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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

(Normally once everyone passes out your characters would all be carried off to be raped, but this time I think I'll let you slide since many of the rules are being altered and you're almost all on your backs and in sexual frenzy. The only negative aspects are going to be corruption gained and pregnancy.)

Aww, you're not going to haul them all off and leave Quetz stuck on her own?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Lol, eventually the other characters are just going to pass out, and Quetz is going to be surrounded by a pack of enemies. Her AC is high, but with a dozen enemies, eventually one's going to roll high enough to hit her. Especially since once Sydia gets into sexual frenzy the ones she charmed will go back into rape mode.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Maybe, maybe not. it depends on if you're rolling d6's or not. Those dice seem to love me.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Lol, the attack DCs are d50s. Your AC is ridiculous.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Yeah, that's why I'm only making single attacks as well. Not to mention, I chose my race originally for the ninja class (Before it seemed everyone was going to be a ninja) and then switched to tank. I left the race, though, instead of grabbing a melee race and as a result: I'm bouncy. Very slow to get from point a to b, but I can pull a Neo and dodge bullets.

Unfortunately, we have yet to have a choke point battle where I can actually utilize my job of being a meat shield. Now I'm stuck with being a meaty statue with an orgy nearby.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Exactly. Even if you dodge every attack and kill all of the darkwolves, all of the other characters are going to get raped until they pass out. I'm tempted to have them run off if the Alpha gets killed, just to save time. Though, if Quetz does get tackled, if she ends up naked I'm just going to write out the orgy and let you post your reactions. Pleasure and such will still be figured out for the purposes of deciding how many shots everyone gets at getting pregnant and how much corruption they get.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Alright, one last thing before I go to sleep: I'd suggest changing the defense maneuver to not grant a single free melee attack. (Otherwise... the tactic Quetz is doing right now could be done with full defense granting one attack and +70 ac)
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

It grants a melee attack? I never said that, at least I don't think I did. Full defense means no other actions, including movement, otherwise she just gets her extra action points as AC.

Edit: Ahhh, I see. That's only if it moves into attack range, if it already is then she doesn't get a free attack. Think like preparing a spear against a charge in D&D.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

update please T.T
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

(yeah, thats why i choose that advantage, lol, after all, maybe if the leader is killed, they will run away, who knows...)
I'm working on it: just hold your horses... er, just hold your demonic sex monsters?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Well, good team is fucked. Jumpers is over. Evil wins! :D
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Pft, so is the evil team at this rate. I say both teams are fucked.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Figures, I stop paying attention to the good team for ten minutes and you start getting owned. The evil team is in dire straights, but I'm allowing a DM boon because I want the game to keep running (Unless everyone wants a restart, or people don't want to play anymore.) Even if the entire good team gets captured, it's not like you can't escape from slavers.

Edit: also, the gnolls almost all rolled 40 or higher on their attack rolls.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Well, good team's getting a bit of slithery assistance. Let's hope it's enough! ^^;
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Tass, it's been 24 hours, can we continue? (and now it seems as though both sides have one character running around still standing.)

Edit: why does team good have 7 players?