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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena watched intently as the gang of demons approached Garrett, noting their number and positions. There was some sort of person in black armor in the front, and to either side of them were strange creatures she had never seen before, betentacled ants that didn’t seem native to the jungle as far as she knew. Nearby were about six or seven goblins, she couldn’t be absolutely sure through the trees, and in the back was a demon woman dressed in one of the skimpiest dresses the harpy had ever seen. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the scene play out, unable to hear most of what was said due to the distance she was at. It seemed to be going somewhat poorly from what she could see, his little fishing pole trick backfiring on him, but in the end they seemed to buy that he wasn’t a threat to them, starting past him. It was then that he struck, white-hot holy flames bursting from his hands and assaulting the ground of demons.

All of them crumpled to the ground save the one in armor, who didn’t seem to be affected. The knight drew a sword, larger than any Laena had ever seen before, and began to glow slightly, a red aura to her body. Garrett called out to the rest of them as he lashed out at her again, which annoyed her a bit. The demonness didn’t need to know that there were others just yet. Still, the harpy gracefully flew from her perch, flapping her wings but once as she flew into the air and then began to dive towards her enemy. Her goal was to plunge her talons into the knight’s shoulders as deeply as she could while still flying off, hoping to damage them to the point that their use was difficult or impossible. They wanted the demonness alive, that was true, but crippled was still alive, and it was just fine with Laena. As she made contact, and not before, she would let out a screech her kind sometimes summoned up, a battlecry meant to instill fear, though against this sort of opponent that was probably not much of a possibility.

Shattering Blow: (2d12 + 31) * 2 damage, d20 + 51 to-hit
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 61/77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena), Energy Blade X = 5

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 21/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspect of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 56/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

Garrett activates Energy Blade X = 5 and attacks.
Attack: Miss.
@ the question about to-hit on your character sheet: To-hit gets a bonus equal to your main stat, which is dependent on what attack you're using. Spirit Powers get Spirit added to their to-hit, and attacks with weapons and such get Body added. For instance, Garrett added 56 to this attack, 28 from his Spirit stat, 12 from Soul Sense, and 16 from the faerie's buff.

Laena rushes in and claws at the enemy's back!
Stealth: Enemy wins, this is not a sneak attack.
Attack: Miss.

Lily casts Earth Coating.
Stealth: Success, her attack counts as a sneak attack, but she doesn't have Stealthy and so doesn't really get anything for it.
Attack: Miss.
You should have Supernatural, not Naturally Supernatural. Lily has 12 non-racial mutations.

The satyr tries to shoot the knight.
Stealth: Enemy wins, it's not a sneak attack.
Attack: Miss.

The gruffs all come out to try and swipe at the knight.
Attacks: Miss.

The nymph casts Summon Earth Elemental.
Casting: Success.

So, after dodging 7 attacks like a boss, the knight takes a swing at Garrett.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Awwww, Laena wins. That would have made it all so perfect.

Perception: Success.

And then, everything went to hell. At Garrett's call the battle had begun in earnest, and the fey, Laena, and Lily all sprung into action while he charged to meet the knight, conjuring a blade of blue energy that extended out from his hand. He was far from the first to strike, however, as the satyr snapped out a shot that he'd held ready since the demons had approached from the bushes. Unfortunately, the knight slashed the arrow out of the air in a blur of motion, the deflection not even causing her to slow a step. Closing together, Garrett swung at the knight only for her to sidestep so smoothly that he didn't even see the motion, much less where she ended up. "You'll not being doing anything when you're a butchered corpse at my feet, human trash!" the woman spat, giving away her position just as she swung her blade right at his neck. The black sword came at him in a blur, and there was no way that Garrett could have gotten out of the way in time to avoid it, his death surely coming within the next few moments.... Until the weapon hit a wall of magical wind.

The knight's crimson aura flared as it hit the wall that Laena had erected around her lover, but the magical armor held long enough for Garrett to make his backwards jump, putting him out of the way just as his opponent's massive black blade cleaved through the space he'd been occupying. He took a tiny nick across the bridge of his nose, the blade wetting with his blood, but before the knight could make another attempt to strike him she was practically swarmed with fighters. Lily was the next to get her shot, remaining up in the trees and casting from there, causing the ground beneath the knight's feet to suddenly swell upwards and attempt to grab her. The armored woman saw it coming and threw herself aside in a roll just in time, but that put her right in Laena's path with her back turned. The harpy's deadly talons lashed out, threatening to shred through flesh and steel alike, but the knight spun and shoulder checked Laena just as her feet were about to hit their mark. The flying harpy was sent tumbling backwards, unharmed by the light blow despite the woman's armor, and she just barely managed to keep from plummeting into the stream that she and the fey had used for cover. The knight shot a glance right at Lily, her glowing red eyes flaring as her face momentarily adopted an even darker snarl, but she didn't have long to glare at the hidden mage before her attention was taken once more.

The gruffs rushed out of hiding and began slashing at the knight with bronze blades, not really trying to hit so much as trying to force the powerful demon back, and the harried woman was forced back along the path, away from her unconscious allies. The nymph worked her magic from the safety of the forest, and from the soft earth of the stream a muddy figure suddenly emerged, easily over ten feet tall as it climbed up the bank and adopted a vaguely humanoid shape, albeit minus the legs. Badly outnumbered, out maneuvered, and facing an earth elemental on top of what she had already had to deal with, the demon knight took only a heartbeat to take stock of the situation before shouting; "Take Irena and get out of here! Get back to camp!" It wasn't immediately clear what she'd been speaking of, but both Lily and Laena spotted movement from the place where the majority of the demons were lying unconscious as two practically invisible figures lifted the woman in the red dress, the motion making it fairly clear where each of them were standing.

What the two wanted to do about that was up to them, but it was clear to both that the knight wasn't backing down just yet either. She looked about ready to raise her sword and attack, in fact, and it wasn't clear who the cornered knight intended to strike at yet.

1 knight, pissed, 1 round upkeep
1 sorceress, unconscious
2 tentacled horrors, unconscious
6 goblins, unconscious
? stalkers, 2 of which are trying to grab dat sorceress

1 satyr, across the stream
3 gruffs, hiding in the woods
1 nymph, across the stream
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

As his feet hit the floor from he retreating jump back, a tinge of pain came from his face. He gave his nose a wipe with his thumb, where he felt a small cut as the blood smeared his finger.

Shit! She's fast! The others came from their hiding spots, all putting valiant effort into striking the demon down, but to no avail. She seemed possess amazing speed as she flawlessly dodged and ducked their attacks.
Very fast! If I hadn't had the others help me with their magic....

At first, it looked like everything he had planned was going to total waste. However, the demon seemed to sound some sort of retreat, ordering somebody to take a woman named Irena away from the scene of the battle. One of the people he had knocked unconscious seemed to float from some unseen force. Sudden realization cut through his combat state of mind.
Wait, a hostage?! Among the group?!
"Don't let them take her!" He honestly didn't know who the demon was talking about, but it was obvious she was important to them. He'd do his best to hold off the demoness from the others in the meantime.
The demon woman menacingly rose her sword towards her intended target. He wasn't sure who she was going for, but he didn't intend to let any of the others get hurt.
With a yell, he went in to deflect the demons attack."This is between you and me!"

Character Flaw Triggered *Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Upkeep Energy Blade = -1 EP

He'll be using his attack turn to intercept and fight defensively, to either take or defend against attacks on allies from the demoness. He'll be taking the hit.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily's eyes widen, and she simply stares in fascination at the knight gracefully dancing past the attacks and raising her blade to strike... only for eyes to catch the sorceress being carried away by a pair of somethings at the order from the knight.

That won't do. We can't let anyone get away.
They're demons. Kill them all!
Not yet. We need information.

Grimacing as she forcefully suppresses Banshee's voice in her head, Lily focuses her energies again, letting herself feel the underbrush, feel it brush against the demons and her allies, feel the shaking of the ground as the almost-invisible carriers pick the demoness up. Whispering the incantation of the spell, the mage extends her will, causing the bush near the sorceress to animate, wrapping its branches around her.

Cast Entangling Vines(lvl 2) under the sorceress
Entangling Vines (Summon) [This creature gets the Tentacles Special Mutation, the Sluggish Flaw, and the Grapple Expert Talent. When this creature is summoned, it automatically attempts to grapple the nearest three creatures.]
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

As Laena launched herself into the air she watched the demon knight move now that she knew she was under attack. It was quite a sight to behold, incredibly impressive. The satyr shot an arrow at her, but before it could make contact she swatted it out of the air with her sword, or at least that was what the harpy thought had happened. Her eyes couldn’t even follow the motion properly. She then sidestepped Garrett’s attack effortlessly, another motion fast enough that Laena couldn’t follow it, and slashed at his neck almost instantly. The only part the harpy could really see was the slowed up blade as it hit the wall of wind she maintained around her mate, the glowing red aura flashing brightly as it ran up against opposition. The human managed to jump out of the way while the blade was slowed, taking little if any damage, while Lily cast a spell at the demon. The attempt to turn the ground into a weapon against the knight failed, but it forced her to roll right into the path of Laena’s attack…

She even had her back turned, and as the harpy swooped down from the treetops she was sure the demon wasn’t aware of her. She lashed out with her talons, ready to tear into the knight’s armor… but just before she managed to land the blow the demon spun and slammed her shoulder into Laena. It sent her flying through the air backwards, tumbling talon over head as her wings beat frantically. It hadn’t even been that hard a blow, which was lucky given how fragile the body of a harpy was. She hit the ground halfway between the knight and the stream and continued to roll for some time before finally digging her talons into the dirt, stopping herself just in time to keep from plummeting into the water. This was bad. It was really bad. Most of the demons had gone down in an instant, but this one was better than all of them combined. Maybe too good for the group to handle… It took Laena a little bit of time to get herself righted and on her feet, long enough that she didn’t see the earth elemental’s summoning, and just in time to realize that they weren’t alone with the knight. There were two almost invisible creatures amongst the demons, lifting the group’s mage at the insistence of their commander. Lily seemed to be handling that, but it meant that her attention was distracted from the dangerous foe. The harpy jumped up into the sky and flapped her wings with an angry screech, and then swooped down as close to the ground as she could manage when she had enough momentum to take her past the demon. Her plan was to lash out at the knight’s armored legs while passing her, to trip her up and make her an easier target for Garrett and the others.

Trip: d20 + 61 to-hit (enemies must pass a res check or take Prone status.)
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 60/77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena), Energy Blade X = 5

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 18/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspect of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 54/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

Garrett pays his 1 EP, Laena pays her 3 EP. Upkeep done.
Garrett opts to take the next attack sent at one of his allies.
Attack: Miss.

Laena tries to trip the knight!
Attack: Miss. Six is insufficient.

Lily casts Entangling Vines at the stalkers.
Casting: Success.
Attacks: Both hit. The sorceress is grappled! Not sure why you didn't go for the stalkers, but whatever.

The satyr tries to shoot the knight.
Attack: Miss.

The gruffs all come out to try and swipe at the knight.
Attacks: Miss.

The nymph sits there like a derp and lets her Earth Elemental do all of the work.

The knight talks and swings at Garrett.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Laena wins. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The earth elemental tries to grapple the knight.
Attack: Hit. The knight is grappled. All of my ;-;

The stalkers tries to get the sorceress away from the vines.
Grapple: The vines win both times.

And the wild melee continued as the gruffs just kept on slashing at the knight, forcing her back further until she had nowhere else to go. Another arrow streaked out of the bushes, but the silver haired warrior shifted her head out of its path at the last possible second, and it thunked into the tree behind her mere inches from the tip of one of her pointed ears. Stepping out of the corner into which she'd been backed while desperately fighting off the fey that surrounded her, the knight left herself open to Laena's sudden diving assault, and the harpy very nearly had her as she dove in with her wings spread.... Before the knight suddenly leaped, flipping over both Laena and the three gruffs. She spun in place, blade out wide as if she intended to strike, but before the demon could strike anyone else Garrett interposed himself between her and the gruffs she'd intended to slaughter.

Again her crimson-wreathed blade struck against the wall of wind that Laena maintained around her lover, and again it was rebounded by the winds swirling around Garrett's body. Snarling in frustration, the knight shifted so that her back was to the creek and spat; "Then fight me alone, coward! Not with your half dozen peons distracting me!" The knight faced him squarely, but before they could exchange any more blows, the giant elemental of stone and mud suddenly stepped in, grabbing the knight up in one massive muddy hand and slamming her roughly against a nearby try. The woman let out a strangled cry, but her crimson glow didn't fade even though her sword tumbled from her fingers and dropped to the ground at the foot of the tree.

The two stalkers, in the meantime, found their egress with the red-robed woman blocked as Lily intervened, animating a nearby bush and causing it to lash out at the woman. The two demons were stopped dead in their tracks, and try as they might, they couldn't pry the unconscious woman from the grasp of the sidhe's vines. "Go!" the knight gasped suddenly, "Just go! Run!" The two lesser demons didn't need much more than that, as they released the woman and started for the woods. Their camouflage was still active, but the chaos around them made it somewhat unreliable, and Lily and Laena could still see them for the moment. That likely wouldn't last long once they got into the jungle, however.

1 knight, pissed, 2 round upkeep
1 sorceress, unconscious, grappled by 2 stalkers and Lily's vines
2 tentacled horrors, unconscious
6 goblins, unconscious
? stalkers, 2 of which are trying to grab dat sorceress but have to contend with dem vines

1 satyr, across the stream
3 gruffs, hiding in the woods
1 nymph, across the stream

Vines, grappling the unconscious sorceress
Grapple Expert

Earth Elemental, grappling the knight
Hard Hitter, Skill with Unarmed, Damage Reduction 1/2, Natural Attack.
Body = 80
AV = 10
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Shit! Again he felt the sword of the demon barely nick him.
That's the second time that shield saved my ass! Still, he had been able to intercept her attack, and that's all that had mattered. He prepared to strike back, until a giant hand of mud and dirt grabbed the woman, almost like if a child were playing with some sort of toy. The tree shook as the golem slammed the demon into the tree, flinching as she dropped her sword to the floor.

The sword in his hand dissipated as he quickly approached the pinned woman. He glanced at the sword momentarily before giving it a kick into the creek. His eyes slowly gazed back at the demon, looking her square in the eye as he spoke.
"They aren't peons lady. They're my friends." He thrusted his right arm towards the woman, displaying his palm mere inches from her face as small white flame hovered above her nose.
"And they're all I have left now."

Release upkeep on sword.

Holy Fire with 14 EP
One creature within line of sight takes 3d4 * X damage. Non lethal. Might hurt though.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Swearing under her breath as the two demons manage to escape the vines, Lily spreads her fingers, calling up another incantation to stop the two demons. As she completes it, dozens of blue sparks appear from her hands, expanding as they scatter to cover the area around the lurking demons trying to escape.

Casting Greater Missile Storm. DC 30, automatic success. Damage:4*(1d6+1+70/8+2)=4*(1d6+12)=4*1d6+48

Greater Missile Storm (Ball) [Automatically hits all enemies within its Area of Effect, but deals damage as a spell one level lower.]
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena watched as the gruffs continued their assault on the demon, forcing her backwards even though they couldn’t land any blows, until there was no more retreat for her. Even so she managed to dodge another arrow at the last second, and fight the fae to enough of a standstill that she could duck out of the corner. That was a mistake… she had opened herself up perfectly for the harpy’s swooping attack. Or so Laena thought, right up until the knight vaulted over her talons and the gruffs she had been fighting. It was quite impressive considering the armor she was in, and it surprised the harpy quite a bit. She flew on past them through the trees, missing the action that happened behind her as she banked hard, trying to turn and fight before anything happened to the others.

By the time the scene had entered into Laena’s sight again the two creatures trying to rescue the sorceress had given up and were racing into the woods, their strange camouflage flickering as they raced through the jungle. The demon had also been partially subdued by the giant stone elemental the nymph had summoned earlier, having dropped her sword to the ground as she was forced up against a tree, so the harpy was about to go after them and shred them to bits before she saw that Lily was handling it, with some manner of magical blast aimed at the lesser demons. That was just fine by her. She continued on towards the knight, flying past her and attempting to rip up her right arm and shoulder with her talons, hopefully while maintaining her momentum and continuing to fly past for another attack run.

Unarmed Attack: 2d12 + 41 damage, d20 + 61 to-hit
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 46/77, Status = Fine, +16 Spirit (Inner Strength from Nymph), Wind Armor (from Laena), Aspect of the Wind (from Laena)

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 15/48, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor on self and Garrett, Aspect of the Wind on Garrett

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 48/62, Status = Fine, Power of Chaos (+26 Stealth)

Laena pays her 3 EP. Upkeep done.

Garrett tries to shoot the knight in the face with Holy Fire X = 14.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 9 * 14 = 126 - 28 = 98 damage. The knight is koed.

Laena claws at the knight.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 11 + 7 + 41 - 28 = 31 more damage.

Lily casts Greater Missile Storm.
Casting: Success.
Attacks: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 14 + 2 = 21 * 4 = 84 damage.

Gain 4 exp!

The wave of white fire that Garrett blasted the demon in the face with could easily have decapitated her completely, but with his intent to knock her out rather than kill her firmly in place in his mind, the blast merely smashed her head back into the tree against which the elemental had her pinned. She went completely limp in its grasp, apparently unconscious, but Laena was still moving in for the attack already. The harpy's claws slashed against the knight's shoulder, tearing through her armor and into her flesh beneath, but she didn't react to the strike in the slightest other than to start bleeding profusely. Lily, in the meantime, sent a storm of energy bolts out into the woods, ones that would (and did) hunt down their targets without fail. A handful of pained shrieks came from the trees came from the woods, and the sounds of movement stopped completely.

The next few seconds passed in relative silence as the fey scoured their surroundings, and then the nymph rose from her hiding place and said; "I think that's all of 'em! I'm not detecting anything else moving through the woods!"

1 knight, unconscious
1 sorceress, unconscious, Lily's vines
2 tentacled horrors, unconscious
6 goblins, unconscious

1 satyr, across the stream
3 gruffs, standing about
1 nymph, across the stream

Vines, grappling the unconscious sorceress
Grapple Expert, Body = 24

Earth Elemental, grappling the knight
Hard Hitter, Skill with Unarmed, Damage Reduction 1/2, Natural Attack.
Body = 80
AV = 10
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Garrett ducked out of the way, not expecting Laena to come to his side so quick. Tearing up the knights arm pretty good, he gave a pained wince as he examined her work.

"Remind me to never ask you to scratch my back hon." He quipped with a little grin. It seemed the fight was over, and as the nymph gave the 'all clear' signal, it was probably best to book it now. They couldn't take ALL the prisoners, so it was best to prioritize.

"Great job everybody! No casualties! You all saved my butt back there. Now, lets grab the demon lady and sorceress. The demon seemed to consider her important enough to keep her away from us. Just leave behind the rest." Organizing the party, he asked the nymph to continue carrying the demon with her mud golem. The others were to take care of the sorceress. As he walked past the unconscious enemy, he paused at the tentacle horrors laying at his feet.
"I can accept that demons might be people.... but these things?" He extended his hand, sending an engulfing blaze upon the helpless tentacle masses. Satisfied that the fire should kill them off, he signaled for the others to head back to base.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena saw her mate’s blast of holy fire wash over the demon’s face, seemingly knocking her out, but it didn’t hurt to make certain. She followed through with her attack, razor sharp talons slicing through armor with ease and into the knight’s shoulder, tearing it apart quite viciously. The limp knight began to bleed, but showed no reaction. From the sound of it Lily had neutralized the runners. The harpy didn’t feel the need to stop on a dime, instead continuing on in her flight arc, swooping past the nymph just as she gave the all clear, and then coming around to perch on the ground next to her lover and the fallen demons. "Aww, I’d take care of any itch real quick" she teased right back at Garrett, grinning slyly as she looked at the damage she had caused. It was quite rare that she had found reason to use those talons of hers, mostly against alarune, but she knew well how dangerous they were.

"Yes, we fought well. That knight was tough, though" Laena replied, hopping around a little behind Garrett. Apparently he wanted to take only the sorceress and knight with them for questioning, which was fine. The harpy would have suggested that herself given the chance. Of course, he also wanted to leave the goblins where they lay after burning the tentacle horrors to a nice crisp. "No, we can’t leave them here. They’ll wake up and head back to their camp" she said, "we kill them and dispose of the bodies somewhere they won’t be easily found. We need every scrap of surprise we can maintain." As she said so she began to hop over to the nearest of the goblins, preparing to rip out its neck with her talons…
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Relieving the spirit possessing the undergrowth wrapped around the demonic sorceress, Lily lets the camouflage spell fade as well, checking to make sure her hair is still blonde before fluttering to the other side of the stream to take a look at their prisoners. Silently agreeing with Laena, the sidhe strides over to take a look at the sorceress, exhaling sharply as she smells the burning flesh. The scent was already becoming familiar after just two days in Garrett's company.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant,

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine

(Even if you're only executing things, you still need to pick an X value for damage powers. There will be times that it'll matter.)

Unless Garrett raised some objection to killing the rest of the goblins, Laena would receive the help of the gruffs in executing the unconscious goblins one by one. The grisly task was finished in short order, and while the harpy and the goatmen were killing goblins, Lily was able to examine the demonic mage they'd captured. The woman possessed exceptional beauty that was like a twisted version of the sidhe's own, enough to make any man desire her but promising to be merciless and cruel. Her wounds weren't severe, as was expected of the flame of intent when used to capture rather than kill, and it was impossible to tell how long it would be before the sorceress awoke. The knight was in a similar state as she hung limply in the earth elemental's grasp, and they were free to leave after that, though the gruffs remained behind to collect the spoils from their opponents.

The fey didn't so much have a "base" as they did a section of the forest in which they slept more often than any other section of the forest, and it was there that the continually nude nymph led them. It was fairly familiar territory, and the lesser faerie offered to keep their two captives bound in vines while they reconnoitered. It was then that the three goatmen opted to divide the spoils, having already taken their own, allowing Laena, Garrett, and Lily to divide the rest however they chose.

1x chameleon skin
2x horror carapace
2x demon's blood
4x monster's fang
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Garrett didn't object to the execution of the goblins. In hindsight, it would be better to kill them, less they return and inform their higher ups what happened. Not much for alchemy either, he didn't care much for what was left behind, as nothing of use to him was left. That sword he kicked in the pond might of been salvageable, but it also could be corruptible possibly.

Nodding to the nymph, he agreed for the two captives to be held securely, as he didn't want to risk them possibly waking up at the wrong place and the wrong time unrestrained. He didn't bother to glance at the knight, as he already had spent enough time dealing with her in a fight. A depressed sigh escaped his lips upon looking over the other captive, somewhat disheartened that it hadn't been a prisoner they rescued, but instead just another demon. Still, he supposed it would was still good that they have another person to interrogate.
"Wherever we put these two, I want them on opposite sides of the room. I don't want any chance of them being able to collaborate or synchronize their energy, or whatever. We don't know what they are capable of, so it's best that we separate them. We should also assign who keeps watch on them when necessary in an alternating shift. Also, two people will be at watch at the same time. One for each captive. I don't want somebody to be endangered and caught off guard if they have some sort of tricks up their sleeves." He paused slightly, considering who should do watch.
"Laena, would you mind helping me keep track of them hon? I want to talk to the knight first. When she wakes up, of course."
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily turns away as the harpy and the goatmen turn to do their gruesome work, though she can't avoid the smell of blood or how Banshee enjoys it, and the roots of her hair start turning black again. Rather than banishing Banshee from her thoughts, Lily turns her mind into the task of teasing information from the sorceress. She'd prefer to do things the easy way, of course, but if it came to inflicting pain, Banshee could take over...

As they arrive back at the campsite and neither Garrett nor Laena seems to be interested in their share of spoils, Lily takes hold of those, thanking the goatmen politely.

"This'll only take a couple minutes" The sidhe says confidently. Picking up a stick, the sidhe draws a circle around the area where they all are and focuses her energies slowly, making the circle glow slightly as she goes through the mental steps she had been taught a long time ago, careful not to mess anything up and wishing she had a focus for the ritual instead of having to do it all mentally. After a drawn out minute during which the sidhe appears to merely stand still with her eyes closed, the simple ritual is complete and she walks over to the knight, waking her with several healing spells.

Create Zone of Truth, then Healing touch, least on the knight until she starts waking up.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

With no objections spoken, Laena hopped around and did her unpleasant work. Her sharp talons tore through the unconscious goblins’ throats with ease, bleeding them out in moments without allowing them to awaken or suffer. The gruffs helped her with the task, and between them the grim task was completed fairly quickly. Once they were done, the group was ready to carry the two captives back to their base of operations. The elemental continued to carry the fallen demon knight, and one of the gruffs picked up the sorceress, allowing the harpy to fly up into the air and soar lazily above them while they walked, letting the air currents near the ground take her where she needed to go without much effort on her part at all. Eventually they got to the part of the forest the fae were leading them to, which looked much like any other, but it seemed to be the place they were most comfortable.

Laena perched once more beside her mate, watching as the gruffs dividing the items they had taken from the dead. She had no interest in any such things, finding it far too morbid even for her tastes. Carrying around pieces of dead creatures was a bit too much for her. She listened to what Garrett said quietly, nodding her head a bit, though when he was done she said "well, why should they live long enough that we have to take shifts? Once we know what they know we’ll have no more need for them, and we might as well kill them then" coldly. "I would have thought we could talk to them together, too. Depending on how friendly they are with each other, we might be able to squeeze information out of them a little better." Of course, she was thinking a few threats to one might get the other to talk, but she didn’t say so. Her thoughts probably weren’t necessary, though, as Lily began to draw some sort of magic circle on the ground around them after taking the various bits of loot from the gruffs. "What is it you’re doing?" the harpy asked after the fae ceased concentrating, whatever ritual or spell she meant to go through apparently having been accomplished.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine

Laena: HP = 71, PP = 58, EP = 48, Status = Pregnant,

Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 38/62, Status = Fine

"We don't really have rooms," the faerie stated plainly when Garrett talked about how he wanted to hold the captives, "But we can keep them on opposite sides of the glade. That'd probably be best, and we won't let either of them out of our sight. We can hold them both to a tree." After they were back at the faerie's glade, she bound the knight to a tree using some vines and then did the same to the sorceress on the opposite side of the glade. Lily was able to draw her circle to encompass the knight with ease, ensuring that she'd be able to discern when the woman lied to them as they questioned her. The nymph dismissed her earth elemental after they'd secured the knight, but she remained on station as Lily cast a healing spell that made it likely that she'd awaken sooner rather than later.

The faeries glanced between one another at Laena's suggestion on what to do with them after they'd been interrogated. "We can decide that later," said one of the gruffs, "But it's likely that we'll have to kill them when we're done. We don't exactly have anyplace to keep them." A few minutes later the knight awakened, her crimson eyes flitting open and her head shooting upwards to sweep across the glade. A grin spread across her face despite their arrangement around her, and she cockily said; "Well, good morning to you too! I'm guessing by the fact that I'm still breathing that you lot want something from me other than tips on manners."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

As she heals their captive, Lily takes time to answer Laena. "The circle will keep anyone from lying. It's not a perfect solution, but it's supposed to be fairly reliable."

As the knight immediately starts joking upon waking, the sidhe's eyes narrow and the roots of her hair start turning darker, but she nevertheless gets up without a comment. "She's all yours, Garrett."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

The way the fairy responded to his statement made him silently wonder if she was making fun of him, or was just cutely stating the facts. It didn't bother him much. What did bug him was what the gruff said.

He might be right. We might have to kill them afterwards, but then if they figure that as well, they'll have no reason to confess any details. Quite the conundrum. Whatever, I'll cross that bridge when we get there.

"Thank you Lily for the preparations." With a nod, he approaches the demon.

Well, so far you've learned intimidation isn't something that's can be easily done with a demon. So maybe there could be some other alternative? Hmmm....

Putting both his hands up in front of him with a small smile, he apologized.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Can't exactly trust you considering that you've almost beheaded me back there a couple times, just a precaution. Also, I should let you know everything I told you about myself back there? Yeah.... that was all a lie too. So... how about we get off to a new start eh?" He took a seat on the grass in front of her.
"Well, I'm Garrett, that's my beautiful mate Laena, and over there is my friend Lily." Giving a small gesture, he waved to the rest.
"And these are the nice people of the glade that were willing to help me in keeping you alive. Honestly, I never intended to kill. And I still don't. All I want is information. You see, me and my friends are after something very important. The only problem was we weren't sure if you or other friends of yours would interfere. I'm honestly sorry for the dirty trick we pulled off back there. But lots of people have some concerns with what's happening lately. For me and my friends, we just want to get what we're after, then split. But the Fae I believe are a bit concerned with your presence around here. Could you tell us what you guys are doing around here? Also, why were you so concerned about your friend over there getting away in the fight, if she was not a prisoner of some sort? Is she important for something we're unaware of?"