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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

yeah..... good luck keeping your identity from Nunu. Nunu knows EVERYONE >.<
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi there, paper. Now, are you a woman in comfortable shoes, or, a woman who happens to wear comfortable shoes? There's a crucial difference.

Re: Introduce yourself

Hi there, paper. Now, are you a woman in comfortable shoes, or, a woman who happens to wear comfortable shoes? There's a crucial difference.

This is at trick question. XD At least, that's all that I can see it as!

Hmm, did I link my DA account on the last forum? That stuff's old!
Re: Introduce yourself

A "Woman in comfortable shoes" is a euphemism for a woman hailing from the isle of Sapphos, if you catch my drift.. one who uses her carpet as a source of nutrition..

Re: Introduce yourself

*snort-cackles* Doc Martens and all that good stuff, right? I can't say that pursuing the Sapphic arts aren't off my list of interests! (Really, I can't imagine wandering over to a board like this if I wasn't at least a little bit fruity for girl-bits. :p)

eta: Oh wait, I guess you guys would have info on me if I linked that image to use for your warning page! :)o No credit given for use of it, though? :( That made me sad!)
Re: Introduce yourself

...you remind me of Copper. A lot. Also, interesting use of "fruity"... if I say someone is a little "fruity", it means they're either mad, or smell sweaty... I'm not sure how best to substitute this back into your usage of it :p.

Re: Introduce yourself

*snort-cackles* Doc Martens and all that good stuff, right? I can't say that pursuing the Sapphic arts aren't off my list of interests! (Really, I can't imagine wandering over to a board like this if I wasn't at least a little bit fruity for girl-bits. :p)

eta: Oh wait, I guess you guys would have info on me if I linked that image to use for your warning page! :)o No credit given for use of it, though? :( That made me sad!)

you know you can upload it here and no one will know where its come from. create an album in your user profile.
Re: Introduce yourself

Fruity = smelly? Really? XD Where are you from? Here it's almost exclusively used for gum and gay people!

As for uploading, if I ever have anything, I'll pop it up for your approval or ridicule! XD
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, actually, I'm a Brit.. :p. I've heard "Fruit-flavoured" for queers.. of all persuasions, but never fruity. Also, uploading is always good. Watch out for the "TITS OR GTFO", though. Somehow, I doubt that'll work on you.

Re: Introduce yourself

If it's used on me, I'll just shoot it back at the OP. XD

'Fruit flavored' -- well, I HAVE heard great things about pineapples! XDD
Re: Introduce yourself

i didn't really think we were much of a tits or GTFO community.
Re: Introduce yourself

Probably a little more meme and lol-humor oriented than most of my stomping grounds, but I agree that this place ain't so bad in terms of trolls or people just being rude. X3
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: I go by wallpaper -here-, though I go by other names elsewhere. The

I know where you're coming from with that one sister! lol

And don't worry, Nunu isn't THAT all-knowing... or is he....

Oh and welcome to everyone I missed! So sorry!!!
Re: Introduce yourself

My tinfoil hat technique failed miserably, actually. XD Thank the gods that Nunu is a benevolent all-seeing-one! (I have visions of ceiling cat!)
Re: Introduce yourself

And don't worry, Nunu isn't THAT all-knowing... or is he....

Oh, and hi there wallpaper. I'm all up in this bitch with the multiple identities too.
Re: Introduce yourself

Ptht, not that I'm planning on being an ass or anything! XD Thanks for the welcome!
Re: Introduce yourself

Do what I do, don't plan on being an ass and just let it come naturally.

Nah, but really, this is the only place I've ever used this name, unfortunately, I've grown to like it and have considered changing my gamertag and internet account names to it.
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