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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(first stairway was NE, second was SW, third is therefor almost certainly NW or SE, right? Well, NW is gone and now I'm heading for NE before I finally end up at the SE. Damn.)

Jamie spots the access hatch and moves through it warily.

Who the hell puts a greenhouse in a basement, anyway? Wouldn't it be better to put it on the roof?

Unless... unless you were trying to hide something. And anything I really need to be afraid of here would have to be hidden, wouldn't it? Damn damn damn, I'm going to be freaking out at every plant I see, now...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(I'm not tellin ^_^)

Jamie crawls through the hatch and is in a much different setting. Looking around at a desert landscape confuses her to no end. She notices the enclosure travels to the south. Again the lighting is extremely bright, causing her to squint. There are a few cactus like plants scattered about, but otherwise this is a desolate place.

Travel W/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

And of course it gets hotter. When I'm naked, it's 30 degrees and when I finally clothe myself it's a hundred. Well, at least it's a dry heat...

And who the hell puts a freaking *desert* in their basement? I mean, the greenhouse was bad enough, but at least there are some feasible reasons for it - like if they were growing pot. But a desert? What the hell do they *do* here!?

And why do I get the feeling I'll regret it if I find out?

Jamie begins the trek south, using her hands to shield her eyes now rather then her body, and seriously beginning to consider removing the curtain at least until she's out of the heat.

But no, I'm not taking anything off until I get home and file a police report, and I don't care *how* hot it gets.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

After cresting several sand dunes she sees a door that appears to lead back out to the main room in the South. Quickening her pace, she continues her trek.

(You are getting some boring rolls lol)

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Well on the one hand as Jamie boring roles are probably good - I mean, I want to win! Of course on the other hand, I wouldn't be playing if I didn't also want to lose...)

(In short, I want to win but then find out that 'winning' actually means that while you still get raped for the rest of your life, it's more then a few hours. :p)

Walking through the odd underground desert, half-blinded by the light, Jamie's mind drifted. It wasn't so bad in the greenhouse, when there was at least plenty to look at, but here it seemed to be either the inside of her eyelids or sand.

Then finally something new, a distant door, set in a distant wall.

Well that was boring... but better boring then exciting, I guess.

(Heh, I was going to have her hallucinate/daydream about the last few hours, but got bored half a line in and decided to move on instead of looking back. :p)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(So I assume she is going through the door?)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

When she finally reaches the door, Jamie unhesitatingly goes through it.

Can't get any hotter then a desert, right? Heh, desert sounds like dessert but isn't *actually* like dessert.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Thankful to be out of the heat, Jamie steps back into the humid "rainforest" main room. The path she is on forks to the West, East and South. There is a large plant about 8 feet in diameter and 4 feet high in the center of the path right in front of her. She moves closer to the plant when it seems to "react" to her presence, shacking in a hostile way.

Jamie DEF: 3 + 2
Plant HP: 4

Flee N/S/E/W(33%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

What the hell is this thing? Damn, it seems to be able to see me and move, just like those vines before. And... they were trying to rape me, weren't they? I bet they were! Well fuck you, plant!

Jamie raises her shovel and moves slowly toward the plant. She wants to go south, and that means past the plant, but that could be tricky if it's actually hostile.

First thing that moves I'm hitting you. And you know what? I'm hitting the first thing that doesn't move too, just for before.

(Jamie's not all out rushing a plant, she's creeping around the edge, but when she comes across a part of the plant - hostile or not - she's attacking.)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Focusing hard on the plant as she skirts the outside of it, she nearly misses the root or vine or whatever it was, sticking out of the gorund right in her path. when almost on top of it, she jumps, startled and swings the shovel at it with full force. The root surprisingly, or maybe not so, moves out of the way, but not before Jamie can get a piece of it. Again the whole plant shudders, but this time it seems like form pain. Suddenly, 4 large tentacles shoot out of the main body right at Jamie.

Jamie DEF: 3 + 2
Plant HP: 3

Flee N/S/E/W(50%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ha! Got you, you little... oh crap.

Jamie crouches a little and raises the shovel like a club.

"I didn't mean it!"

(Attack the first big vine to get near her)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie swings violently at the first barrage of tentacles. She is able to deflect them off their path to assault her, but every contact was a glancing blow. She seriously doubts that she did any significant damage to them. Her suspicions were proven when they circle back around for another attack.


Jamie DEF: 3 + 2
Plant HP: 3

Flee N/S/E/W(50%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Right, this isn't going well, I should run. I mean it's just a plant, it can't follow me, right?

But it's too late, the vines are coming back. She makes one more swing at it before she can make the decision to run off for real.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie again swings at the second pass of flying tentacles. This time she catches one of them with the edge of the shovel, severing the last 6 feet or so clean off. The plant again shudders in pain, this time relasing a cloud of pollen into the air.

Jamie DEF: 3 + 2
Plant HP: 2

Flee N/S/E/W(67%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie takes advantage of the shudder in the plant to try to dart out of range, to the south.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie flees south. During her flight, one tentacle darts past her on the right side, but she is able to jump it before capturing her. After running for a moment or two, she takes in her surroundings. There are hatch doors to two more enclosures to her South and West, with a path deeper into the main rainforest to the East.

(flee successful)

Jamie DEF: 3 + 2

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, that worked almost surprisingly well. Stupid plants, gaining the ability to sense their surroundings and move. What kind of scientist reinvents the animal?

Well a damn good one, to do that kind of genetic manipulation, but seriously!

Jamie moves East as she pontificates.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Pondering the metaphysical ramifications of sentient plants, she comes to yet another crossroads. This time the path only travels to the North and South.

Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ah, here we are. That woman told me the stairs would always be in the corners, and I've checked both western corners, and now it seems I've come to the easternmost wall. Since this place has a ridiculous building plan that apparently doesn't include a stairway all the way from the top to the bottom, I've concluded that it is intended to be a maze. If it was randomly generated, there's no best answer so whichever I pick is equally good. If I assumed 'they' wanted me to travel as far as possible between stairs, it'd always be in the SW or NE... but if I assumed they wanted something that *looked* random, they'd avoid the back-and-forth that implies.

So, South it is.

Jamie proceeds south, reasonably happy with the logic, giving herself about a 70% chance of having picked the right answer.

Assuming this is even the eastern wall...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie follows the southern footpath, taking in all the plant life. After a few moments, she realizes that the path is arching slightly to the east. Turning a corner, she sees a wall with an opening with a curtain hanging in it.

Search the area
Travel N/E
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