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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

This is BAD. Can't put the possibly of your families souls on risk because you just got real horny with a cute chick.

"Ok... look. We'll... why don't we just consult the others. Ask them what the best idea might be, think over their ideas and mull over them a bit? I mean.. damn this is complicated..."

(short post is short, but don't want soap opera to go on too long. XD)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena took Garrett’s hand softly in hers and began to walk slowly, carefully back to the table, her face flushed with embarrassment. "We, um. We have a problem" she said quietly, her free hand moving to her shirt; it had been tight anyway, it was quite taut against her belly now. "I’ve become… preg…nant…" she said slowly, her cheeks bright crimson. She took a moment to let that sink in, and then said "it’ll last maybe a week, probably less. If I get too big I won’t be able to fly, and after that… well, the egg will need a nest, for months and months. I couldn’t possibly carry an egg around with me in the jungle, it would never incubate properly… and I… I don’t know what to do. I’m open to suggestions from both of you, because I can’t see a solution. I will not stay here and watch you leave for battle." She was clenching her mate’s hand tightly now, hoping maybe the demon would know of some way for her to care for her child even while fighting, though she didn’t have much hope.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Pregnant
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Having stayed up fairly late using Canderous' impressive library to find out more about the artifacts and harpies and fetching her rather light possessions from the inn before taking the second guest bedroom for the night. Despite all that, the sidhe seems to be in a good mood. "You mentioned something about a map, yesterday? I think it would be best to take a good look at it before we leave, even if we'll have time for better study later."

"Yes, it's right here!" Canderous said and pulled out a map of Glassmoor and it's surrounding jungles. He pointed to a grey section marked in an alphabet that Lily was unfamiliar with that was only a short ways away from the city and said; "That's where you're headed. It's called Aburnanit, and is the last known resting place of the Shield." It was past a section that the topography indicated was a valley of some sort, but everything between it and Glassmoor was painted in the dark green indicating dense jungle.

Canderous watched Garrett and Laena approached expressionlessly, and that state did not change following Laena's explanation of their problem. "The ruins are only a day away walking. You'll be able to get back before you're showing much more than you already are, and well before you lose the ability to fly."
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

"O...oh..." Laena said, still clutching at her belly nervously. Even if she could get there and back before she had to lay the egg, the idea of fighting while pregnant scared her. What if a blow to her stomach connected? What if she was raped by something in the jungle? She didn't want to lose her first child before he or she was even born... Still, that seemed to be the only option, unless she decided to stay back and let Garrett and Lily fight alone, which she most certainly would not do.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett bit the bottom of his lip, unsure whether to thank for his "advice" or start yelling at him.

Does he seriously not considerate the fact that she is going to be in BATTLE!? Physical combat isn't something that a pregnant woman should have to worry about during that time! That son of a-

A moment or two passed before Garrett was able to speak again.

"Um, well... despite that fact, I'm not exactly fond of the idea of Leana having the possibility of a miscarriage."
A sudden thought twinged in the back of his mind
What if the monsters get her? What would they do to the kid!? Damnit! I knew I shouldn't have! I told myself that I was going to regret doing that, and sure as hell is biting me back in the ass! It would of been fine had Leana had... a normal pregnancy! Seriously!? One day!?
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily gets a good look at the map while Laena pulls Garrett aside, noting the valley on their way and trying to approximate the length of the journey. The dense jungle would make things more difficult for Garrett and it would make it harder for them to stay in contact with him. On the other hand, the thick jungle should allow them to sneak in more easily.

Smiling, Lily turns towards Laena as the harpy reveals herself to be pregnant, her wings growing noticeably darker for a moment, and the sidhe struggles to keep smiling. "I suppose if these demons are searching for the artifacts, we can't afford to delay too much? As much as I'd hate to endanger the baby, we'll need someone who knows the jungle better than either I or Garrett do."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

With a defeated and heavy sigh, Garrett acknowledges Lily's point.

"That's.... that's true. Fine lets just get going and get this over as soon as possible."

(set off to destination)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Horny
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Pregnant
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Perception: Garret fails, Laena fails, Lily fails
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Resistance: Enemy wins, Garrett has become Horny.

"You and your child will be fine Laena, you were going to be careful not to be hit right?" Canderous said, and with that it seemed as if the argument was settled. "Take care, my kin are not to be taken lightly. If you are forced to fight, plan your attack carefully and beware an ambush." They were shown out of the demon's house and given a direction to go towards the ruins in which the shield of the Metathran Lotus waited for them, as well as a small army of demons.

Leaving Glassmoor, Lily and Laena took to the air while Garrett traveled along the ground, the thick jungle canopy making it difficult for them to see one another. Even so, the two flying women kept low enough to glimpse him beneath the canopy from time to time, and thus kept from leaving the somewhat slower going human behind. From her glimpse at the map, Lily figured that she could have reached the ruins by air within a few hours, but as Garrett was restricted by the hazardous environment it would likely take them about ten hours of constant movement.

Unfortunately, about half an hour into their journey, during a stretch in which Lily and Laena could barely see Garrett, they suffered something of an interruption. Garrett heard a trio of soft giggles sound from a set of berry bushes off to his left. The sound unconsciously caused him to glance in that direction just in time to see a busty, naked woman with green skin and ivy-like hair smiling at him, followed immediately by a burst of golden powder that struck him fully in the face. His next inward breath caused him to inhale the powder, and his pants tented immediately as his mind was overwhelmed with undeniable, irresistible lust. The green woman turned out to not be alone, as two similarly colored women who were almost identical came out of the bushes and started advancing upon him, each of them naked and lovely and apparently eager to help him deal with the lust he suddenly found himself possessed by. "Hello honey~ Got something we can help you with?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

"Yes… I guess I’ll just have to be extra careful" Laena said, rubbing her belly gently. She was more than a little scared that something terrible would happen, and either the new life inside her would be snuffed out, or fall into the hands of wretched demons that would twist and pervert it. Her free hand clenched into a tight fist, angry at the thought. It wouldn’t happen. She would make sure of it, with every ounce of her power. The three were led outside by Canderous, and then pointed the way to the ruins where the shield was hidden, and where they would find the demons looking for it as well.

They set out immediately, Garrett on foot, Laena and Lily flying fairly low while in town, adjusting their altitude until they were just above the treetops once they entered the jungle once more. The harpy found that her pregnancy wasn’t affecting her flying yet, the amount of added weight relatively negligible thus far. She could barely see her mate as he walked the trail below, but every so often a parting of the leaves allowed her to catch a glimpse of him every so often, keeping her from going too fast. There was an awkward silence between Lily and Laena as they flew side by side, but that didn’t bother the harpy much. She had enough on her mind without the fae adding to it. About half an hour into the journey she looked down through one of the little clearings and didn’t see Garrett, though. She paused, turning around to look further. "Garrett?" she called out, wondering where he was. They couldn’t have left him too far behind, the last clearing wasn’t far back.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

As they trudged through the jungle, Garrett couldn't help but feel like a bit of a burden to the others as they could easily fly over hazards he himself had to constantly watch where he was stepping. Random vines, branches, and other things continued to plague and threatening him to trip over. Though on the bright side, the other two would be remaining out of trouble while the only person at risk would be himself.

It only took about half an hour before something went bad. A small giggle seemed to come from the bushes off a bit from where he was trudging.
Giggling? Not exactly the best spot for jokes, who the hell would be laughing in a place like this? He turned his head quickly only to gaze upon a beautiful woman before suddenly being bombarded in the face with some kind of dust. Caught off guard, he ended up taking in a deep breath of the toxin that quickly streamed through his body. His fear of it being deadly was soon dismissed, as the only thing he felt was now his rock hard cock struggling to break free of his pants. As he caught his breath, he was pleasantly surprised to see more woman showing up, just as beautiful as the first.
Wow.. I'll stuff them all so muc- No! Wait, this is an ambush! This is the kinda crap I've been warned about. But maybe I could get both Lily and Leana on thi- damnit! It was already starting to take a toll on his body and mind, he struggled to retain coherency of his thoughts.
"Hello honey~ Got something we can help you with?" One of them cooed, taking a step towards him.
"N-no I'm quite fine. I don't need any HELP, so I'll just be going. But thanks for offering HELP!" He emphasized saying help both times, hoping that possibly Lily or Leana could hear him.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily flies alongside Laena easily, admiring the easygoing flight of the harpy. The sidhe is more occupied with her own thoughts, and thus when Laena calls out for Garrett, she frowns, trying to peer through the branches that obscure where the human should be.

"Did you just hear something?" the winged fae says, hovering in the air and slowly descending towards where she can see the ground.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

There wasn’t any reaction to Laena’s call, and as she squinted her eyes and listened carefully for a response she considered flying down closer to ground level. Then, of course, she thought she heard something. It was faint the first time, but the second time she thought she could make out “help!” "Sounds like he’s in trouble" the harpy said, quickly preparing the air around her to defend her as she swooped down through a clearing in the leaves to get a better view. Someone or something was about to get wrecked, as far as she was concerned.

Cast Wind Armor, 3rd level Wind spell. Forces enemies to pass a res check or miss on all attacks except the ones that Tass says get through automatically anyway as per whatever new rules just came into effect.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Horny, Grappled
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 42/46, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.

Attack: Hit.
Garrett is grappled. The other two alraune join the grapple as a free action.
Grapple: Enemy wins. Garrett is dragged into the bushes and has his clothes tugged off.

Perception: Both Lily and Laena succeed.

The three plant women giggled together at Garrett's reply, and the first to speak said; "Oh? That bulge in your pants says otherwise!" Laughing mirthfully, the alraune each reached out tentacles towards Garrett, and in his lust-addled state he didn't even have a chance of avoiding them. The first plant woman secured him in place, and the addition of the second allowed them to pull him forward until he had been dragged into their midst. He got to see the speaker of the green women up close and personal after that, as her hands gently wrapped around the back of his head and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.

While one of them was exploring his mouth with her tongue, the other two busied themselves removing the very last obstacle between them and taking what they quite obviously wanted from Garrett: his clothes. One of them knelt in front of him and yanked down his pants and underwear until they were around his ankles, giving a soft gasp as his member popped free of their containment. "He's so hard... I want to taste it first!" he heard her declare, and at the same time felt her warm breath passing over his exposed manhood. A moment later he felt something warm and wet lapping at the head and underside of his cock, more quick gasps of warm breath confirming that it was probably her tongue and that she was aroused enough to do a lot more to alleviate Garrett's arousal than the light teasing that she was doing now.

The kiss that he had been literally dragged into was parted long enough for his shirt to be tugged off over his head, and then their mouths were conjoined once again as the plant woman's hands started roaming over his chest. The one kissing him curled a leg around his waist, causing her soaked sex to grind against the top of his erect rod while the other continued to lick and suckle at him, and one of her hands paused in its exploration of his chest long enough to grab one of Garrett's hands and guide it to her own bosom, encouraging him to play with one of her soft orbs. The last of the three, unwilling to be left out of the fun, pressed herself up against his side and started kissing his neck while she took his other hand. Garrett quickly felt his fingers guided against the last alraune's sex, which was already fairly wet and puffy due to her arousal.

His mouth claimed by one of the alraune, there was no way for him even to cry out, not loudly enough to be heard above the trees at any rate, and his body was demanding that he let the three women do exactly what they seemed to want to do. Unless some sort of help came for him soon, it was likely that Garrett wouldn't be given much choice in the matter.


Up in the air, Laena and Lily descended towards the ground in order to look for Garrett, backtracking to the last clearing and touching down upon the ground. On their way down, Laena called the winds to her will, and Lily could feel the harpy's anger both physically and metaphysically as the air began to swirl violently around Laena. Garrett was nowhere in sight along the path through the dense jungle, though in all honesty it could hardly be called a path, but after a moment of listening they both heard what they thought might be feminine moans coming from somewhere off in the jungle up ahead and to the right, possibly with a few more masculine lewd noises mixed in and just barely detectable underneath the three female voices.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

They started to laugh at his response in a girly manner, the only thing he could do was nervously laugh with them as he continued to try to back away from them. One reached out to him with her hand, which he was easily able to avoid. However she hadn't been using her hand to grab at him, rather direct her powers at him. A swift yank at his feet knocked him off balance, glancing downward to see that a plant like vine had now firmly grasped both legs. With no time to react, he was dragged across the ground into the arms of the green beauties. One of them promptly pressed his lips to his, stifling the cry of help he was about yell out. Instead it turned into a surprised moan of pleasure, feeling the woman explore his mouth with her tongue. Struggling to keep his mind from succumbing, he soon let out another lewd moan as he felt something wet on his now exposed member.

They had undressed him now, and he was only able to take in a breath of fresh air before his mouth had been assaulted again during the stripping. Closing his eyes, he struggled against his own mind and body as it started to give in. His hand had been placed upon someones firm breast, he could feel the nipple on his palm, and he could only squeeze tightly when the woman then embraced his hips, his cock dangerously close to penetrating her. His hand other hand soon felt the soft embrace of one of the other woman's folds, his waist thrusting upward in helplessness as his body reacted to all the stimuli.....
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena began to panic a little as she flew overtop the leaves, swooping down through the last clearing she had seen Garrett through and perched on the ground. He wasn’t up ahead either, at least not to her sight, and she fidgeted nervously from side to side as she looked around and wondered what to do. After a few moments, though, she could hear what sounded like feminine moans, and later a much quieter masculine one. The harpy’s panic turned to anger quickly, as she jumped off the ground and flapped her wings, getting a start forward and a little bit off to the right, weaving through a few trees before she came out to the sight of Garrett with three alarunes arrayed around him, kissing him and sucking his cock. The winds gave voice to her rage in a way she hadn’t really intended, but that worked just the same, whipping around the group of them fast and hard. "You!" she shouted, her voice nearly cracking with hate, "get off of my mate, right now! If you don’t I’ll kill the lot of you!" She meant it, too, and they would find out pretty quick if something didn’t happen to stop it.

Cast Harsh Winds: (level 2 Wind spell) enemies get -10 to Attack and Speed. (2 EP)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily follows Laena, though she stays in the air, hovering above the harpy, her wings gently beating the air to keep her up. Looking first at the alraune, then at the angered Laena, the sidhe sighs. "You'd better do as she says."

Focusing inwards, the winged creature calls out the eldricht words of a spell, releasing it with a gesture and causing tentacles to burst from the ground.

Casting Entangling Vines (Summon) [This creature gets the Tentacles Special Mutation, the Sluggish Flaw, and the Grapple Expert Talent. When this creature is summoned, it automatically attempts to grapple the nearest three creatures.]

If possible, doing it without getting Garrett grappled
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 29/43, EP = 77, Status = Horny, Grappled
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 40/46, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor, Harsh Winds
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine

Casting (Laena) : Success. All of the buffs and debuffs!

Pleasure (Garrett) : 1 + 3 + 10 = 14 PP.

Casting (Lily) : Success.
As it's a summon and not an AoE spell, you pick which ones get grabbed by the vines rather than hitting everyone. The vines can grab any three creatures, but because they have tentacles too it's unlikely that the vines will keep a hold of more than one at a time.
Attack: All three alraune are hit.

Grapple (alraune attempting to escape) : one of them escapes from the grapple.

The alraune kissing his lips and his neck both moaned softly against him as his hands started paying attention to the two of them, and he felt the third alraune's lips seal over the tip of his manhood. She let out a soft moan as she suddenly bobbed forward, taking most of Garrett's rod into her mouth in a single gulp while her tongue ran all over it, tasting every inch of him. She drew back and forth in time with the slow gyrations of the one who was still sliding her sex back and forth over the top of his member, an orgasm already building within him and offering sweet relief of the almost painful arousal pulsating through his body. As the first bits of precum oozed from the tip of his member, the alraune on her knees in front of him quickly popped her mouth off of his cock to say; "He's potent too! We're all going to be filled up with seedlings for sure!" He couldn't see through the wall of soft, green flesh around him, but Garrett felt her mouth clamp around his member again, and she began bobbing more quickly in an effort to milk out the first of what would likely be many loads of his semen.

That was the state in which Laena found her mate, coming in from the side such that she saw Garrett's cock disappearing into one of their mouth's in exquisite detail, another grinding her sex over his member whenever the one sucking him off pulled back while he groped her breasts and intertwined his tongue with hers, and a third pressed against the opposite side of him such that she could see her breasts pressing against one of his arms while she sucked on his neck. Even though she couldn't see that he was fingering the one at his side, Laena could tell that Garrett was enjoying the attention, which he was because his body was under the full effects of the plant's incredibly potent aphrodisiacs.

The winds swirling around her as Laena's anger rose, the three alraune looked up at her in surprise as she and Lily came forth into the clearing. The one at Garrett's side peaked around him with a concerned look, while the one kissing him pulled away to gape in surprise and at least a little bit of fear at the enraged harpy. The one sucking him off seemed unimpressed by Laena's display, however, as she diverted her gaze to watch her while still bobbing her head back and forth, soft slurping sounds coming from where her lips sealed around Garrett's manhood. She even paused in her sucking in order to roll her tongue over the head of his cock rapidly, licking up a bead of precum that had appeared on the tip before going back to sucking him off as if Laena wasn't even there. "Mate? But... He was all by himself! You can't just claim any random man as your mate just because you want to! Do you have any proof?" said the one who'd been kissing him, though she moved to pull away from Garrett as she realized just how angry Laena was.

The three alraune were all caught by surprise by Lily's spell, vines suddenly reaching up from the ground to grab each of them, causing the one sucking him off to finally release Garrett as she let out a surprised gasp. The man was free of the alraune, at least, but his mind was still overwhelmed with undeniable lust, one that he had no choice but to seek to fulfill somehow. The three bound alraune all used tentacles of their own, however, and after a brief struggle between numberous groups of unending green tentacles one of the plant women came free of the vines, the one who had been pressing against Garrett's side. "H... Hey! We didn't do anything to you! Leave us alone! We found him first, fair and square!"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head with rage as she watched one of the alarunes continue to suck Garrett off, paying her no heed. The others backed off a little bit though, maybe a bit scared of the harpy’s anger as one of them called out for proof. "Proof!?" she shouted back angrily, flapping her wings, "you could’ve asked him before you shot him full of pollen, you godsdamned weeds!" She watched the vines Lily summoned grab the plantgirls, pulling them off of her mate and holding them tight, though one managed to get free and cry out that they should be left alone, because they found him first. Laena could hardly see straight, and she swooped down at the free one with a strangled and hateful yell, her talons clenching and unclenching, waiting for the chance to tear out the alarune’s throat…

Shattering Blow: (2d12 + 29) * 2 damage, d20 + 47 to-hit
Also, remember Terrify. There is still time to change this happening, assuming someone stops her.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

His eyes couldn't focus any longer as the drugs now controlled his entire nervous system, everything seemingly in a red swirly haze. The only thing on his mind right now, was to fuck something.

Blissfully giving himself up, his body slacked in their grips as they continued to assault his body in erotic ways. Feeling their soft bodies against him, only the need to stuff their cunts and mouths with all his cum was what mattered. He could already feel an orgasm starting to come on, until suddenly he felt a jarring impact. At first, he wasn't sure what the hell had just happened, but he soon noticed that the beauties that were previously ravishing him were gone! Frantically, he looked through the drugged haze in his eyes to find them, something, someone to unload in. It was beginning to hurt just holding it in, unable to let everything out that had accumulated. As his hand stroked his cock hard, his vision finally caught the figure of something swooping from the upper corner of his eye. He wasted no time and sprinted forward, leaping toward his target to unleash his lust.

Garrett attempts to tackle and grapple Leena
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Wow, they really are enthusiastic. Not that I can blame them, Garrett really has a nice body. Hesitating as she sees Garrett speed towards Laena, Lily lands behind him, fluttering her wings as she tries to get between Laena and the alraune. "Unfortunately Garrett really does belong to Laena. We were just flying above him because it's easier than walking." Though she manages to keep her voice level, Lily's eyes roam on the three alraune, especially the one who managed to free herself.