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RPG RPG Maker Shota [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~ (RJ189682)

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Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

The trial seems to be out on dlsite and it has a whooping 27 MB....
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

decrypted the game and loooks like its most of the game but hes ripped out all the scenes so im guessing you can go far but will have no scenes as there is only one in the folder
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Shame on my head, but can anyone upload demo elsewhere? Even with locale emulator I'm getting an error in BGM file with broken after zip unfolding katakana name (even if I rename it in real katakana, not broken). May be in rar, I don't know.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Took care of most of the intro, the menus, names, and some choices in a quick RPGMakerTrans patch for the trial. If there's identical text in the full version it should be applicable there too, though I do plan to make updates. Should help make machine-assisted playthroughs more bearable.

Here's the thread, let me know what you think!:)
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Took care of most of the intro, the menus, names, and some choices in a quick RPGMakerTrans patch for the trial. If there's identical text in the full version it should be applicable there too, though I do plan to make updates. Should help make machine-assisted playthroughs more bearable.

Here's the thread, let me know what you think!:)

Thanks for this :)
Do you plan on doing a full translation for this in the future?
Also how's the translation of the h-scenes in Mirielle - Medichine & Magic coming along?
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Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Thanks for this :)
Do you plan on doing a full translation for this in the future?
Also how's the translation of the h-scenes in Mirielle - Medichine & Magic coming along?

You're welcome. I wrote up a more thorough reply about Mirielle for you in its own thread. This patch was mostly for fun, I can all but guarantee I won't complete a 100% patch. I had a headache and 100 F fever that day with not much to do, yet the trial has a unique charm that caught me by surprise. So I thought I'd try to share that sense of fun a little.

My goal for any partial is to make machine-assisted play easier, meaning I'll target proper names, menus, items, directions/instructions, and choices (but only when I can tell the context/think up good English for it). If I see any fun dialogue I might go for it too. I'll almost assuredly update this once the full version comes out, but as I have three other projects I'm working on, I need to pace myself.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Anyone know how to get to the recollection room?

I got a scene that can only be viewed there.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

In previous games, the developer has used characters from the anime and games. This time main character,frome another "anime" or original from developer? I can not find the character.

sorry for bad english)
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Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Anyone know how to get to the recollection room?

I got a scene that can only be viewed there.

You can't access the recollection room. It says that right after you get the message.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Some english in the thread-title would be appreciated, it's basically indistinguishable from any other moonrunes thread-title at the moment.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

I noticed there was a "Squirt Gun" item and some alternate costumes in the trial. Has anyone found how to get those, or is it only accessible in the full game?
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

I have no idea what to do. Looks like I can have the children do a surprise test and the mischievious kid either gets good points or bad points. Then the same kid keeps flipping the heroines skirt outside town.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

The bestest I've done is farmer+kid prank and 2nd neghbour's visit when she both times dokun-dokun'ed. Going to the 2nd party is insta-end atmjust after, no?
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

man this is taking ages to be released wonder how much bug testing hes doing.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Welp its now feb and still not released, the amount of buygs or data lost must be legendary.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Ha-ha, not as much as his back-up management
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Blog Update!

Looks like the game was already submitted so we should be getting it in the near future. He also apologized for the wait, how nice of him.
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

Can't wait. Aaaaaaa!:D
Re: [鳥籠] イタズラ戦争~小さな離島の物語~

im buying this game!

must support this author!
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