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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Albert
Screenname / Nicknames: Darthan, DarkDarthan
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: United States of America

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Varies but usually blue.
Hair Color: Brown
Hair length: Short
Glasses: Yes
Features: Goatee, not much else out of the ordinary.
Height: About 6"

~ Ideal appearance ~
I am quite fine with the qay I am.
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length:
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part:

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Leo
My Fears: Not being able to play video games and watch anime.
Common Utterances: None
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Does it really matter?
Bad Habits: Raging at video games.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Stupid people.
2) Cheaters
3) Work

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: None in particular.
Other manga of interest: Too many to list.
Video game series: I don't really have just one.
TV Show: Don't really watch TV.
Anime: That list is longer than the manga one.
Webcomic: Sluggy Freelance and MegaTokyo
Drink: Almost any cola.
Shoe: Ones that fit, are comfortable, and are not really expensive.
Hat: Don't really wear hats.
Color: Blue
Music Genre: I listen to everything.
Internet Meme: Don't have one.

Do I...

Smoke: Nope
Swear: Anyone that says no to this question is lieing.
Flip out and kill people: No, but have come close on several occasions.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Nope
Knit scarves for orphans: No
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: I have some models but not many.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: No
Have furry leanings?: No

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: No, I am fairly sure I wouldn't want to anyway.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: I really don't care.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Stumbled upon the site while searching for stuff and thought it would be interesting to join.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Oh hey, newbies. Well, I suppose they do tend to wander in when you're ignoring the door...

Welcome all. Seems we've got some interesting new additions. Have fun and will see you around, I'm sure.

Also, Suri, don't make me hurt you for putting that damn thing in the thread...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

It only wants to love you.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I'll find my love elsewhere. It can go die in a fire.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Egils
Screenname / Nicknames: Egils327, ConflictMaker, Nelietis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: Latvia

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: gray/dark green.. I don't really know :D
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Long
Breasts: nope.
Glasses: nope.
Features: I really don't know what to type here :D
Height: 1.89m
Weight: 85kg

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: red
Hair color: black
Hair length: long
Ears: regular human ears
Breasts: nope.
Tail: nope.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: ...
Glasses: ....
Features: sharp teeth
Height: about 2m
Cyclops: ...
Skin: pale

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Aries
My Fears: deep sea
Common Utterances: "Fuck" , "Shit" , "Lol" , "Son of a bitch"
Is the glass half full, or half empty:
Bad Habits: Smoking, Always celebrating Friday :D

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Cowards
2) Trees
3) pop

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: I don't have favorite manga artist
Other manga of interest: Full Metal Alchemist
Video game series: Fable, Warhammer 40k , Sins of a Solar Empire
TV Show: Supernatural
Anime: Naruto
Webcomic: ...
Drink: beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer :D
Shoe: wtf?
Hat:top hat
Color: black/green
Music Genre: Punk, Metal, Folk rock, Folk metal
Internet Meme: don't have

Do I...

Smoke: Yes
Swear: Fuck yes
Flip out and kill people: I would.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Acoustic and electric guitar
Knit scarves for orphans: Why the fuck i would do that?!
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: no
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: ??
Have furry leanings?: no

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: no, and I am happy that I can't
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West?

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: My reasons is not yours concern
Other random trivia: :D

Notes: I read books :D
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to ULMF Mr. ConflictMaker. Hope you have some fun around here. And I forgive you for saying "Lol" outloud because your music taste sounds pretty interesting. Feel free to share in the thread!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to ULMF Mr. ConflictMaker. Hope you have some fun around here. And I forgive you for saying "Lol" outloud because your music taste sounds pretty interesting. Feel free to share in the thread!

Thank you. As much i have read, there is some douchebags here. But forum is great!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

HEY! You stole my Super Villain name.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Join the club, RP stole my superhero name!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

It's okay Toxic. You can be a ranger princess too. It's not like I have a patent on it. ^_^
Re: Hi guys

Hi :) If you take a little look-see into the everything else area, a hop, skip, and a jump up from this thread is the "New Age Introduction" thread. It has a little form to help you tell us a bit about yourself if you want. Besides, that's where all the cool cats introduce themselves. ^_^
Re: Hi guys

Why does this happen with every third new member?
Re: Hi guys

Why does this happen with every third new member?

Statistically speaking, only 1 out of every 3 new members actually stays around to post. We just figured we'd pick and choose who that should be from the beginning.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Thanks for moving it over. :) How did I get such a bad rep already? By the way the reason I posted my introduction there was because the description of that area said that I could. My bad for the mistake.
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

It's because you posted your own introduction thread.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

It's because you posted your own introduction thread.

Ok I see now. It's just a habit from other forums, excuse that. You live and you learn.


Screenname / Nicknames: ChanKleta/Mark
Age: Legal
Gender: I am man
Current Country of Residence: United States of Ummmerica!

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Short
Breasts: I'd love to see them
Glasses: Filled with wine
Features: Piercings
Height: 5'11''

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Doesn't matter
Hair color: Doesn't matter
Hair length: Not bald
Ears: On their head
Breasts: Above the knees
Tail: Fluffy
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Sounds like a party to me
Glasses: Why not?
Features: Doesn't matter as long as they're not unappealing
Height: Doesn't matter
Cyclops: That would be great
Skin: Soft

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Killer?
My Fears: What about them?
Common Utterances: "Where's my phone?"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full
Bad Habits: Bite my nails

3 Things I Dislike:
1) People who aren't punctual
2) Taco flavored gum
3) Stubbing my toe

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: none yet
Other manga of interest:
Video game series: GT5
TV Show: Mythbusters
Anime:none yet
Drink: Vodka
Shoe: New Balance
Hat: Don't care for hats
Color: Blue
Music Genre: Anything that doesn't burn my ears
Internet Meme: Stare dad

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Yes only when I'm dealing with a perp
Flip out and kill people: Not lately I've been pretty calm
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Both (<--He's a bad *ss)
Knit scarves for orphans: Do mittens count?
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: To hide video cameras in
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: no
Have furry leanings?: Yes

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Only when I drink
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Yes You mean from the Old West? No the future

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Looking for like minded folks
Other random trivia: It is illegal for unwed women to go skydiving on Sundays in the state of Florida.
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hmm, in the words of Robin Williams, "That's right! He can be taught!" Initial flub aside, looks like this one might be a keeper. We'll have to see.

Side note: Well, if I ever get it in my head to leap out of an airplane, I'm glad I don't live in Florida.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Stupid Android phone. Time to to the space shit out.

Name: Jack
Screenname / Nicknames: Cynic, Iniquity, Cyniquity. Positive person.
Age: Irrelevant. I've finished schooling.
Gender: Male, far as I know.
Current Country of Residence: The unfortunate states. I'd love to be at Canada, though, by the end of this year.

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Got my recessive blues here.
Hair Color: Brown with a bit of blonde. I guess dirty blonde?
Hair length: Just below my ears?
Breasts: About the right size, considering.
Glasses: Aw yis. My eye sight is pretty much awful.
Features: I could do with a little weight and hit the gym. I weigh less than half my students.
Height: 6'7". I wish I were lying.

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Anything I figure.
Hair color: I am so fond of white/silver.
Hair length: Prefer it long.
Ears: Normal, although the stereotypical elven ears are close.
Breasts: No more than a handfull.
Tail: If it long doesn't complicate things, sure.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: No. Noooo.
Glasses: No preference.
Features: Small.
Height: Less than 6'7". Probably closer to a foot less.
Cyclops: why
Skin: Preferrably white. I'm about pale as hell myself.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: No idea. Does it matter?
My Fears: Heights primarily. Idiocy. Stupidity. Redundancy.
Common Utterances: "Shit" "Better than planned." "Worth it"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Fill it. If you can't guess based on my name, I am disappointed.
Bad Habits: I tend to misspell more often than I'd like. I argue with people who can't. I'm addicted to League of Legends.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) The concept of seniority.
2) My students.
3) Most anything capable of cognitive function.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Don't know or read any.
Other manga of interest: """""""
Video game series: Older gen, Poy poy and Legend of Legaia. Newer, no seriescome to mind besides perhaps Ratchet and Clank and Splinter Cell.
TV Show: Lie to Me got canceled; I liked that. I enjoy Criminal Minds and I have followed MLP:FiM, as much as I'd like not to admit.
Anime: Oh my. Only ones I can say I've seen were FLCL (Great) and Inuyasha (I was young and reckless!)
Webcomic: Has VGcats updated since 2008?
Drink: Black coffee or Vodka, if I can afford it.
Shoe: Black, leather. Master race.
Hat: Fedoras don't look cool on anyone. I have been known to don a Bowler though.
Color: Tie between lavender and gray.
Music Genre: Classical, electric. I apparently enjoy like one hardstyle song.
Internet Meme: (s) should die.

Do I...

Smoke: Very rare. More or less kicked it.
Swear: Like a sailor if I'm around people and can freely.
Flip out and kill people: I'm always composed.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Only piano.
Knit scarves for orphans: Hipster orphans? Fuck them.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Zero.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I'm sorry?
Have furry leanings?: I like fox, wolf, and cats so I assume I'm what real furries hate.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Nah.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? Not a fan of the movie.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Other random trivia:
