upbeat receiving a compliment like he was just given. Didn't matter who it came from, compliments were compliments. Though this mans perspective of 'good' could be vastly different from Garrett's own ideas.

They were now alone in this place, and despite this not being his home, he couldn't help but become highly curious about the kinds of things a demons home would hold. And most likely this would be the only chance he could check stuff out that belonged to a demon. Maybe there were like spells that he hid for himself, or possibly weapons that might help him fight whatever he'd be up against.

Not wasting too much time, he started to root about the place, but did his best to place back anything he moved back to where it had been previously.

(Search the house for stuff. I suppose this would be a perception check.)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena almost spoke out again when Garrett confused the alarune from before for an alien, after having confused it for a demon. Before she could, though, Canderous interjected. This was a good thing, because the harpy was fuming. Did he also think that she was a demon or an alien? Did he think everything magical was demonic? She kept herself occupied sipping her tea while the demon spoke with Garrett, trying to calm her temper. It worked with time, and she listened carefully to Canderous set the human straight, picking up a few things she didn’t know. Of course, as Garrett cracked towards the end she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, and that helped her to get over her anger. She hadn’t really had a family, and she couldn’t imagine the pain of having had one at one time and then losing it, but she knew it must have been… quite horrible.

"Of course there’s no need to be merciful with the aliens. They’re aliens" Laena said as she finished her cup of tea. "They’ve all but destroyed civilization here, getting rid of them is the only option." The harpy certainly didn’t think much of the invaders, and really the idea that they were beings worth existing had never occurred to her. They were simply balls of flesh made animate by some evil force. She blushed but shot Canderous a look when he smirked at her, considering what he had said before. It was as if he were implying that they were going to have children together. Granted, that was a desire of hers. But she didn’t want some old demon knowing that, or talking about it. It was kind of embarrassing.

In any case, she let him leave without a word, hopping up to pour herself another cup of tea. It was quite good, after all. When Garrett got up and started rooting around she watched him somewhat incredulously. "Hey, what are you doing? Just because he’s letting us stay here doesn’t mean you have free reign to root through his stuff."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Though she listens the conversation, Lily's gaze stays on the book, only rising briefly as she waves at Canderous. Seeing that Metathratan Lotus apparently wasn't what they were going to be after, she starts leisurely skimming the other entries to see if any of them were related to it, though she only halfway pays attention to the words, her mind focusing on Garrett and Laena instead, though she doesn't let it show.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

He gave a short laugh.

"You're right! Only reason I'm doing this is because I'll never get another chance to explore a demons home! Gotta take life by the throat ya know. Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime! Ohhh... what's this?"

He continued to scramble through various things, messing about with some gadgets of unknown use and reading documents that particularly didn't have too much meaning to him. But it was fun!