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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Whoa...way too many furries/dick girls/egg-laying/bodily transformations for me.

I feel like unless you grind for 10 hours, you're almost always going to lose and get raped/impregnated (even if you're a GUY)/have your body messed up by whatever monster you come across.

Only for the kinkiest of kinks >.>

I'm gonna pass on this one. The simple things are always the best.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It's a great game. It's too bad the creator is a huge asshole.

Hm?What makes you say that? I didn't catch any drama on his blog,but then again,i was not following it particularly close. Have any links?I imagine it has something to do with writing contributions from the community?

I did some browsing of succesful projects on Offbeatr,and found similar text-based game, .I guess you could call it sex rpg/management genre.Player is a Succubus/Incubus,who recruit mortals to live and serve in his lair through seducing.It's still kinda basic though,but has a potential.And much more control over self-transformation and what kind of sex you get then CoC. 20 turns you get as trial are enough to see all current content,i think.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hm?What makes you say that? I didn't catch any drama on his blog,but then again,i was not following it particularly close. Have any links?I imagine it has something to do with writing contributions from the community?

I did some browsing of succesful projects on Offbeatr,and found similar text-based game, .I guess you could call it sex rpg/management genre.Player is a Succubus/Incubus,who recruit mortals to live and serve in his lair through seducing.It's still kinda basic though,but has a potential.And much more control over self-transformation and what kind of sex you get then CoC. 20 turns you get as trial are enough to see all current content,i think.

I doubt you will find any drama on the blog Fen deletes all the well constructed arguements against him and leaves all the bad ones to make himself look good and bans anyone who disagrees with him. Fen is also an asshole to most of his writers. Radar one of his writers was planning to leave CoC after finishing a project he was helping out with because he did'nt like how Fen was treating the other writers. Needless to say Fen caught wind of this called him a traitor and then banned him. Nowadays when Radar is brought up people insult him. At this point just about the only writers who are left are the ones who suck his cock.

He also bans anyone who mentions /vg/ unless it's to insult it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Radar actually resigned from writing for CoC, and withdrew rights to include a project he had been working on in CoC - after he had led Fenoxo to believe, and accordingly to represent to his fans, that the project would in fact be included.
He was banned more in reaction to those twin facts than as a result of any of his future plans, though his banning did INDEED stop him from contributing to another secondary project.

The entirely public resignation and withdrawal happened prior to the banning, so it wasn't a case of Fenoxo somehow deciding to ban the guy because of the guy's future plans to leave.

Again, not a CoC discussion thread, but there is very little reason indeed for me to observe the spreading of blatant misinformation and sit quietly while nodding my head.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Whoa...way too many furries/dick girls/egg-laying/bodily transformations for me.

I feel like unless you grind for 10 hours, you're almost always going to lose and get raped/impregnated (even if you're a GUY)/have your body messed up by whatever monster you come across.

Only for the kinkiest of kinks >.>

You don't need to grind actually. You just need to level agility first and get the runner perk as soon as possible. Then you can run from enemies you can't defeat. You still need to level up more to be able to defeat them but you can have fun doing it if you enjoy the content.

I don't recommend cheating. It probably wouldn't be fun.

Radar actually resigned from writing for CoC, and withdrew rights to include a project he had been working on in CoC - after he had led Fenoxo to believe, and accordingly to represent to his fans, that the project would in fact be included.
He was banned more in reaction to those twin facts than as a result of any of his future plans, though his banning did INDEED stop him from contributing to another secondary project.

The entirely public resignation and withdrawal happened prior to the banning, so it wasn't a case of Fenoxo somehow deciding to ban the guy because of the guy's future plans to leave.

Again, not a CoC discussion thread, but there is very little reason indeed for me to observe the spreading of blatant misinformation and sit quietly while nodding my head.

Agreed. From what I've seen, Fen is a good guy. He explains very well on his blog why he makes his decisions.

Also. CoC is his project. Bottom line is, if you think CoC should be changed in some way, or you think some content should be added... If Fen disagrees, then you're wrong. He doesn't need to delete "well constructed arguments" or whatever. IT'S HIS GAME. I'm sure if he deletes anything or bans anyone it's because he feels it's for the health of his community. There's no other reason he'd need to.

With that said, I don't visit the forums at all. I just play CoC and read the blog sometimes.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Umm what are you guys talking about? I've lost track.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

The ability to read the page that you're posting on is sometimes helpful.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I tired to read it but I didn't understand what is going on.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

We were discussing a game Corruption of Champions (or rather it's creator)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Just to minory get back on track, I'm pretty sure the new JSK game is a "re-imagining" of the Shion game [Same with the DG2, I see it as a different take on DG1(DG1 has the scenario of love between 2 races that were torn by hate, while DG2 has the scenario of the "superior race" in a rate, and how war can corrupt anyone).] If i'm correct, the new game will tackle the forbidden love of a sensei and student, as opposed to Shion, that tackles the abuse of innocence and power. Sounds rather neat, I may say.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

That sounds neat. I just wonder how long they will take to release this one. I hope its more then just swapping out the main character and tweaking the story a bit. (And I hope there is different music). They recycled most of the music from Shion into Shogun Princess Christianne, I hope they don't do the same with this upcoming game. I.E.: recycle the music from Shion into this new game.

Anyone notice that they updated their English version of the site to have all of their games? (I guess time to update the guide with the "official" English names.)

All the titles are in English and there is a small story overview in English but the games themselves are still in Japanese. Too bad the translators can't send JSK their translated games and be like "use this instead!":rolleyes:
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Radar actually resigned from writing for CoC, and withdrew rights to include a project he had been working on in CoC - after he had led Fenoxo to believe, and accordingly to represent to his fans, that the project would in fact be included.
He was banned more in reaction to those twin facts than as a result of any of his future plans, though his banning did INDEED stop him from contributing to another secondary project.

The entirely public resignation and withdrawal happened prior to the banning, so it wasn't a case of Fenoxo somehow deciding to ban the guy because of the guy's future plans to leave.

Again, not a CoC discussion thread, but there is very little reason indeed for me to observe the spreading of blatant misinformation and sit quietly while nodding my head.

In that case I apologize that was what my understanding of how the situation with Rader happened. I still think Fen is an asshole though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Too bad the translators can't send JSK their translated games and be like "use this instead!":rolleyes:

Hmm, I guess I could try asking him about it. No harm in that, eh?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hmm, I guess I could try asking him about it. No harm in that, eh?

In the best case, the sales will go up and they may pay you a small price. In the worst case, they sue you for stealing of spititual ownership or something.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

And here's the problem - I've no idea how to contact them. I guess I could post in comments on their blog, but i'd rather not. They don't seem to have an email address posted there either.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Just to minory get back on track, I'm pretty sure the new JSK game is a "re-imagining" of the Shion game [Same with the DG2, I see it as a different take on DG1(DG1 has the scenario of love between 2 races that were torn by hate, while DG2 has the scenario of the "superior race" in a rate, and how war can corrupt anyone).] If i'm correct, the new game will tackle the forbidden love of a sensei and student, as opposed to Shion, that tackles the abuse of innocence and power. Sounds rather neat, I may say.

I think you mixed up something,it looks like it will be other way around. Someone already quoted girl saying "Producer-san" in the new game,so hint on abuse of power and innocence right there. In Shion,the girl actually loved the teacher already ,and was trying to get his attention by cheating.I think she would've ended up much less broken in some endings,if the feeling wasn't present in the first place(it would be replaced with popular Lewd ending).

Glad creator is going back to Imouto-type gameplay,i liked it ever since the old serika game,because triggers are more ambigious and you should be more careful in what you do or say throughout the whole process.

thatguyinthecorner said:
In that case I apologize that was what my understanding of how the situation with Rader happened. I still think Fen is an asshole though.
Well, i just thought maybe you were closely involved in any such conflict,or were contributing writing stuff yourself.I saw one or two arguments in the blog comments section,and Fen didn't seem much of an asshole(they got deleted afterwards).

Bottom line is, you should take any critique with a pinch of salt. The contributions were allowed for everyone,but Fen has the final decision on what to put in his game or what changes should be made. I mean, it's the same with mod for every other game - you are free to contribute,but that doesn't give you any rights on it.That's why people trying to tell him what to do probably got booted out of the door.And of course they would feel butthurt about it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Alright, I asked jsk to contact me in the comments. Hope he notices my comment (if he even reads them)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I think you mixed up something,it looks like it will be other way around. Someone already quoted girl saying "Producer-san" in the new game,so hint on abuse of power and innocence right there. In Shion,the girl actually loved the teacher already ,and was trying to get his attention by cheating.I think she would've ended up much less broken in some endings,if the feeling wasn't present in the first place(it would be replaced with popular Lewd ending).

Glad creator is going back to Imouto-type gameplay,i liked it ever since the old serika game,because triggers are more ambigious and you should be more careful in what you do or say throughout the whole process.

In Shion, she is in fact in love with her teacher, but in 3 out of 4 it's one-sided and he downright blackmails her, tries to impregnate her in several occacions, and the fact that she can lose her virginity in forced doggy-style (It means she will never want to have sex again due to the pain), It's just.....mean . Hence the abuse part i stated.