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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

+20 points for vocabulary word.

Now we need a new window.
Re: Introduce yourself

*spends points on a new window* I like this game. :D
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: "Abby" is short for "abbatoir." "CM" could mean anything.
Age: Haha, looks like it's the hammer for me. [Oops. it came out.]
Birth Place: Baguio City, Philippines
Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: Reading porn' keeps people occupied, right?

Hair Color: Jet black
Eye Color: Brown, dark to the point where I look Aniridic.

Zodiac: Leo
Fears: Marriage, dying, harddrive dying
Common Utterances: ...Ooops. It came out.

Things I Dislike:
1) Smoke
2) Light pollution
3) Most English dubs of anything imported to the West

TV Show: Phineas and Ferb. There! I admitted it!
Drink: Water
Food: Mochi ice cream, Pocky, potatoes, cheese, seafood, chocolate
Colour: Anything as long as it's not neon pink, which makes me see neon green.
Internet Meme: All your base are belong to us

Smoke: Hell no.
Swear: I try not to.
Flip out and kill people: ...No comment.

Reason for joining: 'Cuz xatm tol' me to.

Trivia: I have grade N95 respirator masks.

Now, off to finishing my work!
Re: Introduce yourself

Congrats on being the 400th member, Abby! :O Welcome!
Re: Introduce yourself

400th member? Coolios.

Ach but I still love the number three...
Re: Introduce yourself

like the nun said to the vicar, please come inside.
Re: Introduce yourself

Didn't think I'd have to do this much just to say Hi but oh well.

Name: *points up*
Age: 22
Gender: Manliest of men.
Birth Place: Chicago
Current Country of Residence: Somewhere South West.
Occupation: Unemployed (I’ll get back to this when I one)


Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown


Zodiac: Gemini
My Fears: I am under oath and threat if I say her name.
Common Utterances: Days go by…
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Empty
Bad Habits: touching my…shirt

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Alcohol
3)Any anti smoking/alcohol TV messages.


TV Show: Youtube
Drink: Shirley Temple
Shoe: Leather if I could afford it.
Hat: Indiana Jones
Music Genre: Progressive
Internet Meme: I do not have this.

Do I...

Swear:Only when not around children
Flip out and kill people:No
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No
Knit scarves for orphans: I think I’ll make one for myself first


Can you see into it? No
Should Marty have gone back to it? I see what you did thar
Where you'll be in 5 years? The same thing I try to do everyday live…for a little longer.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: ? I guess mostly for the games.
Other random trivia: My Dinner today is rice yum.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to both!

Untrueblue and CM Abby

enjoy the forum.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome CM Abby, and Untrueblue, do enjoy thy time here in our halls of debauchery.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the nut house CM Abby and Untrueblue.
I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.
Re: Introduce yourself

gees, were not that bad... were just everyday normal men and women...

just freed from the bonds of social norms...
Re: Introduce yourself

gees, were not that bad... were just everyday normal men and women...

and everything in between
Re: Introduce yourself

Nunu, most our members are so far down the spiral, we've forgotten what 'normal' is :D
Re: Introduce yourself

you guys all give yourselves to much credit
Re: Introduce yourself

Meanwhile, I don't think we're giving you enough credit.
Re: Introduce yourself

Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: WonderBoy, AlfaMale, Cabacaboom, 2qa3wsde4, Rey, ReyLip, SirReynolds, Reynolds, VonRey, Siemn, Simen.
Age: More than I have fingers, so I lost count.
Gender: Male I think, hold on, let me check. Yup, several inches of proof.
Birth Place: Somewhere that was probably destroyed as a sacrifice to make me as awesome as I am.
Current Country of Residence: Norway, Although I’m in Canada a lot.
Occupation: If you go to this board and have a real job, you are conflicting the ways of the universe…


Hair Color: I have been known to be called blond.
Eye Color: Blue, like the ocean.


Zodiac: Bullshit, (The little pile of stars behind the Taurus sign.)
My Fears: Ceiling spiders, The demon dog from lady in the water, I’ll have to make a whole thread about this someday…
Common Utterances: Say Whaat? Double U, Tee Eff. My Eyes!! And several more.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: What glass, *Hikk
Bad Habits: Biting my nails,

Very bad at everything that goes beyond stage 1-2 in the relationship-model… (Used to have PU as a hobby… Lost interest when I discovered that I could get pretty much anyone without it… But anything beyond the hug and cuddle phase kinda put’s me out of my element.)

3 Things You Dislike:
1) People who are genuinely racist.
2) People that are fake.
3) The media hyping up things that are no big deal while ignoring the things that matter. (Seriously, H1N1 has a 0.04 percent mortality rate, regular flu has 0.06 percent.)
4)My aforementioned problem beyond stage 1-2 in the relationship model… Lost the motivation when it became something easily accessible.)


TV Show: Heroes, Burn Notice
Drink: Yes
Shoe: Sneakers 7 and 1/2 months of the year, military boots 4 months of the year, and added up every night spent wearing rocket boots is about half a month a year.
Hat: Earphones.
Music Genre: Rock- Calm- blues- acoustic- and a little of everything thrown in for good measure.
Internet Meme: Rule 34 (There is porn of it.), Rule 36(It’s somebody’s fetish), rule 88(Everybody loves tits. Everybody.)

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Hell no!
Flip out and kill people: Just wwhen I’m really bored.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Oh yeah baby. REAL guitar… Cort electric and Tenson acoustic. (And air guitar too of course.)
Knit scarves for orphans: Yes…


Then I lace them with Cyanide… Mwuhahahaha


Can you see into it? Of course!
Should Marty have gone back to it? Definitely not, he should have stayed.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Running the world through my massive financial empire (Formerly known as Microsoft.) after having bought it and Sony with the money I got from selling my patented RocketShoestm that I mentioned above.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Lurked for Waaaaaayyyy to long…
Other random trivia: You do NOT want to go down that road…
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey and 'welcome', though I've seen you posting around beforehand!

:D Thanks again for uploading that stuff to your album. ^_^ *fans self*
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, I've mostly been in the hentai section, so I haven't really seen this part of the site until a litte while ago...
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