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Iris's room

Re: Iris's room



Not fully sure on how to respond, Luna opted for the simplest response, letting Iris continue to stroke her hair as she took in the moment and imprinted it into her mind. A rare moment of peace in a world where order had all but collapsed. A moment to be cherished indeed...
Re: Iris's room

Iris went on to stroke the girls hair for three minutes. Her brown hair was differnt from Iris's. She must of gotten her hair color from their mother. After three minutes of silence Iris thought of something. It might be a good idea to go on a looting run to a fire department. There might be axes and suits there, maybe even first aid kits. Iris then spoke up, still looking at her sister and still stroking her hair.
" Luna, I'm thinking about going to a local fire department to see if I can find any useful supplies there. Would you like to come with me? "Iris was sure Luna would want to come. She still felt like asking instead of just telling her sister they were going. Iris didn't want to act bossy.
Re: Iris's room


"I will stay by your side until the day you wish for me to disappear... "

Responding with the same words she had said earlier, Luna almost managed a smile as she slowly sat up.


"I am yours to use in any manner you see fit. That was my vow...""

(Gah... this could be taken so wrong... Proof that I need sleep. Night.)
Re: Iris's room

(( Yeah I guess it's to late to go on a looting run right now. We can do it later on. Night man. ))
Hearing what Luna said was a bit... Odd for Iris. She sounded like she was promising to be her servant or slave until Iris wanted to dispose of her. Reguardless, Iris was just happy Luna felt like she had a purpose now, even if it was a bit weird on Iris's end.

Iris's hand slowly left Luna's head and went to her side. As Iris continued to look at her sister she spoke, same tone and volume.
" Well... We should leave after we find an entra person to go with us. You don't need any ammo for your gun do you? "

Iris had ammo to spare, she didn't want Luna to take ammo from Jesse if she had extra.
Re: Iris's room


"Two clips... Sufficient for our purposes..."

Luna confirmed this as she reached underneath her pillow and pulled out her gun, looking it over to make sure it was still in working condition.

(Quick post here, I'm a tad busy with some work today :p)
Re: Iris's room

(( We're going to have to take a rain check on that trip to the fire department. We're going on a massive rescue misson instead. We're going to need two cars for this. ))

Iris got up from the bed, stretching slightly. Iris began walking over to where she left her backpack. As Iris began to pick it up she said something to Luna.
" Two clips? I think I can spare that. "

Iris began looking into her backpack to see what she had and how many 9mm clips of ammo she has.

* Iris checks how many clips of ammo she has.*
Re: Iris's room


"No... I have enough."

Confirming that the clip within her gun was still full, Luna picked up her sword on the ground and secured it onto her weapons belt, similar to the fashion of the Director.


"Let me know when you're ready to go..."
Re: Iris's room

Iris nodded at what Luna said as she put her backpack on herself. Looking at her sister, Iris spoke.
" Alright. Ill come for you when I find someone to come with us. "
Iris then went for the door to leave the bedroom.

* Iris leaves the bedroom.*
Re: Iris's room

(Braindead so...)

Luna, not having anything to do in the room, decides to follow Iris from a distance away, shadowing her to ensure no harm in any form came to her.

(Action: Stalk Iris.)
Re: Iris's room

Without ever seeing Luna Iris had given up on trying to find a third party member and went back to her inn room. Not seeing Luna inside confused her a bit, but Iris was sure she would be back soon. Done with working for the moment Iris got in bed to sleep...
Re: Iris's room

Opening the door slightly to check on Iris, Luna then gently closed it again as she opted to lean against it, holding her sheathed blade in hand as she began to "stand guard" once more...

(Filler post.)
Re: Iris's room

Luna stood against the door, nodding off slightly as she did her best to conserve as much energy as possible for the looting run to come. This time around, she had allowed herself the luxury of keeping her other eye partially closed, having become “accustomed” to the security provided by the Inn’s guards thus far. There was no need for her to overexert herself in a situation that didn’t require it, better to put more effort where it was actually needed… or so she thought.

”Last Siesta of the Bloody Moon! I’ve finally found you!”

Luna’s eyes shot wide open at the sudden mention of the name given to her by the media from the pre-apocalyptic world, fully alert and ready to react… a moment too late. Receiving a powerful knee to the chest, followed by a brutal headbutt, the brown-haired girl gasped in pain before she was hurled with such force that she flew into the room, crashing into the desk. The onslaught did not stop there however, as when Luna attempted to draw her weapons, she was leapt upon by her assailant, who swatted them away and proceeded to put their hands upon the vigilante’s neck.

”You! You! You! You’re the one who took everything from me! Give them back! My mother, my father! Everything! GIVE THEM BACK!

Disarmed and on the verge of being suffocated, things did not look well for Luna…
Re: Iris's room

Iris's mind suddenly awoke as loud sounds and screaming came out of nowhere. Iris's eyes shot open and she sat up. Her half asleep mind attempted to grasp what was happening, her blurry eyes attempted to see. It took a minute for Iris to finally understand what was happening. Some girl was chocking Luna to death! Iris was in shock from what was happening. Only a few seconds after Iris knew what was happening she acted. Iris began speaking as she quickly got from the bed and charged the girl.
" Get... Get off of her!"

Iris ran from her bed and smacked right into the girl with her left shoulder, knocking the girl right off of Luna. The girl went forward, landing on her side. Before the girl could get up or move Iris had pulled out her 9mm handgun from its holster, pointing and aiming at the girl. Iris held the weapon shackily. She was still in shock at what was happening. Glacing over to Luna Iris saw how she had been battered by the girl.

Iris put her focus back on the girl, still aiming her gun at her. In a shocked and almost scared voice Iris began to speak.
" Who.. Who are you? Why did you attack my sister?! "

Iris kept aiming, keeping her focus on the odd blonde girl who had assulted Luna.
Re: Iris's room


"Sister... leave her be. She...does not deserve death just yet."

Coughing up blood in the midst of her speech, Luna slowly got to her feet, a bit shaken from the sudden assault. Ironically enough, despite having gone on a "high risk" mission the previous day, the vigilante had been injured more by a girl who was half her size rather than a the supernnatural being that she had helped fight.

"Are you looking down on me again? Showing me mercy because you consider me to be too weak?!"

The blonde, child like, girl screamed at Luna again once she got up again, kept immobile only by the gun that was trained on her, which she was observing as she spoke, looking for a chance to safely disarm the wielder.


"Sister...please. This is something I need to take care of myself."

Having retrieved her sword, Luna shifted herself into a combat stance, the flat of the blade facing outwards...
Re: Iris's room

Iris had no plans on shooting the girl. Iris may not of been able to shoot her if she got up and attacked this moment. Iris only hoped the blonde girl didn't figure that out. Iris's fright level rose a bit as she heard Luna cough up. Iris hoped the girl hadn't hurt Luna badly. Iris kept her gun trained on the girl, even after Luna spoke. Iris started speaking to Luna, but kept her eyes on the blonde girl, Iris was not about to let her get a chance to attack.
" Luna we don't have to harm her... Please, just tell me, who is this girl? Why did she attack you? Who is she?"

Iris didn't want to hurt the girl, she just wanted to know who she was and why she had attacked Luna. Iris thought about why this young looking girl would attack Luna for a moment, having a bit difficulty as she had just woken up and was still in shock. Had Luna done something to her?
Re: Iris's room

The blonde girl growled as she spoke, looking as if she was about to pounce, having realized that Iris wasn't a killer like her sister was.

"Fleur Loir... the daughter of the man SHE MURDERED."

Deciding to gamble on whether or not Iris would shoot, Fleur leapt at Luna, only to be deflected skillfully to the side by a counter. Turning for another pounce at her opponent once again, the small girl failed to realize that her adversary had purposely repositioned herself to her advantage. Falling right into a trap, the girl found herself caught in the bedsheets that had been thrown into the air in a split second, before being slung towards one of the walls of the room. Stunned from the impact, a disoriented Fleur attempted to get back on her feet, only to fail as her opponent mounted onto her back and restrained her in a manner she was unable to break away from.

"Let me go let me go let me go let me g-"

The blonde girl's struggling was cut short as Luna's blade stabbed into the ground, only a few millimeters away from Fleur's face. Continuing to restrain the "child" as she spoke, the red eyed girl had donned a mostly emotionless mask as she spoke...


"Iris... bring me some rope please... Or something that can take its place."
Re: Iris's room

(( Because rope is free at the shop want to assume there is some beside the bed?))
Re: Iris's room

((Sure, we can just count it as some of the "essentials" brought along in the backpack...))
Re: Iris's room

At the very moment after the young girl was trapped by Luna Iris put her weapon away. Hearing Luna request rope Iris slowly nodded as she went and got the five yards of rope she had gotten a while back. With rope being free Iris had gotten some from Jesse. That was before Iris had made her cry and embarrised her.

As Iris got the rope she thought of what the blonde girl had said. She was the daughter of the man that Luna... Murdered...? Iris knew Luna had to of done some bad things in the past, seeing the condition she was in now, seeing how she ripped apart that woman back on their last mission and spread the remains all over the walls. Iris didn't know how she would react if Luna really had killed this young girls family.

As Iris picked up the rope she walked back to Luna and handed it to her. As Iris handed her the rope Iris quietly muttered out-
" Luna... Please don't hurt her... "
Iris didn't want this young and innocent looking girl hurt. She had hurt Luna but... Well Iris didn't like people hurting one another at all.
Re: Iris's room

((And now for some comedy within the drama...))


"She has yet to become unclean...There is no reason for me to punish her more than what she deserves..."

Beginning with the arms, Luna proceeded to use a myriad of strange and... questionable "techniques" in tying the girl up, techniques learned from a person in a rather "shady" line of business. Fleur of course, expressed her outrage not only at being tied up, but the manner in which she was being bonded.

"Unclean? Who gave you the right to ju- Wait where the hell are you- Ahhnn...No stop don't tou-"

The end result, after a period of... "curious" and possibly embarassing "rope work" (depending on perspective) on Luna's part, was an oddly flushed Fleur, who was tied in a manner that seemed reminiscent of something out of a "risque" film. It should be noted that Luna remained completely emotionless, even as she backed off from the blonde girl to inspect her work.


"Finished... she should be unable to move..."

Whether Fleur had been immobilized due to the bind itself, or the embarassment during the ropework would remain a mystery as the interrogations began...