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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: I don't like it...
Screenname / Nicknames: Eiri
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: France

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair length: Shoulder length
Breasts: none Oo (God! I wondered for a second^^')
Glasses: not for now... soon, considering the amount of time i spend in front of my screen...
Features: nothing special...
Height: 1m80

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Hair length: hips
Ears: functional
Breasts: none
Tail: none
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: no
Glasses: no
Features: nothing special
Height: 1m70
Cyclops: no
Skin: the same

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Lion
My Fears: Bees... Losing my Anime/Mangas collection
Common Utterances: "eh merde..." and "fais chier..."
Is the glass half full, or half empty: too big
Bad Habits: lazy

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Rap music (with some exeptions)
2) Noisy persons
3) peoples as a whole

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Many, many...Hiroyuki Takei, Shin Takahashi,
Other manga of interest: A LOT!
Video game series: Final fantasy, rockman, touhou, castlevania
TV Show: I don't watch tv...
Anime: A LOT! (again...)
Webcomic: Bleedman's stuff
Drink: Grape juice
Shoe: sandals, vans
Hat: panama/nothing
Color: Blue/Black
Music Genre: Rock/touhou music/ music from my favorites video games/animes
Internet Meme: trollface.jpg

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: a lot
Flip out and kill people: only hit them very hard
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: it happens
Knit scarves for orphans: I can't knit
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: no, I'm poor :rolleyes:
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I don't look like it that much but I am one hell of an otaku.
Have furry leanings?: uh?

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I see... that I'm gonna grab some drink in the fridge... we'll see for the rest later...
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? saucisson-patate

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Hentai/ Too much free time
Other random trivia: I'm single ;) ... ... T-T

My first language is French BTW...
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forum, have a muffin. *Gives a muffin.* I hope you shall enjoy your time here. ^.=.^

I see we share a mutual dislike of rap, blah! Also if you have any leanings towards writing stories or characters, there's a healthy role-play section available.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Manga artist: Many, many...Hiroyuki Takei, Shin Takahashi,
Other manga of interest: A LOT!

> Hasn't specifically mentioned Hiromu Arakawa and Fullmetal Alchemist

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

> Hasn't specifically mentioned Hiromu Arakawa and Fullmetal Alchemist


Kind of ironic, considering the source of that particular mfw.

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Bonjour Eiri. I do hope you enjoy your time here.

I always wish I could speak French... but even had I learned, my bastardized Canadian version would still be difficult to understand by a proper Frenchman.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

> Hasn't specifically mentioned Hiromu Arakawa and Fullmetal Alchemist


Oh god! I forgot her ^^'
Of course she's one of my favorites... along with Tamaki Nozomu, Mohiro Kitoh, Uechiba Riichi, Watashiya Kaworu... and I won't even begin to list my favorites H-Artists... would take like 3 posts :D

Bonjour Eiri. I do hope you enjoy your time here.

I always wish I could speak French... but even had I learned, my bastardized Canadian version would still be difficult to understand by a proper Frenchman.

Actually, I prefer English over French... I think it sounds better... so much that French translated doujins kill my boner; it sounds like an old Marc Dorcel porn movie :(
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I'd like portuguese, I think it sounds more romantic than that bullshitty french and the suaveness of spanish
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I'd like portuguese, I think it sounds more romantic than that bullshitty french and the suaveness of spanish

More romantic than German?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Kind of ironic, considering the source of that particular mfw.


Ha, yeah I know but she and FMA are one of the few series I actually give a shit about.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

More romantic than German?

Iunno. I mean, that could be considered a joke because German often sounds violent, but at the same time, the tone in German can also be actually very calm. My point was that everyone considers French a romantic language, and I never really did.

I don't want to speak Russian as much as I just want to have a flawless badass russian accent.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

More romantic than German?

Like this? ^_^

Süße, du bist sehr schöne! Ihre üppigen Körper macht mich heiß und geil.

On another note...my father has always called me by "Schätzi" and "Herzchen"...and he liked Schnuki until I whined about it enough for him to stop.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Süße, du bist sehr schöne! Ihre üppigen Körper macht mich heiß und geil.

Oh yeah, we Germans definitely have a thing for women with multiple torsos.

Welcome Eiri. I'm actually learning French at the moment. Business French, to be more exact, which is the worst kind of French in my opinion.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Oh yeah, we Germans definitely have a thing for women with multiple torsos.

Ha. I guess what I was trying to say was a failure. But I never said I could speak it well just that my father grew up there. :D
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Oh yeah, we Germans definitely have a thing for women with multiple torsos.

Welcome Eiri. I'm actually learning French at the moment. Business French, to be more exact, which is the worst kind of French in my opinion.

No, the worst is definitely the douchebag french...

"Zyva fais pas ta pute, fais voir un eins t'en a deux! "
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Oh yeah, we Germans definitely have a thing for women with multiple torsos.

Welcome Eiri. I'm actually learning French at the moment. Business French, to be more exact, which is the worst kind of French in my opinion.

Any French is the worst kind of French. Goddamn that language is horrendous. Second only to Welsh. Though I wouldn't mind learning Spanish.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Any French is the worst kind of French. Goddamn that language is horrendous. Second only to Welsh. Though I wouldn't mind learning Spanish.

Would you care to explain why?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Answer why to which part? There are three sections to my post after all.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Answer why to which part? There are three sections to my post after all.

"Any French is the worst kind of French. Goddamn that language is horrendous."
That part ^^
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I just hate the language is all. No reason other than that.