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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

When Jamie awakens, the first thing she becomes aware of is the odd smell. Then she opens her eyes and sees black, lacy cloth. It all comes back in a flash - finding herself in this place the first time, the fight with the robots and the subsequent rape, the journey through the greenhouse and deserts and finally the fight with the sandworm, then falling into a pit, and finally escaping only to find the huge 'plant'.

And then her desperate and very short fight against it, and... what it did to her.

"Doctor D" enjoyed that, didn't he? He kidnapped me and now he's getting his rocks off watching all his monsters rape me. Only... why bother letting me free each time he had me unconscious and naked? He could have just tied me to that lab table and let whatever he wanted in with me for a few minutes.

Maybe he enjoys watching me try to escape, try to fight, as much as the other? But that only matters to me if I actually *can* escape. Would he let me, if I manged to get through all his sick 'tests'? I can imagine the kind of guy who'd find it hilarious to let me think I can escape when he's really just going to stick me back on the bottom level each time I get to the top... and I can also imagine the kind of guy who wouldn't find watching me fight interesting unless there were a chance I could actually win.

Ugh, and he just had to shove the thong in my face, didn't he? Getting raped wasn't bad enough for him, he wants me to know how my body responded to those god-damned aphrodisiacs.

And it worked - upon realizing the cloth on her face was her thong, and that the wetness was her... lubrication... a blush came over her face.

And then she saw the note. And the cuts in the waistband. Jamie threw the worthless cloth away as hard as she could.

Jamie leaves the room, trying to make as little noise as she can, covering her breasts with one arm and her still-damp sex with the other.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie steps out of the stairwell to the south and into a dark hallway, much like the one on the lowest level. Only this time she hears the sound of water trickling. The dark hallway travels to her south.

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, last time they stripped me naked and raped me unconscious, they were nice enough to leave some underwear outside the door. For all the good it did me...

Jamie takes a good look around before she continues south.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie looks all around her immediate vicinity, but cannot seem to find anything; clothes or otherwise.

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Damn... well, it was worth a try. At least I haven't seen anything with eyes in a while...

Jamie continues south down the hallway.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie travels down the hallway a bit when she is encountered by a man in what almost looks like a wet suit. The man looks at her confused, then states "Hey, you can't be here! What are you doing on this level?"

Jamie DEF: 3
Man PH: 2

Flee N/S (67%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Bah, and here I thought it'd be far too cynical of me to suggest that an aquarium level would surely follow the greenhouse level...)

(Also, is it just me or am I on the forth level now, when nobody else is past the second? I mean, nobody else has lost twice either, but...)

Jamie considers her options, keeping herself covered as best she can.

Lets see... I'm unarmed, have no skill at fighting, and I'm in the middle of a strange building full of people and *things* that are trying to rape me for someone's amusement. Oh, and did I mention that I'm naked and still recovering for being forced to orgasm myself into unconsciousness?

"Please help me! They raped me! Please, I just want to go home! I swear I'll never tell!"

And if you take a step towards me or make a remark about 'cute' or 'sexy' or god help you if you mention my hair, I'll kick you in the balls.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Ava/Keylo is on the third level)

The man takes a cautious step forward, putting his hands into the air in front of him. "Woah woah slow down hun. Who raped you?" He looks either confused or conniving; either caring or contriving (yay for alliteration!)

Jamie DEF: 3
Man HP: 2

Flee N/S (67%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie thinks quickly, hoping that this man might help her.

Well lets see... first there were those spider-robots, then that giant plant... that sounds crazy now that I'm about to say it out loud. As far as I know, the stairs past the plant are the only way down, but this guy looks like he's wearing a wetsuit, and I don't remember a pool or anything down there. He's probably never been on those levels, then. He... might not believe me. Lie.

"The... the security guard on B-4. He started calling me names, and I told him not to touch me, but he said he was going to do 'way more then touch you, sweet cheeks' and then he... he..."

While she speaks, Jamie thinks back to the feeling she had when the spider-bot first penetrated her and a tear runs down her cheek, which is suddenly bright red. She starts to move a hand up to wipe it away, but at the last moment remembers why her arm is across her chest.

(And the 'kick him in the balls if he tries to touch me' thing is still in effect).
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

The diver looks at Jamie, trying not to stare at the naked woman in front of him. "The guard tried to rape you did he? I bet that was Stan. Stan has a thing for cute redheads like yourself..." He slowly approaches her, and is about 5 feet away from her when he opens his arms and says. "Come here, I'll take care of you. Dr. D won't mind what I'll... we do."

Jamie DEF: 3
Man HP: 2

Flee N/S (67%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie backed away a little bit, trying to cover herself better - a difficult task when you have three major things to cover and two hands.

"Stop there! Don't come any closer!

What exactly will 'you'... we... do?"

I swear, one more step toward me and he'll be coughing up his family jewels!
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

The diver stops in his tracks. He begins to chuckle under his breath.

"Well, I'll take you back to my quarters of course. You didn't honestly think I'd let you walk out of here did you? I have a job to protect. Dr. D. pays the lot of us very well."

With that he leaps at Jamie, intent on catching her off guard. His speed amazes Jamie and she doesn't have time to think before he has knocked her up against a wall, piunning her there.

(crit hit)

Jamie DEF: 1
Man HP: 2

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie doesn't respond out loud, instead attempting to knee the man in the groin with all her might.

I thought I might run into somebody with a shred of human decency.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie hits the man with a swift knee in the groin. Expectantly, he steps several paces backward, grabbing his crotch. In an amusingly high pitched voice he says "How DARE you!" before assuming a defensive posture.

Jamie DEF: 1
Man HP: 1

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"How dare I? Do you even listen to yourself?"

Jamie goes for his groin again - with a kick this time - hoping he'll get the idea and leave her alone.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie's naked leg reaches out and kicks the man right in the groin. This time he lets out a high pitch squeal that would make the chipmunks proud before falling to the ground. She looks around, confident he is down for the count, pondering her next move.

Jamie DEF: 1
Man HP: 0

Search the area
Search the body
Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie does a quick check of the man's body - it seems unlikely that someone in a wetsuit could have much useful on them, but one never knows.

Hell, I don't suppose he's anywhere near my size...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Searching the body, she doesn't find anything very useful. She checks the man's dive suit to see if it would fit, but, alas, it does not. She looks around, trying to figure out were to go from here.

Jamie DEF: 2

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, it was worth a try.

Jamie moves on, to the south, giving the man a kick as she walks by.

(Welcome back!)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)


Jamie's kick jars his arm away from his body. Jamie fails to see this and awkwardly trips over the man's arm. She is able to recover but hopes that there are no cameras currently pointed on her.

Jamie travels south and discovers the rushing sound of water's source. In the wall to her East there is a small opening that is allowing water to cascade down the wall and into a small pool that appears waist deep and covers the hallway from left to right. Both the hallway and the "river" travel to the south.

Jamie DEF: 3

Search the area
Travel N/S
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