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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sola nods and scratch softly her beautiful pink hair than reach to her shoulders. I guess... there maybe arent books about this kind of drems, but if i sleep again, with the time maybe i could find more. The elf then lay close her lover until this chuckle and call her attention, Sola was curiouse about what has made Jean suddenly so happy and when she heard the question, she mostly blush and giggle softly. Maybe, i actually would love to show to all how much we love each other. As maybe looking a us coud make anyone look to do the same for theirs loved ones.

Sunflower have the delightful elf all for herself, but give to this the chance to choice again in what to take their time, also heard than she could name the alien her mother made her get filled with joy, the one than Sunflower could see at her face before she shared the warm emotions coming from Sola.

Ahm, is an idea than i get after read some funny games of ours owners in the wall some time ago, actually the game is very easy and funny. I will try to red any thing or article, you can choice any topic or i could choice randomly, as i look and read about it you will try to make me lost myself, touching me in any way than you want. I will win if i can teach you about that topic or you reach first to cum aloud, but if you make me reach it first you can punish me and find a way to make it harder for me at the next round. Sola was really excited to try this, she was already getting wet with just thinking in what could Jean do to her and certainly Jean have advantage on this if she do it right.

Sex Duel Quiz Game

Both have a stamina bar and orgasm meter, both of these are hidden the first round, to make this quickly each post could have three rounds and the player can decide topics to meet more about the world or maybe get interesting and useful information with luck.

Sunflower always start the round and choice what kind of atack to choice, these can be foreplay, single or double penetration and magic, each of these have pros and cons. Foreplay will not place too much pleasure in both what is a safer bet but couldnt make Sola cum, Solo and dual penetration increase the pleasure earned by both girls and magiic can be added to any of these three choices, but the focus and pleasure could increase in Jean, but also on Sola.

Bassically choice any of the three and if you want to add magic too. Also you can choice the topics or Sola will choice for her. If you win Sola can get punished in any way, but maybe if she win would do the same to Jean
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower coughed, blushing at Sola's logic. "Around here maybe. Where I'm from, you'd probably get arrested."

She paid close attention as Sola mentioned her kinky game. "Um... Okay, if you wanna? Heh, not much non sexualized out here it seems."

Sunflower mused a bit before shrugging. "Well, you pick a topic. I'm not very familiar with what possible topics there are out there. Lemme know when to start."

She pressed up against Sola, awaiting her chance to begin teasing and pleasuring her partner and try to distract her. She figured it might be good to see how well Sola operated under pleasure as well.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Uhm, Arrested? Sola ask back maybe confused but smiling by how her lover reacted. I read some of that arrest stuff, not so usual between ours owner race, but that is when someone do bad to others and we are one and we love us, maybe i missunderstand the meaning as its hard to believe than show our love could be bad. The elf looks to suppose than there was not a way than her actions could be so terrible for a punishment of the laws at Sunflower's world and just thinking about that make her chuckle by how irrasional could be. After all the fruits and humans like Sunflower were similar and they were a very weak specie to live alone without share their love and seed as much as possible, dont do it would mean their extincion by the many depredators than wanted to turn them into their dinner.

With Sunflower accepting, the elf giggle and hug her lovely. Im not the only one than want it, isnt? We share all, so im sure than you were waiting some entretainment too and in this way we can train ourselves at the same time. The cant deny it really, have such sweet body available always to her lustful being was just something than she glad the gods, the truth was than touch Sola was addictive and in the right way, there was something new on her and slowly the elven fruit was earning more of the human to be able to act for herself, earning more ways to care for Sunflower and help her so both could hold each other in this and any other world.

Are you sure? Hmm, what should be good to start? Sola frowned cutely as her eyes tried to find a good topic for the first round, as the large list scroll down Sunflower could see than Sola read pretty fast to let her see something at the screen words until the point than it looks than she was not reading and just stop in a sudden sentence.

"Encyclopedia of Wild depredators on crops" Uhm...ahm, im a little scared... but im glad than this is a book and not a documental. Sola said with her voice cut in fear, she soon get closer to Sunflower who pressed too ending the light elf over the human lap and needing being hug so she could open the link.

Sex Duel Stats

Sunflower 146 stamina 55/0 Orgasm metter
Sola 95 stamina 95/0 Orgasm metter

Rounds first match: 3

23 vs 2, 13 vs 2, 27 vs 2 .............. Sola likes scary movies to turn warm herself

Damage: 23, 72, 6= 1 orgasm 11 damage on stamina

With the elf giving the opening to Sunflower to start, she get ready to read the whole report, it was a long one, but the elf could easily fly through all that, but not against what her lover was hidding for her. Her weak words were describing many ways than the monster of this planet have to use her kind, there was at least 552036 races around the world than use them to feed of theirs fluids and bassicaly they were the lower echelon on the chain food.

Her moans escape soon, and she squirm at the hold than the human have on her, but if she dont continue talking this will get longer. Cold... ah my...my nipples are getting so hard, i cant hold it more.

With what Sola manage to teach before cum aloud and wet herself, Sunflower learned most of how the monsters of this planet works to fuck theirs victims and what they were able to do to her and any human. They dont aim to kill or eat the met, but a fruit would be fucked until maybe get broken or used as breeden sacks for them as also parasite them and fuck others of her kind.

Round two

Sola rested on her lover's embrance, she stop her search and turn back to Sunflower with an apologize look by dont hold her word to endure no matter than it was just a little foreplay. Im ready for my punishment, please dont be soft my love. We must train and i know than i can resist anything than you place on me, this time.

Sunflower then went and look around until find at the little alien room some vibrators than she placed on the elven's breasts before they get ready to the second topic

"Change on crops to increase production" I guess... it will be helpful, yes lets start soon... i havent seen these things so close, why you placed them on my breasts? Sola ask, still with some tears of joy by the effects of the cold magic on her breasts. She then prepare all, the things vibrated making her gasp and whimper before start reading and then Sunflower make her best dick enjoy again so perfect hole on Sola.
5 turns to end the reading
29 vs 20, 32 vs 18, 15 vs 20, 18 vs 27, 8 vs 22

Orgasm meter damage
Sola:17, 59, 37, 18, 49 2 orgasms
Sunflower:9, 2, 33, 76,78 3 orgasms

Stamina Damage
Sola: 10, 16
Sunflower: 2, 11, 2

The already effect on the first match made this pretty easy at the start for Sunflower, quickly Sola was half moaning between her words to describe the multiple ways than they have to improve them, most of them were used in theirs trees and fruits before they born and then more at the lab, giving positive results to prolong their useful reproductive time and life time.

However, not only the elf was loving this, the feels of love and lust from Sola were getting shared to Jean too and her dick just was in love for that baby hole than Jean was unable to hold herself too much before moan too.

Sola was unable to hold herself for too much and her walls pressed making Sunflower get lose in her endurance to fill her and so both moan aloud and together for maybe minutes, the elf pussy was just amazing and the pleasure on Sola mixed with the own of Jean making the human cum without stop.

... i guess...we lost? Sola manage to say as her body recover of such pleasure. The punishment then come and meanwhile Sola said than she will decide it later, Jean already have the tool to place the punishment on her lover, placing more vibrators on the petite elf who whimpered by what this mean.

Round 3

Sola was breating hard, still very aroused to think twice on stop and Jean was also so excited to think too much when the last match started. she was 1-0 over Sola as the last match was a tie.

A... a book about myths for childrens? The elf mostly pointed quickly and she shaked her head and look more down at the list until smile.

"Physics laws on space and space ship developments". Yes, this...this looks to be a long book~

Sunflower could feel than Sola was really aiming to fuck her than to teach her something this time and she was very horny too to care about it so she dont care more and placed the elf up again, using this time her dual dicks before the elf started reading what make her squeak in surprise and so the round started or their sex continue...

7 attacks to end book

30 vs 14, 7vs 4, 29vs 24, 25 vs 8 22 vs 29, 17 vs 10, 12 vs 29

Orgasm damage

Sola:93, 142, 80, 144, 34, 146, 16 5+ orgasms
Sunflower: 5, 81, 16, 134, 78, 46, 110 6 orgasms

Stamina damage
Sola 16, 4, 16, 4, 9
Sunflower: 15, 1, 12, 20, 10, 9, 4
Sunflower 76/146 Stamina
Sola 86+(22)/95 Stamina "Faint"

The elf just moaned aloud the whole time, her words were just weak words of the remain of her breath as she bounce happily, mostly trying to teach as a secundary work and Sunflower was also just loving the fun of see her struggling to say something, the vibrators on her breasts and pussy as also the magic added by Jean made her just unable to do much at her defense, the duo cum for minutes and this was mostly just another of theirs matings but the tension of the challengue level up all.

Sola's ample breasts leaked her milk and her belly get round by the many loads placed on her. "Yes, yes i love it... ah ahm the materials... ohh the materials of the...ahh my belly is so warm ahh... no, the ship... the ship materi....ahhh again, i want but is so much...cum...ahh! The technology was so advance for Jean and the double dicks too much for the elven's mind and so both were struck cumming together and for a long time until in a loud last load placed on her Sola cum a last time before faint in the place pleased and fully bliss lust in her sleeping eyes than get closed.

Sunflower know than she has lost too this time, but Sola would need some sleep to recover of such amazing moment together.

[Sunflower won the fuck match by her huge stamina and pittyful dice damages placed on her. Choice a last punishment and decide how many Sola should think for Jean when she awake :3 ]
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"It's complicated. Sexual activity in public isn't allowed. I forget exactly why, but it just is and always has been. You'll get a lot of answers why. It being immoral, it not being proper for children to see, all sorts. But the long and short is it is.," shrugs Sunflower, "Sexual activity is for you and your married partner in private only. Some say only to reproduce and nothing more, though that's a minority. Fortunately that isn't an actual law."

Soon the contest began and Sunflower listened best she can even while working Sola over. It took some time, and she made Sola get off all three times, to her only going off once.

Sola herself had passed out at the end there before she could apply a punishment to her. She was curious what the submissive elf would decide to do. In the meantime she supposed Sola would be disappointed if she didn't get her third "punishment." sunflower hummed and got up and decided to look for a collar of some sort she could enchant to put on Sola, one that would give Sola a heavy jolt of pleasure whenever Sunflower willed it. It'd give her something to do while waiting for her mother to return as well.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The words given by Jean to make the elf understand where at least in her cute face having some problems to understand such terrible customs on the human's planet to make something so beautiful looks to be almost a taboo.

But then how our childrens could know about impregnate theirs loved ones or turn into one like us. Sola gasp for a moment as she get more images of all this deny mean, her eyes wet softly by thinking how this affect the ones on that land. W-what we love to do not only works to reproduce us, it help to connect us and understand each other, feel and make bonds... It make me feels so sad think than this strange law could divide that poor people.

She then in her sadness hug Jean again, theirs sex drenched nude bodies pressed against each other for a moment until she could calm her heart a little. We are more than married, when you need it, i will be there and you for me, no matter if we cant share ours bodie so ussually, we would be deep connected and even if is against that law, ours babies must learn from our example what is be loved. Maybe Sola tried to understand and accept the customs from the human's planet, but really she couldnt give up in all, ussually sumise, this time Sola would plant herself to teach to theirs decendents parts of her traditions when the time come, Jean could be sure of it, as she could sense that not so often rebeld needs from the pink haired elf.


It would take a while to Sola to recover of that intense sexual game, Jean was now more close to understand some topics of this land thanks to it, she now could understand the parasites who attacked her, they were looking to host her body and break her to get more juices from her, the fortune to have someone like Sola to be used to save herself was a blessing.

She also learned than she has changed in part for Sola genes and some more for the alein race, maybe she could live more than an usual human now or maybe fruits live much less, at least she know than she will never get old externaly, just as Sola her body would looks young as this day then as the time pass she would look as a sexy MILF in her last years.

Sunflower could see a strange device who was in the same place as the vibrators, it was on all the time, there was some kind of controls on it and a light on this get illuminated when she point with it to where the vibrators on Sola are. There was a line close the word slaw, then the bar goes up until the word max, the control also have a button to turn it on or off.

Fortunately close the strange objects than she found to use on Sola, there was also a leather collar with a leash, she could use this or a metal more fashion collar between her mother and cousin things, this one was pink in some parts and dont have any name in the front what Sunflower could use to write any word on it with her magic, as also enchant it.

No matter which she choice, Sola will remain sleeping and helpless so she could place it on her, her cousin would be there soon in an hour maybe, so she could do many things or just wait.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"By telling, not showing. And my species doesn't have these connections, not on the same level you do. Love is there but we don't bind minds and souls like you and I did. Everyone's minds are separate, forever. Barring magic anyways., shrugs Sunflower.

She observes Sola's reaction and sighs a bit. "Well, we can make our own place where there's no such laws then. After all, there's plenty uncharted places we can claim in, right?

It would seem she had learned a fair bit from the game after all. She supposed how much humanity she had left in her was up to question. She was increasingly some sort of inter dimensional chimera, a merging of every species she'd come into contact with. She still looked human though. Mostly. Though how long that would hold true remained to be seen.

She peered through the collars. The ornate one was nice but she didn't want to presume just yet. Maybe they needed these or they were special. She settled for slipping the leather collar and the leash unmodified on Sola. She'd ask later if she could have it.

For now however she decided to go back to this talk about ships that Sola had been looking at before she got off. These ships had been mentioned a few times now and she wanted to know more.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The young elf srelease Jean from her huge, cleaning her face of any teardrop as she softly shake her head. I could live in any place than you want my love, but of course than i would choice this place if you give me to choice, as is my natal land... But if you decide to choice another pleace for us instead this peaceful world, i just want to ask to you than we can show our love to our childrens when you think than they are ready. Sola answer,without lust on her words and if this were most a tradition of their kind with such roots to avoid using the Earth laws agains depravation.


With Sola moaning happily in her sleep thanks to the vibrators, Jean have a long time to do anything, she soon decide to use this time to look at the report than tehy were looking and soon she noticed a lot of strange numbers and formules, lines and simbols. Other part looks to be alchemy recipes, strange metal names and liquids to produce huge flames, there were some spacial suits sketches in some parts and astrology/astronomy data... many things mixed so this strange huge ship fly through the sky and get close the stars.

There would be many questions than she will need to find answers asking someone or traveling, most of this knowledge than she understand wouldnt be possible without the bond with Sola what helped her to understand part of it.


After some hours the door on the entrance door opened and the young alien girl voice was heared as this walks to the kitchen, leaving her things on the floor. After eat maybe she would rest a little, but Jean could take this chance to talk with her or wait for Sola to wake up.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower had trouble understanding most of what was happening here, but the giant fire propulsion thing certainly fascinated her. She'd need to ask someone to demonstrate that to her sometime. She'd love to recreate it, or weaponize it to her benefit.

Her thoughts were cut off though by the return of her cousin. She smiled a bit and decided to go say hi, now that she had a translator in her that would keep her from hurting her.

"Hey, did you get those papers you needed? I looked all over and did what you said when I found them.," she said casually as she stepped inside, "Your Aunt finally made me a translator. Also adopted me so I guess we're cousins now?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Opening the doors to reach the entrance room than was connected to the kitchen take maybe some minutes, so when she reach where her cousin was taking something to eat she notice the young alien sucking the breasts and pussy of a fox girl, certainly other of the fruits harvested in her garden.

Uhm...mhhnmm the papers, yes i got them at time... eh? who are you? She ask frowning when she opened her eyes after find out thanit was not her aunt who was talking to her. The shock of see a fruit talking, even one smart one of another plane was really intense and from her mouth and tentacles fall some precious juices and milk when she jump with a squeak to a side to protect herself behind the desk. I can heard her...how? her ponders not lasted so much of course as she blink hearing about the translator and yes hearing the adoption make her really have a lot of questions and troughts about her weird aunt.

Ah... she made that... well the next time try to give me time to eat and digest the first thing before another surprised idea of my crazy aunt. Please give me a minute. She said before use her back tentacles and take her food to the aliens bedroom.

It take her some minutes but then she get out with the fox girl muffed by a tentacle feeding the fruit beast between the porr fruit moans. She get close Jean and cough softly covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes look to a side and then add. Well, then i guess than i must say... Welcome to the family, is so strange and unnusual, we adop fruits as pets but not as cousins or daughters, not like i hate the idea... So what should we do now? Asked, as she dont know what Jean have in mind now, she was just aiming to asault the fridge.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Huh. Fruits came in kitsune variety? Fascinating. Well it made sense, she sorta recalled seeing cat girl fruits.

Sunflower smiled amusedly at the girls reaction, she waited patiently for her to finish her meal and return.

"Now? Well, I'd like to ask you a few things. First off, can I have that leashy thing? Me and Sola were playing a game and I'd like to enchant it so I can make her orgasm whenever I want. Part of the game, she insisted.," smiles Sunflower, before walking over with a smile.

"You're not... Scared of me are you? I wouldn't hurt you, not intentionally. And er, sorry about getting all excited and taking your first time... I hope you didn't mind. But I'm not used to feeling so... horny all the time..."

She tilts her head and looks at her. "Maybe we could do some stuff together though? If you don't mind dragging your weird cousin about, heh... I bet I can show you some neat tricks of my own?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Of course, you can use that leash or what you want to use in this house, I guess. The girl said still a little confused with the idea of have a fruit of another planet as a family. Actually if is to use your magic, you can use what you have in mind as we record it... dunno why you make that fruit cum in any moment... it make me wonder what kind of game are both playing. She frown in part, opening the glass door to put the fox girl inside, as she made that Jean could heard a huge quantity of muffed moans at the place where the fox girl would rest after be drained of her juices and milk in exchange of the tentacle cream.

Im not sure than you really can hurt me, but anyway you are a nice... person from another land. Also, i dunno why you must not be horny all the time, is normal here for your kind... i only have my aunt, so you shouldnt be worried for yours actions, i get maybe a little scary by the news but i will get used with the time,so there is not need to apologize. She said as she close the door and smile getting closer to hold the human's hand and let her guide her to that leashie thing than she need a lot.

Yes, sure i want to have some fun learning tricks, im sure than i can do my homework later...

im not sure why i feel so strange today... i had been eating a lot from the morning, but must be normal.
Said this she let Jean show her some enchantment magic, using the camera in the walls to record all for her and her aunt.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I've tried explaining this before, but where I'm from, we don;t come from fruits and sexuality is far less... Common. It exists but it's not something we do to eat or anything, only to reproduce. As for what we were playing, Sola wanted to play a game where she tries to teach me things and I try to make her orgasm. Three rounds and the winner get's to put sexual punishments to the loser. It's weird to me too. But yeah won twice, tied once."

Sunflower nods and moves to the leash, smiling at the camera thing. "Okay, so it's harder than it looks but still not too hard. I've never tried an enchantment of this type before but it's probably not that hard. Hell it might even be easier after everything that's happened."

She took the collar in her hand and began to chant, weaving magic into it. Was not her strong point but she wanted to ensure that it worked. She mused and ran a finger along her slit, hoping maybe the fluids could act as a catalyst for her intent.

"Been eating more huh... Maybe when we slept together it changed you a bit somehow? I have no idea."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Then how the people or your land get nutrients? Its hard to understand than there is other way to feed different of what all the races of this planet do... unless is like ours fruits than feed of us and the soil... The Alien girl accepted than there could be maybe strange ways to feed or sex, but she just cant get how that could be, maybe was particles of the air or fotosisntesis, all a mystery.

That game sound as some practice in the university than some students do there, of course than im not so old to be there, so i only heard rumors of that method of study as you play... or as you call have sex. Her words soon stop, as she prepare the many scaners and cameras to spot all what she can notice of this thing called magic, meanwhile Sola remain sleeping after such long mating or game, just giving a cute mumble when the collar was placed, her body turning to a side and hug herself as she squirm by the effect of the vibrators on her.

Amazing, so magic come from your reproductive hole... is that what i think is? She said after Jean used her juices pointing to the vibrators on Sola. Uhm, do you know how they work right? look you have the control on the floor, with this buttons you can increase and decrease the move and potence, the battery feed from the sun and any area with technology, so you will not have problems.

Her attention then returned to look at the leash and collar, she cant stop to chuckle a little by how Sola looks, but they were playing so she let this pass away. Yes, i had been eating without sattle my hungry, is so strange and my breasts feel a little odd, dunno maybe im just growing up.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Depends on the species but by the consumption of other things. Some creatures feed on plants. They eat grass and tree leaves and what not. Others devour the flesh of other creatures. Some do both. Some have other methods. some don't have to eat at all, or devour souls and life itself. My worlds a very dangerous and harsh place compared to yours. Why do you think I have such dangerous powers? I had to learn them to survive. Others learn to wield weapons. Fights happen over ideologies, resources, gods, and pure evil. I'm out here because creatures of pure evil are jumping through dimensions to invade my world. I'm following them back and they're using your world as a jumping point to mine."

"The game was sola's idea. Your mom plans to use us to make all the fruit girls as smart as we are. So you all might have intelligent companions. My world has no lack of intelligence. Some of it evil. Like tentacled brain controlling three eyed fish. Or see through monsters with large fangs that only want everyone to feel pain... But there's nice creatures too. Like the angels. They;re the polar opposite of the creatures invading us..."

"No, magic comes from other places. In my case my magic comes from my emotions. I get mad, then things get destroyed. But enchanting is far different. Anyone with magic can enchant. But magic is easier to do with implements and reagents. My birth mother's glove helps me channel my magic better. So without it since I'm making a sex related object I'm using sexual... Fluids in order to make enchanting easier. If I wanted to make a sword that burned with flame I would use something flammable on it."

Sunflower glanced at the controlling device. "Yeah I figured that's what would happen. I don't want to ruin her sleep though. Let's me concentrate on the enchantment too. Sola has magic too now. She can speak to your planet as something we call a Druid. If you want to try we could see if you can do magic of some kind too?"

She looked the girl over at her breasts feeling odd. "Huh, I know nothing about your biology, but maybe so. Maybe you;re sick? We'll ask your aunt when she get's home. We have stuff to talk about as a family anyways."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Im glad to had recorder all that... sounds very similar to feed of fruits, maybe more terrible by hurting until the point of kill a creature, you will never see so direct damage on this planet. I can get the idea of creatures using our planet to jump to another, after all you come from another dimension or something similar---... you dont need to risk yourself or move of this world, we could just cut the travel system in some way and it would be solved. Sunflower could get maybe the idea than the alein girl dont wawnted to her to leave, but if the demons could already make these dimensional tunnel they could do other.

Heard the rest about her aunt plan and the strange creatures was not more easier, the alien girl remain quiet for a while before nod ........yes, so glad to record all this. Look, im not someone to decide if is good or bad have more people like you, but what im sure is than any change created by add a new specie would produce a whole effect in all an ecosystem, but this cant be always bad soon or later all will get stabilized... is what happens in your world too with those poles, there is a balance, i suppose. Her words tried to give an answer to the information given by Jean what mostly made to digest it and remain calmed.

Ok, so magic is related to yours feelings and that other fruit hvae the abbility to talk with the planet... i only wonder what could the planet say her and... what is a sword?

The young alien mumble but decide to give more space to Jean to work, the fruit girl could see all the cameras record her nude body as she focus and place her nectar to do the enchantment, the one she needed to focus some to make it work.

I cant be sick, easily i could make me an scan... i also doubt than it could be a parasite, so only can be than dunno im turning into a woman~ She looks to be wishing for be matured enough to dont be called a teen girl, the adult world of them maybe was filled with more sex or chances to realize theirs wishes. Anyway of course than i want to use magic too, it could help me in some way and sound fun to pass the time, im not sure but out of do my homework get some magic must be interesting.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"It's the way life is there. Anyways theonly way to be sure the demons don;t find a loop hole is to seal the gate from their side.," smiles Sunflower, blinking, "...You that attached to me already? I mean, I like you too, but I didn't think you'd want to keep me around so hard..."

Sunflower shrugs at the comment. "Change is inevitable. I'm hoping your kinds less aggressive nature will avoid some sort of class struggle or what not. Just treat them like people, not as just objects to stick in a box when you're done with them and chances are they'll be happy being fed upon."

"Here name is Sola. And I'm not sure. I'm not a druid myself. But she's been having strange unhappy dreams. I'm almost certain that the world might be sensing the demons portal and is trying to ask her to fix it. But it's entirely conjecture. And a sword is a metal sharpened stick used to cut and stab your enemies to death. Looks like this but is metal.," says Sunflower, creating a sword of ice in her hand, before letting it melt away.

"Could be puberty. I've no idea how your species works to be honest. You all look kinda different. I just know you're all tentacled and feed off sex. Anyways, sit down there, I'm almost done."

Once Sunflower got the enchantment in place she sat down and took the girls hands in her own, and walked her through the exact same steps as she did with Sola. "Just try not to over do it. But hey who knows, maybe you'll learn divination. Always helps with homework to be able to see across space and time haha. Though chances are with this planet you'll probably learn enchantment, with is typical of most sex magic. though many kinds of magic can be sexual if improvised."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Attached to you? The alien answer unable to be ready for the fruit words. Of course than i like you and want than you stay with us, if my aunt adopted you is because this is the best place for you to stay. She said with a very calm tone, showing how obvious was not wrong try to make Jean stay there with her.

Just after Jean talked about Sola, her dreams and mostly giving an answer to the questions of the alien, the young one frown softly looking at the ice sword. So a sharpened metal to kill things, you say? She chuckle between words and in a single motion her hand go direct with all her strenght to the sharp point of the ice weapon, her quick move also hide when her other hand hold the base of the weapon so Jean dont get damaged by the move of her hand. In an instant Jean could only suppose than the hand would get pierced through, the move so fast to melt her weapon. In an instant the sword turned into dust and small pieces jump to all the room when both hands of the alien touch each other as if the weapon was of sand.

My aunt could do this if that sword was made of metal. She end with a giggle. Hello~ My race try to survive in the space and we can alter our genes. Any who aims to work in labs and the space have a bigger resistance than a young woman like me. Jean could get now an idea of the defensive capacity of the whole aliens, from the borth of their race, they never needed anything to defend themselves of the enviroment or the dangerous creatures on this world, however they were so peaceful and sex lovers to be a danger... they now have the technology to alter themselves and live easily in the space which was filled with dangers than the average human would be unable to resist even in the space suit than this race has made.

Jean who never get the time to melt her sword was given the time to calm and digest this new info of theirs hosts, certainly the hard skin of the alien girl not even feel so much the cold, she let it melt the ice dust as she let Jean continue. Not all are so lucky to start having tentacles, but yes they are so useful to dont have them... She wishper and then remain in silence, her eyes trying to see that enchantment than the human try now.

Sunflower could notice than her sex juices were the key for succeed without her glove, a good amount of magic was there and maybe more than magic was mixed in her nectar, something unique than increase her whole juices qualities. She then tried to focus on show the path of the magic to the alien as she has done with Sola, she tried to show her magic scent, of course than the young alien woman follow all the steps as the scholar than she is... However was not so easy as Sola, the bond at the young elf helped a lot and her conection to the world too. Meanwhile, this alien girl have a huge wall as skin, her inmunity to the enviroment was now against her knowledge for first time.

Uhm, i should be skipping a step, i cant sense anything similar of what you told me. She mutters worried than it was her fault, she tried to watch the recorded in the cameras to heard Jean instructions once again, meanwhile Jean must find a way to connect better with her or teach her the magic inside any living being.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Oh. No personal feelings on it other than if she says so huh?," blinks Sunflower curiously.

Sunflower yelps in surprise as the girl utterly devastated her faux weapon. "Holy... Well, er, that was still just ice! The real thing is way more dangerous and durable! Especially when they are enchanted. Maybe your mom will be alright though. Still, I;m not really sure what this Space is. Is that what you call like the stuff around the moon and all that? Yeah only the undead can go there. Dead things that walk. And some dark creatures that make you go insane just by seeing em. And other things that don't breathe..."

She shakes her head a bit. "I can't deny I am really jealous though. I mean I've skills that no one here can really match easily. But you and your aunt or so much stronger and more durable and have such strange abilities. That;s long the norm for my world though. Humans are very weak. We survive by adapting, numbers and the skills of powerful individuals. Orcs are more numerous and stronger but lack the discipline to have many mages like me or make their own armor and weapons. Giants are larger and stronger but lack numbers. And Dragons... Well very very few things in the world can match a dragon. A magic flying lizard that never stops growing, is smarter than most entities, have magic that can match the greatest of mages, the physical power to tear mountains apart and nigh unpiercable scales and can exhale deadly power... So well, when I see things like all of you I get jealous. Though I'm barely human anymore with all the different stuff running through me now, heh."

Sunflower hummed as the enchantment seemed to be going very easily. "Strange. This is normally not so easy but not only is it working it's almost like my fluids have become a powerful magic conductor..."

At the difficulty the girl was having, Sunflower hummed a bit, looking her over. "Sounds like your natural defenses might be interfering, hmm... Sola seemed to adapt quickly because we share bond and genetics... Is there a way to do something similar...?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Hmm?... The alien girl needed a moment to get the question before hang her head to a side and answer. I preffer your fruit juice over the rest. Also, you went pretty far taking my first time, but i accepted, so yes... there are personal feelings for you to ask you to stay. She of course blush when the topic of her virginity was taken by her.

My mom?... she is my aunt of who you must be talking. She said trying to hold inside any feeling than she could have by heard that word from Jean, quickly taking that topic closed and far of their talk. Anyway, yes is what is around ours moons and our planet. I suppose that thing called "sword" would be slighty harder to break than ice. Well...the space is like a void not fully empty of course, however there is not air and the temperatures are very low or high, a fruit will be destroyed in the instant and that is our worse problem, as without them we will be unable to eat. The girl calm her description and focus again on their genetic technology, as Jean express be jealous

You know, as more we get genetic changes we also need more energy to mantain them. Sometimes the most basic and adaptable creature is the one than survive, fruits and these called humans would look weak, but they have the best potential at the side of all that other majestic creatures than you talked about. Heh... If they can put in line that magic lizard thing they must be interesting to meet others of your race. Said this she giggle, the idea of have inteligent fruits facing all the named dangers by Jean sound intriguing.

When the training to get magic fail, Jean interrupt in part the alien ponders and she just frown trying to get a way for her to do this more easy to learn. You said it just now isnt? Your fruit nectar, have a strong magic conduction... so why dont you feed me as you try it again? Her hand at that moment opened her lower lips, there was not lust on her words only the usual research tone of this race when they are close to discover something.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Hah, nobody just handles a dragon. Well, I mean, a hatchling dragon might be taken down by a village but it'd probably kill almost everyone in the process. Depending on the breed. The bigger breeds are as big as I am at hatching and they're born smarter than most people. An dragon who's only a few years old takes professional soldiers to have a chance. An ancient dragon is impossible to handle for anyone but some of the mightiest of wizards and warriors to have a hope of chance or takes an entire army of experienced soldiers with enchanted weapons. A great Wyrm dragon is capable of wiping out entire countries by itself and can't be touched but any but archmagi and the most legendary of beings. Only something like a demigod is more deadly that could possibly be beaten by a mortal.," says Sunflower, shaking her head, "I mean, in groups there is scarier creatures. But the only reason dragons have not conquered everything is that they fight each other just as hard and it takes thousands of years for them to reach great wyrm status. But yeah, adaptation is great, but it's not overly unique to us entirely."

Sunflower coughs a bit, blushing as the alien girl offered herself to her, unable to help getting hard again. "Ah, er... If um, if you want...," she blushes, moving over. She smiles then leans in and kisses the woman as she slides her shaft up into her, and then her second one, before thrusting while making out with the woman.