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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

I loved the GoldGolem.
Of course, DragonWarrior was one of the first games I played, and my first rpg.
Re: Introduce yourself

I only played the Dragon Warrior Monsters series, but I did enjoy them quite a bit. And I did have a GoldGolem at one point.
Re: Introduce yourself

I loved the GoldGolem.
Of course, DragonWarrior was one of the first games I played, and my first rpg.

GoldGolem is one of my favorite monsters as well. Beyond the fact that they look awesome they drop a lot of money. I had the Goldgolem on one of my monster teams in Dragon Quest VIII.

DragonWarrior was one of your firsts? I can't remember my first RPG, although I think it was SUper Mario RPG. You know, I've always preferred the name DragonWarrior over DragonQuest.

I only played the Dragon Warrior Monsters series, but I did enjoy them quite a bit. And I did have a GoldGolem at one point.

Have you played Rocket slime? Rocket Slime is one of my favorite spin off games.
Re: Introduce yourself

You know, I've always preferred the name DragonWarrior over DragonQuest.
As have I

DragonWarrior was one of your firsts? I can't remember my first RPG, although I think it was SUper Mario RPG.
I can only remember that simply due to the fact that I hated RPG's and that was the only one I liked to play. Plus it helped that I had this giant map that listed general enemy and item locations as well as listing each enemy and all their attributes nailed up to the wall behind the tv
Re: Introduce yourself

Does Final Fantasy Tactics count as an RPG?
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums GoldGolem...

Re: Introduce yourself

My first rpg (and I think first game) was Chrono Trigger. I'm fully aware that I'm biased but I still stand by the theory that CT is one of if not the best game ever made =D
Re: Introduce yourself

My first game was Crystal Caves. I loved that game.
My first RPG... hmm not entirely sure on that one. May have been Daggerfall.
Re: Introduce yourself

As have I

I can only remember that simply due to the fact that I hated RPG's and that was the only one I liked to play. Plus it helped that I had this giant map that listed general enemy and item locations as well as listing each enemy and all their attributes nailed up to the wall behind the tv

You had a giant map? Where did you get it? I've never heard of anything like that before.

Does Final Fantasy Tactics count as an RPG?

If it has Final fantasy in the title I'd say so.

Welcome to the forums GoldGolem...


Thank you.

My first rpg (and I think first game) was Chrono Trigger. I'm fully aware that I'm biased but I still stand by the theory that CT is one of if not the best game ever made =D

I only played the DS version. Honestly, I loved it. I'd say Chrono Trigger for the Snes is a good game by today's standards and was one of the greatest game available for its time.
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Jon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Nottingham
Current Country of Residence: England
Occupation: Engineer


Hair Color: Dark red/brown
Eye Color: Blue/grey


Zodiac: Taurus
My Fears: Making enemies.
Common Utterances: "Lol", "Duuuuude", "Awesome.", "Epic", "Indeed".
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Too small.
Bad Habits: Stopping whatever I'm doing whenever I see a nice girl :/
CoD4 addiction

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Chavs
2) Axes
3) Football


TV Show: Mock the Week
Drink: Nesquik Chocolate milkshake
Shoe: None
Hat: Trilby
Color: Dark grey
Music Genre: Rock/Metal (Not Death Metal)
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Frequently
Flip out and kill people: No
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Air guitar, occasionally. And Guitar Hero.
Knit scarves for orphans: No


Can you see into it? No
Should Marty have gone back to it? No
Where you'll be in 5 years? The future is constantly changing, impossible to tell.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: LineMarvel's art.
Other random trivia:
Re: Introduce yourself

Does Final Fantasy Tactics count as an RPG?

Fuck yes it does, it falls under the sub-category 'Tactical/Strategy RPG. And as far as I'm concerned it's unrivalled when it comes to storylines in RPG's and video games in general. Though the remake, FFT:War of the Lions told the story a lot better. Though thats probably because they translated it right xD And Balthier in FFT:WoTL was broken as fuck if you kept using Ramza's Squire ability 'Tailwind' on him. I believe the skill in the PSX version was called Yell.

But my first RPG was FF7. A bunch of friends were playing it when it first came out and at that point I thought it looked shit, and then a couple of years later I found it going for cheap so I decided to buy and I loved it to bits.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums hero-in-the-dark, or Jon.
Re: Introduce yourself

Fuck yes, another Brit! Welcome, dude.
Re: Introduce yourself

My first rpg (and I think first game) was Chrono Trigger. I'm fully aware that I'm biased but I still stand by the theory that CT is one of if not the best game ever made =D

indeed, the best game ever made.

Welcome hero-in-the-dark and GoldGolem.
Re: Introduce yourself

Pah, you're all FFT haters and for that you should all die a horrible and painful death :p
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome hero-in-the-dark.

Are we going to see much of you once your CoD4 addiction is replaced by Modern Warfare 2?
Re: Introduce yourself

I don't remember where we got the map from, the advantage of having older brothers, I started emulating them early, so before I could even form conscious thoughts that would later become memory, I was playing the same games as them, and we already had an extensive game library.

And no, it's not your bias Alias, Chrono Trigger was 32 flavors of awesome
Re: Introduce yourself

FFT was good, no doubt about it. To date, it's the only final fantasy game I've ever been able to complete before getting bored, and I've played 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, crystal chronicles, and X. But... CT's story was just so much more incredible.
Re: Introduce yourself

Oh FF2, I could never get along with it's level system, or lack of rather. Level grinding is one thing, stat grinding is another thing altogether and it really turned me off FF2. I've played FF1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, Tactics, Tactics Advance and A2 and I've completed FF1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, Tactics, Tactics Advance and A2. I cant find a good enough spot to level my team up on FF4 without Rosa dying all the time and three I haven't played in a while so I cant remember where I am.

I haven't played CT myself, though seeing as it is on the DS now I should really go out and buy it, though I do have plenty of other RPG's I need to complete on my DS, the DQ games spring to mind first.
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